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so imo it's about a woman who lost somebody important to her (her lover or maybe even her

child?) and she used to make lemonade to them, so now she keeps making it out of habit or as
a coping mechanism. the lemonade and her being unable to drink it because she keeps
spilling it could symbolize how she can't get rid of her memories of the said person no matter
how hard she tries. damn...such a simple song, but so powerful.
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interpret this song as a girl with bipolar disorder, completely out of control of her mood
swings and emotions, to the point where its effecting her entire world. as someone who's
bipolar themself, i relate to the lyrics a lot. i think the lemonade/lemons stand for her
emotions. spilling over and over, despite her efforts, she cant help but breakdown due to the
pressures she faces in her life and the way her mind works. lemonade sinking into the floor
could stand for her emotions beginning to effect parts of her life, missing work, loosing
friends, etc. no matter how much i lick it up, standing for no matter how much she tries to
bottle her emotions up she just cant hold them in, causing her to lash out. you said i make the
best lemonade in the world, is her past lover only seeing the surface of whats going on in her
head and thinking they know who she really is, when they dont. they try to comfort her
(waiting to be drank) but stop once they see how broken her mental health is and what's
actually going on, they leave her. now that your gone so much of the lemonade gets left over
means now that her lover has left her, shes lost her only outlet for her feelings. and thus, she
starts to spill over again. i wish that person could be you i believe could mean her imagining
her soulmate and comparing it to her past lover? no matter how much i want you back, no
matter how much she tries to fix herself to get her lover back, her emotions just wont stop
overflowing, its out of her control. lemonade stains my pillow case, possibly crying yourself
to sleep? no matter how much i wipe it off, no matter how much she makes herself seem
perfectly okay and happy to the people around her, inside she's still just as broken as before.
sparkling lemonade left over you'll never touch, she began to see a therapist for her mental
health, and finally started to get better, and even though shes doing better, her past lover will
never get to see her like this due to the fact that they cut ties with her. (additions or other
interpretations welcome in the comments! this is just my view of it <3 )
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