Organizational Dynamics: Instructor: Soorjith Illickal Karthikeyan (D & E)

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Organizational Dynamics

Instructor: Soorjith Illickal Karthikeyan (D & E)

Indian Institute of Management Udaipur (IIMU)

September 28, 2021

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Agenda for today

• What can you hope to learn in the OD course

• Everything else you ever want to know about the OD course!

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What the course is about!

• Introduce the conceptual foundations of organizational design

• Equip you to manage and lead organizations of all kinds

• Being able to appreciate the changing landscape of organizations

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Organizational Design

Org design: constructing and

changing an organization’s
structure to achieve the
organizations goals.

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Managing and leading organizations

• Knowledge, experience,
and imagination

• Ability to face ambiguity

and uncertainty

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Changing landscape of organizations

• Digitization

• Data

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Why you need the OD course

• I want to manage and lead organizations!

• I want to work in finance, operations, analytics!

• I only want to work in an organization and get a salary!

• I am going to be in entrepreneurship!

• I don’t intend to work!

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Logistics & Class Decorum

• Office hours: Drop me an email and we’ll schedule a meeting (both
individually and collectively)
• Email:

Do’s and Dont’s

• Please don’t be distracted and distract others while the class is going
• Deadlines are sacrosanct
• Academic honesty is important: Please do proper referencing, strict no
to plagiarism, etc.

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Good practices!

• Use the raise hand option to contribute!

• Be polite and civil in class discussions!

• Learning is collaborative!

• Effort is valuable!

• Be connected!

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How the classes will work?

• Primarily through case discussions- we’ll also have breakout rooms
• Lectures will supplement class discussions
Important that you come to the class prepared . . .

Why cases?
• Opportunity to familiarize yourself with a wide variety of realistic
settings (divergent contexts, different industries, various orientations,
different positions, etc.)
• Cope with ambiguities and complex situations
• Use the tools and make decisions

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