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Chiara Lubich: On Living the Word of God

The hallmark of the Gen3 is and will be holiness, and holiness is reached by living the Word.
You only need a few letters and rules of grammar in order to read and write, but if you don’t
learn them you will remain illiterate for life. In the same way, if you don’t make the word of the
Gospel your own, one by one you will not know how to describe Christ with your life. We only
need a few phrases to form Jesus in us. We have no book other than the Gospel, no other science,
no other art. There is Life! Whoever finds it will never die. I would like all of you to leave with
one treasure in your heart: the Word. And I would like all your effort to go into living and
sharing it to the full. If each day we would remind ourselves and those who live with us the idea
to put the Word into practice, we would do one of the greatest things possible, to serve Jesus.
Each moment that we live the Word is like a kiss in the lips of Jesus, those lips that only said
words of life. He shares Himself, that is Word, to our soul. And we are one with Him! Christ is
born in us! The world needs to be healed by the Gospel because only the Good News can give it
back the life that is missing. This is why we live the word of life, we let it live in us until we
become "living words". The more you share the Gospel with others, the more you will own it
yourself and it will become the code of conduct of your new life as gen. In order to become
saints and change the world, it is important to nourish ourselves from a young age. A gen, that is
a true gen, keeps a Gospel in his or her pocket. It is a little book with words which are different
from the usual words. These words are spirit and life. If you read them and put them into
practice, these words change you: little by little Jesus' way of thinking and of loving becomes
your own. Should it happen that through some absurd event, all copies of the Gospel in the world
would be destroyed, a gen should live the Gospel so well that he or she could re-write the Gospel
with his or her life. My wish is that you live the Gospel so well that whoever sees you can say:
"Here is another little Jesus".

Compilation on Living the Word for Gen 3

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