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University of Science and Technology of Southern



Name: Harold F. Sabanal

Section: MR-3P2

Robot List
Preview  Name Manufacturer Description
Aibo ERS7 Sony Dog-like robot

ALTINO Saeon Small size car-like robot

Atlas Boston Dynamics Human-size humanoid

BB-8 Sphero Spherical robot

Bioloid Robotis Robotics kit

Blimp EPFL / LIS Zeppelin robot

Boe-Bot Parallax Three-wheeled robot

Create iRobot Vacuum-cleaner like robot

DARwIn-OP Robotis Small size humanoid

Elisa 3 GCTronic Two-wheeled robot

e-puck GCTronic Two-wheeled robot

Fabtino REC Four-wheeled (mecanum)

FireBird 6 NEX Robotics Two-wheeled robot

GhostDog EPFL / BioRob Dog-like robot

Hemisson K-Team Two-wheeled robot

HOAP-2 Fujitsu Small size humanoid

iCub RobotCup Human-size humanoid

IPR Neuronics Robotics arm

IRB 4600/40 ABB Robotics arm

JetBot NVIDIA Two-wheeled robot

Khepera I K-Team Two-wheeled robot

Khepera II K-Team Two-wheeled robot

Khepera III K-Team Two-wheeled robot

Khepera IV K-Team Two-wheeled robot

KHR-2HV KONDO Small size humanoid

KHR-3HV KONDO Small size humanoid

Koala K-Team Six-wheeled robot

Mantis micromagic Hexapod

Mavic 2 PRO DJI Quadcopter drone

Microbot PICAXE Two-wheeled robot

Mindstorms Lego Robotics kit

MiR100 MiR Six-wheeled robot

Moose Clearpath Robotics Eight-wheeled outdoor

Nao SoftBankics Small size humanoid

Ned Niryo Robotics arm

Pioneer 2 Adept Two-wheeled robot

P-Rob 3 F&P Robotics Robotics arm

Pioneer 3-AT Adept Four-wheeled robot

Pioneer 3-DX Adept Two-wheeled robot

Portal A4 Sliding portal

PR2 Clearpath Robotics Two arms on mobile a

PUMA Unimation Robotics arm

QRIO Sony Small size humanoid

Robotino 3 Festo Three-wheeled (mecanum)


Robotis OP2 Robotis Small size humanoid

Robotis OP3 Robotis Small size humanoid

Salamander EPFL / BioRob Bio-inspired robot

Shrimp BlueBotics Six-wheeled robot

Sojourner Nasa Six-wheeled robot

Spot Boston Dynamics Dog-like robot

Summit-XL Steel Robotnik Four-wheeled (mecanum)


Surveyor SRV-1 Surveyor Robot with two tracks


TIAGo Base PAL Robotics Two-wheeled robot

TIAGo Iron PAL Robotics Two-wheeled human-like

TIAGo Steel PAL Robotics Two-wheeled human-like

TIAGo Titanium PAL Robotics Two-wheeled human-like


TIAGo++ PAL Robotics Two-wheeled human-like


Thymio II Mobsya Two-wheeled robot

Tinkerbots Kinematics GMBH Robotics kit

Turtlebot3 Burger Robotis Two-wheeled robot

UR3e, UR5e and Universal Robots Robotics arm

Yamor EPFL / BioRob Modular robot

youBot KUKA Mobile arm

What Robot I liked the most

The robot that I like the most is atlas (Boston Dynamic)
because he can do human abilities. Atlas have speed, power and agility
this project is very great and I like it so much after I see the specs and
performance of atlas.

Atlas has one of the world’s most compact mobile hydraulic systems.
A custom battery, valves, and a compact hydraulic power unit enable Atlas
to deliver high power to any of its 28 hydraulic joints for impressive feats
of mobility. Atlas’s advanced control system enables highly diverse and agile
locomotion, while algorithms reason through complex dynamic interactions
involving the whole body and environment to plan movements.

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