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2 The cell as the basic unit

of life
2.1 Chemicals of life (Book 1A, p. 2-3)

A Inorganic chemical constituents of organisms (Book 1, p. 2-3)

1 Water
Water serves many important functions in organisms:
1 as a (1) _____________ (反應物) that takes part in some reactions, e.g. digestion of food
2 as a (2) _____________ for chemical reactions because water is a good
(3) _____________
3 as a medium of (4) _______________ to carry dissolved substances around the body
4 as a (5) ____________ agent to remove heat through evaporation
5 gives (6) _______________ and provides (7) _____________ to organisms,
e.g. cells of young seedlings become turgid when they are full of water,
and provides (8) ______________ (浮力) for organisms in water.

2 Inorganic ions

Example Function

As a source of (9) ______________ in plants for the

Nitrate (硝酸鹽)
synthesis of proteins

Forming (10) ______________ (葉綠素) in plants

Magnesium (鎂)
Activating some enzymes

Forming (12) _____________ and teeth

(11) ______________ (鈣)
Involving in muscle contraction and blood clotting

Forming (13) ______________ (血紅蛋白) for carrying

Iron (鐵) oxygen
Activating some enzymes

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B Organic chemical constituents of organisms (Book 1A, p. 2-7)

(14) _______________ (生物分子) are the major organic chemical constituents of organisms.
They all contain (15) _______________ atoms.

Biomolecule Example Function

(17) _______________ Provides energy

(16) ____________
Starch (澱粉) Acts as an energy (18) _____________ in plants
(19) _______________ Forms plant cell walls

(21) _______________ Act as an energy reserve, reduce heat loss and

(20) ____________ (甘油三酯) protect internal organs
Phospholipids (磷脂) Make up (22) _____________ _______________

Structural proteins Make up body tissues (e.g. hair)

(23) ____________ Enzymes (酶) Speed up reactions in the body

Antibodies (抗體) Defend the body against diseases

Deoxyribonucleic acid Carries (25) ___________ information (遺傳信息)

(DNA 脫氧核糖核酸)
(24) ____________
Ribonucleic acid Takes part in the synthesis of proteins
(RNA 核糖核酸)

2.2 Studying cells using microscopes (Book 1A, p. 2-9)

A Early studies on cells (Book 1A, p. 2-9)

1 Discovery of cells
In 1665, Robert Hooke examined a thin slice of cork with a microscope.
He named the small irregular boxes he saw ‘cells’, which were actually
the (1) ___________ _____________ of dead cork cells.

Robert Hooke’s drawing of cork ‘cells’ ►

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2 The Cell Theory
In 1839, Schwann proposed the Cell Theory (細胞學說). The theory states that:
all organisms are made up of one or more (2) _____________
the cell is the (3) _____________ _____________ of life; it is the smallest unit that shows all
the characteristics of life
all cells come from (4) _____________ cells.

B Modern microscopes (Book 1A, p. 2-12)

Type of microscope Feature

(5) ____________ ____________ Light is used to form an image

(光學顯微鏡) Magnification: up to 1600 times

Electron beams pass through the specimen to

form an image
(6) ____________
Used to study the internal structure of a specimen
electron microscope
(透射電子顯微鏡) Produces (7) _______________-dimensional,
black and white images
Magnification: up to 1 500 000 times
microscope Electron beams scan over the surface of the
specimen to form an image
(8) ____________ Used to study the (9) _______________ structure
electron microscope of a specimen
produces (10) ____________-dimensional, black
and white images
Magnification: up to 300 000 times

C How to use a light microscope? (Book 1A, p. 2-14)

The light microscope is a compound microscope (複式顯微鏡) consisting of two sets of

(11) ___________: an eyepiece (目鏡) and an objective (物鏡).

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Structure of a light microscope:




Structure Function

A (12) _______________ It is a magnifying glass which the eye can look through.

(13) ___________ ___________ It holds the eyepiece and the nosepiece, and can be
(鏡筒) raised or lowered to focus.

(14) _______________ It carries different objectives and can be rotated to

(物鏡轉換器) choose the required objective.

D (15) _______________ It is the magnifying lens pointing to the specimen.

E Stage (載物台) The slide is placed here for observation.

It is a lens to (17) _______________ light onto the

F (16) _______________ (聚光器)

It regulates the amount of (19) _______________

G (18) _______________ (光欄)
passing through the condenser.

It (20) _______________ light to the slide from a light

H Mirror

(21) ___________ ___________ It is used to raise or lower the body tube to get a
___________ (粗調節器) (22) _______________ focus.

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(23) ___________ ___________ It is used to raise or lower the body tube to get a
___________ (微調節器) (24) _______________ focus.

We hold this to carry the microscope from place to

K Arm

L (25) _______________ It holds the slide in position of the stage.

M Base It supports the microscope.

The image observed under the microscope is upside down and (26) _______________
The total magnification (總放大率) of the microscope can be calculated by:

Total magnification of = magnification of × magnification of

a microscope eyepiece objective

size of the (27) ____________

OR Magnification =
size of the (28) ____________

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Practical 2.1 Observation with a light microscope
(Book 1A, p. 2-16; Practical Workbook for SBA 1A, p. 2-1)

2.3 The basic structure of a cell (Book 1A, p. 2-19)

A What is the structure of animal cells? (Book 1A, p. 2-19)

cytoplasm (細胞質)
cell membrane (細胞膜)

mitochondrion (線粒體) nucleus (細胞核)

rough endoplasmic
reticulum (粗糙內質網)

ribosome (核糖體)
smooth endoplasmic vacuole (液泡)
reticulum (光滑內質網)

▲ Structure of an animal cell

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Animal cell structure Feature and function

Thin and flexible

Encloses the cell and separates the cell contents from the
(1) _______________
outside environment
(2) _______________ _______________ (差異透性的) to
control the movement of substances in and out of the cell

A jelly-like fluid consisting of mainly water and

(4) _______________
(3) _______________ Holds (5) _______________ (細胞器) and provides a site for
(6) _______________ reactions to take place
Allows the movement and transport of materials inside the cell

Spherical and bounded by the (7) _______________

_______________ (核膜)
Contains the genetic material – (8) _______________
Controls activities of the cell

Bounded by a (10) _______________ membrane

(9) _______________ Inner membrane folded into finger-like projections
Releases energy through (11) _______________

A network of interconnected membrane-bounded sacs

Continuous with the nuclear membrane
(12) _______________ Rough ER (with (13) _______________ attached) is involved
_______________ (ER) in the synthesis of (14) _______________
Smooth ER (no ribosomes attached) is involved in the
synthesis of (15) _______________

Small or even not present in most animal cells

Bounded by a single membrane
(16) _______________
Contains water and dissolved substances (e.g. food and

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B What is the structure of plant cells? (Book 1A, p. 2-22)

rough ER
cell membrane nucleus

smooth ER

mitochondrion cell wall (細胞壁)

▲ Structure of a plant cell

Plant cells are generally (17) _______________ (larger / smaller) than animal cells and have a
more (18) _______________ (regular / irregular) shape.
The basic structure of plant cells is similar to animal cells. They both have a cell membrane,
cytoplasm, a nucleus, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum.
Structures in plant cells that are not found in animal cells:

Plant cell structure Feature and function

Thick and rigid

(19) _______________ Made up of (20) _______________
_______________ (21) _______________ permeable
Protects, supports and gives shape to plant cells

Contains cell sap (細胞液)

Large central
(22) _______________ The vacuole becomes turgid when it is full of water, thus
providing support to the plant

Present in some plant cells only

Bounded by a double membrane
(23) _______________
Contains (24) _______________, a green pigment which absorbs
light energy for (25) _______________

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Practical 2.2 Preparation of temporary mounts of animal cells and tissues
(Book 1A, p. 2-24; Practical Workbook for SBA 1A, p. 2-7)

Practical 2.3 Preparation of temporary mounts of plant cells and tissues

(Book 1A, p. 2-25; Practical Workbook for SBA 1A, p. 2-10)

2.4 Levels of body organization (Book 1A, p. 2-29)

(1) _______________
cell e.g. smooth muscle tissue
e.g. smooth muscle cell
Similar cells group
together to form a…
Different tissues group
together to form an…

(2) _______________
organism e.g. stomach

Several organs work together

to form a…
Different systems work together
to support the life of an…

(3) _______________
e.g. digestive system

2.5 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (Book 1A, p. 2-30)

Cells containing a true nucleus (i.e. a nucleus surrounded by the (1) _______________
_______________) are called (2) _______________ _______________ (真核細胞). Organisms
consisting of these cells are called (3) _______________ (真核生物).
Plant cells and animal cells are examples of eukaryotic cells.
Cells which do not have a true nucleus are called (4) _______________ _______________
(原核細胞). Organisms consisting of these cells are called (5) ______________ (原核生物)
Bacteria are examples of prokaryotic cells.

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(6) _______________
cell wall

(7) _______________
_______________ (DNA)
cell membrane

▲ Basic structure of a prokaryotic cell (e.g. a bacterium)

Both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells are bounded by a cell membrane. Their genetic
material is DNA.
Differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells:

Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell

Usually smaller Usually larger

True nucleus Absent Present

Genetic material DNA lying free in the DNA enclosed in the

(8) _______________ (9) _______________

Cell wall May be present or absent Present in (10) ___________ cells;

Does not contain cellulose absent in (11) ____________ cells
Contains cellulose

Organelles bounded Absent Present

by a double membrane
(e.g. mitochondria,

Absent Present

Ribosomes Lying free in the cytoplasm Some attached to

(12) ______________
_______________, some lying
free in the cytoplasm

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Ch 2 The cell as the basic unit of life


1 reactant 2 medium 3 solvent 4 transport 5 cooling

6 shape 7 support 8 buoyancy 9 nitrogen 10 chlorophyll
11 Calcium 12 bones 13 haemoglobin 14 Biomolecules 15 carbon
16 Carbohydrates 17 Glucose 18 reserve 19 Cellulose 20 Lipids
21 Triglycerides 22 cell membranes 23 Proteins 24 Nucleic acids 25 genetic


1 cell walls 2 cells 3 basic unit 4 pre-existing 5 Light microscope

6 Transmission 7 two 8 Scanning 9 external 10 three
11 lenses 12 Eyepiece 13 body tube 14 Nosepiece 15 Objective
16 Condenser 17 focus 18 Diaphragm 19 light 20 reflects
21 Coarse adjustment knob 22 rough 23 Fine adjustment knob
24 sharp 25 Clip 26 laterally 27 image 28 object


1 Cell membrane 2 Differentially permeable 3 Cytoplasm 4 proteins

5 organelles 6 chemical 7 nuclear membrane 8 DNA
9 Mitochondrion 10 double 11 respiration
12 Endoplasmic reticulum 13 ribosomes 14 proteins 15 lipids
16 Vacuole 17 larger 18 regular 19 Cell wall 20 cellulose
21 Fully 22 vacuole 23 Chloroplast 24 chlorophyll 25 photosynthesis


1 tissue 2 organ 3 system


1 nuclear membrane 2 eukaryotic cells 3 eukaryotes 4 prokaryotic cells 5 prokaryotes

6 ribosome 7 genetic material 8 cytoplasm 9 nucleus 10 plant
11 animal 12 endoplasmic reticulum

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