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Topic: Operational research

Roll no: 23

Class/Section: BS Math-7

Submitted to: Prof. Zartasha Aslam

Submitted by: Mian Muhammad Abdullah

Operational Research:
Operational research (O.R.), also called operations research in USA, has been
defined as the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better
decisions. It can be described, according to the International Federation of Operational
Research Societies (IFORS), as a scientific approach to the solution of problems in the
management of complex systems. It relies in a methodology mostly based in the use of
mathematical models.
O.R. is the application of modern methods of mathematical science to complex prob-
lems involving management of large systems of men, machines, materials, and money in
industry, business, government and defence. The distinctive approach is to develop a
scientific model of the system incorporating measurement of factors such as chance and
risk, to predict and compare the outcome of alternative decisions, strategies or controls. It
is the application of the scientific methods by scientists and subject specialists to the study
of the given operation. Its purpose is to give administration, a basis for predicting
quantitatively the most effective results of an operation under given set of variable
conditions and thereby to provide a sound basis for “decision-making”.
The subject of operation research was born during Second World War in U.K., and
was used for military strategy. During World War II, a group of scientists, having
representatives from mathematics, statistics, physical and social sciences were entrusted to
the study of various military operations. This team was very successful and greatly
contributed to the meticulous handling of entire operation and related problems of the
After the World War II, it was started applying in the fields of industry, trade, agriculture,
planning and various other fields of economy.
It can be used for solving different types of problems, such as:
Problems dealing with the waiting line, the arrival of units or persons requiring ser-
Problems dealing with the allocation of material or activities among limited
Equipment replacement problems.
Problems dealing with production processing i.e., production control and material
Phases in Operation Research Study:
Since, the main objective of operation research is to provide better quantitative
information’s for making decision. Now our aim is to learn how we can have better
The procedure for making decisions with the OR study generally involves the following

1) Judgment Phase:

Determination of operation.
Determination of objectives.
Determination of effectiveness of measures.
Determination of type of problem, its origin and causes.
2) Research Phase:
Observation and data collection for better understanding of the problem.
Formulation of relevant hypothesis and models.
Analysis of available information and verification of hypothesis.
Production and generation of results and consideration of alternatives.
3) Action Phase:
Recommendations for remedial action to those who first posed the problem, this
includes the assumptions made, scope and limitations, alternative courses of ac-
tion and their effect.
Putting the solution to work: implementation.
Linear programming
Linear programming is used as a mathematical method for determining and planning for
the best outcomes and was developed during World War II by Leonid Kantorovich in 1937.
It was a method used to plan expenditures and returns in a way that reduced costs for the
military and possibly caused the opposite for the enemy.
Linear programming is part of an important area of mathematics called "optimization
techniques" as it is literally used to find the most optimized solution to a given problem.
The basic components of linear programming are as follows:
Decision variables - These are the quantities to be determined.
Objective function - This represents how each decision variable would affect the
cost, or, simply, the value that needs to be optimized.
Constraints - These represent how each decision variable would use limited
amounts of resources.
Data - These quantify the relationships between the objective function and the
In spite of having many advantages and wide areas of applications, there are some
limitations associated with this technique. These are as follows:
Linear programming assumes linear relationships among decision variables.
However, in real-life problems, decision variables, neither in the objective function
nor in the constraints are linearly related.
While solving an LP model there is no guarantee that decision variables will get
integer value. For example, how many men/machines would be required to perform

a particular job, a non-integer valued solution will be meaningless. Rounding off the
solution to the nearest integer will not yield an optimal solution.
The linear programming model does not take into consideration the effect of time
and uncertainty.
Parameters in the model are assumed to be constant but in real-life situations, they
are frequently neither known nor constant.
Linear programming deals with only single objective, whereas in real-life situations
a decision problem may have conflicting and multiple objectives.

Formulation of Linear Programming Model

Step 1
From the study of the situation find the key-decision to be made. In the given situation key
decision is to decide the extent of products 1, 2 and 3, as the extents are permitted to vary.
Step 2
Assume symbols for variable quantities noticed in step 1. Let the extents (amounts) of
products 1, 2 and 3 manufactured daily be x, y and z units respectively.
Step 3
Express the feasible alternatives mathematically in terms of variable. Feasible alternatives
are those which are physically, economically and financially possible. In the given situation
feasible alternatives are sets of values of x, y and z units respectively. where x, y and z ≥ 0.
since negative production has no meaning and is not feasible.
Step 4
Mention the objective function quantitatively and express it as a linear function of
variables. In the present situation, objective is to maximize the profit.
i.e., Z = 4x+ 3y + 6z
Step 5
Put into words the influencing factors or constraints. These occur generally because of
constraints on availability (resources) or requirements (demands). Express these
constraints also as linear equations/inequalities in terms of variables.
Here, constraints are on the machine capacities and can be mathematically expressed as
2x+ 3y + 2z ≤ 440
4x+ 0y + 3z ≤ 470
2x+ 5y + 0z ≤ 430

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