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Technological University of the Philippines

College of Engineering
Electronics Engineering Department


Submitted by:
Nemo, Czriss Paulimer C.

Submitted to:
Engr. Lejan Alfred Enriquez

Date Submitted:
October 8, 2021
Even during my elementary days, I still find Charles Darwin’s propositions

with regards to evolution very realistic and viable. As I refreshed my memory of his

descent of modification, it makes sense on how we transitioned from being an

Australopithecus Afarensis to what we are today. It is also a realistic approach

that he emphasized that the traits that were left behind by natural selection are

chosen not because they are inherently better, but because they are more

beneficial to the survival of a specie (Taylor, 2021).

His propositions also best describe why there are a diverse variety of

species. It makes sense when you perceive the diversity of a certain group is

brought by random mutation (Khan Academy, 2019). If you are familiar with the

approach of Punnett Square, then this proposition of Darwin will definitely be

coherent to you as well. This well explains why some parents will have an offspring

that may look slightly different compared to them, or why new traits are born into

the family line.

One of his theorems also indicate that all specie came from a common

ancestor (Sober, 2010). Placing this concept alongside his descent of

modification theorem practically fits like a puzzle. Recall that before we had our

continents, we had the Pangea (Britannica, 2021). If you think about it, then this

proposition of his is viable. Diversity was brought by geographical barriers once

the supercontinent fragmented (Khan Academy, 2019). This practically explains

why we have a diverse race across the world.

As I conclude my review of Darwin’s propositions with regards to evolution,

I still cannot help but be amazed as to how he pieced all of this information

together. I understand this all did not happen in a blink of an eye, but it definitely

is a great help in studying the evolution of man. It made a lot of things clear when

it comes to the origin of our diversity. It makes me wonder if soon, will we

experience another change of trait such as our pinky toes being removed since

it is not necessary for the survival of man.


Britannica. (2021). Pangea. Retrieved from

Khan Academy. (2019). Darwin, Evolution. & Natural Selection. Retrieved from

Sober, E. (2010). Common Ancestry and Natural Selection in Darwin’s Origin.

Retrieved from

Taylor, A. P. (2021). What is Darwin’s Theory of Evolution?. Retrieved from

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