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Ir4ODULШ' 2.

| Test Business Advantage Intermediate

Variant 2

the words to make questions in the соrrесt tense (with the

Present Simple оr
Ех 1 Rearrange
Present Continuous)
1 you/ leave/ wherr/ usually/ work
zibetwori</ whiсЫ atl project/ moment/ yor,/ on
З why/ visit/ she/ пей the/ today/ site
4 ttrei the/ foT/ code/ what/ networking event/ dress
5 coffee/ hой drink/ every/ muсЫ you/ day
passive voice. use the underlined words iп the sentences as
change the sentences frоm дсtiче into
the пеw subject.
6 Дррlе established the standard fоr user friendly computing.
The staпdardfor user frieпdly соmрutiпg ",
off-Toad rасеrs,
7 Local Motois aims at the hugе Дmеriсап communily of
а sketch to а finished product,
8 The company has d"v"loped th" Цaцlццhtgl frоm
nqry qarq at the moment,
9 The online commrrnity is voting on the names of the
10 Local Motors will broaden the concept оf the Rally
Ех 2 Complete the text with а, ап, the
which people Suppose is _
Small talk is often seen as а polite conversation on neutral subjects

соrrесt thing to do. Howev"i lt i, not 2 meaninB}9ss conversation,

with реорlе
How to make small talk is З imporrant реорlе ,йitt *О is extremely useful especialiY
conversation meaningful, Fоr
you have just met. Еrr'.r, *h* alkingabout weather, make
example, if you ате in _6middle of winter, Иlk about why
you don't like or iike cold weather, You
should Ье fTiendly, have 7positive attitude and have -5of things to talk about. However, it
8 lot
is advisable to Ье culturally аWаfе of taboo topics,
Overall, small talk is easy if you take time to_get to know what реорlе do in their frее time
in oTganization and country уоr, ur" working in. If you do, both уоur business and social life will
ье successful.
key rvords which best describe it,
Ех. з. write the соrrесt tеrm frоm Hofstede's model next to the
Example: NumЬеr - Letter

а High роwеr distance f Low роwеr distance

g Low masculinity dimension
Ь High, masculinity dimension
с Long tеrm orientation h short-term orientation
d collectivist i Individualistic
е Hish uncertainty avoidance i Low uncertainty avoidance
т. N"*t few Tules and regulations _
"ditiqnal, structured, fоrmаl, facts and rules ате important _
2. Well-infofmod,
3. Independence, woTking alone, respect fот рriчасу _
4. Spontaneous, decisive, creative, innovative _
5. йеrаrсhiсаl, сlеат chain оf command, centralized _
6. Planning, staying power, importance of education _
7. Соhеsiчъ, cooperative, sharing atmosphere, intrinsic
motivation _
8. Assertive, competitive atmosphere -_
structure _
9. Equality among all, informal, flat organizational
10. Gender equality, caring atmosphere _
Ех, 4, Match the collocations about рау and benefits with their
definitions. Note: two rryords аrе
extra. Ехаmрlе: NцmЬеr - Letter

д package
severance Е collaborate package М sustaining
I expatriate
В hygiene F effort-reward balance J аdчапсеmБпt N аппuаl leave
С саrееr opportunities G glass-ceiling К fringe benefits
D appraisal system о realistic expectations
Н preferred siock L рrоfit mаrgiп Р mentoring system
1. _ the amount оf paid days off that an employee is allowed to have each уеаr
2. _the factors that rеfеr to the environmerrt in which а person
3, _chances оr situations which make it possible for you to do
something you want to do, usually
meaJls getting а better job оr
рrоmоtiоп at work
4. _the verb with the meaning to work with
5. _things you hope fоr and which are possible in the future
б, _ the situation when соmрапу pays the difference in housing
costs оr tax costs fоr the еmрlоуее
relocating abroad
_techn_ology w|ich is basically small improvement to existing technology
8, _one of the motivational factors alongsiie achievement,
responsibility, recognition
9, _things that уоч because of уоur jБЬ which are not in the fоrm of bney
10, waY in which the job performance of an employee i,
productivity Ьу his or hеr mапаgеr
-the ";;Й;;];;;й, оf efficiency and
1 1, _ а system wJrere а new employee learns frоm а mоrе
experienced employee at work
12, _mопеу paid to an employee whose job the employer
hаъ ьаа to brinj-io ап end
13, _the situation in which the work wbich is put inio something
is еquаlЙ Ьу what the employee gets
out оf it
|4, _apoint you cannot go beyond, usually rеfеrs to improving
уоur position at work, it is ап invisible
Ьаrriеr which can keep Someone frоm achieui.,g u higher positionihat
he оr she mау Ье qualified to do

Ех, 5, Read the sentences belorv. If thеrе is а mistake, cross it

out and соrrесt it. Tick the correct

1, Му new position is really challenging and I have а lot of motivations to do а good job.
2, Тhе factors that lead to а successful product аrе being looked
at Ьу оur development department.
3, We have the excellent mentoring ryr1.- in place in оur
4. We hаче а meeting in the Berlin on Wednesday.
5. This could Ье the biggest contract we ever sign.
6. The customer called us with а little compiainis yesterday.


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