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Rachel Quance CNN Studio Tour Reflection 03/27/19

On March 27, 2019, my family and I visited the CNN Studio and toured the

building. During this tour, we got to see how the world’s largest news organization

operates. I especially wanted to go on this tour because in my civics class we watch

CNN Student News every day and my brother and I hoped to see Carl Azuz.

We did not have to wait in line to get our tickets and because the tour would be

starting in five minutes. As we were waiting for our tour guide, we heard all these people

yelling and chanting, I looked up at the walkway and there was Carl Azuz! He then

proceeded to greet the crowd cheering for him and taking pictures with the tourists. My

brother and I ran out of the line to get a picture of him, we succeeded, but could not stay

to meet him because our tour was leaving soon.

Next, we proceeded to go up the world’s largest free-standing escalator, which is

196 feet long, it led us to the giant Earth globe. The Earth globe contained many TVs

which were showing us CNN stations airing in real-time. From then we went into a fake

newsroom where our tour guide showed us how live broadcasting works and how to use

a green screen. From then on out we were not allowed to take any pictures for security

reasons. After that, we toured the newsroom where the editors and writers gathered

their information. Next, we got to see the real broadcasting room for CNN Español,

which CNN launched on March 17, 1997. They use robots as their cameramen; this

intrigued me for it pertains to future STEM careers and incorporated modern technology

into writing fields. It is inspiring to see such big companies adapting to use the latest

technology and supporting STEM learning and studies.

Rachel Quance CNN Studio Tour Reflection 03/27/19

Lastly, we walked around the massive building with our tour guide and she led us

back to the gift shop. At the gift shop me and my sister bought CNN shirts and my

brother bought a Cartoon Network mug.

I idea of becoming a news ancor sounds very fascinating, however, I do not think

I could read the subtitles fast enough to do so. Watching the production in real life

brought light to how stressful pursuing this job would be. This was a true example of not

to believe everything you see on TV. I found the work and planning behind the news

airing interesting and found a new respect for my local news broadcasters. I will always

appreciate this experience for giving me a deeper understanding of the news industry.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at the CNN Studio Tours. I was

fascinated by the work and technology that has to be perfectly blended together in order

to have a second of news air on your TV. From this experience, I will always have a

deeper respect for the people who work for news companies and be thankful that I live

in a country where all news can be aired for everyone. I would recommend the CNN

Studio Tours to others in need of enrichment trips and people looking to learn while

being entertained.

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