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01 Augur foundation hole close Signage of direction, tower Khalid, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 13/09/2020
numbers, zero gap (all project area)
02 Elevated area of towers Elevated place should be Khalid, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020
barricaded and sand bream/stopper
if edge Height is half ½ meter if
edge is 1 meter (remaining)
03 Access road sign (site road) Every 500 meter signage + with Khalid, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020
not AHC road flickering light
04 Access road (AHC) Every 100 meter signage with Khalid, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020
Working area only flickering light
05 Safety board Safety board with full information Khalid, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020
Rest area, toilet, barricade storage,
fire extinguisher, parking area
06 Ambulance Driver, First aider, Nurse Khalid, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020
07 Rescue team Training Khalid, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020
08 Nurse Certified trained nurse Sec will help to get one 12/09/2020
09 Water cooler At site need in wooden box painted Khalid, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 13/09/2020
green color
10 Security guard No Security guard room or no office Ibrahim, Iqbal 17/09/2020
available must arrange
11 Security guard, operator Inside the room found oil, gas Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020
room, and storage room cylinder, gas stove, cloths, wood to
be removed


12 Cabin store put out To be removed out no more storage Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad
in porta cabin
13 Store/container Ventilation, racks, labeling, signs, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir 17/09/2020
fire extinguisher, ground for
container, housekeeping, smoke
detector, demarcation, lights, store
14 Stacking Road, fire extinguisher, access road Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir 17/09/2020
in stacking area, no more height
15 Grounding, Safety Signs, Fire Risk
Assessment, DB Switch Preparation
16 Lunch room Ac, fan, fire extinguisher, signs, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir 17/09/2020
food storage rack, trash bin
17 Toilets Need cleaning, very bad smell, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir, Nousahd 17/09/2020
lights, ventilation
18 Generator Cover, bund wall, fire extinguisher, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir, Noushad 20/09/2020
(foam co2, powder) fire point,
shelter, exhaust out, area
barricaded, paint, bund wall
19 Diesel storage Bund wall, paint (red) write capacity, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 20/09/2020
fire extinguisher abc and co2, jerry
can to move diesel, shelter, fire risk
assessment, msds
20 Emergency vehicle First aid sticker, first aider, first aid Ibrahim, Iqbal 13/09/2020
box, emergency contact number,

21 Emergency team Emergency contact number, Ibrahim, Iqbal 14/09/2020

emergency team (rescue) fire
coordinator, first aid box on site, first
aider certified

22 Oil drum storage Outside the yard to be removed Ibrahim, Iqbal 13/09/2020
23 Storage access Access road between two tower Ibrahim, Iqbal 17/09/2020
near store must be barricaded
24 Working area Wall very bad need to remove Ibrahim, Iqbal 12/09/2020
25 Back side of container, all Need housekeeping Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir 12/09/2020
over site
26 Cover for Water motor Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad, Tahir 12/09/2020
27 Barricades For water tanks out side Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad, Tahir 17/09/2020
28 Septic tank Need barricades, signs, paint, Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir, Noushad 17/09/2020
design, removal off, checklist
29 Toilets (portable) For site with water tank, and septic Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir, Noushad 17/09/2020
30 Fire extinguisher With diesel tank 2 pcs 6 kg Ibrahim, Iqbal, Mustaq 13/09/2020
31 Assembly point Signage in box, safety boards, hse Ibrahim, Iqbal, Tahir 17/09/2020
policy, in store
32 Site Fire alarm on site and store Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020
33 Ahc name board Board contains name of the project Ibrahim, Iqbal, Saju, Khalid, Noushad 20/09/2020
at staring point (4) steel with stencil 25/09/2020
printed white back ground black
34 Work shop For steel fixer, shelter, ground Ibrahim, Iqbal, Noushad 17/09/2020

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