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Papua New Guinea is a federal constitutional monarchy with three spheres of government:
national, provincial and local. Local government is enshrined in the constitution. No
women were elected to parliament during the 2017 national election and in 2013 1.4% of
councillors elected were women. There are 22 provinces, the national capital area of Port
Moresby, the autonomous region of Bougainville and 89 districts. Local governments are
called local-level governments (LLGs). There are 31 urban LLGs and 265 rural LLGs, making
a total of 296 local governments. There is little difference in either the composition or
the functions and responsibilities of the two types of government. The main governing
legislation is the Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local-level Governments 1995
and the Local-level Governments Administration Act 1997. The Department of Provincial
and Local Government Affairs (DPLGA) within the Ministry of Inter-Government Relations
has statutory responsibility for all matters relating to local government. Local governments
may levy a variety of local taxes and charges. There are government transfers to cover staff
salaries as well as for specific development projects. In 2019, local government expenditure
was approximately 1.4% of total government expenditure. LLGs are responsible for water
supply and have joint responsibility with provinces for roads, waste disposal, health and
environmental protection, economic promotion and tourism.

1.  NATONAL GOVERNMENT ■■ District Development Authority Act 2015

Papua New Guinea is a federal ■■ City Authority Act 2015
constitutional monarchy with a unicameral ■■ National Planning Act 2016.
parliament. The head of state is HM Queen KEY FACTS
Elizabeth II who is represented by a
2.3  Proposed legislative changes
governor-general. The governor-general can
serve a maximum of two six-year terms and In February 2014, parliament amended the POPULATION (2020 estimate):
is indirectly elected by the members of the Organic Law on Provincial Governments 8,969,000
parliament with a simple majority for the and Local-level Governments 1995 to
remove the joint district planning and AREA:
first term, but needs a two-thirds majority 462,840 sq km
to secure a second term. The 111 members budget priorities committees. The Organic
of the parliament (known as MPs) are Law now establishes a district development CAPITAL:
directly elected through universal adult authority DDA in each district. Review of Port Moresby
suffrage from 22 provincial and 89 district the current Organic Law has led to the
proposal of new and revised legislation - an CURRENCY:
single-seat constituencies. The governor-
‘Organic Law on Greater Decentralisation’. kina (PGK)
general appoints a prime minister from
among the MPs, who is usually the leader The new law is intended to transfer more
of the majority party or largest party within powers to the provincial governments and
HM Queen Elizabeth II
a coalition following a general election. DDAs through a service delivery partnership
A cabinet of 33 is then appointed from framework. GOVERNOR-GENERAL:
amongst the MPs by the governor-general Sir Robert Dadae
on the advice of the prime minister. There 2.4  Traditional leadership
are 22 provincial assemblies - one for each Papua New Guinea is culturally and Prime Minister James Marape
province - as well as additional assemblies traditionally the one of most diverse
for the autonomous region of Bougainville countries in the world with over 1,000 FORM OF GOVERNMENT:
and the national capital district of Port different tribes who speak over 800 constitutional monarchy
Moresby. Each assembly comprises the different languages. The tribes are made
MPs from that province, one additional up of clans which are in turn made up of
woman representative, three chieftaincy sub-clans which consist of family units.
representatives (where appropriate) and up Each tribe has a leader who commands STATE STRUCTURE:
to three other nominated members. authority and is responsible for giving federal
orders on issues relating the tribe. Coastal
communities will often utilise chieftancy LANGUAGES:
as a system of leadership. Since the English, TokPisin, HiriMotu (official)
2.1  Constitutional provisions introduction of the local government NATIONAL ELECTIONS:
council system in 1995, ward members last: 2017, turnout: na; next: 2022
Local government is enshrined in the
or councillors have become well
recognised and respected leaders within WOMEN IN PARLIAMENT (2019):
local communities. Councillors will often 0%
2.2  Main legislative texts work closely with traditional leaders to
resolve issues and make key decisions
Sections 26, 27 and 28 of the Organic last: June 2019, turnout: na; next: 2024
concerning tribes or clans.

Law on Provincial Governments

and Local-level Governments 1995
2.5  National urban policy na (2019)
provides for the establishment
of LLGs Local-level Governments The City Authority Act 2015 was
Administration Act 1997 introduced for those urban LLGs that
as percentage of total government
have been granted city status. These city
■■ Provincial Governments expenditure 2019:
authorities will be restructured along
Administration Act 1997 1.4% 171

Table 35.1a  Distribution of councils and population 4.4  Women’s representation

Region Provinces Urban Rural Total Population Population % rural The In each LLG at least two women
LLGs LLGs LLGs (2011 Census) (2020 est.) (2011) must be nominated for election. This
has ensured the inclusion of at least
Southern 6 6 61 67 1,302,887 na na
one female member in each of the 296
Highlands 7 10 104 114 3,001,598 na na local governments, and this member is
appointed as women’s representative. .
Momase 4 8 90 98 1,795,474 na na
Islands 5 5 47 52 959,694 na na
TOTAL 22 31 365 296 7,059,653 8,969,000 90.2 5.1  Legal requirement and
5.2 Implementation
Source: DPLGA communication with CLGF and 2011 Census35.3a UN population estimates35.3b The Organic Law on Provincial Governments
and Local-level Governments 1995 provides
lines similar to the National Capital a ward system. There are 6,375 wards for participative structures, including a
District Commission, which governs Port with each ward returning one member. committee system that involves reporting
Moresby. In March 2019 the Minister of LLGs have full discretion to establish the from community meetings to the LLG
Inter-governmentel relations approved committees they deem necessary to via ward development committees. Each
decisions tranferring key technical carry out their functions effectively and ward development committee comprises
functions of the urban LLGs to the newly efficiently. Each LLG may also have up to the elected member for the ward (who is
established city authorities. three additional members appointed to the chairperson) and a maximum of five
represent the following interest groups: community representatives (of whom two
3.  STRUCTURE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT the Papua New Guinea Trades’ Union must be women) as associate members.
3.1  Local government within the state Congress, the Employers’ Federation, and The function of the ward development
women’s organisations. In rural areas two committee is to serve as a consultative and
There are three spheres of government:
women are nominated. advisory committee to the LLG. Citizens are
national, provincial and local. Local
governments are called local-level also directly involved through participatory
governments (LLGs). There are 31 4. ELECTIONS bottom-up planning at the ward and LLG
urban LLGs and 265 rural LLGs. There 4.1  Recent local elections levels, and this process includes all groups
is currently little difference in either Local government elections are held every of people living in a ward. This empowers
the composition or the functions and five years. The latest local elections were communities to identify their priorities
responsibilities of the two types of held in 2019, and the next 2024. with their own plans and budgets, which
government. However this structure will are then incorporated into LLG, district and
be changed if the proposed Organic Law provincial plans.
on ‘Greater Decentralisation’ is passed by 4.2  Voting system
the national parliament. In the past the first-past-the-post
5.3  ICT use in citizen engagement
voting system was used, but more
recently, it has the limited preferential Mobile telecommunications are now
3.2  Ministerial oversight accessible by all LLGs and wards in the
voting (LPV) system. The 2013 elections
The Department of Provincial and Local were the second time the LPV system country, making communication much
Government Affairs35.3b (DPLGA) has was used. Under the LPV systemhas easier. Social media is also being widely
statutory responsibility for all matters been used, ward councillors and used to hold elected leaders at all levels
relating to local government. The minister presidents are elected directly by the accountable.
has the power to dismiss members for people, whereas previously councillors
misconduct in office or for neglect of duty. elected their presidents. Political parties 6.  ORGANISED LOCAL GOVERNMENT
do not generally align with politics at the The Papua New Guinea Urban Local-level
3.3  Council types local level. Government Association35.6 (PNGULLGA)
In both urban and rural LLGs, the head represents urban local government in
of the LLG (known as the president) 4.3  Elected representatives Papua New Guinea. It is recognised in
is directly elected by the electorate. law and membership of the association
All provinces have directly elected
LLGs have an average of 19 members, is mandatory for all urban LLGs.
elected for a five-year term based on PNGULLGA aims to encourage and
protect effective and efficient democratic
Table 35.1b  Women councillors and mayors following the last three local elections local government in the urban areas. The
association is funded by membership
Election 2008 2013 2019 contributions. The association is viewed as
Councillors # % # % # %
an NGO and does not receive any direct
grants from national government to
Elected female councillors na na 89 1.4 na na support its operations; however, funding
support may be provided if requested
Male councillors na na 6,097 98.6 na na on a case-by-case basis. There is no
association for rural LLGs.
Total councillors na 100.0 6,186 100.0 na 100.0

Chairpersons # % # % # % 7.  INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS

PNGULLGA works in partnership with
Female presidents 3 na 1 3.4 na na
national government and its agencies.
Male presidents na na 28 96.6 na na The Ministry of Inter-Government
Relations has specific responsibility for the
Total presidents na 100.0 29 100.0 na 100.0 promotion of intergovernmental relations
but other ministries and departments
Source: Ministry correspondence with CLGF35.4


Table 35.2a  Income and expenditure for local government 2015/16 national public service and are recruited
centrally through the Department
Income 2015/16 PGKm Expenditure 2015/16 PGKm
of Personnel Management and
Centre–local transfers Administration Provincial Administration. They come
under the provincial administration
Transfers to LLGs 165.5 Staff na human resources structure. The
district administrator is also the chief
Transfers to wards 63.8 Other administrative costs na
executive officer of the LLG in a district,
Council leader salaries ~2
and is responsible for administrative
services and the coordination of
Locally raised revenue Services policy formulation, planning and
implementation. National-level officers
Property taxes na Roads na of the public service may from time
to time be deployed to work within
Licences and fees na Water na
the districts. Local salaries are paid by
Other income na Other na
national government in the form of a
specific grant.
Source: Compiled by CLGF from figures provided by DPLGA DELIVERY RESPONSIBILITY
have similar roles. The Organic Law ■■ domestic animal licence fees 10.1  Overview of local government
on Provincial Governments and Local- service delivery responsibility
■■ billboard fees
level Governments 1995 provides for a Most public services are provided by the
■■ fees for small-scale logging
provincial–LLG mediation and arbitration national government with support from
■■ other charges, fees and fines. the provinces, DDAs and city authorities,
tribunal. This body was created to
settle disputes between or within The DPLGA supervises locally raised as well as LLGs. Local governments are
the different spheres of government. taxes through budget approval and involved in: the development of roads
In each province, LLGs compile their reporting. and parks; refuse collection and disposal;
plans and budgets for submission to health and environmental protection;
a district development authority. The economic promotion and tourism; and are
9.3 Transfers also responsible for water supply. LLGs are
implementation and oversight of the
The standard grants made to local empowered to generate internal revenue
resulting five-year development plan is
government include: administration as a means to sustain and improve
principallyresponsibility of the provincial
support grant (unconditional); staffing their service delivery. Service delivery
government, working with LLGs.
grant; development grants; town and responsibilities of LLGs are clearly outlined
urban services grants. LLGs are also in Organic Law.They are also engaged,
8.  MONITORING SYSTEMS given K500,000 annually for service through the DPLGA, in the delivery of the
Independent scrutiny of LLGs is provided improvements. This is in addition to a World Bank’s Rural Service Delivery and
by the Public Services Commission and direct allocation of K10,000 annually Local Governance programme, which aims
the auditor general. made to each of the 6,375 council wards. to strengthen community engagement in
service delivery.
9.4 Loans
As legitimate governments, LLGs can 10.2  ICT use in service delivery
9.1  Local government expenditure
apply for loans to assist in delivering The LLGs use email and internet
Most LLGs rely heavily on national services but, given the lack of steady for communication between local
government for funding both their income flows to repay the loans, governments and national agencies,
recurrent and development budgets. commercial banks are not keen to lend and computers and laptops to produce
Only a few urban LLGs collect fees and to them. Some well-established business reports and collect data to assist in
rates; it is therefore not possible to provide arms of LLGs do take out commercial service delivery.
accurate income and expenditure. loans.
10.3  The role of local government
9.2  Locally raised revenue 9.5  Local authority staff in achieving the UN’ Sustainable
Local governments may levy: All elected council leaders are full- Development Goals (SDGs)
time and are paid 400-700 per month To help achieve the SDGs, the national
■■ taxes, fees and charges for under the current allowance policy.
community services government has developed a service
This remuneration is approved by delivery framework, a service delivery
■■ public entertainment taxes the National Executive Council .Local agreement and a set of minimum
■■ general trading licence fees government staff are members of the standards for districts and LLGs. It is also
Table 35.2b  Local government expenditure gradually transferring more powers and
as a percentage of total government expenditure 2019 functions to provinces, DDAs and LLGs.

2017 2018 2019 The World Bank Rural Service Delivery

estimated estimated budgeted programme (see section 10.1) together
(PGKm) (PGKm) (PGKm)
with bottom-up planning through the
Total government expenditure 13,835 14,727.9 16,133.5 LLG and ward plans, is also contributing
to the national SDG planning. In the last
Total local government expenditure 227.8 na 231.3 five years Papua New Guinea has faced
many challenges in terms of meeting
Local government expenditure
1.6% na 1.4% the development indicators ofthe UN
as a percentage of total government expenditure
SDGs but has also made significant
Source: Calculated by CLGF from the figures in table 2a and the 2017 national budget statement35.9 173

progress. Going forward national 35.3c Department of Provincial 35.10 No reference for this section
government intends to place greater and Local Government Affairs 35.11a World Population Prospects 2019
focus on sustaining future improvement
at the community level. 35.4 Electoral Commission Publications/Files/WPP2019_ DataBooklet.pdf
REFERENCES AND USEFUL WEBSITES 35.5 No reference for this section 35.11b UN statistics surface area
35.1a National government portal 35.6 PNG ULLGA http://wilgpacific. org/whats-new/news/re- demographic/products/dyb/
35.1b Women in national parliaments establishment-png-urban- dyb2006/Table03.pdf
Inter-Parliamentary Union local-level-government- 35.11c Commonwealth Local association-png-ullga Government knowledge hub
35.2 Constitution of papua New 35.7 No reference for this section
Guinea 35.8 No reference for this section knowledge-hub
constitution-of-the-independent- 35.9 Based on figures in table 2a 35.11d UNDP HDR PNG country profile
state-of-papua-new-guinea and
35.3a Population census com/content/dam/Deloitte/pg/ profiles/PNG Documents/financial-services/
population-and-social deloitte-pg-fs-papua-new-guinea-
35.3b UN population estimate 2019 budget-2019-151118.pdf.pdf for total government expenditure in


Annex 35a  Summary of service provision in different spheres of government in Papua New Guinea
Delivering authority

Services National government Provinces Urban LLGs Rural LLGs Remarks

Police n
Fire protection n
Most services are provided
Civil protection n by the national government
Criminal justice n with support given by
both provincial and local
Civil status register n governments as indicated
Statistical office n
Electoral register n
Pre-school (kindergarten and nursery) n n
Primary n n
Secondary n
Vocational and technical n
Higher education n
Adult education n
Family welfare services n
Welfare homes n
Social security n
Primary care n
Hospitals n
Health protection n
Housing n
Town planning n
Regional planning n
Roads n n n n
Transport n
Urban roads n n n
Urban rail nil
Ports n
Airports n
Water and sanitation n n n
Refuse collection and disposal n
Cemeteries and crematoria n
Slaughterhouses n n n
Environmental protection n n n
Consumer protection n n n
Theatres and concerts n n n n
Museums and libraries n n n n
Parks and open spaces n n n
Sports and leisure facilities n n n n
Religious facilities n n n n
Gas services
District heating
Water supply n n n
Electricity n
Agriculture, forests and fisheries n
Local economic development/promotion n
Trade and industry n
Tourism n
n sole responsibility service n joint responsibility service n discretionary service 175

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