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 These are the group of disorders which involves 1) defects in the brain tissue and
2) loss of ability to perceive what is real.
 Person who suffers from Psychosis is called Psychotic.

The psychotic behavior

 refers to the groups of disorders involving gross structural defects in the brain
tissue, severe disorientation of the mind thus it involves loss of contact with




1. Organic Mental Disorder

 these are the group of disorders that could be caused by diseases or
malfunction with brain chemicals.
 a diagnosis of organic mental disorder is associated with a specific identified
organic cause such as abnormalities of the brain structure.
 these are mental disorders that occur when the normal brain has been damage
resulting from any interference of the functioning of the brain.

Types Of Organic Mental Disorders

a. Acute brain disorder – caused by a diffuse impairment of the brain function.
Its symptoms range from mild mood changes to acute delirium.
b. Chronic brain disorder – the brain disorder that result from injuries, diseases,
drugs, and a variety of other conditions. Their symptom includes impairment of
orientation (time, place and person), impairment of memory, learning,
comprehension and judgment, emotion and self control.

Groups Of Organic Mental Disorders

 Delirium – the severe impairment of information processing in the brain
affecting the basic process of attention, perception, memory and thinking.
 Dementia – deterioration in intellectual functioning after completing brain
maturation. The defect in the process of acquiring knowledge or skill, problem
solving, and judgment.
1. Alzheimer’s disease- the most usual cause of dementia. This is
characterized by loss of connection with cells and those cells die little
by little because of abnormal proteins that surrounds them. Problems
with each days’ memory, difficulties in making decisions, perceptions
are the most commonly observed with individual having this
2. Vascular dementia- came from the term itself “vascular” which
pertains to blood vessel. This kind of dementia happens when the
blood vessel became becomes narrow or blocked as the oxygen
supply will be decreased, causing brain cells to die.
3. Mixed dementia- combination of more than one type or symptoms
of dementia usually a mixture of Alzheimer’s and Vascular.
4. Dementia with lewy bodies- dementia that is developed when lewy
bodies or the tiny abnormal structures, are being formed inside the
brain cell and later on destructs its composition up to death.
5. Frontotemporal dementia- dementia that is developed when the
frontal and temporal lobe of the brain are damaged and that
abnormal proteins are being formed inside the brain cells.

 Amnestic syndrome – the inability to remember on going events more than

a few minutes after they have taken place.
 Hallucinosis – the persistent occurrence of hallucinations, the false
perceptions that arise in full wakefulness state. This includes hallucinations in
visual, hearing or both.
 Organic delusional syndrome – the false belief arising in a setting of known
or suspected brain damage.
 Organic affective syndrome – the extreme/severe manic or depressive state
with the impairment of the cerebral function.
 Organic personality syndrome – the general personality changes following
brain damage.
 General paresis – also called “dementia paralytica”, a syphilitic infection of
the brain and involving impairment of the CNS.

2. Mental retardation
 refers to a mental disorder characterized by sub – average general functioning
existing concurrency with deficits in adaptive behavior.
 it is a common mental disorder before the age of 18.
 the person is suffering from low I.Q, difficulty in focusing attention and
deficiency in fast learning.
 a mental disorder bound by below the average level of functioning and lacking
of enough skills to adapt.

Levels of mental retardation

1. Mild mental retardation

(I.Q. 52 – 67) – educable

2. Moderate mental retardation

(I.Q. 36 – 51 – trainable

3. Severe mental retardation

(I.Q. 20 – 35) – dependent retarded

4. Profound mental retardation

P(I.Q. under 20) – life support retarded
3. Schizophrenia
 known as dementia praecox, a Latin word which means “out of one’s mind
before one’s time”.
 These are group of psychotic disorders that is bound by distortion of mind,
delusions, isolation from society, inability to perceive reality, and conflict over
emotion and thoughts.

Types of Schizoprenia
a. Simple schizophrenia (undifferentiated type) – the schizoprenia in which
symptoms are rapidly changing mixture of all primary indicators of
schizophrenia. The varying combinations of delusions, hallucinations, thought
disorders, and gross bizarreness.
b. Paranoid schizophrenia – it is the illogical, changeable delusions frequently
accompanied by a vivid hallucinations, with a resulting impairment of critical
judgment, unpredictable and occasionally dangerous behavior.
c. Catatonic schizophrenia – it is the altering period of extreme withdrawal and
extreme excitement. The individual may talk or shout incoherently and engage
uninhibited, impulsive behavior. The person may be dangerous.
d. Hebephrenic schizophrenia (disorganized type) – there is emotional
distortion manifested in inappropriate laughter, peculiar mannerism, and
bizarre behavior.
e. Residual schizoprenia - refers to persons who have had a prior episode of
schizophrenia but currently are not displaying active delusions, hallucinations,
or overall organizations of behavior.

What causes Schizophrenia?

a. Can be acquired genetically. Genes is the major way to transmit schizophrenia

over another. Those having relatives that have this kind of disorder are prone
from having schizophrenia.
b. By inflammation of the brain, structural brain damage (frontal lobe, neurons) or
imbalance with secretion of neurotransmitters responsible with stability of the
brain such as dopamine or GABA.
c. Environmental influence. This can be point out by Stress-vulnerability model
wherein some persons are assumed having already schizophrenic genes, and
that can be just triggered as the individual will be exposed in a stressful

4. Substance-Related Disorders
 this pertains with too much and being too dependent with the use of drugs or

5. Sexual And Gender Identity Disorders

 sexual deviation is an impairment of either the desire for sexual gratification or
in the ability to achieve it.
 consistent problem in sexual urges that can cause difficulties in social
interaction or attachment.
The sexual disorders are common causation of sex crimes. Solis presented the
criminological characteristics of sex crimes as:

a. An ancient and universal crime

b. There is close contact between offender and victim,
c. It is committed on sex against the opposite sex,
d. Sex is an inborn instinct,
e. Sex act as crime depends on the existing moral value of society,
f. Many sex crimes are committed and not reported.
g. It is committed in strict privacy,
h. It is a common crime among the lower class of society,
i. Unlike other crimes, sex can be pardoned by marriage,
j. There is seasonal variation in the frequency of its commission,
k. Severity of punishment does not deter its commission,
l. Its consequence (pregnancy) becomes a legal problem,
m. The usual victims are children,
n. Psychic trauma suffered by the victim varies with the moral standard of
the victim.

Those affecting males

1. Erectile insufficiency (impotency) – it is a sexual disorder characterized by the
inability to achieve or maintain erection for successful intercourse.
2. Pre – mature ejaculation – it is the unsatisfactory brief period of sexual stimulation
that result to the failure of the female partner to achieve satisfaction.
3. Retarded ejaculation – it is the inability to ejaculate during intercourse – resulting to
worry between partners.

Those affecting women

1. Arousal insufficiency (frigidity) – a sexual disorder characterized by partial or
incomplete failure to attain the lubrication or swelling response of sexual excitement
by the female partner.
2. Orgasmic dysfunction – a sexual disorder characterized by the difficulty in achieving
3. Vaginismus – the involuntary spasm of the muscles at the entrance to the vagina to
prevent penetration of the male sex organ.
4. Dyspareunia – it is called painful coitus/painful sexual acts in women.


As to sexual reversals
1. Homosexuality – it is sexual behavior directed towards the same sex. It is also called
“lesbianism/tribadism” for female relationship.
2. Transvestism – refers to the achievement of sexual excitation by dressing as a
member of the opposite sex such a man who wears female apparel.
3. Fetishism – sexual gratification is obtained by looking at some body parts, underwear
of the opposite sex or other objects associated with the opposite sex.
As to the choice of partner
1. Pedophilia - a sexual perversion where a person has the compulsive desire to have
sexual intercourse with a child of either sex.
2. Bestiality – the sexual gratification is attained by having sexual intercourse with
3. Auto sexual (self gratification/masturbation) – it is also called “self abuse”, sexual
satisfaction is carried out without the cooperation of another.
4. Gerontophilia – is a sexual desire with an elder person.
5. Necrophilia – an erotic desire or actual intercourse with a corpse.
6. Incest – sexual relation between person who, by reason of blood relationship cannot
legally marry.

As to sexual urge
1. Satyriasis – an excessive (sexual urge) desire of men to have sexual intercourse
2. Nymphomaniac – strong sexual feeling of women with an excessive sexual urge.

As mode of sexual expression

1. Oralism – it is the use of mouth or the tongue as a way of sexual satisfaction.
a. Fellatio – male sex organ to the mouth of the women coupled with the act
of sucking that initiates orgasm.
b. Cunnilingus – sexual gratification is attained by licking the external female
c. Anilism (anilingus) – licking the anus of the sexual partner.

2. Sado – Masochism (Algolagnia) – pain/cruelty for sexual gratification.

a. Sadism – achievement of sexual simulation and gratication through the
infliction of physical pain on the sexual partner. It may also be associated
with animals or objects instead of human beings.
b. Masochism – infliction of pain to oneself to achieve sexual pleasure.

As to part of the body

1. Sodomy – is a sexual act through the anus of the sexual partner.
2. Uranism – sexual gratification is attained through fingering, holding the breast or
licking parts of the body.
3. Frottage – the act of rubbing the sex organ against body parts of another person.
4. Partailism – it refers to the sexual libido on any part of the sexual partner.

As to visual stimulus
1. Voyeurism – the person is commonly called “peeping Tom”, an achievement of sexual
pleasures through clandestine peeping such as peeping to dressing room, couples
room, toilets, etc. and frequently the person masturbate during the peeping activity.
2. Scoptophilia – the intentional act of watching people undress or during sexual
As to number of particpants in the sexual act
1. Troilism – three persons participate in sex orgy such as two women versus on man
or vice versa.
2. Pluralism – group of persons in sexual orgies such as couple to couple sexual
relations. It is also called “sexual festival”.

Other sexual activities abnormalities

1. Exhibtionism – it is called “indecent exposure”, intentional exposure of genitals to
members of the opposite sex under inappropriate conditions.
2. Coprolalia – the use of obscene language to achieve sexual satisfaction.
3. Don Juanism – the act of seducing women as a career with out permanency of sexual
partner or companion.

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