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Ques. Paper – 12
Std : 12th Sci JEE. Marks : 40
Sub : Physics/Maths
(Integer type questions – 5 on portion covered)

Attempt the following Any Five questions :
1. A gaseous mixture enclosed in a vessel consists of one gm mole of u gas A with (y = 5/3) and

another B with (y = 7/5) at a temperature T. The gases A and H do not react with cach other
and assumed to be ideal. Find the number of gram moles of the gas if y of the gaseous
mixture is 19/13.
2. A body is projected at t = 0 with a velocity 10 ms^-1 at an angle of 60o with the horizontal.
The radius of curvature of its trajectory at t = 1s is Rm. Neglecting air resistance and taking
acceleration due to gravity g = 10 ms-2, the value of R is :
3. A mass of 10 kg is suspended vertically by a rope from the roof. When a horizontal Force is
applied on the rope at some plant, the rope deviated at an angle of 45o at the roof point. If
the suspended mass is at equilibrium, the magnitude of the force (in newton) applied is (g =
10 ms-2)
4. A road runs between two parallel rows of buildings, A motorist moving just in the middle
with a velocity of 30 km/h, sounds the horn. He hears an cdso one second after rounding the
burn. Find the distance (in motre) between that two rows of the buildings. The velocity of
sound = 330 m/s.
5. Two concentric coplanar circular loops made of wire, with resistance per unit length 10Ω/m

have diameters 0.2 m and 2m. A time varying potential difference (4 + 2.5 i) volt is applied to
the larger loop. Calculate the current (in A) in the smaller loop.
6. Voltage rating of a parallel plate capacitor in 500 V. Its dielectric can withstand a maximum
electric field of 106 V/m. The plate area is 10-4 m2. What is the dielectric constant if the
capacitance is 15 pF? (Given C11 = 8.86 x 10-12 C2 m2)
7. The radius of the earth is reduced by 4%. The mass of the earth remains unchanged. The
escape velocity increases by K%. Find the value of K.
8. The elastic limit of brass is 379 MRa. What should be the minimum diameter (in mm) of a brass rod if
it is to support a 400 N load without exceeding its elastic limit?
9. A force of 5 N making an angle θ with the horizontal, acting on an object displaces it by 0.4m along
the horizontal direction. If the object gains kinetic energy of 1J, the horizontal component of the
force (in newton) is
10. A copper wire is stretched to make it 0.5% longer. The percentage change in its electrical resistance if
its volume remains unchanged is :

Attempt the following questions :

1. If S = {a ∈ N, 1 ≤ a ≤ 100} and [tan2 x] – tan x – a = 0 has real roots, where [.] denotes the
greatest integer function, then number of elements in set S equals
( ) ( )
2. If f ’(2) = 6 and f ’(1) = 4 then lim ( )
is equal to
→ ( )

3. If α and β are two different complex numbers such that |α| = 1, |β| = 1, then the expression
is equal to

a−b−c 2a 2a
4. If 2b b−c−a 2b = k(a + b+ c)3, then k is equal to
2c 2c c−a−b
5. If the two rays x + y = |a| and ax – y = 1 intersect in the first quadrant, then a ∈ (a0, ∞), where a0 is
equal to

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