Wellcad: How To Crop WL and Uv Core Photos Efficiently

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WellCAD™ Tutorial Series


How To Crop WL and UV Core Photos Efficiently


This brief tutorial shows you how you can save the core cropper box settings setup for White Light (WL) photos and
re-apply the same layout of boxes and rectangles for a set of Ultraviolet Light (UV) photos. You can adapt this
workflow easily to your own data sets.

1. Start the WellCAD Core Cropper and import the WL photos.

2. Reduce the red Box Rectangle to align to the top and bottom core photos.

3. In the Box View of our example we have to click 3 times on the Rotate button to orient the top of the image
to the left side and change the row order from bottom to top (in Core Cropper the depth increases from left
to right and top to botton).

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4. Since our sample shows 4 core slaps we insert 4 rows using the corresponding icon in the toolbar and adjust
the row rectangles. The Box Length is set to 1 m. A vertical Preview will appear on the right-hand side of the
display showing the continuous section of the cropped core photos.

5. We insert a depth marker by double left clicking on the left border of the first row (2666 m). A single depth
marker should be enough for all the images (except if there is a gap somewhere). The depth in the preview
window on the right is now adjusted. Click on the next photo and adjust the rectangles. Repeat the steps for
all remaining photos.

6. Once you are done you can export the depth registered core photos to a new (or existing) document by
clicking on the Create Log icon in the toolbar.

7. Save the settings (box positions, depths labels and links to the WL photos): Use File > Save As, and save in
the WL directory. The file will have a .WCI extension.

8. Copy the .WCI file from the WL directory to the UV directory and open it (File > Open). You will get the
following warning as it can’t find the links to the original WL photos in the current directory. But the box
positions and depth labels are maintained.

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9. Click on Yes and select the UV photos one by one, in the right order. Use the old file names (with the depth
values in it) as a guide. The UV photos will now be recognized and loaded. Click on the Box icon in the
toolbar and your UV photos are ready to be cropped using the same cropping rectangles as used for the WL

10. Use the Export Log option from the toolbar to copy them to the document with the WL photos and you are
ready to go (e.g. use the Color Classification process in WellCAD to derive the amount of hydrocarbon
present in the UV photos).

Final result of the WL and UV cropping displayed as continuous log in WellCAD.

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