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For better tomorrow...

Sub: The Age of Guptas Max. Marks: 20

Std.: IX (ICSE) Date: 01-08-21 Duration: 40mins

1. Answer the following questions: [6]

(i) Why is the Gupta Period known as the Golden age of Indian culture?
(ii) What contribution did Aryabhatta make in the field of science, astronomy and
(iii) How was Samudragupta a bold and great conqueror?

2. Answer the following questions in brief.

(i) With reference to the administrative systems of the Guptas, answer the following
a) Explain the position and powers of the king during the Gupta Age. [3]
b) Describe briefly the administration of villages during the Gupta period. [4]

(ii) With reference to the Age of the Guptas, answer the following questions:
a) Explain the extent of Samudragupta’s Empire based on the information given in
the Allahabad Pillar Inscription. [3]
b) Explain how Chandragupta II expanded his empire. [4]

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