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Supplementary material. Table 1: Summary of SIMA models, content, data sources and state of validation. References are in manuscript.

Model Type Content Data sources Status

Hydrodynamic Process based Equations for momentum, continuity and River inflow from gauged rivers. Hindcast for Dec 2014-Jan 2016.
Herzfeld (2018) conservation of heat and salt, employing the Model-based boundary and initial Near real time mode post Jan
hydrostatic and Boussinesq assumptions conditions taken from models 2016. Skill assessed versus
applied on a curvilinear grid. Outputs from maintained by the Australian observed sea levels, sea surface
the model include three-dimensional Bureau of Meteorology. temperature and salinity.
distributions of velocity, temperature,
salinity, density, passive tracers, mixing
coefficients and sea-level. Inputs required by
the model include forcing due to wind,
atmospheric pressure gradients, surface
heat and water fluxes and open-boundary
conditions such as tides and low frequency
ocean currents.
Catchment Process based Flow model of the instantaneous flows of all Topography, precipitation, ET, Compared against gauged
major freshwater systems discharging into temperature and snow/ice cover rivers.
the area of interest.
Sediment Process based Multiple layers with a thin layer of easily Parameter values have where Predicted sediment
Wild-Allen et al (2018) resuspendable material overlying thicker possible been sourced from characteristics were found to
Margvelashvili (2009) layers of consolidated sediment. It deals literature reporting local most closely match the
with viscosity, remineralization, and observations in Chile or otherwise characteristics of locally
resuspension. found from model parameter data observed particles.
libraries (Robson et al., 2018) or
modelling studies in Australian
temperate waters (Wild-Allen et
al., 2013; Wild-Allen &
Andrewartha 2016).
Biogeochemical Process based Tracks the flux of N and P through three size As for the sediment model. Validated (spatial and temporal)
Wild-Allen et al (2018) structured phytoplankton and two against observations collected
zooplankton groups, as well as in the region during 2015-16 by
microphytobenthos, macroalgae, shellfish IFOP and from 4 mooring
beds, dissolved nutrient pools and 2 detritus locations maintained by the
classes. It includes diffusion, gas exchange, Chilean MUSEL project. Optical
adsorption, nitrification/denitrification and model products are compared
the main ecological processes associated against MODIS images.
with primary production, consumption and
mortality. A full optical model is also
Connectivity Statistical and Statistical particle tracking using flows from Parameters for particle behavior No independent drifter data
Gorton and Condie Process based the hydrodynamic model. Current fields taken from parameter repository was available for validation, but
(2018) from the near real time hydrodynamic and the literature on the behavior the model utilises the validated
model were interpolated onto a regular of Chilean pathogens (as hydrodynamic model (see
latitude-longitude grid (resolution ~ 0.005 summarized in Table 2.1 of Gorton above). Experts on the system
degrees), along with wind fields. These and Condie 2018). agree with the forecast
drivers were then used to drive the dispersal dispersal pathways, which also
model – seeded with a100 particles per grid concur with those from other
cell per day (in the user selected source/sink operational oceanography
location) over the user specified release products in the region (
period. Final particle distributions are
presented in two ways: either as a
percentage (per grid cell) of all the particles
released ending up in that grid cell; or as a
cumulative exposure of cells to particles
over the dispersal time, again expressed as a
percentage of all the particles released.
These dispersal statistics were used to
calculate network connectivity metrics
between the aquaculture farms in the
Farm scale Minimum realistic This farm-scale epidemiological model The model was parameterised Model skill was high for Los
Richards (2018) simulates fish growth, fish mortality, and using data reported by industry to Lagos and Aysén regions, but
disease dynamics. The model considers SERNAPESCA as part of standard poorer for Magallanes due to
three fish species Atlantic salmon (Salmo production, mortality and disease the sparse data for the region.
salar), Coho salmon (Oncorhyncus kisutch), treatment reporting between Nevertheless, the fits of the
and rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss). August 2010 and September 2017 model predictions are quite
The growth and mortality models are tight around the observations
deterministic, while the disease model is (Richards 2018).
Bioeconomic Econometric Bioeconomic model of the production of The biological components of the The results of the standard
van Putten et al (2018) Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Coho salmon model are parameterized from parameterization of the model
(Oncorhyncus kisutch), and rainbow trout industry data held by SERNAPESCA have been verified by industry
(Oncorhyncus mykiss). The model marries a (spanning August 2010 to experts in Chile.
simplified form of the farm-scale growth and September 2017). Economic data is
mortality models with an economic model drawn from FAO (2018b),
of production costs and revenue generation. production and treatment data
held by SERNAPESCA , SalmonChile
2017, and Chile Aduanas Customs
Benthic impacts Statistical An empirical biphasic impact-response curve The curves were developed using While the relationships are
Bravo (2018) for benthos state in response to organic the database of the Informes noisy (see data plots in Bravo
loading. This was possible as both Sanitarios y Ambientales (2018)) the final curves are a
abundance and diversity correlate with Acuicultura (INFA) monitoring good representation of the
organic matter, pH and redox in sediments. program of SERNAPESCA (from median and capture well the
The formulation of the curve was modified 2012 to 2017). nonlinear relationships between
from the standard Hill equation according benthic biomass, organic
Veroli et al., (2015). enrichment and redox – the
relationships also capture the
thresholds in the response.
System The system model represents the entire The model draws on very many The overall model produces
Fulton et al (2018) Input socioecological system of each of the data sources as detailed below plausible dynamics that
regions Los Lagos, Aysén and Magallanes. It (with full parameterization given in resonate with local residents (as
includes many individual components as Fulton et al (2018)). discussed in workshops held in
detailed below. the region) and regional
statistics for production
Environmental drivers The first components are the environmental The physical drivers are taken from recorded by government
drivers (temperature, rainfall, irradiance and the physical, biogeochemical and agencies such as IFOP,
current flows). connectivity models as well as SERNAPESCA, SUBPESCA and
observational time series available Instituto Nacional de
at Estasísticas
HABs Data-based A footprint of harmful algal blooms with all The footprints are represented by As the footprints are based on
components in this footprint suffering stochastically drawing from the observations, they match
mortality or modified rate parameters. historical locations of previous historical patterns of
blooms (using data supplied by distribution.
local oceanographers) and the
intensity of the bloom based on
historical observations or scenario
definition. Impact rates are taken
from literature and scaled based
on the intensity of the bloom (see
Fulton et al (2018) for more
Benthos Statistical Seabed beta biodiversity characterization Biodiversity survey data was The resulting biodiversity maps
map calculated from empirical observations accessed from the Fundacion match regional water column
using the R package gradientForest (method Huinay (Los Lagos), with data on and bathymetry patterns as well
as of Ellis et al 2012; Pitcher et al 2012). sediment and water quality as major geographic breaks. The
conditions from samples collected patterns concur with expert
by Instituto de Fomento Pesquero knowledge of distributions in
(IFOP). the region.
Sediment & water Statistical Scalars on input values are used to reflect Scalars are derived from Soto and As the relationships are based
quality indices of the dynamic state of water Norambuena (2004) and Leipe et on observations, they match
column and sediment conditions – al (2011). historical patterns.
specifically nutrients, organic material and
oxygen levels.
Kelp beds Cellular automata A simple carrying capacity-based The model is parameterized based The patterns concur with expert
formulation is used to represent the on Buschmann et al. (1994) and knowledge of distributions in
biomass of kelp beds per cell. Abreu et al (2009). the region and their evolution
through time.
Wild mussel banks Cellular automata Biomass model per area adapted from a Wild mussel biomass was The patterns concur with expert
model for Mytilus galloprovincialis. initialised based on Flores et al knowledge of distributions in
(2015), with growth model the region and their evolution
parameterized based on through time.
Bustamante and Branch (1996).
Sealions and whales Agent based Agent based model of key marine mammals Rates were taken from The numbers and distribution
in the region. These animals move toward observations shared by concur with observations taken
the highest prey biomasses in their researchers working in the region, in the region and census counts
immediate vicinity (which can include SeaLifeBase over the past 15 years.
salmon pens for the sealions). Food (
demand is based on what is needed given an and Rosas et al (1993), SUBPESCA
age dependent growth rate (which in turn is (1999), Venegas et al (2002), Vilata
set as the increment needed to meet et al (2010) and Reyes et al (2013).
observed size at age). Mortality is applied
stochastically, with the probability of death
conditioned on: (i) a background level of
0.004 per month; (ii) the level of shipping
traffic; and (iii) condition.
Wild fish and Age structured Biomass based metapopulation model of Parameterised based on stock The biomass (and catch levels
invertebrates cellular automata key target species in the region - hake, assessments supplied by IFOP and supported) concur with the
sardine, urchin, crab. Punt et al (2016) IFOP assessments. The spatial
distributions and depletion
patterns through time concur
with local expert knowledge.
Terrestrial vegetation Cellular automata Metapopulation model of land cover types, Initialised using data from The evolution of land use
including agriculture, plantations and and through time matches the
grassland-forest succession and disturbance. general patterns observed for
Parameterisation based on Gray the regions (as stored in
et al (2006) and Heckbert (2013). historical maps and GIS layers
held by
Salmon farms Agent based The growth, production and mortality (due In addition to parameters taken The validated state is as of the
minimum realistic to pathogens and background mortality) from the bioeconomic and farm- farm-scale and bioeconomic
were based on the simplified for the of the scale models. Caligus (parasite) models, with projected
farm-scale model used in the bioeconomic levels were estimated using numbers per week of parasites
model. Schools of wild/escaped salmonids SERNAPESCA held data from a close fit to 2017 observations.
are also tracked (including breeding and August 2010 and December 2017.
naturalization if they survive to appropriate
Mussel farms Agent based The mussel farm model tracks growth and Mussel farms were initialized Production levels agree with
production per farm (via tracking size and based on lease data from those recorded by IFOP for
numbers per string on the farm) using the SUBPESCA. Mussel production was 2012-2017.
formulations of Marambio et al (2012). Spat parameterized using Toro et al
is collected from wild banks – via a (2004) and Marambio et al (2012).
‘harvesting’ rate. Spat collection were tuned to
reproduce the volume of
production observed (reported by
IFOP) in 2012-2017.
Algal farms Agent based Biomass production per algal farm – using Algal farms were initialized based Production levels agree with
the same equations as for wild kelp beds but on lease data from SUBPESCA. those recorded by IFOP for
with seeding and harvesting. Algal production on farms was 2012-2017.
parameterized based on literature
values (spanning numerous
Chilean and international studies)
as detailed in Fulton et al (2018).
Fishing Agent based Commercial, artisanal and indigenous fishing Parameterised based on IFOP Production (catch and effort)
are represented by a simple catch-per-unit- fishing data for the regions and levels agree with those
effort and economics-based effort allocation numbers of vessel transits as recorded by IFOP for 2012-
model. Effort is applied based on distance recorded on 2017.
from port and CPUE. Effort levels are re-
scaled if quota levels are modified by the
management model and zoning can stop
access to specific locations.
Processing plants Cellular automata A modified form of the manufacturing Initialised using data from Production levels agree with
model (see below) is fed by fishing and and those recorded by IFOP and
aquaculture products landed in the local Rates industry bodies for 2012-2017.
port. of employments, costs and
processing rates are from
information from plants in the
Economics Econometric Simple economic input-output flow of costs Initial conditions and relevant rates Gross economic imports,
and revenue. With the volume of production for demand taken from Chilean revenues, production and
dictated by the individual industry models census and the annual and employment match the
(see below) and time series of interest rates, quarterly reports of the Instituto magnitude and seasonal
cost of living, and economic demand per Nacional de Estasísticas patterns across industries and
industry sector. regions recorded in the
quarterly reports of Instituto
Nacional de Estasísticas
Tourism Agent based This model tracks the usage of the area by Initialised using data from Number of visits and changing
different kinds of tourists – ecotourists, and tourism mix through time
comfortable budget travelers and mass follows the general patterns and
tourism. It is based on the formulations of volume recorded by
Casagrandi and Rinaldi (2002) as updated by government departmental
Fulton et al (2017). statistics (e.g. as available from
Instituto Nacional de
Shipping Agent-based Traffic flow model following the movements The transport routes and Volume of vessels using the
of 4 classes of vessel in the region (along frequency of operation of well navigation channels and ports
navigational routes): boats was taken from data per size class concurs with the
I. Large (> 150000 DWT) accessed from records available from the port
II. Medium (10,000 – 150,000 DWT) authorities and
III. Small (< 10,000 DWT; including well The spatial location was digitised
boats) into a GIS shapefile manually using
IV. Local (outboards, smaller motor cruisers QGIS 2.14.
Numbers are scaled based on local
demographics and number of instances of
the other industries modelled in the region.
Terrestrial industries Cellular automata Farming, plantations, logging, mining, Initialised using data from Gross level of production per
energy generation, manufacturing and and industry per region concurs with
urban retail and services were modelled the volumes recorded in the
using the equations of Fulton et al (2017) quarterly reports of Instituto
modified to reflect local decision-making Nacional de Estasísticas.
and operational practices in each of the
three regions.
Human demography Agent based Simple age structured population model of Initialised using data from Chilean Numbers per major settlement
indigenous and other communities in the census, and and total numbers per region
region. Equations modified from Meadows and are within 10-20% of those
et al (1972). Tracks permanent residents, parameterized using values from recorded by the Chilean census
temporary residents and Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) Engelen et al (1997) and Fulton et time series.
worker population. al (2017).
Social influence and Network Networks of information flow and sharing These networks elicited in direct Applied as is without further
information flow between actors within the individual consultation with local validation – the results of the
community (demographic) and sector communities. models have been found to be
models plausible by local workshop
participants with provides
confidence in the fidelity of the
Social perception Minimum realistic Empirical relationship between activity Empirical relationships taken from Outcomes per modelled social
levels and environmental state and the qualitative (signed diagraph) group under scenario
‘happiness and satisfaction’ of the different models of connections elicited perturbations agree with
community components. from the local population during expectations from local focus
workshops in the regions. groups.
Government rules Input Government regulations and decision rules. Details of the individual rules were Input rather than model output.
taken from the relevant Chilean However, the resulting model
government departments. Spatial dynamics have been found to
zoning was sourced from be plausible by workshop and participants in the regions.

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