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Gambling the word itself describes its meaning that how to multiple your money in
shortest and best mean and betting is one of its type to do it. There has always been
an jeopardy that whether betting and gambling should be allowed in the state
specially country like India . In India we come into the confusion whether the betting
and lottery has same or different identities because we have certain rules and
regulation based framework which controls the lottery process in the country,
wherareas there is still not any draft to how to or whether betting is legalised in India.
there are sports lotteries in some countries, lotteries in India are regulated under
Entry 40 of the Union List, therefore, are regulated by the Lotteries (Regulation) Act,
1998 and Lotteries (Regulation) Rules, 2010 in India.
In India even states do not have conclusion over it because ther is not any central
governed framework on betting but the powers lies into the hand of stses but then
here to some ststes offers as an occupation where other treats as an act of
Though the game of gambling makes a person life full of stress and disgragefull
experiences and can detoriate a persons life and its family.
And when talk about gambling in India we just come to the game of cricket and we
come up with the best menas of gambling as its happened many times.such as
biggest scandal hich occurred in2013 IPL Season 6 in which as many as 37 players
including bowling sensation S.Sreesanth name was piped out who were subject to
the charge of (BCCI) Board of Cricket Control in India Anti -corruption Code, Even
Supreme Court find that various player and team members where involve into the
sports betting and pre spot fixing.
Cricket has been always in fame light whenever there are talks of betting around as
it’s the most fastest money spinning sport in the world. After many cases of sports
betting in IPL the IPL committee recommended the Supreme court of India that
sports betting should be legalised in India as there are no laws to protect people
from unlawful mean of money laundering as this allowed people to work in this
industry without any fear and they knew if they caught also there is no framework
which can prove them guilty as if they make any fraud also with anyone they just
simply can’t go the police as they are still in participant of the crime and won’t get
any redressal measures.
Betting is ubiquitous in society. In India, people bet on card games, animal fights on
the street, etc. Over a while, people have started betting on cricket and other
national sports. With several crores of money flowing illegally and the government’s
failure to end the menace, legalizing betting’s advantages and disadvantages are
like two sides of the coin, each fighting to land upright. Let us look at some reasons
for legalizing betting:


CURB BLACK MONEY AND ITS USES: Betting is already operating in a spread out and
running hugely.. It is mainly headed underworld and strong syndicates who use the
unaccounted money earned from gambling activities for nefarious activities. These activities
could include terror financing. So, legalizing it will help curtail an essential source of black
money and stop its misuse.
HUGE REVENUES: Estimates about the size of the betting market vary according to
various private and government agencies. According to studies from India’s financial
institutions, the measure could be around $ 50- $60 billion. Even an average estimate
suggests with just 15 percent GST in India, the government could earn tens of thousands of
crores by legalizing sports betting. If casinos and online gambling are also permitted, the
estimated tax revenue is enormous to the governments.
GENERATION OF EMPLOYMENT: Apart from revenue generation, legalizing betting
will undoubtedly create massive employment. According to various statistics, wherever
gambling is regulated, it has created an enormous employment generation opportunity. In
India, it could create around 25-40 lakh direct and indirect jobs. Sports will create more
attraction if the viewers become very passionate during matches. It’s a win-win situation for
all. Streamers will get more viewers, and players will get a more extensive crowd to keep the
consumers excited and entertained. If betting were to become legal, hundreds of thousands of
betting locations would become potential business opportunities. Every government could
benefit from these places opening up here and there throughout their country. Player safety
and security should always be a priority. Gambling is a divisive topic, but it’s going to
happen irrespective of it being legal or not. With access to a regulated gambling market and
legitimate casinos, players can be protected.



With the advancement of mobile technology in India, more than 500,000 million
people are connected to each other daily. The internet has given Indians access to
several online platforms and products that were impossible before, and one of the
main industries to gain from this is online gambling.

In Recent times we have seen an remarkable upgradation of fantasy online sports

events and games in which many youth participates and specially talking about the
largest fantasy game platform such as dream11 has gained immense popularity
above other competitive apps not surprisingly but dream11 was the first prime racer
in the race of sponsorship of season 12 of IPL and everybody knows that IPL is the
money making leg and the biggest extra vacation of cricket even 8 bit reliance
industries over the competition but the point is whether this performs are legal or
illegal in the eyes of law in the country.
India has a rich history and we have seen that betting on games having part of
human society and its variables but in ancient times it was in offline mode and today
it is jump to online mode talking about dream 11 in send Indian startup established in
year 2008 since that there has been impressive growth in the the popularity of the
app and main vision of dream 11 is make sports better by providing multiple avenue
to friends but deepening engaging online and love through a fantasy sports and
Talking about the legal status of functioning of this fantasy sports events and
platform in India they are different diversities in different states in the country like
some states like Assam Telangana Nagaland do not permit this apps to function in
the state and has three coronavirus for hosting of besan and fantasy games the term
fantasy game is not clearly defined in any state. Central government has enacted
and name public gambling act 1867 which head 18 section which states the legal or
illegal aspects respect to gaming activities according to the Indian law gaming refers
to the measuring of money or something value same to money e bi bhai coming on
an event with on certain outcome in tenth of winning money goods or such things or
equal amount according to the black law dictionary to play or to game for money or
other stakes hands take money or other things of value on a certain event for to

Game of skill VS game of chance: In India the legislation has differential games into
two categories game of skill and game of chance in game of skills player has to
acquire some specific skills and athletica improvement which can be involved after a
deliberate process and game of chance is based on their places bets which requires
him not to deliberate upon the future outcomes of the game concerning game of
chance the Indian courts have stated that no game is just based on skill and game of
skill alone most of the games involve a slight element of chance.
Supreme court has mentioned the word marriage kill to include games which
requires skill as well as an element of chance has it would nerul s vay game of
marriage scheme the supreme court tested the above line on the basis of the game
of rummy for still versus the chance in case of a game of marriage some famous
case laws suggest the state of Andhra Pradesh versus k satyanarayana and
organisation held that was not game entirely bhej of chance like secret game but
your chances and then involving preponderance of scale other than chance based
on the fact another case I am in mandram verses state of Tamil Nadu state whether
the game is a game of skill or chance is a question of fact and has to be decided by
the facts and circumstances of each case the fantasy games as was considered
gaming can't be determined.
According to me fantasy sports are the games which are played on online more
specific platform in which players support teams based on the information and
precise knowledge of statistical data of players considering experiences and skill of
players list of players from a pole and after providing a certain entry fee selecting a
team for the players can draught their teams with the available scale and start
collecting points after the game the highest ranking in a scoring participate wins the
pole money after the direction of the prize money tax basic need of scale experience
and involvement of regular practice.
In the judgement 2017 Punjab and Haryana high court stated that the dream 11
platform the fantasy sport game purely based on scale as there has been found that
marriage scheme needs to be learn to play the gambling games and such as
dream11 is a pure game of skill not a game of chance it can't be represented as a
gambling game the court have relied on the supreme court judgement of lakshman
vs state of Tamil Nadu in which in which was decided that horse race betting is a
game of skill not a game of chance.
Punjab high court also stated and dream 11 was running and conducting business
under the protection and the constitution of India and held at competition in the
success of winning the game was only based on the marriage skill of player will not
amount to gambling.

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