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Optimal Regenerative Braking with a push-belt CVT:

an Experimental Study
Koos van Berkel1 , Theo Hofman2 , Bas Vroemen3 , Maarten Steinbuch4

Eindhoven University of Technology
Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 40 247 2811
Fax: +31 40 246 1418
E-mail: 1, 2, 4
Drivetrain Innovations
Croy 46, 5653 LD Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 40 293 1082
Fax: +31 40 293 2885

This paper describes the approach and the results of efficiency experiments on a push-belt
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) in a new hybrid drive train. The hybrid drive
train uses the push-belt CVT to “charge” a flywheel, with the kinetic energy of the vehicle
during regenerative braking and “discharge” during flywheel driving. The experiments are
performed on a test rig with two electric machines following prescribed speed and torque
trajectories, representing the flywheel and vehicle load. The approach includes the design
of a control strategy for the variator, which enables regenerative braking. The experiments
show that the CVT can be used very efficiently in the proposed hybrid drive train.

Topics / Powertrain & Drivetrain Control, Electric Vehicle, Hybrid Vehicle & Fuel Cell Vehicle, Energy
Efficient Vehicles

The market share of Continuously Variable Trans- CVT L
missions (CVTs) is still growing, especially in the
A-B-C vehicle segment in Asia. CVTs enable effi-
cient engine operation, thereby increasing the fuel ef-
ficiency of the vehicle. Due to an increasing oil price
and stricter environmental regulations, a higher fuel Fig. 1: Hybrid drive train topology with flywheel
efficiency is still desired. Hybrid transmissions can (F), combustion engine (E), vehicle load (L), CVT,
give a significant improvement (20 − 30%) as shown clutches and brake.
in many hybrid vehicles (e.g., by Toyota and Honda).
Current battery-based systems, however, are too ex-
of the hybrid system components, in particular the
pensive for this segment, due to large battery packs
efficiency of the CVT under flywheel driving and re-
and additional electric machine(s). As a low-cost
generative braking conditions.
alternative, a new mecHybrid-drive train design is
presented, using a flywheel module and a push-belt
1.1 Main contribution of the paper
CVT for energy storage and power transmission, re-
A small number of publications is found concern-
spectively. The topology, which describes how the
ing the efficiency of CVTs during static [2] and con-
energy sources are connected, is shown in Fig. 1.
ventional dynamic driving [3, 4], yet not under regen-
This concept uses the push-belt CVT to “charge”
erative braking or flywheel driving conditions. This
the flywheel (F) with load (L) (kinetic energy of the
paper focuses on the approach and the results of effi-
vehicle) during regenerative braking and “discharge”
ciency experiments on the CVT, under these hybrid
during flywheel driving. To make maximum use of
driving conditions. The experiments are performed
the recuperation energy, the CVT should be con-
on a test rig with two electric machines following
trolled by changing the speed ratio such that the
prescribed speed and torque trajectories, represent-
hybrid system is operated at the most efficient oper-
ing the flywheel and vehicle load. The approach in-
ation points [1]. This requires extensive knowledge
cludes the design of a control strategy for the varia-


tor, which differs from many traditional designs, to and flywheel. Then, the model of the experimental
enable regenerative braking. The experimental re- setup is described on system level. These models are
sults form a solid basis for future work on an effi- used (1) to define the efficiencies of the CVT, for the
ciency model of the CVT, which is a valuable input analysis of the experimental results in Section 5 and
for the Energy Management Strategy of the mecHy- (2) to derive the setpoints (torques, speeds, speed
brid -drive train. The outline is as follows: Section 2 ratio) for the experiments at the end of this section.
describes the experimental setup; Section 3 describes
the simulation models of the hybrid drive train and 3.1 CVT model
the experimental setup; Section 4 describes the con- The CVT consists of a series connection of vari-
trol design of the variator; finally, Sections 5 and 6 ous components, such as the pump, torque converter,
discuss the experimental results and the conclusions. DNR, push-belt variator, final drive and differential.
Its quasi-static model is shown in Fig. 3. In this
model, the torques (Ti ) and speeds (ωi ) are evaluated
2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION at four locations, being the engine (subscript “e”)
The hybrid topology of Fig. 1 supports several and wheel side (subscript “w”) of the CVT and the
functionalities. For the experimental setup, it is suf- primary (subscript “p”), and secondary side of vari-
ficient to have a drive train topology that supports ator (subscript “s”). The push-belt variator, which
regenerative braking and flywheel driving. Hence, a is considered as the key component of the CVT, en-
reduced drive train topology is chosen, which repre- ables a continuously variable speed ratio, defined by
sents a series connection of the flywheel (F), CVT
and vehicle load (L), as shown in Fig. 2. The engine ωs (t)
(E) has been left out. rcvt (t) := . (1)
ωp (t)

electric machine F CVT electric machine L

Tpu ( e,ppu) !var (Tp" p,rCVT) !d

e p s w
Jp Js Jw
Te Tw
Tp Ts

pump variator final drive

torque and speed sensors inertia prim. side inertia sec. side inertia wheel side

Fig. 2: Photo of the experimental setup. Fig. 3: Quasi-static model of the CVT.

In this figure, the left and right electric machine For the considered experiments, the DNR is put
represent the flywheel and the vehicle load, respec- in “Drive” and the torque converter is locked, such
tively. The flywheel is coupled to the primary pulley that ωp (t) = ωe (t). The inertias acting on the pri-
shaft of the CVT. The considered CVT is a con- mary shaft, such as the DNR, torque converter and
ventional, mass-production system with integrated primary pulley set, are lumped to inertia Jp . The
pump, torque converter, Drive / Neutral / Reverse inertia of the secondary pulley set is Js . The iner-
(DNR), variator, final drive and differential. For the tias of the final drive and differential are lumped to
considered experiments, the DNR is put in “Drive” inertia Jw . The transmission efficiency of the CVT,
and the torque converter and differential are locked. as a total system, is defined by
The vehicle load is coupled to the locked differen-
tial. For determining the efficiency, torque measur- (
ing shafts and speed sensors are mounted on both Pe , Pe > 0
ηcvt := Pe , (2)
shafts at each side of the CVT. Pw , Pe ≤ 0

with the powers Pe = Te ωe and Pw = Tw ωw .

3. MODELING & SIMULATION In this model, power is dissipated by the pump, final
drive and the variator, which will be discussed below.
The electric machines and the CVT need to track
setpoints, such that all torques and speeds in the re- Pump: The pump provides pressure ppu for ac-
duced drive train (experimental setup), mimic the
tuation of the CVT. The power dissipation of the
behavior of the hybrid drive train with sufficient ac-
pump, is described by a torque Tpu (ωe (t), ppu (t)),
curacy, described by a reference vehicle driving a
which depends on the speed ωe (t) and generated pres-
given velocity profile v(t). First, this section de-
sure ppu (t). Values of Tpu are obtained from a mea-
scribes the quasi-static simulation models of the hy-
sured look-up table, provided by the manufacturer.
brid drive train, which consists of the CVT, vehicle


Final drive: The final drive gear set gives a speed

reduction with a constant gear ratio, defined by Table 1: Vehicle System Parameters
Jw 1.5 kgm2 inertia of driven wheels
m 1134 kg vehicle mass
ωw (t) Rw 0.282 m dynamic wheel radius
rd := = 0.1864. (3) Cd 0.3 - air drag coefficient
ωs (t)
A 2.15 m2 frontal area vehicle
The power dissipation is modeled as a constant Fr 133 N roll resistance
transmission efficiency of ηd = 0.99, which is defined ρ 1.25 kg/m3 air density at 15o C
by the powers Ps = Ts ωs and Pw = Tw ωw :

with a constant roll resistance Fr , air drag coef-

Ps (t)
Pw (t) , Pw (t) > 0 ficient Cd , frontal area of the vehicle A, air density
ηd := Pw (t) . (4)
Pw (t) ≤ 0 ρ, inertia of the driven wheels Jw and vehicle mass m.
Ps (t) ,

3.3 Flywheel model

The flywheel is modeled as an inertia Jf = 0.03
Push-belt variator: The push-belt variator dis- kgm2 , in series with a gear set and the CVT. The
sipates power, mainly due to mechanical friction, slip gear set gives a constant gear ratio
within the push-belt and deformation of the pulleys
and pulley shafts, among others [5]. The transmis-
sion efficiency of the variator, depends on the torque ωe (t) 1
(Tp (t) or Ts (t)), speed (ωp (t) or ωs (t)), speed ratio rf := = , (10)
ωf (t) 12
rcvt (t) and the safety strategy in the variator control
system (see Section 4.1), and is defined by with ωf (t) the speed of the flywheel. The torque
losses, generated by, e.g., air drag, bearings and gears,
( Ps (t)
are assumed to be negligible compared to the torque
Pp (t) , Pp (t) > 0 required for flywheel driving and braking. Then, the
ηvar (t) := Pp (t) , (5)
Pp (t) ≤ 0 torque generated by the flywheel Tf (t) equals
Ps (t) ,

with the powers Pp (t) = Tp (t)ωp (t) and Ps (t) = d

Ts (t)ωs (t). For the experiments, Tp and Ts can be Tf (t) = Jf ωf (t). (11)
calculated, using torques and speeds measured by the
torque measuring shafts (Te , Tw , ωe and ωw ) and the
pump pressure, by the torque balances:
3.4 Experimental Setup Model
Figure 4 shows the quasi-static model of the ex-
d perimental setup. The electric machine on the left
Tp (t) = Te (t) − Tpu (ωe (t), ppu (t)) − Jp ωe (t), (6)
 dt side (subscript “2”) represents the flywheel, whereas
the electric machine on the right side (subscript “1”)

rd 1 rd d
Ts (t) = Tw (t) + Js + Jw ωw (t), (7) represents the wheels. The electric machines have
ηd rd ηd dt
an inertia (Ji ) and generate torques (Ti ) and speeds
(ωi ), that are measured by the torque measuring
shafts on both sides of the CVT. For a given velocity
3.2 Vehicle model
profile v(t) and initial flywheel speed (ωf,0 ), the set-
The parameters of the reference vehicle (Toyota
points of the electric machines are calculated using
Vitz) are given in table 1. The angular velocity of
(8), (9), (10), (11). Here, the torque required by the
the wheels ωw (t) [rad/s] is, for a given speed profile
flywheel Tf′ , is estimated with an estimated constant
v(t) [m/s] of the vehicle, modeled as ′
transmission efficiency of the CVT, of ηcvt = 0.85:

ωw (t) = v(t), (8) d
Rw T1 (t) = T w + J1 ω w , (12)
dt !
Tf′ (t)
Z t
with Rw [m] the dynamic wheel radius, which in-
cludes a constant small slip between the tires and the ω2 (t) = rf 2 dt + ωf,0 , (13)
0 Jf + rf J2
road surface. The torque acting on the drive shaft,
Tw (t), is modeled as the sum of the roll resistance, Tf′ (t) = ′
rf rcvt (t)ηcvt Tw (t). (14)
air drag and inertia torques, and holds

1 3.5 Setpoints for the Experimental Setup

Tw (t) = Rw (Fr + Cd Aρv 2 (t)
2 A velocity profile v(t) is chosen, with constant ve-
Jw d (9)
locities (30 and 50 km/h) and constant accelerations
+ ( 2 + m) v(t)),
Rw dt (−0.8 and 0.8 m/s2 ) that are common in drive cycles,


TCVT (Te !e,rCVT) or (2), which is determined by the control switching

strategy, as will be explained later.
!2 !e !w !1
T2 T1
Te Tw p

Fig. 4: Quasi-static model of the experimental setup. ps pp

as shown in the upper graph of Fig. 5. The corre- Ts
sponding reference trajectories of the speed ratio of
the CVT rcvt,d (t), flywheel speed ωf,d (t) with ωf,0 =
30.000 rpm and wheel torque Tw,d (t) as a function of
time are depicted in the lower three graphs of Fig. 5. Fig. 6: Schematic view of the push-belt variator.

4.1 Torque Transfer Control

Setpoints for flywheel driving and regenerative braking
The level of the clamping forces determines the
50 velocity profile [km/h] amount of slip between the push-belt and pulley sheaves.
30 When the clamping force is too low, the increased
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 slip may cause heavy damage and reduced efficiency.
2 When the clamping force is too high, the increased
1.5 CVT ratio [−]
1 friction losses compromise the transmission efficiency
0.5 of the variator and raise the pump load. The minimal
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
clamping force, required to transfer torque without
24.000 macroscopic slip (i.e., slip that may cause damage),
18.000 flywheel speed [rpm] is computed by means of a Coulomb based friction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 model of the variator (see, e.g., [2], [6]):
0 wheel torque [Nm]
cosθ|Tx |
−200 Fx,min = 2µRx , x ∈ {p, s}, (15)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s]
with θ half the pulley wedge angle, µ the friction
coefficient between the pulleys and the belt and Rx
the geometric running radii of the belt on the pul-
Fig. 5: Velocity profile and setpoints for the speed leys. In most production CVTs, a safety strategy
ratio rcvt , flywheel speed ωf and wheel torque Tw . is employed to compensate for disturbances and un-
certainties in the variator model. Typically, safety
strategies combine a relative fr with an absolute
4. VARIATOR CONTROL SYSTEM safety factor fa . In case the variator efficiency is suf-
ficiently high, one may assume that Fp,min ≈ Fs,min .
For the considered experiments, the variator con-
Hence, the minimal “safe” clamping force Fsaf e , which
trol system is of significant importance as: (1) the
holds for both pulleys, is formulated as:
level of the clamping forces influences the transmis-
sion efficiency of the CVT; and (2) regenerative brak-
cosθ(|(1+fr )Tp |+fa Tp,max )
ing, with negative power flow through the variator Fsaf e = 2µRp . (16)
(Tp < 0), requires a specific control design. Fig. 6
gives a schematic view of the variator. The varia- For the experiments, common values are used:
tor consists of a metal push-belt, which is clamped fr = 0.15, fa = 0.2 and Tp,max = 124 Nm.
between a pair of pulleys on each side of the varia-
tor (primary side, subscript “p”, and secondary side, 4.2 Speed Ratio Control
subscript “s”). Each pulley pair consists of one ax- The ratio of the clamping forces determines the
ially fixed sheave and one axially moveable sheave. speed ratio of the variator. The speed ratio is con-
On each moveable sheave, an axially pulley force (Fp trolled with a feedforward (open-loop) controller and
and Fs ) is generated by an oil pressure, controlled by a feedback (closed-loop) controller. For the design of
a hydraulic system. The level of the clamping forces a feedforward controller, static and dynamic mod-
determines the maximum allowable torque transfer, els are used, to prescribe reference trajectories for
without macroscopic slip between the push-belt and the clamping forces. The static model, relates the
pulley sheaves, whereas the ratio of the clamping static pulley-thrust ratio κ(rcvt , Tp ) with the speed
forces determines the speed ratio. Hence, the ob- ratio (rcvt ) and primary torque (Tp ) for a given safety
jective for the variator control system is twofold: (1) strategy in the torque transfer control:
transfer of torque Tp or Ts ; and (2) tracking of the
reference speed ratio rcvt,d . The control objective Fp
κ(rcvt , Tp ) = , (17)
of each pulley set may be decoupled, i.e., either (1) Fs ṙcvt =0


with ṙcvt the rate of ratio change. Here, pulley- transfer via the secondary pulley (Fs ≈ Fsaf e ) and
thrust ratio κ(rcvt , Tp ) is based on static experiments speed ratio via the primary pulley (Fp ≈ Fp,ratio ),
under various conditions, such as different engine see, e.g., [9]. This control approach is based on the
speeds, wheel torques and speed ratios, see Fig. 7. observation, that in conventional driving conditions
(Tp > 0), the static pulley-thrust ratio κ & 1 is such
|T | ≈ 11 Nm |T | ≈ 22 Nm that Fp & Fs , see Fig. 7. In this situation, macro-
p p
scopic slip is avoided when Fs ≈ Fsaf e > Fs,min ,
ln(κ) [−]

0.5 0.5
such that with a sufficiently large safety factor (see
0 0
Section 4.1), Fp & Fs ≈ Fsaf e > Fp,min . How-
−0.5 −0.5
−0.5 0 0.5 −0.5 0 0.5
ever, during regenerative braking (Tp < 0), the static
|Tp| ≈ 49 Nm |Tp| ≈ 74 Nm pulley-thrust ratio (κ) changes, as shown in Fig. 7.
κ for T >0
Especially when rcvt < 1, Fp << Fs holds, such that
ln(κ) [−]

0.5 0.5 p
the control objectives need to be switched in order
0 0 κ for T <0
p to avoid macroscopic slip. Hence, in that situation,
−0.5 −0.5 the torque transfer needs to be controlled via the
−0.5 0 0.5 −0.5 0 0.5
) [−] ln(r
) [−] primary pulley (Fp ≈ Fsaf e ) and speed ratio via the
secondary pulley (Fs ≈ Fs,ratio ). This is employed
with the following control switching strategy [6]:
Fig. 7: Static pulley-thrust ratios plotted on loga-
rithmic scale as a function of speed ratio, for positive 
and negative torques, based on static experiments Fp,d = Fp,ratio
if Fshif t,d + κFsaf e ≥ Fsaf e , (22)
(ṙcvt = 0) under various conditions. Fs,d = Fsaf e

Fp,d = Fsaf e
if Fshif t,d + κFsaf e < Fsaf e , (23)
For the dynamic model, several designs are pro- Fs,d = Fs,ratio
posed in literature, among others, by Ide et al [7]
and Carbone et al [8]. Ide introduces a relatively with Fp,d and Fs,d the reference trajectories for
simple grey-box model, which reasonably describes the clamping forces Fp and Fs , respectively.
the dynamic shift behavior, validated by various ex-
periments, e.g., in [5]. Carbone introduces a theoreti-
cal model (CMM-model), which accurately describes 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
the dynamic shift behavior, validated by experiments The flywheel driving and regenerative braking ex-
under various operating conditions. Carbone found, periment is performed using the setpoints derived in
that Ide’s model appears to be a first order approx- Section 3 and the variator control system of Section
imation of the CMM-model. Here, Ide’s model is 4. The resulting control actions and the efficiency of
chosen, due to its simple implementation and its rea- the CVT are evaluated in the following sections.
sonable accuracy. This model relates the rate of ratio
change (ṙcvt ), the speed ratio (rcvt ), primary pulley 5.1 Variator control system
speed (ωp ) with a shifting force: Figure 8 shows the tracking results of the speed
ratio controller and the corresponding clamping forces.
ṙcvt From this experiment, the following observations can
Fshif t = . (18) be made: (1) the variator control system is able to
kr (rcvt )|ωp |
accurately track its reference rcvt,d ; (2) indeed, dur-
Here, kr (rcvt ) is an experimentally obtained damp- ing regenerative braking, the control objectives are
ing. The models (17) and (18) are used to derive the switched, e.g., Fp (instead of Fs ) tracks Fsaf e .
following control laws (Fp,ratio and Fs,ratio ) to track
the desired speed ratio and change (rcvt,d and ṙcvt,d ): 5.2 Transmission efficiency of the CVT
The resulting transmission efficiency of the CVT
as a system, as defined by (2), and of the variator
Fp,ratio = Fshif t,d + κFsaf e , (19) separately, as defined by (5), are shown in Figure 9.
Fsaf e From this experiment, the following observations can
Fs,ratio = −Fshif t,d + , (20) be made: (1) This CVT can be used very efficiently
for regenerative braking, e.g., during this period, the
ṙcvt,d + u
Fshif t,d = , (21) average efficiency is 85%. (2) This CVT and variator
kr (rcvt,d )|ωp | have a relatively high transmission efficiency during
acceleration, medium vehicle velocity and decelera-
using a linear feedback control action u (with
tion, e.g., 81 − 91% and 88 − 97%, respectively.
PID -control). Further details regarding the design
The difference between the transmission efficien-
of a ratio controller can be found, e.g., in [2] and [6].
cies of the CVT and the variator, are caused by the
pump and the final drive, but also due to the kinetic
4.3 Control Switching Strategy
energy storage in the inertias. The energy losses are
The clamping force on each pulley controls either
shown in figure 10. From this figure, it can be ob-
the torque transfer or the speed ratio. Traditionally,
served that the energy losses are dominated by the
the majority of the approaches control the torque


Tracking of speed ratio and clamping forces Energy losses in CVT during experiment
Speed ratio [−]
30 CVT
1 rcvt,d

Energy [kJ]
0.5 20 pump
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Force [kN]

20 Fp,d Fp 10 variator
10 5
F final drive
safe 0
0 inertia
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 −5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s]
Force [kN]


0 Fig. 10: Experimental result: energy losses of each
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [s] component.

efficiently for regenerative braking, flywheel acceler-

Fig. 8: Experimental result: tracking of clamping ation and flywheel driving at medium velocity. The
pressures for torque transfer and speed ratio control. transmission efficiency of the CVT may be even fur-
ther increased, by the design of a hydraulic scheme
Push−belt CVT and variator efficiency during experiments
which reduces the pump load during flywheel driv-
90 ing. Based on these results it can be concluded that a
Efficiency [%]

ηcvt ηcvt
push-belt CVT, in combination with a flywheel sys-
70 flywheel regenerative
tem, can be a promising design solution for efficient
driving braking hybrid vehicle propulsion.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Efficiency [%]

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