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Algebra and graphs 5. Copy and complete both of the following tables of arithmetic sequences: ®) [position | 1 | 2 7 3 | 0 a Term 7 [4 35 ©) [Position | 2 | 6 | 10 2 Term 4 [2 3 Student assessment 2 1. A girl deposits $300 in a bank account, The bank offers 7% interest per year. Assuming the girl does not take any money out of the account ealeulate: a) the amount of money in the account after 8 years b) the minimum number of years the money must be left in the account, for the amount to be greater than $350. 2. A computer loses 35% ofits value each year. If the computer cost $600 new, calculate: a) its value after 2 years b) its value after 10 years. 3. Part of a geometric sequence is given below: corner Be —H. where u; = 27 and u. = — Calculate: a) the common ratior b) the value u ©) the value of n if u, = ~3y. 4. Using a table of differences if necessary, calculate the rule for the nth term of the sequence 8, 24, 58, 116, 204, 5. Using a table of differences, calculate the rule for the nth term of the sequence 10, 23, 50, 97, 170, Variation @ Direct variation Consider the tables below: yaar In each case y is directly proportional to x. This is written y «x. If any of these three tables is shown on a graph, the graph will be a straight line passing through the origin y y 20 30 20 20 10 10 y=25x ‘Gradient =2.5 Op 4eeat xr © 246810%x % 246810 x For any statement where y ex, kx where & is a constant equal to the gradient of the graph and is called the constant of proportionality or constant of variation, Consider the tables below: x] [2,3 ]4]s y}2|7 {02 | % Algebra and graphs In the cases above. y is directly proportional to.x", where n > 0. This can be written as y ex" ‘The graphs of each of the three equations are shown below 4 v4 yer y= be) i % sv a9 er } The graphs above, with (x. y) plotted, are not linear. However if the graph of y = 2xis plotied as (x, y), then the graph is linear and passes through the origin demonstrating that ye 3? as shown in the graph below. «Ti qt2]f3 4s ei 4 = 16 | 25 y|2]2|e{2{| 90 Yh 50 40 30 20 10 e 70 20)SCOO 16 Variation Worked examples Similarly, the graph of y = 4 is curved when plotted as (x, y). but is linear and passes through the origin if itis plotted as (°,y) as shown: i 7 ADD vs The graph of y = Vx is also linear if plotted as (Vx, y). @ Inverse variation Ify is inversely proportional tox, then y Land y = £. Tia graph of y against + is plotted. this t00 will be a straight line passing through the origin. a) yoo. ly = 7 when x = 2, find y when x = 5 kx kX2 so k=35 When x = 5, y=35x5=175 b) yo Ltty = 5 when =3,findy when x = 30. Algebra and graphs Exercise 16.1 Exercise 16.2 1 a 5 y is directly proportional tox. IEy = 6when.x = 2, find: fa) the constant of proportionality b) the value of y when x ¢) the value of y when x d) the value of x when y = 9 ©) the value of x when y = 30. yis directly proportional tox. If y = 18 when x = 6, find: a) the constant of proportionality b) the value of y when x = 4 ©) the value of y when x ) the value of x when y ©) the value of x when y 28. yis inversely proportional tox’, Ify = 3 when x = 1) the constant of proportionality b) the value of y when x ©) the value of y when x d) the value of x when y = 24. . find: ys inversely proportional to.x?, Ify = 1 when x = 05, find: a) the constant of proportionality b) the value of y when. x = 0.1 ©) the value of y when x = 0.25 d) the value of x when y = 64. Write each of the following in the form: i) yex ii) y = ke a) yis directly proportional tox b) yis inversely proportional to.x° ©) tis directly proportional to P 4d) sis inversely proportional tot e) Ais directly proportional to? 8) Tis inversely proportional to the square root of g Ify ocx and y = 6 when x = 2, find y when x = 3.5. Hy Land y = 4when.x = 25 find: a) y when.x = 20 b) xwhen) Ifp « r*and p = 2. whenr = 2, find p when 7 = 8, Im 4, and m = 1 when 7 = 2, find: r 4 125, a) mwhenr b) rwhenm My ocx?and y = 12 when x = 2, find y when.x = 5, 16 Variation Exercise 16.3 1. Ifa stone is dropped off the edge of a cliff, the height (i metres) of the cliffis proportional to the square of the time (¢ seconds) taken for the stone to reach the ground. Astone takes 5 seconds to reach the ground when dropped off a cliff 125m high a) Write down a relationship between h and, using kas the constant of variation b) Calculate the constant of variation. c) Find the height of a cliff if a stone takes 3 seconds to reach the ground. d) Find the time taken for a stone to fall from a cliff 180m high. The velocity (v metres per second) of a body is known to be proportional to the square root of its kinetic energy (e joules). When the velocity of a body is 120mis, its kinetic energy is 16001. a) Write down a refationship between v constant of variation. ‘b) Calculate the value of k. ©) Ifv=21, calculate the kinetic energy of the body in joules. nde, using k as the The length (/ cm) of an edge of a cube is proportional to the cube root of its mass (m grams). It is known thal if (= then m = 125, Let & be the constant of variation. a) Write down the relationship between L,2 and k b) Calculate the value of k. c) Calculate the value of when m = 8. ‘The power (P) generated in an electrical circuit is proportional to the square of the current (I amps). When the power is 108 watts, the current is amps a) Write down a relationship between P, Zand the constant of variation, k. b) Calculate the value of when P = 75 watts Algebra and graphs Student assessment | Ly =a. Wheny = 12,4 =8. a) Calculate the value of k. b) Calculate y whenx ©) Calculate y when.x ) Calculate x when y a) Caleul b) Calculate y when x ©) Calculate x when y d) Caleulatex when y = 2 p= kg. Whenp =9,q=3 a) Calculate the value of k. b) Calculate p when ©) Calculate p when q «) Calculate q when p k 4 m=. when m= vn a) Calculate the value of k b) Calculate m when = 16. ©) Calculate 2 when 2 = 100. ) Calculate m when m = 5. a) Calculate the value of k. b) Calculate y when x = 05. €) Calculate both values ofx when y 4d) Calculate both values of x when y 16 Variation Student assessment 2 L 2 y is inversely proportional to x. a) Copy and complete the table below x«[ i f2]4]e[e[2 4 y b) What is the value of x when y = 20? Copy and complete the tables below: a) pox 2 10 y 10 wt by yet The pressure (P) of a given mass of proportional to its volume (V) at a constant temperature IfP = 4 when / = 6, calculate: a) Pwhen¥ b) Vwhen P The gravitational force (F) between two masses is inversely proportional to the square of the distance (d) between thom. If F = 4 when d= 5, calculate: a) Fwhend =8 b) dwhen F=25. (7) Graphs in practical situations Worked example © Conversion graphs A straight-line graph can be used to convert one set of units to another. Examples include converting from one currency to another, converting distance in miles to kilometres and converting temperature from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. The graph below converts South African rand into euros based on an exchange rate of €1 = 8.80 rand. Rand i --e- 80 i) Using the graph estimate the number of rand equivalent to €5. A line is drawn up from €5 until it reaches the plotted line, then across to the vertical axi From the graph it can be seen that €5 ~ 44 rand. («is the symbol for is approximately equal to’) ‘Using the graph, what would be the cost in euros of a drink costing 25 rand? A line is drawn across from 25 rand until it reaches the plotted line, then dawn to the horizontal axis From the graph it can be seen that the cost of the drink ~ €2.80. iii) If a meal costs 200 rand, use the graph to estimate its cost in euros. The graph does not go up to 200 rand, therefore a factor of 200 needs to be used e.g. 50 rand From the graph 50 rand = €5.70, therefore it can be deduced that 200 rand ~ €22.80 (ie. 4 €5.70). 7 Graphs in prectical situations Exercise 17.1 1. Given that 80 km = 50 miles, draw a conversion graph up to 100 km. Uising your graph estimate: a) how many miles is 50 km, b) how many kilometres is 80 miles, ©) the speed in miles per hour (mph) equivalent to 100 km/h, d) the speed in km/h eq: alent to 40 mph. 2 You can roughly convert temperature in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit by doubling the degrees Celsius and adding 30. Draw a conversion graph up to 50°C. Use your graph to estimate the following: a) the temperature in°F equivalent to 25°C, b) the temperature in°C equivalent to 100°F, ¢) the temperature in°F equivalent to 0°C, d) the temperature in*C equivalent to 200°F. 3. Given that 0°C = 32°F and 50°C = 122°F, on the same graph as in question 2, draw a true conversion graph. i) Use the true graph to calculate the conversions in question 2. ii) Where would you say the rough conversion is most useful? 4, Long-distance calls from New York to Harare are priced at 85 cents/min off peak and §1.20/min at peak times a) Draw, on the same axes, conversion graphs for the two different rates b) From your graph estimate the cost of an § minute call made oif peak ©) Estimate the cost of the same call made at peak rate. 4) A call is to be made from a telephone box. If the caller has only $4 to spend, estimate how much more time he can talk for if he rings at off peak instead of at peak times. 5. A maths exam is marked out of 120, Draw a conversion graph to change the following marks to percentages a) 80 b) 110 ©) 54 d 72 © Speed, distance and time ‘You may already be aware of the following formula: distance = speed X time Rearranging the formula gives: dista speed = sistance time ‘Where the speed is not constant: total distance average speed = =

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