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Name: Auliya Majid Arrahmah
Class: XII KKBT 2


By chanting the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Loving. The author gives thanks
for His presence, so that the author can complete a text report entitled to make a final project
The author has compiled this paper maximally and received assistance from various parties so
that it can facilitate the production of this text report. For this reason, the authors would like to thank
all those who have contributed in making this text report.
Apart from all these things, the author is fully aware that there are still deficiencies both in
terms of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, the author graciously accepts all suggestions and
criticisms from readers so that we can improve this text report.
Finally, the authors would like to thank all those who have participated in the preparation of
this text report from beginning to end. May Allah SWT always be pleased with all our efforts. Amen.

Jakarta, 12 August 2020


Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................................4
A. Background................................................................................................................................4
B. Purpose......................................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2...............................................................................................................................................5
A. Preparation................................................................................................................................5
B. Tools and Materials...................................................................................................................5
C. Procedures.................................................................................................................................5
D. Finishing.....................................................................................................................................5

Chapter 1


A. Background
Ribbon embroidery is one of the arts of embroidering that uses ribbons as embroidery material.
Ribbon embroidery is a technique of decorating cloth by sewing decorative ribbons onto the object to
be decorated so that a new decorative design is formed using various kinds of decorative stitches.
Ribbon embroidery is not only used to decorate clothes but also to decorate handbags, veils,
scarves, umbrellas, and various household items.
The characteristics of ribbon embroidery are as follows:

 Using ribbons of various types and sizes

 Gives a three-dimensional effect to larger objects due to the larger size of the ribbon
 Ribbon embroidery results are more decorative because of the more diverse ribbon materials

B. Purpose
The objectives of this paper are as follows:
1. To know what is ribbon embroidery
2. To find out what things need to be considered in making ribbon embroidery for glasses
3. To know how to make ribbon embroidery for the glasses
4. As a medium to add insight and knowledge.

Chapter 2


A. Preparation
Preparation for making ribbon embroidery for glasses, of course we have to prepare
everything needed, such as desaign or motif for ribbon embroidery and the size of the glasses

B. Tools and Materials

Tools and materials used are:

1. Ribbon 7. Paper
2. Wide eye needle 8. Clear plastic
3. Cloth size 17cm x 11cm 9. Carbon
4. Scissors 10. Reseleting
5. Pencil 11. Gas matches
6. Eraser 12. Hook machine

C. Procedures
After the tools and materials are ready. The first step is to make a sketch of the motif
to be embroidered. The second step is then transferring the sketch to the fabric. then put the
carbon on the cloth. Then put the patterned paper and put plastic on it (plastic is used so that
the image sketch is not damaged). Pin the tip of the paper so that the paper does not shift and
then trace the motif using a pencil.

The next step is to embroider the ribbon on the fabric, before that, cut the ribbon you
want to use as needed, then cut the ends of the ribbon tapering ½ cm, then stitch them in the
middle of the body of the ribbon. then shifting from the tip of the needle to the eye of the
needle, after that it is burned using a gas lighter on the end of the ribbon. Then embroidery
follows the motive. How to make the leaves first, prick from the bottom then use the non-
shiny part on top and then prick the top. then to make flowers can use 2 or more colors. After
finishing embroidering, the remaining ribbons behind the cloth are burned using a gas lighter
to lock

D. Finishing
Then hook it with the hook machine around the fabric 1cm apart then flip it over and
put on the reseleting. Then embroidery the ribbon where the glasses are ready

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