Growth Rate and Water Use by Legume Species at Three Soil Temperatures

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Published January, 1991

Growth Rate and Water Use by Legume Species at Three Soil Temperatures
J. A. Zachariassen and J. F. Power*
ABSTRACT also reduce weed infestations. Many of these benefits
Legumes may be used to reduce fertilizer inputs, provide ground are discussed in more detail in Power (1987).
cover for soil erosion protection, and reduce residual soil nitrates. In order to select the best legumes to use as cover
Little data are available to guide a producer in selecting a legume crops, as well as the best cultural practices to use, one
that matches water and temperature conditions and produces ac- must consider the growth rates, water-use patterns,
ceptable growth and N2-flxation rates. The purpose of the experi- and N2-fixing ability of candidate species under dif-
ment reported here was to provide such information. After a 14-d ferent environmental conditions. Also, the type of
germination period at 20 °C, we grew eight legume species at soil cropping system employed would affect the choice of
temperatures of 10,20, and 30 °C (± 2 °) for 105 d in a greenhouse. cover crop. For spring planted crops, likely cover
Daily water use was recorded, and plant dry weights were measured crops would be either winter annuals or early spring
every 21 d. Initially annual species such as soybean [Glycine max annuals. For winter wheat, a summer crop might be
(L.) Men.] and fababean (Viciafaba L.) grew fastest at all temper- used for cover crop. The literature provides some gen-
atures. For the first 42 d at 10 °C, white clover (Trifolium repens eral guidelines regarding characteristics of potential
L.), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.), and hairy vetch (Vicia cover crop species (Hughes et al., 1967; Heath et al.,
villosa L.) also exhibited rapid growth. With warmer temperatures 1985), but detailed comparisons among species are
and longer growth periods, lespedeza (Lespedeza stipula L.) as well limited.
as soybean grew rapidly. At 20 and 30 °C, soybean growth was often
more than double that of most other species. Growth was maximal
Few studies have been published regarding relative
at 10 °C for fieldpea (Pisum arvense L.), hairy vetch, and crimson temperature responses of different legume species.
clover; at 20 °C for fababean and white clover; and at 30 °C for However, it is well recognized that winter annuals
soybean, sweetclover (Melilotus alba L.), and lespedeza. Average such as hairy vetch and crimson clover generally per-
water-use rates and water-use efficiency generally paralleled growth, form better at low temperatures than many other spe-
except water use increased and water-use efficiency decreased as soil cies (Power, 1987). For instance, Decker et al. (1987)
temperature increased. These results indicate that growth and water reported that N availability and uptake by a corn crop
use differed greatly among legume species, that each legume species (Zea mays L.) was greater, following winter annuals,
has its own characteristic optimum growth temperature, and that than when it followed other legumes. Even within a
this optimum temperature for a given species may change as growth given species such as alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Hei-
progresses. chel et al. (1981) showed that large varietal differences
in N2-fixation rate may also occur. Elliott et al. (1987)
summarized differences in water use by legume spe-
P RODUCTION COSTS plus soil erosion and water
quality concerns have resulted in many farmers
and agronomists evaluating the potential benefits of
The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate
growth, water use, and N2-fixation of several legume
using cover crops (Power and Follett, 1987). A legume species as affected by time and soil temperature.
provides ground cover to reduce erosion potential, re- Growth rates and water use of eight legume species
duce fertilizer N inputs and costs, and deplete residual are reported for three temperatures in this paper. A
soil nitrates and water, thereby reducing potential for companion paper will report the effects of these var-
ground water contamination. Use of cover crops may iables on N uptake and N2 fixation.
J.A. Zachariassen, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO
80522; and J.F. Power, USDA-ARS, Keim Hall, East Campus, MATERIALS AND METHODS
Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583. Contribution from
USDA-ARS in cooperation with the Agric. Research Div., Univ. of This greenhouse study was analyzed as a split-split-plot
Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. Publ. as Journal Series no. 9277, experiment with soil temperatures of 10, 20, and 30 °C as
Agric. Res. Div. Received 5 Jan. 1990. "Corresponding author. main plots. Subplots were plant species (8), split by sampling
Published in Agron. J. 83:408-413 (1991). date (5), with three replicates of each. Plant species used were

Table 1. Shoot dry weight of eight legumes for five sampling dates and three soil temperatures.
Soil temo. Davst SB FB FP HV cc sc WCL LD
"C d g pot-' ~ LSD 0.05
10 21 2.10 2.10 1.30 1.20 1.10 0.63 0.47 0.36 0.25
42 3.81 4.60 2.03 2.32 2.05 1.33 1.12 0.59 0.49
63 3.43 4.57 2.92 3.05 2.37 1.67 1.89 0.70 0.3 1
84 4.07 4.15 2.40 5.33 3.66 2.42 3.22 1.55 0.78
105 5.00 4.95 2.90 6.39 4.79 2.41 4.65 2.10 0.40
LSD 0.05 0.48 0.46 0.32 0.51 0.44 0.30 0.40 0.27
20 21 2.06 2.89 0.62 0.79 1.14 0.82 0.55 0.42 0.32
42 4.01 5.01 2.04 1.41 2.50 1.85 1.63 1.19 0.39
63 7.40 5.47 2.09 2.56 3.78 3.15 2.81 2.43 0.67
84 10.50 5.82 2.31 2.65 4.71 3.95 3.47 4.41 0.86
105 14.63 6.53 2.07 4.26 3.37 4.24 5.20 7.84 0.88
LSD 0.05 0.9 1 0.51 0.32 0.39 0.37 0.32 0.47 0.48
30 21 2.01 2.24 1.63 1.oo 0.94 0.84 0.48 0.53 0.44
42 4.01 2.43 1.68 1.16 1.74 1.85 1.36 1.57 0.36
63 7.91 2.62 1.22 1.71 1.75 2.63 2.43 3.04 0.82
84 11.91 3.07 1.59 1.79 2.14 2.97 3.00 4.94 0.85
105 16.68 2.80 1.31 2.10 2.00 4.43 3.39 10.10 1.01
LSD 0.05 1.02 0.34 0.22 0.20 0.28 0.35 0.30 0.62
LSD 0.05 (all
temus and davs) 0.60 0.41 0.25 0.30 0.33 0.30 0.33 0.38
t Days after initiation of temperature treatment (14 d after planting).
$ SB, soybean; FB, fababean; FP, fieldpea; HV, hairy vetch; CC, crimson clover; SC, sweetclover, WCL, white clover; and LD, lespedeza

perennial legumes: sweetclover (SC)] and white clover was then randomly assigned to a temperature and sampling
(WCL); winter annual legumes: crimson clover (CC) and date treatment. Sampling dates were established as 21, 42,
lespedeza (LD); annual legumes: soybean (SB), fieldpea (FP), 63, 84, and 105 d after initiation of temperature treatments.
fababean (FB), and hairy vetch (HV). Soil water content was maintained between 100 and 50%
Three constant temperature ( ? 2 "C) water baths were field capacity. Each pot was removed from its respective
used for soil temperature control, designed according to Wil- water bath, weighed, and watered with distilled water to a
lis et al. (1 963). Water temperature was monitored and con- predetermined weight (with adjustment for estimated plant
trolled by use of automated recording equipment. All green weights) corresponding to field capacity. Initially,
treatments were replicated three times in each tank. No at- weighing and watering was on a 3-d interval, but increased
tempt was made to vary air temperature because soil tem- to daily as water use rate increased. The quantity of water
perature generally has a much greater effect on plant growth added represented the amount of water used by plants in
(Richards et al., 1952). The experiment was initiated 18 Feb- each pot since the last watering. Position effects were min-
ruary and continued until 3 June (105 d). Air temperature imized by rotating the position of each pot within each rep-
was maintained at 20 "C f 3 O , and 300 W m-2 supplemental licate of water bath after each watering. Shoot growth of each
light was used until there was at least 14 h daily of natural species was harvested at the soil surface on each sampling
light (about 15 April on clear days). date, and plant material was oven dried at 60 "C to constant
Seed of each legume species was inoculated with appro- weight. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, and or-
priate Rhizobium species (Nitragin CO.,~Milwaukee, WI) thogonal comparisons were calculated. Means were separat-
and six to 12 seeds were planted in 1 100 g of Alliance silt ed by use of LSD at P = 0.05.
loam (fine silty, mixed, mesic Aridic Argiustoll) topsoil ob-
tained from the High Plains Research Station, Sidney, Ne-
braska. Pots were plastic-lined tins 10.7 cm in diam. and RESULTS
17.5 cm deep and were filled within about 6 cm ofthe top.
After planting, soil in all pots was brought to field capacity Although analysis of variance and orthogonal com-
by adding a modified nutrient solution containing 4 pg L-' parisons were calculated, results provide limited guid-
NO,:N (Power et al., 1963). Soil analysis indicated all other ance in making interpretations because essentially all
nutnents were adequate. Total weight of each prepared pot variables and all interactions were statistically signif-
was recorded. icant at P = 0.05. This resulted partly from the fact
After planting, pots were left for 14 d at 20 "C to permit that the 120 possible treatment combinations gave as
plant establishment, seedling root infection, and nodule de- high as 359 total degrees of freedom.
velopment. At Day 14 after planting, stands were thinned At the earlier sampling dates for all three temper-
to three plants/pot for large-seeded species (soybean, faba- atures, growth rate was generally greatest for the an-
bean, fieldpea, and hairy vetch), and to six plants/pot for
small-seededspecies (sweetclover,white clover, crimson clo- nual legumes (Table 1). Initially greatest growth was
ver, and lespedeza). After thinning, a 5-cm layer of vermic- recorded for soybean, fababean, and sometimes field-
ulite was added to the surface of soil in each pot to reduce pea and crimson clover. Lespedeza and white clover
evaporation losses. Each pot within a replicate of a species grew slowly during the early part of the experiment.
By the last two sampling dates, some of the annual
I Abbreviations: SC, sweet clover; WCL, white clover; CC, crim- legumes (especially fieldpea and fababean) had passed
son clover; LD, lespedeza; SB, soybean; FP, fieldpea, FB, fababean;
and HV, hairy vetch. anthesis (except at 10 "C),and growth slowed down
or ceased. Some species with slower initial growth (les-
Trade and company names are included for the benefit of the pedeza and white clover) continued t o grow through-
reader and do not infer endorsement or preferential treatment of
the product named by the USDA or the University of Nebraska- out the entire 105-d period, and often exhibited faster
Lincoln. growth toward the end of the experiment.

Growth for soybean was outstanding at all times. bean, fababean, and lespedeza-species representative
Greatest dry weight of all species and treatments was of the legume types discussed above. Daily growth rate
recorded for soybean at 105 d and 30 "C (16.7 g pot-'), of soybean was rapid and similar at all temperatures
with yield at 20 "C only slightly less (14.6 g pot-I). The the first 21 d. Thereafter growth rates at 20 and 30 "C
only other species to produce more than 6.5 g pot-1 continued to increase while that at 10 "C declined to
was lespedeza at 105 d when grown at both 20 or very low levels. This resulted in a continual increase
30 "C. The outstanding growth rate of soybean may in dry weights at 20 and 30 "C (with slightly greater
reflect advances in performance of this species through values at 30 "C), and very little additionalgrowth after
genetic improvement. Much more effort has been de- 42 d at 10 "C. Growth rate for fababean was similar
voted to soybean breeding than to improvement of to that for soybean the first 21 d, but then declined,
the other species. with slowest growth rate at 30 "C. At the other ex-
Differencesbetween species may better be illustrated treme, lespedeza exhibited a very slow growth rate at
by the relative ranking of dry weights within a tem- all temperatures the first 21 d. At later samplings
perature and sampling date (Table 2). These rankings growth rate remained slow at 10 "C, but increased with
indicate that fababean and soybean would provide time at 20 and 30 "C. Growth after Day 83 was es-
greatest growth for an early spring planting when soil pecially rapid at 30 "C. This is reflected in continued
temperatures would be cool. Winter annuals such as increase in dry weights at 20 and 30 "C, especially at
hairy vetch or crimson clover also grew well at cool the later sampling dates.
temperatures. A summary of the dry-matter response is given in
At warmer temperatures, soybean and fababean Table 3. Maximum dry-matter production was great-
grew rapidly for the first 42 d. Sweetclover also per- est with soybean (16.7 g pot-'), followed by lespedeza.
formed relatively well at the harvest 42 d after treat- Maximum values for all other species were between
ment initiation. With a growth period greater than 42 6.5 and 4.4 g pot-I, except fieldpea which was below
d and at warmer temperatures, lespedeza, sweetclover, 3.0 g pot-'. Maximum dry matter was measured at
and soybean grew well. For short growth periods even Day 105 for all species except fieldpea which matured
at warm temperatures, lespedeza and white clover per- early (maximum at 63 d after treatment began). Max-
formed poorly. imum dry weights occurred at 10 "C for three species
The species investigated can be divided into several (fieldpea, crimson clover, and hairy vetch); at 20 "C
groups based upon their growth rates. Species such as for two species (fababean and white clover); and at
fababean initially grew rapidly, flowered, and then ex- 30 "C for three species (soybean, sweetclover, and
hibited a reduced growth rate. Similar patterns were lespedeza).
exhibited by fieldpea, crimson clover, and hairy vetch, Initial growth rate is reflected by the date at which
none of which exhibited good performance at 30 "C. 50% or more of species' maximum dry weight was
A second group, characterized by lespedeza,grew slow- recorded (Table 3). At both 10 and 30 "C, several spe-
ly initially but growth rate increased (especially at cies failed to achieve 50% of the maximum dry weight
warmer temperatures)later. Included in this group was achieved for that species. Fieldpea, fababean, and
white clover and possibly sweetclover. Soybean ap- crimson clover achieved this level of production most
peared to be in a separate group generally growing rapidly at both 10 and 20 "C. At 30 "C, fieldpea
exceptionally well under almost all conditions. reached 50% of maximum first, followed by soybean
Relationships among treatments are expressed and sweetclover. At all temperatures, sweetclover and
graphically in Fig. 1, showing daily growth rate of soy- white clover both required 63 to 84 d of treatment to

Table 2. Relative rate of growth (rank)of eight species studied at three soil temperatures and five sampling dates.?
Days of
treatmenti Soil temu. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
d "C
21 10 SB FP HV cc sc WCL LD
42 10 FB SB HV cc FP sc WCL LD
20 FB SB cc FP WCL sc LD HV
30 SB FB LD sc WCL cc HV FP
63 10 FP
__ WCL HV sc
__ cc LD FB SB
20 SB sc cc LD WCL HV FB FP
30 SB LD WCL sc HV FB cc FP
84 10 WCL cc LD HV sc SB FB FP
20 SB L€ cc sc WCL FB FP HV
30 SB LD WCL FB cc FP sc HV
105 10 WCL cc HV SB FB LD FP sc
20 SB LD WCL HV FB sc cc FP
30 SB LD sc WCL HV FB cc FP
f Plants were seeded 14 d prior to initiation of temperature treatments.
$ Days after initiation of temperature treatment (14 d after planting).
0 FB, fababeaq SB,s o y W , FP,fieldpea; HV, hairy vetch; CC, crimson clover, SC, sweetclover, WCL, white clover, and LD, lespedeza.

achieve 50% of their maximum yields. Using 3.0 g the experiment, in all instances water use essentially
pot-' (equivalent to 330 g m-2) as a minimum ac- increased linearly with time. Therefore, the daily water
ceptable production level, data in Table 3 indicate that use rates listed in Table 4 represent the average slopes
at 10 "C, soybean, hairy vetch, crimson clover, and of these water use curves over the growth period.
white clover produced at this level in 42, 63, 84, and Because the soil surfaces were covered, water-use
84 d after treatment initiation (56, 77, 98, and 98 d data represent water lost primarily by transpiration.
after planting), respectively. Consequently,for a given temperature, water-use rates
When deciding which legume species to use as a were closely related to growth rates, usually with great-
cover crop, consideration must be given not only to est water use for treatments exhibiting greatest growth.
relative growth rates as a function of temperature, but For example, at 10 "C, water-use rates were greatest
also to relative water use and time of water use by for fababean and hairy vetch, and least for lespedeza
different species. This is especially important for rain- (Table 4). At 20 "C, water-use rate was greatest for
fed agriculture where water deficits frequently limit soybean and fababean, and least for fieldpea. As in-
growth. Consequently daily water use from these ver- dicated by growth data, water-use rate at 30 "C was
miculite-covered pots was determined in this experi- greatest for soybean, and least for fieldpea. It is of
ment (Table 4).Because environmental conditions for interest to note that at 30 "C, water-use rate by les-
a given treatment were relatively constant throughout pedeza was intermediate whereas this species exhib-
ited relatively high dry-matter production by 105 d
Soybean after treatment initiation. This is a species that showed
a marked increase in both growth and water-use rate
--a-10% with increased temperature. At the other extreme, spe-
cies that grew well at 10 "C (hairy vetch, fababean,
fieldpea, crimson clover) showed little increase (or

Table 3. Maximum dry weight and days of treatment to reach or

exceed 50%of maximum dry weight or 3.0 g pot' for eight species
at three soil temperatures.?
-0 20 40 mi 80 loo 120
Maximum dry weight
B pot-' 16.7 6.5 2.9 6.4 4.8 4.4 5.2 10.1
days 105 105 63 105 105 105 105 105
Fababean temp PC) 30 20 10 10 10 30 20 30
--- Days of treatment to reach or exceed 50% maximum dry weight
- f --a- loc 10 "C
20 "C
8 42 21
84 42 42 105
84 63
30 "C 84 8 42 8 8 63 84 105
24 NS NS 23 Days of treatment to reach or exceed 3.0 g pot-'
10 "C 42 42 8 63 84 3 84 5
20 "C 42 42 5 105 63 63 84 84
30 "C 4 2 8 4 5 8 0 84 63
t Plants were seeded 74 d prior to initiation of temperature treatments.
# SB, soybean; FB, fababean; FP, fieldpea; HV, hairy vetch; CC, crimson clover,
SC, sweetclover, WCL, white clover, and LD, lespedeza
9 Indicates dry weights failed to meet production level indicated at any sampling

Table 4. Average daily water use rate (105 d of treatment) as affected

Lespedeza by soil temserature.
1ooc I Soil temDerature. "C
Speciest 10 20 30
ml day-' LSD 0.05
SB 18.7 60.8 79.5 6.6
FB 27.7 52.2 41.9# 5.0
FP 13.3$ 15.28 16.311 1.4
HV 29.3 36.9 31.7 3.3
cc 16.8 24.4 24.7 2.1
sc 19.9 34.2 41.6 3.9
WCL 19.9 29.1 30.7 2.7
LD 8.1 33.1 41.7 3.6
o a a m m io0 la, LSD 0.05 2.2 6.8 5.0
Days t SB, soybean; FB, fababean; FP, fieldpea; HV, hairy vetch; CC, crimson
clover; SC, sweetclover,WCL, white clover; and LD, lespedeza
Fig. 1. Growth rate for soybean (SB), fababean (FB), and lespedeza tTo86d
(LD) as affected by soil temperature and days after initiating tem- $To 65 d
perature treatments. llTo68d

Table 5. Water use efficiency of various species as affected by soil temperature and days of temperature treatment.
Days of
treatment Soil temp. SB FB FP HV cc SC WCL LD
d "C g L-' LSD 0.05
21 10 5.8 4.4 5.3 2.8 4.3 3.6 7.1 6 0.6
20 3.6 3.2 1.5 2.0 2.6 2.3 2.8 2:2 0.4
30 2.5 2.2 2.9 1.8 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.7 0.3
42 10 4.7 3.0 3.1 2.8 2.9 2.3 3.1 3.6 0.5
20 2.4 2.0 2.1 1.4 1.9 1.5 2.4 2.0 0.4
30 1.5 1.2 1.6 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.4 0.3
63 10 3.3 2.1 3.4 1.8 2.4 1.7 2.0 1.7 0.4
20 2.2 1.5 1.8 1.3 1.9 1.6 2.2 1.9 0.3
30 1.7 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.o 1.4 1.7 0.2
84 10 2.8 ll n 2.1 2.4 1.5 2.2 2.5 0.3
20 2.1 n n 0.9 2.0 1.5 1.7 2.0 0.3
30 1.8 n n 0.7 1.o 0.9 1.3 1.7 0.3
105 10 2.6 n 1 2.1 2.7 1.2 2.2 2.5 0.4
20 2.3 ll n 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.7 2.3 0.3
30 2.0 n 7 0.7 0.8 1.o 1.1 2.3 0.3
LSD 0.05 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3
SB, soybean; FB, fababean; FP, fieldpea; HV, hairy vetch; CC, crimson clover, SC, sweetclover, WCL, white clover; and LD, lespedeza.
$ Days after initiation of temperature treatment (14 d after planting).
5 No data, insufficient growth.
ll Plants maturing, no data.

sometimes an actual decrease) in water-use rate when ly reduce soil-water content most. In dry years, this
soil temperature was increased from 20 to 30 "C. could create a problem for establishing the grain crop.
Through the incorporation of cover crops, organic In field studies with an early May planting in Ne-
matter is added to the soil, often at the expense of braska (soil temperatures near 10 "C), Gilley et al.
stored soil water. This may be a critical exchange for (1989) found that soybean, hairy vetch, crimson clo-
rain-fed conditions. Consequently water-use efficiency ver, and white clover required 69, 5 1, 136, and 104 d,
measurements (units of dry matter per unit of water) respectively, to provide 100% surface ground cover.
may be of major importance in selecting species to use In this experiment, at 10 "C it required these same
for cover crops. Results from this experiment generally species 56,77,98, and 98 d after planting, respectively,
show that species that grow best usually had greatest to produce 3.0 g dry matter per pot (equivalent to 94-
water-use efficiency (Table 5). Likewise, water-use ef- 100%ground cover using equations developed in the
ficiency usually decreased with plant age, and was above publication). It is of interest that the time re-
greatest at the lowest temperature. quirement for a given species was similar in both the
As suggested above, water-use efficiency for soybean field and greenhouse experiments.
was relatively high under almost all conditions be- These results indicate that if the period during which
cause of the exceptional growth that usually occurred the cover crop can be grown is relatively short, annual
with soybean. For early samplings, fababean also ex- legumes would usually be the best species to grow. For
hibited high water-use efficiency. At warmer temper- growth periods less than 60 d, fieldpea, fababean, and
atures and later samplings, water-use efficiency for soybean perform very well. At warmer temperatures
lespedeza was relatively high. At both 10 and 20 "C, (at 20 and especially at 30 "C), crimson clover and
crimson clover showed relatively high efficiency in even lespedeza may also be good selections. With a
water use, usually considerably higher than hairy longer period for active growth at 10 "C, performance
vetch. Under most conditions sweetclover was inter- of white clover, crimson clover, and hairy vetch usu-
mediate in water-use efficiency. ally would be best. However with warmer tempera-
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION tures and longer growing periods, soybean and
lespedeza should be considered. Under these condi-
Selection of the best species to use as a cover crop tions, special attention may be given to lespedeza be-
is dependent on a number of factors. These include cause of its high water-use efficiency. However,
time of the year the cover crop will be grown, soil and particular note should be made of soybean in this re-
climate characteristics of the site, water availability, gard. For every treatment combination studied, soy-
and related factors. If the growth period for the cover bean was among the top three species in growth and
crop is short, annuals would generally perform best, water-use efficiency.
whereas biennials or perennials may be used with long- With the information presented here, a producer
er growing periods. If located in a climate where lim- could select potential species to use for a given con-
ited water availability may impair establishment of the dition. For corn or sorghum, potential species include
main crop, particular attention must also be given to winter annuals as hairy vetch or crimson clover (if
water requirements and water-use characteristics of winter kill is not a problem) or early spring annuals
the cover crop. Because of the close relationship be- like fababean or fieldpea. For winter grain crops, can-
tween growth rate and water use, cover crop species didate legumes include soybean seeded after wheat
that exhibit rapid growth at the time of their destruc- harvest or white clover, lespedeza, or sweetclover seed-
tion (before planting the following grain crop) will like- ed in the spring. In all instances, especially with rain-

fed agriculture, special attention must be given to po-

tential water use by the legume.

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