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Vocabulary Grammar

1 Relaciona las palabras de A con sus opuestos en B. (5 1 Escribe frases con estas palabras y
puntos) have got. (6 puntos)
A B 1. Justin / straight / hair / .
1. ugly ...... a. straight ...............................................................................
2. dark ...... b. thin 2. you / a / brother / ?
3. fat ...... c. short ...............................................................................
4. curly ...... d. good-looking 3. Wendy and Sue / small / hats / .
5. long ...... e. light ...............................................................................
2 Elige la respuesta correcta. 4. we / not / a brave / dog / .
1. Sara isn’t strong. She is creative / weak. ...............................................................................
2. Amos is good at sport. He’s athletic / honest. 5. Rita / brown / eyes / ?
3. Gerry has got two jobs. He’s friendly / ...............................................................................
6. my friend / not / big / feet / .
4. Adam Sandler is my favourite comedian.
He’s funny / lazy.
2 Completa las frases con la forma correcta de to be.
5. Everyone likes Martha because she’s very
adventurous / nice. 1. My cat ................................ brown. It’s white.
3 Completa las frases con las siguientes palabras. 2. My brother’s marks ................................ good.
He’s clever and hard-working.
clever  shy  old  tall  big
3. Sharon likes Justin Bieber, but
1. It’s Mr Allen’s 100th birthday. He’s
he ................................ her favourite singer.
very ................................ !
4. My mother and father ................................ old.
2. Patricia’s dog isn’t small. It’s
They’re young.
very ................................ .
5. ................................ Marc and Pau Gasol tall?
3. Louis is very intelligent. His sister
is ................................ , too. 6. My family is from Tokyo. I ................................
4. Thomas is very ................................ . He’s about
1.85 metres. 3 Completa el texto con la forma correcta de to be o
have got.
5. Julia hasn’t got many friends because she
is ................................ . Rihanna and Katy Perry 1. ................................
my favourite singers. In many photos, Katy’s
hair 2. ................................ black, but she
................................ black hair. Naturally, her
hair 4. ................................ light. Rihanna
................................ many different hair colours
and styles. Katy and Rihanna 6. ................................
short. They 7. ................................ 1.73m tall. Rihanna
and Katy 8. ................................ beautiful voices.
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 Completa la tabla con las siguientes palabras. 1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (6 puntos)
pillow  living room  sofa  garage  fridge dining 1. You need a ball to play football /
room  lamp  bedroom  kitchen  toilet play computer games.
Furniture and 2. I read magazines / ride my bike to school
Parts of the house because it’s good exercise.
household items
3. I’m tired. I want to talk on the phone / go to bed.
4. Before a test, I always study with friends /
walk the dog.
5. The boys love music. They sing and do sport /
play the guitar.
6. Look at the clothes on your floor! Please,
2 Relaciona las definiciones de A con las palabras de B. get dressed / tidy your room.
A 2 Completa las frases con las siguientes actividades y
1. They are on beds. rutinas.
2. There are often books on them. have breakfast  watch TV  go home  do homework
have a shower  go to school  do sport  go shopping
3. They are on the floors.
1. There isn’t any food in the fridge.
4. They are on the windows. Let’s ................................ .
5. They often have got pictures of celebrities. 2. Is there any hot water? Mum wants
B to ................................ .
...... a. curtains 3. I’m not hungry. I don’t want
to ................................ this morning.
...... b. posters
4. After school, I ................................ and rest.
...... c. shelves
5. They are athletic. They often ............................... .
...... d. rugs
6. We often ................................ in the evenings. My
...... e. blankets
favourite program is Sherlock.
3 Completa las frases con estas palabras. 7. The students ................................ in the evening.
Then, they give it to the teacher.
table  mirror  bathroom  clock  garden 8. We ................................ early because our first
1. We like to sit outside in the ................................ lesson starts at 8.00.
on nice days. 3 Sustituye las palabras subrayadas por estas
2. What time is it? Have you got actividades y rutinas. (6 puntos)
a ................................ in the kitchen?
stay at home  meet friends  chat online
3. You can see yourself in the ................................ . send text messages  get up  listen to music
4. Please, put the food on the ................................ . 1. They have conversations on their computers.
5. The shower is in the ................................ .
2. I sometimes hear songs on the radio.
6. ......................... Kate ................................ (send)
text messages to you?
3. We use our phones to write to friends.
4. My parents don’t leave the house on Sundays.
5. I get out of bed late on Sunday mornings.
6. I see Joe, Ron and Mike every afternoon.
1 Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos)
1. James and Ron doesn’t play / don’t play their
guitars every day.
2. Pam and I are best friends. We rarely / often meet.
3. My grandmother never / always sends text
messages. She hasn’t got a mobile phone.
4. Lucy usually study / studies with friends.

5. I sometimes / usually stay at home on Grammar
Saturdays, but not very often.
1 Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis.
6. Do you have / You have breakfast every morning? Utiliza la forma afirmativa o negativa del Present
Continuous. (6 puntos)
7. We rarely / always watch TV on Thursday
at 8 pm. Our favourite programme is on then. 1. Mum ................................ (have) coffee now.

8. Sam does / doesn’t do sport every day. He isn’t 2. I ................................ (visit) my friend now
very athletic. because she isn’t at home.

2 Completa las frases con la forma correcta de los 3. Lucy ................................ (chat) online with her
verbos entre paréntesis. Utiliza el Present Simple. parents in Italy.

1. Jane ................................ (go) shopping twice a 4. We ................................ (ride) on camels. It’s fun!
week. 5. You can walk the dogs now. They
2. I ................................ (not like) football. ................................ (sleep).
3. Jake never ................................ (receive) pocket 6. Adam ................................ (surf) the web right
money. now because his sister has got his computer.
4. The teacher ................................ (not live) near 2 Escribe frases con las siguientes palabras. Utiliza el
the school. Present Continuous.
5. My brothers always ................................ (study) 1. Debbie / read magazines / now / .
with friends. ...............................................................................
3 Escribe frases con las siguientes palabras y el 2. we / not hike / in the forest / at the moment / .
Present Simple. ...............................................................................
1. people / rarely / buy / clothes at that shop / . 3. Ed / not tidy / his room / today / .
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
2. Ellen / play / tennis / ? 4. you / wear / your new jacket / now / ?
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
3. my grandparents / sometimes / chat online / . 5. the camels / run / in the desert / right now / ?
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
4. Dan / not walk / home after school / . 6. Miss Smith / teach / maths / at the moment / ?
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
5. you / study / French / at school / ? 7. my friends / sit / on the beach / now / .
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
6. we / usually / not have / a big breakfast / . 8. we / not have / breakfast / today / .
............................................................................... ...............................................................................
3 Completa las frases con el Present Continuous de
estos verbos.
watch  talk  not play  swim  not make  carry
1. Mark ................................ on his mobile phone at
the moment.
2. We ................................ the guitar now.
3. I ................................ breakfast right now.
4. The camels ................................ our bags and
5. ................................ the people in the picture
................................ a football match?
6. ................................ Julia ................................ to
the island?

Grammar Vocabulary
1 Completa las frases con can o can’t y la forma 1 Relaciona los adjetivos de A con su significado de B.
adverbial de los adjetivos entre paréntesis. (6 puntos)
1. Ann is a good singer. She ................................ A B
sing ................................ (beautiful).
1. heavy ...... a. very big
2. My baby brother doesn’t run, but
2. amazing ...... b. not unusual
he ................................ walk ................................
(slow). 3. tiny ...... c. not domesticated
3. Jane isn’t on the volleyball team because 4. huge ...... d. difficult to lift
she ................................
5. ordinary ...... e. very small
play ................................ (good).
6. wild ...... f. very special
4. Ron is short, but he ................................
jump ................................ (high). 2 Elige la frase que NO es verdadera sobre estos
5. My grandmother needs an eye operation. She
................................ read books 1. a cow:
................................ (easy). a. It’s heavy. c. It lives in the desert.
b. People drink its milk.
2 Escribe frases con las siguientes palabras.
2. a rabbit:
a. It’s huge. c. It’s got long ears.
must  mustn’t
b. It can jump.
1. you / hit / people / !
3. a gorilla:
............................................................................... a. It’s small. c. It lives in the jungle.
b. Its fur is dark.
2. in England, / 13-year-old teenagers / go /
to school / . 4. a shark:
a. It’s dangerous. c. It lives in the ocean.
b. It’s an insect.
should  shouldn’t
5. a frog:
3. students / always / do / their / homework / . a. It can’t jump. c. It’s an amphibian.
b. It eats insects.
6. a wolf:
4. you / eat / chocolate / every day / .
a. It’s a mammal. c. It looks like a dog.
............................................................................... b. It’s a popular pet.
3 Completa las frases con la forma correcta de can,
must o should.
1. Mia ................................ go surfing because she
hasn’t got a surfboard.
2. Maybe I ................................ study now. There’s
an important test next week.
3. You probably ................................ play your
music so loudly. It’s not good for your ears.
4. ................................ Joe play the guitar?
5. Lucy is allergic to milk. She ................................ eat
anything with milk in it.
6. I ................................ be at home by 10 pm. It’s
my parents’ rule.

Grammar 2 Elige la respuesta correcta.
1 Completa las frases con los adjetivos entre Diving is 1. more adventurous than / the most
paréntesis. Utiliza el comparativo o el superlativo.
adventurous ordinary water sports, and diving with sharks
1. Lakes are ................................ (small) oceans.
is 2. as exciting as / the most exciting type of diving.
2. Jay’s hair is light. Les’s hair is brown and David’s
hair is black. David has got ................................ People often dive with sand tiger sharks. These sharks are
(dark) hair of the three. 3.
stronger than / the strongest ordinary
3. Parrots are ................................ (colourful) pigs.
fish, but they never eat people. They are big sharks,
4. Mountains are ................................ (big) hills.
but they are 4. bigger than / not as big as great white
5. Asia is ................................ (large) continent.
sharks. At 3 metres from head to tail, they are
6. The blobfish is one of ................................
(unusual) fish in the world. longer than / as long as a human. Sand tiger sharks are
7. Mosquitoes are ................................ (dangerous) the shiest / not as shy as other fish, so you can swim
near them. But they aren’t 7. friendlier than /
8. Pigs are very clever. Some people think they
the friendliest fish, so you can’t play with them.
are ................................ (good) pets.

1 Ordena los adjectivos.
1. tosrh ...................................................
2. dol ...................................................
3. atf ...................................................
4. fiubateul ...................................................
5. gtashitr ...................................................
6. lugy ...................................................

2 Marca dos adjetivos que describen la palabra dada.

1. hair: curly  dark  good-looking  narrow
2. age: old  medium height  wide  young
3. eyes: light  thin  big  short
4. hands: round  thin  fat  tall
3 Completa las frases con las palabras de abajo.
small  dark  medium height  long  round  ugly
1. My hair is short, but my sister’s hair is …………………… .
2. My parents are tall, my brother is short and I’m …………………… .
3. Some actors are good-looking and others are …………………… .
4. Tom’s dog is big, but my dog is …………………… .
5. Kirsten Dunst has got light hair, but Penélope Cruz’s hair is …………………… .
6. The baby’s face isn’t narrow. It’s …………………… .

4 Corrige las frases de dos famosos. Usa las palabras entre paréntesis.
1. Bruno Mars is a teacher. (singer)
Bruno Mars isn’t a teacher. He’s a singer.
2. His hair is long. (short)
3. Anne Hathaway is a tennis player. (actress)
4. She has got curly hair. (straight)
5. Anne and Bruno have got light eyes. (dark)
6. Anne and Bruno are ugly. (good-looking)
5 Completa el texto. Usa la forma correcta de to be o have got.

My favourite cartoon character 1.…………………… Hayley Smith from American Dad.

She 2.…………………… 18 years old. She 3.…………………… long straight hair and her
eyes 4.…………………… big and round. She 5.…………………… one brother called
Steve but she 6.…………………… a sister. Hayley and Steve 7.…………………… a fish
called Klaus, but they 8.…………………… a cat or a dog.
6 Escribe 4 f rases de tu familia de dibujos animados favorita. Usa to be o have got.
1. .................................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................

1 Traduce los siguientes adjetivos.
generous  funny  hard-working  shy  friendly  adventurous

…………………… …………………… ……………………

…………………… …………………… ……………………
2 Elige la respuesta correcta.
1. Actors are usually confident / honest / strong people.
2. Sandy plays tennis and football. She’s athletic / lazy / brave.
3. That’s a beautiful picture. You’re very shy / nice / creative.
4. Mark is a doctor. He’s easy-going / clever / weak.
5. Why are you in bed? It’s 11.00 in the morning! You’re friendly / lazy / generous.
3 Usa adjetivos de personalidad para describer a miembros de tu familia.
1. My mum is ............................................................................................. .
She isn’t ................................................................................................ .
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................

4 Completa las preguntas. Luego respóndelas.
1. What …………………… your name?
2. …………………… you from Madrid?
3. Where …………………… you now?

4. …………………… you …………………… a sister?
5. …………………… your mother adventurous?
6. When …………………… your class …………………… English lessons?
5 Escribe preguntas con la forma correcta de to be o have got. Luego responde según el dibujo.
1. Bill / short
................................................................................................ Tim
2. Bill and Kate / small eyes
3. Mutt / fat
4. Mutt / small ears
5. Tim and Kate / curly hair
6. Kate and Tim / tall


1 Une las palabras con la definición de abajo.

table  bedroom  bathroom  garage  desk  houseboat  kitchen
1. This room has got a fridge. ……………………
2. A house on water. ……………………
3. This room has usually got a sink and a shower. ……………………
4. You put food and have meals on it. ……………………
5. People sleep in this room. ……………………
6. Students do homework on it. ……………………
7. You put your car in it. ……………………
2 Elige la respuesta correcta según el dibujo.
1. The living room / dining room / garden is big.
2. There’s a chair / sofa / shelf under the window.
3. The armchair / table / sink is next to the TV.
4. There are two shelves / sofas / toilets.
5. There isn’t a desk / cupboard / bed.
1 Dibuja el plano de una casa que incluya lo abajo indicado.

1. …………………… a kitchen.
2. …………………… two bedrooms.
3. …………………… a dining room.
4. …………………… two bathrooms.
5. …………………… a garage.
6. …………………… a garden.

2 Completa las preguntas sobre la imagen A. Usa Is there o Are there.

Luego responde.
1. …………………… a table in the kitchen?
2. …………………… four chairs in the kitchen?
3. …………………… a small TV in the living room?
4. …………………… two sinks in the house?
5. …………………… people in the house?

1 Une A con B para hacer frases.
1. play … a. online
2. download … b. to music
3. chat … c. the guitar
4. listen … d. TV
5. surf … e. songs
6. watch … f. the web
2 Completa las frases con expresiones del ejercicio 1.
1. I.…………………… in the evenings. My favourite
programme is CSI:Miami.
2. We can .…………………… for the information we need.
3. Do you usually phone your friends or .……………………
with them?
4. You’re a great singer. Do you also .……………………?
3 Elige la respuesta correcta.
1. I … to school every morning.
a. play football b. read magazines c. ride my bike
2. I don’t want to go shopping. I want to … so I can watch TV.
a. stay at home b. talk on the phone c. download songs
3. Peter … on his new mobile phone.
a. meets friends b. sends text messages c. plays the guitar
4. Her brothers are athletic. They … every day.
a. play computer games b. do sport c. surf the web
5. Dan gets good marks because he … .

a. chats online b. studies with friends c. goes shopping

1 Escribe las palabras en el orden correcto para hacer frases en presente simple.
1. English / at school / Katie / study
2. chat / Jane and Brian / every day / online
3. football / he / twice a week / play
4. his mother / shopping / on Sundays / go
5. sometimes / we / to pop music / listen
2 Escribe 5 frases con las palabras del cuadro. Usa el Presente Simple afirmativo
y expresiones de tiempo o adverbios de frecuencia.

read the web

I study on the phone
Nicola surf in class
The teachers talk the newspaper
stay at school

1. .................................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................
3 Completa el texto con la forma correcta delos verbos entre parenthesis en Presente Simple.

I 1.…………………… (love) shopping. My favourite place to shop is Oxford Street – a

famous shopping street in London. Thousands of people 2.…………………… (visit)
Oxford Street every day. Sometimes, I 3.…………………… (go) to Oxford Street with my
mum. She 4.…………………… (know) the best shops. Sometimes, my friend Brian 5.
…………………… (come) shopping with me. Brian 6.…………………… (want) to be a
pop star, so we always 7.…………………… (look) at CDs in the music shop, HMV. That’s
why Oxford Street is Brian’s favourite shopping street, too.

1 Completa con las vocals que faltan.
1. t … dy my r … … m
2. g … to b … d
3. w … lk th … d … g
4. d … h … m … w … rk
5. g … t dr … ss … d
6. h … v … br … akf … st

2 Elige la respuesta correcta.
walks the dog  tidy your room  go to school  have a shower  gets up
1. Daniella goes to bed late at night, but she ……………………………… early in the morning.
2. Roberto ……………………………… in the park on Sundays.
3. “All your clothes are on the floor. ……………………………… now,” says Mum.
4. After the sport lesson, the students ……………………………… . Then they get dressed.
5. I ……………………………… by bus every Monday.
3 Marca T (true) o F (false). Luego corrige las frases falsas abajo.
listen to music  have a shower  play football  have breakfast
1. People get up in the bathroom. T F People have a shower in the bathroom.
2. We go to bed at a concert. T F .......................................................................................
3. Students often go home after school. T F .......................................................................................
4. I play the guitar in my sports lesson. T F .......................................................................................
5. People sometimes meet friends at a café. T F .......................................................................................
6. We usually do homework in the morning. T F .......................................................................................

4 Haz las frases negativas. Usa el Presente Simple y las palabras entre paréntesis.
1. You speak French at home. (English)
You don’t speak English at home.
2. They send 300 text messages a week. (e-mails)
3. Bill lives near a school. (park)
4. The boys play football every day. (tennis)
5. Mrs Green works in London. (Manchester)
5 Completa las preguntas con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis.
1. …………………… Sue …………………… (eat) fish?
2. …………………… the girls …………………… (visit) their grandparents at weekends?
3. …………………… Julia …………………… (surf) the web?
4. …………………… Sammy …………………… (go) on holiday once a year?
5. …………………… you …………………… (tour) Europe every summer?
6 Completa el diálogo con la forma correcta del presente simple del verbo entre paréntesis.
Jen: How often 1. …………………… you …………………… (walk) the dog?
Tim: I 2. …………………… (walk) him every evening.
Jen: Where 3. …………………… you usually …………………… (go)?
Tim: To the park.
Jen: …………………… your brothers …………………… (come) with you?
Tim: No, they don’t. They 5. …………………… (not like) the park.
Jen: What about your mum? 6. …………………… she …………………… (take) the dog out too?
Tim: No, she doesn’t. She 7. …………………… (not help) me with the dog. But I
…………………… (not mind).

1 Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis usando el presente continuo afirmativo.
1. We ……………………………… (sit) near the river.
2. Damian ……………………………… (swim) now.
3. The boys ……………………………… (run) right now.
4. I ……………………………… (read) a book.
5. The dog ……………………………… (play) at the moment.
2 Completa el texto con las palabras entre paréntesis. Usa the Presente Continuo,
afirmativo o negativo.

Pam and her family 1. …………………… (visit) the Lake District in Cumbria, England.
Today, they 2. …………………… (not sit) near a lake. They’re in Whinlatter Forest Park.
Pam’s brother 3. …………………… (have) fun in the adventure area, but Pam 4.
…………………… (not play) with him. She
…………………… (ride) a bike with her father. They 6. …………………… (look) at the
beautiful lakes and mountains.
3 Escribe preguntas con las palabras de abajo. Usa el Presente Continuo y respóndelas.
1. the children / hide / in a cave / at the moment
........................................................................................................ ......................................................................
2. those birds / fly / near the hills
........................................................................................................ ......................................................................
3. the Brown family / sleep / in the jungle
........................................................................................................ ......................................................................

6 4. your sister / climb / the mountain / right now

2 ........................................................................................................ ......................................................................
5. Dan / drive / in / the forest
........................................................................................................ ......................................................................
4 Completa la tabla con las expresiones de tiempo de abajo.
2 4
often 
1 twice a year  now  at the weekend  right now  at the moment 5
Present Simple Present Continuous

5 Completa las frases con el Presente simple o el continuo de los verbos entre parenthesis.
1. Nina isn’t at school today. She …………………… (not feel) very well.
2. Rachel …………………… (send) Vanessa a text message right now.
3. …………………… you …………………… (go) to a basketball game every week?
4. We…………………… (not have) breakfast at the moment.
5. …………………… they …………………… (look) for new coats now?
6 Haz frases verdaderas para ti usando los verbos de abajo.
understand  write  like  talk
1. I ...............................................................................................................
2. My friends ...............................................................................................
3. The teacher .............................................................................................
4. My parents...............................................................................................


4 ¿Qué actividades puede hacer un perro y cúales no? Escribe frases afirmativas y negativas con las palabras de abajo.
catch a ball  speak  read books  swim  play golf
1. A dog can ................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................
5 Completa las frases con los adjetivos y adverbios de abajo.
good  quick  easy  terrible  happy
1. “Get dressed …………………… , Joe! You’re late for school!” said Mum.
2. He cooks …………………… . I can’t eat his food.
3. The little girls are smiling …………………… at the camera.
4. Mark usually wins tennis matches. He plays …………………… .
5. Jenny’s very musical. She learns new songs …………………… .
6 Escribe frases afirmativas, negativas or interrogativas con las palabras de abajo. Usa can y los adverbios hechos de
1. Sandy / dance / nice / .
2. Teresa / not cycle / far / .
3. the children / draw pictures / beautiful / ?
4. her friend / jump / high / .
5. John / not write / creative / .
6. you / run / fast / ?

4 Escribe T (true) o F (false).
...... 1. We mustn’t clean our teeth twice a day.
...... 2. Students must do their homework.
...... 3. In basketball, you mustn’t kick the ball.
...... 4. Football players must wear goggles.
...... 5. Children mustn’t drive a car.
5 Escribe reglas para el día de deporte en el colegio. Usa should o shouldn’t y las frases de abajo.
1. try different sports 4. have fun
2. forget to drink water 5. wear comfortable clothes
3. wear sandals

1. .................................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................

6 Completa las oraciones con can, can’t, must, mustn’t, should o shouldn’t.
1. …………………… players throw the ball in football?
2. Laura, you …………………… hit your brother!
3. I …………………… remember your phone number. What is it?
4. We …………………… leave in ten minutes. We don’t want to be late.
5. Daniel …………………… forget to take his trainers to school. He’s got a sports lesson today.
6. Tennis players …………………… use a racket.
7 Elige la respuesta correcta.

Etiquette at a Football Stadium

 You must / can sit on your seat during the match.
You 2. can / must stand when your team scores a
goal, but remember: the people behind you 3. can’t /
mustn’t see while you’re standing.
 Parents are responsible for their children. Children
shouldn’t / can’t walk around the stadium alone.
 You 5.mustn’t / can’t throw anything onto the
football pitch or at the players during the game.
Even a small object 6. can / should be dangerous.

4 Completa las oraciones con la forma del comparative del adjetivo entre paréntesis.
1. Australia is ……………………………… (big) Ireland.
2. Mandy is ……………………………… (tall) Dave.
3. Films are ……………………………… (interesting) books.
4. My dog is ……………………………… (domesticated) an iguana.
5. Pam is ……………………………… (funny) Chloe.
5 Compara la mariposa y el elefante. Escribe frases con los comparativos de los adjetivos de abajo.
small  fat  beautiful  dirty  colourful

1. .................................................................................................................
The butterfly f is
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................

4 Según tu opinión completa las oraciones con un animal yel superlativo del adjetivo entre paréntesis.
1. ……………………………… are ……………………………… (frightening) animals.
2. ……………………………… are ……………………………… (nice) pets.
3. ……………………………… are ……………………………… (beautiful) animals.
4. ……………………………… are ……………………………… (unusual) animals.
5. ……………………………… are ……………………………… (funny) animals.
5 Escribe oraciones para comparar los perros.



1. Blackie / thin / Snow

2. Cocoa / small / dog
3. Blackie / big / Cocoa
4. Blackie / dark / Cocoa
6 Completa el texto. Usa el comparativo o el superlativo de los adejtivos dados.

Animals in the same family aren’t always the same size. The whale shark, for example,
is the 1.…………………… (big) fish in the ocean. It’s about 9.7 metres long. The dwarf
lantern shark is 2.…………………… (small) than the whale shark. In fact, it’s only about
20 centimetres long. That’s 3.…………………… (tiny) than most rats!

The Komodo dragon is a very big lizard. It’s up to 3 metres long and it’s the 4.
…………………… (heavy) type of lizard. It’s 5.…………………… (dangerous) than many
other wild animals. The Jaragua lizard is 6.…………………… (short) the Komodo. It’s
only about 1.5 centimetres long!

Text 1

1 Traduce las siguientes palabras.

1. winner …………………… 2. beginning …………………… 3. tribe ……………………
2 Lee el texto Survivor.


Survivor is a popular TV reality programme. There are 16-20 people on the programme
and they live in a remote tropical area for about three months. They haven’t got houses
or beds. Sometimes, they haven’t got food. They’ve got difficult competitions every week
and they vote to send one person home. There is only one winner at the end of the three
months. In the US version of the programme, he or she gets $1,000,000.
In the beginning, there are two tribes in the game and each tribe lives in a different area.
During the day, the survivors look for food. They catch fish in the ocean and get fruit
from trees. When there are competitions, the winning tribe often gets food. The survivors
are always happy to win food prizes.
Who is a good survivor? It’s important to be adventurous and brave. It helps to be
athletic, strong and hard-working, too. Many people on the show are funny or good-
looking. Easy-going survivors are popular because they are usually nice and friendly.
Lazy survivors aren’t popular. Sometimes the winner isn’t brave, strong or good-looking.
But he or she is clever and really knows how to play the game.

3 Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta afirmativa or negativa de to be o have got.
1. Survivor …………………… a show about life in the city.
2. The competitions on the show …………………… easy.
3. The US show …………………… a $1 million prize.
4. The survivors …………………… in two different groups at the beginning of the game.
5. The tribes …………………… fruit trees in their areas.
6. The survivors …………………… good food all the time.

4 Write questions with the words below and the correct form of to be or have got.
1. Survivor / on TV
2. the survivors / nice homes / on the programme
3. two survivors / winners / at the end of the programme
4. the fish meals / from a shop
5. easy-going survivors / popular
6. the programme / clever / survivors
5 Answer the questions in Exercise 4.
1. .................................................................................................................
2. .................................................................................................................
3. .................................................................................................................
4. .................................................................................................................
5. .................................................................................................................
6. .................................................................................................................

6 Look at the fact file about a survivor on the TV programme. Write a paragraph
about her.

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Text 2

1 Write the words below in your own language. You can use a dictionary.
1. square metres …………………… 3. poor ……………………
2. housing …………………… 4. build ……………………

2 Read the text about a home in Egypt.

A New Home
The year is 2003
Nasser and Magda Habib are from Egypt. They have got five children. They live in a small house with
five other families. There are 44 people in the house, but it’s only 75 square metres! There is a small
kitchen and two bedrooms in the house. There is only one bathroom and one sink for all the families.
Each family cooks, eats and sleeps in one room. There are many children in the house but there isn’t a
place for them to play.
Habitat for Humanity is an international housing organisation. It helps poor people build new houses in
the USA, Africa, Asia, Europe and South America. Thanks to Habitat for Humanity, Nasser and Magda
don’t live in the small house today. Their old house is now six new flats, and each of the families has got
one of the flats. The flats are nice and clean. In Nasser and Magda’s new flat, there are two bedrooms
and a living room. There’s a small kitchen with cupboards and a cooker, and there’s a bathroom with a
sink and a shower too. Now the family has got a place to cook, eat, sleep and play.

3 Complete the questions with Is there or Are there. Then answer the questions.
1. …………………… three children in Nasser and Magda’s family?
2. …………………… six families in their house in 2003?
3. …………………… a living room in the old house?
4. …………………… a sink in the kitchen and in the bathroom of the old house?
5. …………………… many children in the old house?

4 Complete the sentences with a, an, the, some or any. Make the sentences true according
to the text.
1. There is……………………
19 organisation to help poor people build new houses.
2. There aren’t …………………… Habitat for Humanity houses in Australia.

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