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Prepared by:
Vu Thi Linh
Nguyen Thi Mai
Hoang Ngoc Yen Anh
Vu Dinh Trung
Le Dinh Kien
Nguyen Ba Duc

Lecturer: Ms. Bui Thi Hanh Thao

Subject: MKT318 - Digital Marketing


Company Introduction
Digital Marketing mix


Business objectives.
Key questions
The type of analysis and the
resultant data.
Plan to collecting the data.



As the world becomes smarter, data
becomes the key to competitive
advantage, which means the
company's competitiveness will

increasingly be driven by how it can
leverage data, apply analytics, and
implement new technologies. In fact,
according to the International
Institute of Analytics, by 2020,
businesses using data will see $430
billion in profits. (DTM Consulting,

Today, with the development of the

world economy is proportional to
human needs. Therefore, the data
collection of global companies is also
racing with that development.
Perhaps the biggest reason many
companies collect consumer data is
that it gives them a much better
understanding of how their
consumers behave online, identify
their overall demographic and
identify ways in which they can
improve the overall customer
experience. This data can also
provide better insights into
improving business operations.
(Truyo, 2021)

Thus, we can see the importance of

data. But it also poses great
challenges for businesses. And with
Starbucks too, here we will talk about
how Starbuck analyzes user data to
become a big player in the leading
beverage sector. How do they need to
measure the data? What tools can
they use to measure and analyze
these datas? A strong customer data
platform can make this easy for

P A G E 1
Starbucks Is The World's Largest Coffeehouse Chain. Established on March 31, 1971.
It is the leading roaster, retail, and special coffee marketing in the world. Its
operation includes more than 7,300 cafes and kiosks in the United States, and
nearly 3,000 in 34 other countries, in the largest number located in Japan, Canada,
United Kingdom, China, Taiwan, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Mexico,
Australia, Germany, and New Zealand. In addition to a variety of coffee and
beverages from coffee, Starbucks also has Tazo Tea; pastry and other food items;
Espresso coffee machine, coffee maker, and other items related to coffee and tea;
and music CD. (References for Business, 2021)

The first Starbucks store was opened in Seattle, Washington, on March 31, 1971,
because three partners met when they were a student at the University of San
Francisco: English teachers Jerry Baldwin, historical teachers ZEV Siegl and Gordon
Bowker writer have been inspired by high sales - quality coffee beans and coffee
beans of Alfred Peet's coffee in coffee after he taught them how to roast his coffee
beans. (, 2021)

Starbucks store at 1912 Pike Place. This is the second place of the original Starbucks,
at 2000 Western Avenue from 1971 to 1976. This cafe was then transferred to 1912
Pike Place; Never displaced again. During this time, the company only sells raw
grinding coffee beans and has not yet made coffee for sale. The only coffee mixed
coffee is served in the store is free sample order. In the first year of operation, they
bought green coffee beans from Peet's, then started buying directly from growers.
(, 2021)

After that, Howard Schultz took over the administration of this company. Under the
talented direction of Schultz's boss, since then Starbucks began to be famous
throughout the United States and Canada and became a powerful corporation. In the
mid-1990s, Starbucks started to reach global and Canadian countries.
(, 2021)

P A G E 2
Mission Vision
“To inspire and nurture “To establish Starbucks as the
the human spirit – one premier purveyor of the finest
person, one cup, and one coffee in the world while
neighborhood at a maintaining our
time.” ( Starbucks) uncompromising principles
while we grow.” (Starbucks)

Ta r g e t
o m e r

The target audience of Starbucks is middle to upper-class men

and women. It’s the percentage of the general public who can
afford their higher-priced cups of coffee on a regular or daily
basis. And this is who their marketing is targeted to reach. (
Erica, 2019)

P A G E 3
Starbucks drinks have 5 main categories. The first is Espresso.
Espresso uses great pressure, finely ground beans, and extraction
times range from 12-15 or 20 seconds. With the extraction method of
today's espresso machines, an espresso will be quite sour and have a
strong taste compared to the normal type. (Binh Truong, 2019).
The second is drinks with Chocolate. In this list of drinks, there is
only one type that is classic hot chocolate, this drink is very close to
The third is Frappuccino® Coffee Ground. The drink is a combination
of rich caramel with coffee, milk and crushed ice to be finished with
fresh milk cream and caramel sauce on top. (, 2021)
The fourth is Frappuccino® Crème. Frappuccino is made from coffee
or cream, shaved ice, sauce, extra thick Whipping cream and a number
of other ingredients. (, 2021) )
The last type is Brewed tea. The ingredients of these drinks are the
combination of Starbucks with tea farmers in the highlands or high
mountains. (Xuan Mai, 2016)
In addition to drinks, Starbucks also has very typical accompanying
cakes including: Cakes, Muffins, Cookies, Sandwiches

P r o d u c t s
e r v i c e )

P A G E 4
Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile
devices, social media, search engines, and other channels
to reach consumers. Some marketing experts consider
digital marketing to be an entirely new endeavor that
requires a new way of approaching customers and new
ways of understanding how customers behave compared
to traditional marketing (Adam, 2020). Basically, digital
marketing is any form of marketing that involves
electronic devices. It can be done online and offline, and
in fact, both kinds are important for a well-rounded digital
marketing strategy (Neilpatel,2021)

This component of the marketing mix focuses on what the business offers to its
customers. Originally and essentially, Starbucks offered coffee as its main product.
Starbucks coffees are divided according to 4 different criteria, ensuring to meet the
diverse needs of coffee lovers around the world (Luong Hanh, 2021).

Based on the type of coffee bean: raw coffee beans, ground coffee
Based on roast: blonde, medium, dark,
Based on caffeine: regular (caffeinated), and coffee decaf (decaffeinated)
Based on taste: flavored coffee and unflavored coffee

However, in its brand development roadmap, Starbucks realizes that it can also attract a
large number of customers who do not love coffee but want to experience and stick with
the Starbucks space. From there, Starbucks developed other product lines to appeal to
those customer groups. For example, Teavana iced tea is a fruit tea product line for
customers who cannot drink coffee. In addition to products sold year-round, Starbucks
constantly refreshes its products and product lines with seasonal products, limited
edition products, and holiday products. The consistency in Starbucks products is so
strong that it is willing to abandon products or product lines if they affect its flagship
product. For example, in 2008, Starbucks launched an experiment with a breakfast
sandwich product. But then, the company had to stop selling this cake because it lost the
delicious taste of coffee - a key product of Starbucks (Luong Hanh, 2021).

Thus, this part of Starbucks’ marketing mix involves beverages, foods, and merchandise
that are carefully selected or designed to satisfy the needs and preferences of target
consumers worldwide (Roberta Greenspan, 2019).

P A G E 5
It is easy to see that drinks or cakes at Starbucks are priced higher than usual.
However, many people are still loyal to this "luxury" coffee brand. The second P of the
4P in marketing is Price, a point that we need to learn from Starbucks(Luong Hanh,
2021). Starbucks uses a Special Pricing Strategy. The purpose behind this strategy is
to create a feeling in the market that their product is superior to others. Starbucks
sells its products at a premium price to its target audience. The company delights its
customers and justifies its prices by providing excellent service and atmosphere in its
stores. Starbucks' pricing strategy is focused on customer experience and product
quality, which also helps them stand out from its competitors and thus become a
status symbol for its customers (Aditya Shastri, 2021). Not focusing on price, Starbucks
focuses on product value, by giving the media message that they provide high-value
products to customers. From carefully selected high-quality coffee beans, the product
will go through a rigorous processing process, with the implementation of well-
trained staff, if customers have experienced and loved it. When it comes to premium
beverage products, it's not too difficult for them to spend extra money to enjoy that
great service. Therefore, products from Starbucks have a "reasonable price" compared
to quality. (Luong Hanh, 2021). In other words, Starbucks positions mid-
range/premium customers to bring the best experience to their target customers.
However, the company also has a lot of promotions suitable for those with lower-
paying rates. This creates sympathy for customers and the market is also expanded.
The "upsize" strategy is also applied by Starbucks in its pricing strategy. The company
optimizes profits by cleverly increasing some beverage products when customers
choose to upsize. However, Starbucks still values ​t he core value of good products with
high prices, so it still creates a loyal customer base (Wecsaigon, 2021). This is a
strategy that hits the trend of consumer behavior when customers always think that
the more expensive product will be more valuable. Therefore, Starbucks can easily
maintain its image as a premium brand with its number one product quality ( Mt

P A G E 6
Place and distribution refer to how much
available a business can ensure to its customers.
The policy is to make the appearance of the
people as near as possible.

The quality of this brand can guarantee all food

items mainly due to its excellent supply chain
management system. This brand uses a direct
distribution channel with farmers and buys the
best coffee beans. In addition, the global
presence of this brand is solid. It operates in 75
countries and has more than 12000 stores
worldwide ( John Dudovskiy, 2017). This brand
has opened stores in every possible city and in
such a way that people can easily find those
stores. And the internal environment of each bar
is top-notch.

The “Third Place” positioning strategy of this

brand made people have a place where they can
relax over a soothing and warm musical
environment and relax with their loved ones.
They find Starbucks as another essential place to
go after their home and office. And this type of
placement has only been endured by Starbucks (
Fahmina Ahmed Papia, The strategy watch). Also,
people don’t need to go to only its shops to have
their drinks and snacks. People can find their
products through other channels as well. And the
new online service has made another
breakthrough for this brand placement among
the people.

P A G E 7
Starbucks knows their brand's position in the market, so they focus on investing in
space and products rather than running advertising programs. Starbucks is famous
mainly through word-of-mouth marketing. In the marketing mix, word of mouth is
often focused on providing the best customer experience to encourage people to
spread positive words about the business (Roberta Greenspan, 2019). In addition, there
are a number of other communication and promotional activities with diverse and
creative forms. For example, they promote their name by creating new product launch
events or store openings. And what Starbuck focuses on the most is product promotion,
they print their logo on cups, thermos bottles, and personal items. They also produce
limited-edition items in collaboration with a number of brands and celebrities with
eye-catching and luxurious designs.

Another clever form of Starbucks Promotion is the Starbucks Gift Card. With this form
of promotion, the company has easily attracted new customers who have never used
Starbucks ’ service. They are friends of old customers, and the company uses old
customers to advertise for free (Luong Hanh, 2021). This is also a typical promotional
program of the airline, it focuses on promotions, incentives for membership cards, and
this is highly appreciated by its customers.

P A G E 8

P A G E 9


Starbucks has the main objective of increasing its market share as

it will try (like all businesses) to expand its sphere of influence in
the market and create loyal customers, it will use more branding to
upgrade its image and market itself more of a “Status symbol”
which it already is to an extent and all this helps to achieve
another objective which is to make as much as profit as possible, as
they try to increase themselves as a better brand than their rivals
they will face another objective which is providing better
“Customer service” than their rivals. Also most likely they will
have the objective of growing into other countries because believe
it or not, they are countries that have little to no outlets of
Starbucks and that means an untapped market which they will try
to tap into. Finally, Starbucks would seek to better or adjust its
core values to create a better more positive cooperative culture.
(Bryan Lawrence,2021)

P A G E 10


There are different approaches that brands can use to gauge their
brand value to customers, which is an essential intangible asset that
businesses need to pay attention to and analyze. Today, digital
marketing helps measure a wide range of goals and platforms and
makes it useful to businesses. There are four measurement categories
that need to be analyzed and measured including: brand impact,
consumer outcomes, customer value and attribution. Businesses need
to analyze these 4 categories to determine their role and impact on
customers, thereby making effective marketing strategies.



P A G E 11
Brand impact answers the question "How
effective is marketing in improving how
customers engage with and perceive our
There are 7 key brand metrics: Viewability,
Unique reach, Cross-device, Audience &
TRPs, Fraud Monitoring, Verification, Brand
lift. (Kevin Hartman, 2021)

Key Questions
How influential are my brand and
How are target customers defined?
What are the recent consumer trends?
Do consumers recognize and recall my
How many visits to our website and our
social network page?
What specific individuals have we reached?
What impact did my ads have on brand
Will customers come back and use our
What do consumers care about our brand
in recent times?

P A G E 12

Google Trends is an online search engine that allows users to see

how often specific keywords, topics, and phrases have been queried
over a specific period of time. Google Trends works by analyzing a
portion of Google searches to calculate the number of searches that
were performed for the terms entered, relative to the total number
of searches performed on Google during the same period (Vincent
Do, 2021). We can use Google Trends to measure customer interest
in our brand. In addition, you can compare your brand's search
keywords with your competitors' search keywords.
The way to use Google trends is quite simple, when you go to the
homepage of google trends, there will be a toolbar that says
"enter a search term or topic", and then will enter the phrase
that we need to measure. On the screen will show data on
interest over time, interest by region, and related searches.
Google Trends data is easy to use but does not provide specific
metrics, so it can be difficult for brands to measure accurate
metrics to identify potential customer groups.

Source: Google trends

For example, when entering the phrases Starbucks, Highlands

Coffee, and Phuc Long Coffee & Tea, the screen will show data
about the customer's interest in these brands. As shown above,
it can be seen that the interest level of Starbucks over time is

P A G E 13
smaller than that of the other two brands. Maybe it's because
Starbucks is a foreign coffee company that doesn't really have an
impact compared to domestic coffee companies.

Source: Google trends

With data about Starbucks, in terms of interest by region, it can be

seen that interest in Starbucks is mainly in big cities and capitals.
But overall it still covers the whole country. From there, we can
have an overview of the brand's impact on customers, thereby
offering a reasonable marketing campaign to each region.

Survey or market survey is an extremely important profession. If
the market research is done well. It provides enough accurate
information to help marketers come up with a suitable and
therefore highly effective strategy (Semtex, 2021). With starbucks,
we can survey customers in the following way:
Online Survey form (social media page)
Handwritten survey paper (instore)
Create a short survey that appears on the brand's personal social
network page, survey for customers when coming to use products
and services at the store. Information needs to collect:
Percentage of customers who know our brand
How do customers know our brand?
Percentage of customers recommending the brand to their
friends or family
Percentage of customers who will return to use the brand's
products and services
P A G E 14
Outcomes occur along the consumer decision
process and the path to sales outcomes,
measuring consumer outcomes is important for
any brand to measure as they attempt to
influence the behavior of that consumer. With
those results in place, it's easier to measure
market impacts on key business results such as
revenue, sales volume, and market share.
(Kevin Hartman,2021)
Measuring outcomes can be very simple for
digital businesses, but difficult for CPG

Key Questions
Does our marketing really promote our
target customer outcomes?
What can we do to better serve our
customers' needs?
Have all the customer's problems been
Do consumers recognize and remember
our products?
What purpose do customers aim for when
buying our brand's products?
If customers had to choose between our
products and our competitors' products,
what would they choose?

P A G E 15

Google analytic: Google Analytics is a free website analytics tool

provided by Google that helps webmasters gain insight into their
website's performance through the statistical functions it
provides.This is a very necessary tool for website management
because in addition to the statistics of visits, visitors, what browser
they use, accessing from desktop, mobile or tablet devices, accessing
your Website from search sources, social networks, or from other
websites, and many other useful features. (Dung Hoang, 2021)
With Google Analytics, you can know the information of the people
who visit your website such as demographics (Age, gender), their
interests, the behaviors they have interacted with on your website (
what article content to read, which button to click, which video to
watch, …), know each user behavior to generate conversions on your
website as well as distinguish whether they are new users for the first
time or old users visiting your website and many types of useful
reports are different. (Smarkgo, 2021)
Measure your website’s performance
See if your marketing efforts are working
Which type of content to create or products to list on your website
Divide users into different segments (like age, gender, country,
device, etc.)
Optimize website pages to boost conversions (Aazim Akhtar, 2020)
How Google Analytics Works:

Stage 1: Collecting data

P A G E 16
Stage 2: Submit data to Google Analytics database

Stage 3: Data processing

Stage 4: Presenting data in the form of reports


One of the most valuable technological innovations in measure
consumer outcomes is the ability to locate users in real-time via
mobile devices. An IAB study revealed that 66% of marketers
consider location-based advertising to be the most compelling
feature of the mobile platform.
To be successful, marketers need to choose the most accurate
location service, incorporating deep research into users' habits
based on their location data, then create personalized ads with

P A G E 17
high engagement, and finally stay awake and ready to respond
to any fraud in the location data market. (Exchangewire, 2016)

Using location data allows merchants to see who is at their

store. Having location data doesn't tie customers to buying
behavior, but for some sellers, if the shopper is in their store,
they know that a purchase is possible. Using location has
become an effective measurement tool because it allows us to
define our advertising goals, letting us know whether our
marketing is actually driving our key customer results (Kevin
Hartman, 2021).

Developing a geolocation application will obviously take some

time, effort, and financial investment (Mitya Smusin,2019). To
carry out this plan, we generate geo-based analytic data on
Starbucks's app, any customer who downloads and uses the
app will have to agree to location access for Starbucks.
Following are the basic steps to create a location-based app:

+ Step 1. Define geolocation features specific to your

application: These can include GPS coordinates, map integration,
location detection.
+ Step 2. Choose the technology platform for your application:
Choosing the right technology – a set of tools used to develop a
software product – requires patience and professional advice.
+ Step 3. Create Design and User Interface: Location-based
application is a mobile application, it must contain a user-
friendly interface and a protected backend database.
+ Step 4. Ensure data safety: As data protection laws become
stricter worldwide, it's important to take into account the
existing legal regulations in all of the countries your apps intend
to target. (Mitya Smusin,2019)

P A G E 18
In 2019, Starbucks reported that the Starbucks
Rewards loyalty program now accounts for about
40% of all sales in the United States. The company
has put significant digital resources into
expanding the reach and depth of participation in
the program, helping to increase membership by
25% to reach 16 million (Digirupt, 2020).
Customer value is the perceived value of a product

or service to a customer compared to possible

alternatives. Value means whether customers feel
that they have received benefits and services
relative to what was paid (Kevin Hartman,2021)

Key Questions

How to best customer experience?

How strongly do customers support our
What products will customers buy from
your business?
Are customers satisfied with your
products or services?
What benefits will our products bring to
the customer?
What are the customer's criteria?
What is the percentage of customers who
buy the product again?

P A G E 19
APIs are the way we can access data and get data to measure
customer value. API stands for Application Programming Interface, is
a middleware that allows two applications to talk to each other, it
provides access to a set of commonly used functions, from which can
exchange data between applications (Figure 1) (ITViec, 2021). We will
measure and collect all the data that the user clicks on the link, it
will record all the data that the user will do from the time of clicking
until exit (API operations will provide businesses with information
such as: Where does the user access? What to do? What to see?,...).

(Figure 1. Source: Topdev,2021)

Therefore, Starbucks should use this way, to customize advertising to

suit customers, stimulate demand and influence customers'
purchasing decisions. Create online surveys, use Facebook and
youtube measurement tools for views, followers, likes, shares,.... In
addition to using surveys to measure basic engagement metrics like
likes , comments and shares. More information about customers can
be exploited through the analysis and detailed information of each
social networking platform. For example, Facebook's Facebook
Insight (A1 Digihub, 2021)

- Descriptive study:
Data to be collected: Motivation and challenge
Customer satisfaction Purchase Criteria
Desired product Customer return rate

P A G E 20
Use the Mixpanel tool to understand customer preferences, know
where customers come from, how they interact with products and
services, and how to give them what they really need. Mixpanel
quickly helps us discover user behavior.

(Source:, 2021) (Source:, 2021)

The main benefits of using Mixpanel

Better products, faster: Gain in-depth product insights so you can
build, measure, and learn about your customers faster.
Analytics that works for all: Give audiences of all technical levels
the ability to learn answers for themselves and make data-driven
Create product-driven growth: Know why users convert, engage,
and retain so you can make improvements to the products they
Launch with confidence: Discover private feature releases, tests,
and campaigns that really change your metrics (, 2021)

P A G E 21
Attribution is the assessment of the marketing points
a consumer encounters on their path to purchase.
The goal of attribution is to determine which
channels and messages have the greatest impact on
the decision to convert visitors to customers. (Kevin
Currently, there are many attribution models such as
multi-touch attribution model, marketing mix model,
time-based model, location-based,....Starbucks has
been wise to spend money on finding and acquiring
prime locations to build its outlet stores, in addition,
Starbucks also builds ordering software specifically

for starbucks's customers. (Jasmine Vu, 2021).

Key Questions
Which touchpoint has the biggest impact
on a customer's buying journey?
How are our stores distributed to attract
customers' attention?
Which platform of brand is getting the
most engagement?
What messages do we use to influence
customers' purchasing decisions?
Which campaigns are most effective — or
least effective — at converting leads into
Which marketing activities drive the
highest lifetime value?
How can we drive more sales using

P A G E 22
To analyze the data, we need to use CRM:
The data analysis process is easier than recording all the
information from different channels into one term. And it will be
more convenient if the preset formulas are automatically
performed. When working in digital transformation, marketers
have a tool to manage attribution that is CRM. (Phong Le, 2021)
Customer relationship management (CRM) can be understood as
a term that defines how businesses engage with their customers
and build lasting relationships. It allows businesses to collect,
analyze, edit and store information about potential and current
customers. (Vtiger, 2021)
Depending on the CRM and how it's set up and implemented,
campaign tracking offers an outstanding level of insight and
measurement including the ability to link marketing activities to
your sales process. Benefits of tracking CRM metrics in
1. Measure middle channel activities with marketing channel
2. Measure the effectiveness of content that is re-engaging.
3. Notify the sales team of marketing activities already running
through contact information.
4. Summarize similar sources into one object.
5. Connect online and offline activities. (Content Marketing, 2019)

The tool Starbucks can use: SalesForce

SalesForce is an on-demand cloud CRM software solution. It
ranks among the world's leading CRM customer relationship
management solutions for small and medium businesses.

P A G E 23
SalesForce provides effective solutions for management, sales,
and customer care. Currently, more and more businesses are
using Salesforce because of its high security and flexible costs
applicable to the size of each business.
For small and medium businesses, they can choose SalesForce
software solutions based on website, making software
deployment simpler as well as creating convenience for users,
with sufficient features as well as a relatively large number of
visitors, The customer care web application software can create
mobile versions so that the company can use the software on
Android and iOS smartphone platforms. (Mona Media, 2021)

Salesforce interface (source:,2021)

SalesForce functions:
Chatter for internal communication with customers: Allows
your staff to quickly update and share content with customers
Manage buyers and contact information: Salesforce CRM helps
sales staff to control customer information urgently (contact
information, transaction history, financial capacity, ...)
Sales opportunity management: Tracking sales opportunities,
businesses can capture important details about contracts,
industry competitors, etc.
Help and support smartphone users: is a cloud software, can
remember phone calls, give suggestions to customers and
retrieve important information of shoppers, businesses
anywhere right on Smartphones.
Analyzing and predicting trends: Sales figures, revenue from
divisions. From there, clearly show the departments the trends
for each plan.
Establish and manage working processes: Build separate
working processes for each department, for new employees,...
(ATM Media, 2020)

P A G E 24

P A G E 25

The current era is completely the rise of 4.0, the internet has
become an indispensable tool of digital marketing. Using, analyzing
and measuring digital marketing will help Starbucks learn and
know how to analyze the data we have and use it for the company,
or what benefits and growth. These tools help companies identify
current strengths, weaknesses that need to be overcome, or
problems encountered by the business. From there, it helps us to
have a clear view of the company's development directions:
continue to develop strengths or limit and correct weaknesses
first. In addition, digital marketing analytics and measurement
makes it easy to obtain large amounts of customer data such as:
what do customers care about?What is their buying behavior like?
Or the things they are not satisfied with? From there, it is easy to
change in a positive direction. Not only that, with the strong
development of technology, marketing tools are also easily
measured on the top user density pages such as Facebook, Google,
Youtube, ...From there, it is easy to understand customers or the
pages they visit about what they want. The above analysis makes it
easy for businesses to have a very large amount of data right from
the start and save costs.

Thereby, we can understand exactly what customers want, then

reach the market share of target customers and create a large
number of loyal customers for the company. In addition, using
these tools helps us to receive direct feedback through the use of
products from customers, thereby helping businesses improve
their products as well as create the best service for customers.
From there, the relationship between the company and customers
will also increase. In summary, digital marketing measurement has
made a strong contribution to Starbucks' overall marketing

P A G E 26

Currently, the company has used many communication platforms to increase

and attract interactions such as social networking platforms: YOUTUBE,
FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, ...The company will post images and short
videos on these social networking sites to attract the curiosity and attention
of customers. Through this, businesses will analyze and learn a lot of useful
information about customers.
Today, along with the development of the digital age 4.0, capturing user
information becomes easier through many tools such as: Google Analytics;
Mixpanel; Google Attribution,... These tools will help measure a large number
of customers, help businesses analyze the level of customer interest in the
Starbuck brand and competing brands. In addition, using this tool helps
businesses learn the needs, preferences and interactions with their
customers. Thereby will understand customers and come up with marketing
strategies to supply them. These metrics will make a positive contribution to
Starbucks' digital marketing strategy. For example, using google analytics it is
possible to locate traffic to a business' website, which in turn can see
customer behavior. Video creation is a way for Starbucks to show the diversity
of images, colors, languages ​a nd sounds for its products. Use videos to post to
websites and social media offers about Starbuck products, especially new
products hitting the market.
Businesses should expand their marketing strategies on their online sales
system through apps and delivery apps. Nowadays people are very busy with
work, households often order items through home delivery applications.
Therefore, Starbucks should expand its distribution range, coordinate with
delivery companies to provide products to customers who want to buy online.
Starbucks should create more loyalty programs, providing incentives when
buying products; Discounts and extra gifts in the store. This will help make a
good impression on customers, encouraging them to come back to your
To maintain Starbucks at the top of the coffee industry, businesses need to
interact and connect with customers more on social networking sites to help
capture their information. Along with that is applying digital strategies to
measure and evaluate customer perception and behavior.

P A G E 27


Starbucks is undoubtedly one of the world's most recognizable brands

demonstrating a fresh and innovative approach to their branding and
marketing strategy. Starbucks' Marketing Strategy has helped their
brand reach epic heights through out-of-the-box campaigns and
unmatched commitment to maintaining brand quality and consistency
across multiple touchpoints and locations.
There are not many brands globally that are capable of generating
huge marketing budgets like Starbucks, therefore, it is necessary to
replicate our marketing strategies to apply widely across different
countries. However, this is very difficult.
The company needs to identify the target audience and target
customers to give the correct positioning for its brand.
With the outstanding development of technology, Starbucks should
apply tools to measure all customer behaviors, perceptions and
attitudes. From there, come up with effective marketing strategies for
Determine SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, challenges and
opportunities) to develop business more comprehensively, build a high
position in the hearts of customers.

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