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1Comment on the form of the infinitive

The child was happy to have been brought home.

Passive Perfect

To play chess was his greatest pleasure.

Active Indefinite

It is natural that we like to be praised.

Passive Indefinite
2Translate into English using Complex Object
1. Він не чув як я відкрила двері.
He didn’t hear me to open the door
2. Я бачила як вона вийшла з будинку.
I saw her leave the house
3. Що ви хочете, щоб я зробила для вас?
What do you want me do for you?
4. Я знаю, що він чесна людина.
I know him be an honest man
5.Я б хотіла, щоб його запросили на вечірку.
I wish he was invited to a party.
Translate into English using Complex Subject
1. Він здається знає всю правду.
He seems to know the whole truth
2.Відомо, що кішки наймиліші створіння на світі.
Cats are known to be the cutest creaturesin the world.
3. Здається хтось стукає у двері.
Someone seems to knock at the door.
4. Кажуть, що він написав дуже хорошу книгу.
He is said to wrote a very good book
5. Я випадково зустріла його на вокзалі.
I happened to meet him at the station
3 Circle the correct answer
1. Jim is overweight. He'd better ... on a diet.
a) goes; b) gone; c) to go; d) go.
2. It's too cold outside. I'd rather ... indoors.
a) stay; b) to stay; c) would stay; d) stayed.
3. I won't let you ... my bicycle.
a) riding; b) to ride; c) ride; d) to be riding.
4. Let's wait ... before we go out.
a) for stopping the rain; b) for the rain to be stopped; c) for the rain to stop; d) to stop for the rain.
5. Why not ... her a letter?
a) to write; b) write; c) to be writing; d) wrote.
6. She was pleased ... friends with them.
a) to have been made; b) that had made; c) to have made; d) to be made.
7. Father stopped the car ....
a) for me getting in; b) that I would get in; c) for me to get in; d) to got in for me.
8. The director ordered the goods ... on Monday.
a) to deliver; b) to be delivering; c) delivering; d) to be delivered.
9. Ivano-Frankivsk ... by a Polish magnate.
a) knows to be founded; b) is known to have founded; c) is known to have found; d) is known to have been founded.
10. They are unlikely ... the truth.
a) to have been finding out; b) to find out; c) finding out; d) find out.

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