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“Where the fuck am I?” I whispered to myself, glanced around the room.

Nothing looked familiar, and that’s when I realized the arm that had been draped over me
the whole time.

“Oh, fuck...!” I whispered gently sliding out from his embrace, and then from the bed.

I hurried putting on one article of clothing as I search for the next, eventually making my
way out the bedroom and down the stairs.

I quickly found my purse then went to search for something that might indicate where the
fuck I might be exactly.

Finding a magazine lying on the counter containing the address I quickly wrote it down,
before writing a quick note for him.

Silent tears fell from my eyes as I walked out the door.

Wiping the tears from my face, I pulled out my cell phone to call Seth.

“Seth!” I screeched out when he finally answered.

“Bella?” He asked groggily. “Its five thirty in the morning?”

I knew I was going to wake him, but he’s the only one I trust to keep my secret.

“I know Seth, I’m sorry, but,” I sighed. “Please tell me you can come and get me. Like, right

Seth sighed, then asked, “Where you at B?”

“Fifty five Cherry Tree Lane,” I responded sheepishly looking at the paper in my hand.

“Who lives a fifty five Cherry Tree Lane?”

“Just a drunken mistake… so, are you going to pick me up or what?”

“Yeah, I’m leaving right now.”

“Thanks, Seth!”

And the phone disconnected.

I began walking in hope of keeping myself a bit warmer… and that he wouldn’t see me.

Fuck, its cold outside!

Duh! Its January 1st… in Seattle you idiot!

Seth arrived a few minutes later and I was damn there a fucking popsicle… seriously, who’s
idea was it to wear a skirt, knee high stockings, and fucking chunk heals out?

So what if it was New Years Eve? It’s fucking winter for Christ sake!

“Do want to talk about it?” Seth asked as the tears slowly fell down my face.

Shaking my head, I replied, “I just made a really big mistake. I really don’t want to talk about

“Ok.” He smiled nodding his head, then quickly added, “But, if you want to you know I’m

“I know thanks.”

We drove in silence the rest of the way.

Seth dropped me at my Mazda 6 and I headed for home.

Crawling into my bed, I cried myself to sleep.

I woke back up about noon when Renee called to tell me she was on her way.

I got up and took a shower then pulled on some fleece lounge pants and a long sleeved t-
shirt before curling up on the couch, waiting for my mom.

Finally, there was a knock at the door and I got up to answer it.

“Yah!” I exclaimed excitedly pulling open the door. “Masen’s home!”

There stood my three and a half year old son smiling excitedly at me.

He had a McDonald’s Happy Meal bag in his right hand, and a chicken nugget in his left.

“Mommy!” Masen yelled.

I scooped him up and carried him into the house.

“Did you have fun with Papa and Nana Née?” I asked hugging him to me, showering him
with kisses.

“Uh huh!” He replied excitedly. “We blew whistles and yelled ‘HAPPY NEW EAR’!”

My ears were ringing a bit when I answered, “You did? That sounds like so much fun!”

Masen had a cheesy smile on his face as he nodded his head animatedly. “It was so cool.”

“Well that’s good,” I replied with a smile, putting him back on his feet. “I’m glad you had a
good time with Papa and Nana Née… but, I’m so glad your home. I missed you!”

Masen smiled. “I missed you too, mommy… can I watch Curious George?”

“Sure,” I replied with a smile, nodding my head.

I followed Masen into the living room, asking my mom, “So was he good?”

“He always is,” Renee responded proudly putting his drink on his Cars table.

“What time did he go to bed?”

I really wanted to take a nap and since Masen never slept well away from home my chances
were promising.

I walked into the kitchen, which mom followed.

“Oh, about one thirty.”

“What time did he wake up?” I asked pulling out a bottle of water.

“Seven thirty.”

I smiled.


“So did you have a good time?”

“Oh, um… yeah?”

I assume so considering I woke up in HIS bed, but fuck if I know!

“Were you drinking?”

“Um, yeah?”
“You didn’t drive did you?”

“Oh, god no mom… we um, took a cab?”

“Good… well, I’d love to stay and visit… but, I’m exhausted!”

I laughed.

“No big deal. We’re gonna lie down and take a nap so… I’ll talk to you later?”


I followed Renee to the door.

“Masen, come give Nana Née a hug and kiss goodbye.”

Masen came barreling at us and flew into Renee’s waiting arms.

“I’ll see ya later, baby. Be good for your mom,” my mom whispered into Masen’s ear,
though I could still hear her.

“Okay,” Masen replied, giving her a kiss and hug then stepping back.

“Love you,” Renee said with a smile walking to the door.

“Love you too.”

Renee opened the door, saying, “Have a good weekend.”

“You too,” I responded closing the door behind her.


Masen was playing in his bedroom while I was finishing the dinner dishes when I heard a
knock at the front door.

It was almost eight o’clock and I wasn’t expecting anyone.

I looked out the kitchen window but didn’t see a car in the driveway, so I made my way to
the front door and chanced a glance through the peep hole.

“Fuck!” I hissed stepping back.

This can’t be happening to me! It can’t be fucking happening! What the fuck do I do?

“You could start by opening the door,” Edward yelled from the other side.
Oh god, did I say that out loud?

“What are you doing here Edward?” I yelled back hoping Masen didn’t hear what was going
on out here.

“Come on, Bella. Just open the fucking door!”

I hesitated.

Fuck! What do I do?

“God damn it, Bella!” Edward roared hitting the door. “Open the fucking door!”

I opened the door, and suddenly the previous night came flooding back…


I was at the bar with Beth when after about five tequila shots and three Long Island Ice Teas I
begin to feel that familiar electrical charge that only surges through my body anytime HE is

I quickly start scanning the bar for him… I blame it on the alcohol!

I can’t help the way my body reacts to him; I am naturally drawn to him.

This is bad Bella… very very bad!

Glancing to the back bar I finally lock eyes with him.

God, damn, he is fucking hot!

And he’s coming this way!

Oh. My. God… Oh. My. God… OH. MY. GOD!

Turn and walk away Bella… Fuck! Run, Bella, run!

My feet wouldn’t work, and suddenly he was standing directly in front of me.

“Bella… fuck…” he said stepping closer. “You haven’t changed a bit…”

“Oh, that’s not entirely true…” I replied with a smirk.

I know I’ve changed.

And I’m not just talking about my body.

“Bella!” Beth yells to me before Edward can respond. “Hey Justin asked…”

She noticed Edward standing there and stopped talking.

“Sorry, I got side tracked…” I started to explain, gesturing to Edward with my eyes.

Beth smiled. “I can see that.”

“Who’s your friend, Bella?” Edward asked.

“Oh, um… sorry, Beth this is Edward.”

Beth’s eyes bugged out of her face.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to Edward. “Edward this is Beth.”

Edward and Beth exchanged pleasantries and Beth looked like she was going to shit her pants
the whole time.

“So, let’s get our drinks so we can go dance…”

“Oh, yeah…” she starts to say, then hesitates looking at me. “Justin’s um, buddy…he’s having
a party, he’s about to head over there and asked if we wanted to come along.”

I know I should. I really, really should.

Yes, you should, but you won’t will you?


“Oh, you go ahead Beth,” I replied with grin. “I’m really not in the mood for a party.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m sure.” I smirked. “I’ll just get a cab home.”

“You’re not taking a cab by yourself,” Edward snapped. “I can take you home!”

“Edward,” I replied with a smile. “That’s not necessary. I have a buddy that drives cab on the
weekends… he’ll pick me up.”

“I don’t mind,” Edward retorted.

“I know you don’t. But, it’s still not necessary.”

“Okay,” Beth sighs. “You call Seth, and I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“I will Beth,” I replied with a smile. “Thanks for dragging me out tonight!”

“Yeah,” she laughed. “You definitely needed it!”

Beth walked away yelling, “Call Seth!”

So here it is an hour later and guess what?

My drunk ass fucking tequila whore self didn’t listen to Beth!

“My car is over here,” Edward whispered in my ear, guiding me in the right direction.

He placed his hand on the small of my back and led the way to his car, which seemed to be
parked in no man’s land.

Once we was at his car he pushed me against the driver side door, sliding his left hand to the
small of my back, pulling me flush against him.

He then slid his right hand to the nape of my neck, winding his fingers through my hair, gently
pulling; tilting my face up to him.

He crashes his lips to mine in both urgency and lust.

I felt his tongue brush against my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly obliged.

Edward trailed his hand down the back of my knee, hiking it up around his hip, before sliding
his hand up under my skirt and moving it up my thigh.

While his hand slid higher up my thigh, he began nibbling on my lower lip, then starting
planting small kisses along my jaw.

He lightly sucked at my earlobe and neck as his fingertips trailed up closer to my core; I couldn’t
help the whimper I released as his fingers came in contact with my now soaked panties.

I moaned as he pressed against the damp satin covering my clit.

“Fuck Bella, you’re still so fucking wet for me.”

A whimper escaped as Edward increased the pressure and began rubbing tiny circles over the
sensitive flesh.

I was soon gasping and moaning in his arms, involuntarily I rocked my hips against his hand.

“You like that, hmm?” He whispered against my ear then kissed just below it, seeking the spot
there that made me squirm in pleasure.
He then removed his right hand from my hair and cupped my breast gently kneading it before
pulling the offending material that was my tank top off my breast.

“God, I fucking love your tits!”

“Ahh…” was my only response as he leaned in and started swirling his tongue around the tight
bud, his fingers slipping under the damp satin of my thong.

He drew my nipple into his mouth, rolling the sensitive tip against the back of his teeth, as his
fingers stroked along the folds of my pussy.

A strangled whimper escaped my throat as he found my clit and began circling.

I was hot and wet, and definitely more than fucking ready for him.

I tried to hold back my moans as his lips paid homage to my breasts, but it was a lost fucking

He moved from one to the other as his clever fingers circled my clit in erotic little circles.

Fuck! I’m going to come… right here in the parking lot of Twilight up against a car with Edward
Cullen’s – aka Masen’s dad you idiot – hand in my panties.

“Come for me, Bella,” he whispered as his fingers continued to work their magic. Stroking back
and forth across my clit; each stroke making my pussy clench tightly.

But, I needed something more.

My body was yearning for something more, my pussy was desperate to be filled by the huge ass
fucking cock I know this man has.

“Come and I’ll fuck you,” he promised, his voice sounding hypnotic. “Not here, but at my
house. I’ll spread your legs and fuck you until you scream my fucking name!”

I shivered, unable to stop the tremors that raked my body.

I pushed my hips against his hand again.

“Yes… please!”

I screamed out as he slid a finger inside of me. My pussy clamped down around his finger as he
pulled back and then a second finger joined the first, his thumb pushing up against my clit as he
fucked me with his fingers.

“Fuck Bella!” He grunted. “You’re so fucking tight!”

That’s right bitches! Baby or no baby I am still fucking tight!

“Oh god! Edward… Fuck! Right there!” I moaned as he plunged deeper and my orgasm ripped
through me…

Edward’s gasp brought me back to the present.

That gasp could only mean one thing…


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