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Geographical Informations
Clime: England’s climate is temperate with warm summers, cold winters and a lot
of precipitation during the year.

Population: England's population is about 51 million, around 84% of the

population of the United Kingdom, and is largely concentrated in London.

Rivers: The most important rivers in England are Thames, Mersey and Tyne

Governance: As part of the United Kingdom, the basic political system in England
is a constitutional monarchy.

Economy: The economy of England is the largest part of the UK's economy. It is
a leader in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors and in key technical
industries, particularly aerospace, the arms industry, and the manufacturing side of
the software industry.


1. The most common image people have of a typical Englishman is a

man wearing a bowler hat and reading theTimes newspaper.
2. The British are known as a nation of tea-drinkers
3. England is known for the rainy and cloudy weather too.
4. It has some of the best universities in the world: Cambridge. Oxford ,
5. British accent is unique and it its called Queen’s English
6. Cricket is officially recognized as England's national sport
7. The traditional English breakfast consists of eggs, bacon, sausages,
fried bread, and mushrooms.
8. The red double Decker buses are famous all over the world. You can
see loads of them in London.
9. The British are known for their manners dress and speech.
10. The Queen's Guards are famous for their red and black uniform.


Geographical Informations
Clime: The clime is temperate continental and ranges between hot summers and very
cold winters.

Population: 22.225. 421 and 54% of them live in towns and cities.

Rivers: The main rivers in Romania are: Mures, Bistrita, Olt, Dunarea Ialomita, Arges,

Governance: Romania has a republic governance

Economy: Romania has a developing market economy . The sectors of it are:

agriculture , fishing, industry and service.


1. Romania is known especially for Transylvania part which is considered

to be the home of Dracula
2. Nadia Comaneci and Gheorghe Hagi are the two personalities who made
Romania famous in sport world.
3. The Danube Delta is one of the most amazing natural environment on
the continent and it is also the best preserved .
4. The capital of Romania, Bucharest in known as the “Little Paris”
5. In Bucharest is The Palace of the Parliament which is a multi-purpose
building containing both chambers of the Romanian Parliament . According
to the Guinness Book of World Records , the Palace is the world's largest
civilian administrative building, most expensive administrative building, and
heaviest building.
6. The Bran castle is the place where Dracula lived.
7. Romanian people are very good cookers.
8. Sibiu is known as the cultural capital of Romania.
9. The specific Romanian food are polenta and cabbage
10. The Arch of Triumph.
Romania and England are different in every single way. First of all England is a
developed country with a strong economy and traditions. The British people , even
if are mannered , they are less hospitable than the Romanian ones. Comparing the
population we can see that England has almost double of Romanian population
but most of the people from both countries live in cities. The governance is
different too but both of them are appropriate for their country. And even if
Romania doesn’t represent a world power like England , it is one of the most
beautiful region in Europe.

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