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Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol.

160 (3rd series)

Clinical Neurophysiology: Basis and Technical Aspects
K.H. Levin and P. Chauvel, Editors
Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Chapter 28

Autonomic testing, methods and techniques

Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

The evaluation of autonomic function requires indirect assessment of neurophysiologic function using
specialized equipment that is often available only at tertiary care centers, with few specialists available.
However, the evaluation of autonomic function is rooted in basic physiology, and the results can be inter-
preted by careful consideration of the context of the problem. Many automated devices have become
widely available to test autonomic function, but they tend to gather inadequate data leading to frequent
misdiagnosis and clinical confusion. We review the details necessary for the neurophysiologist to properly
perform, and interpret, autonomic function testing.

of autonomic function that occur across other organ sys-

tems, such as urodynamic testing in urology, gastric emp-
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) has diverse tying studies in gastroenterology, and pupillometry in
end-organ innervation. As a consequence, the study of ophthalmology. Although these are important tests to con-
autonomic function is expansive and typically targets sider in the evaluation of autonomic end-organ function,
the particular end organ of interest. The result is a large they are outside the scope of this chapter and the reader
number of techniques to assess the function of the ANS is referred to several excellent resources for further infor-
for both research and clinical purposes. These tests of mation (Smith and Smith, 1983; Gavriysky, 1995;
autonomic function assess the capacity of the system Sakakibara et al., 1997; Davies and Smith, 1999; Park
to respond to a particular stimulus (Low, 2003; Low and Camilleri, 2006; Horvath et al., 2014).
and Benarroch, 2008). In contrast to tests of function, Parasympathetic function is tested by measuring
gastric biopsies, sural nerve biopsies, or skin biopsies changes in heart rate in response to deep breathing,
to assess peripheral nerve fibers are structural tests of to the Valsalva maneuver, and active standing (Low,
the autonomic nervous system. However, structural 2003). Sympathetic function is in general tested by mea-
methods are invasive and limited by where biopsies suring changes in blood pressure in response to the
can be obtained, the invasive nature of the tests, and Valsalva maneuver, tilt table testing, and active standing.
the ability to repeat the tests. Therefore, functional tests Sudomotor function is usually measured with the
are generally preferred and have become the standard for Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test (QSART) or
evaluation of the autonomic nervous system. the Thermoregulatory Sweat Test (TST) (Illigens and
For neurologists, clinical autonomic testing focuses Gibbons, 2009).
on the assessment of the cardiovagal parasympathetic This chapter provides a general overview of clinical
function, the cardiovascular sympathetic adrenergic autonomic testing, followed by a detailed description
function, and the sympathetic cholinergic sudomotor of tilt table testing, autonomic reflex testing, and the
systems (Low, 2003). There are many additional tests sudomotor tests QSART and TST.

*Correspondence to: Christopher H. Gibbons M.D. Center for Autonomic and Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Department of
Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 1 Deaconess Road, Boston, MA 02215, United States. Tel.: +1-617-632-
8454, Fax: +1-617-632-0852, E-mail:
CLINICAL AUTONOMIC TESTING: A beat-to-beat monitor and ECG measure continuously
SYMPATHETIC ADRENERGIC AND throughout the duration of testing. Blood pressure and
PARASYMPATHETIC heart rate are connected to a data acquisition system.
Patients are placed in supine position on a tilt test with
Autonomic testing is indicated for patients who have
footrest support and stabilizing belts. After the patient
a history of syncope, orthostatic hypotension, postural
has assumed a relaxed, supine position a baseline ECG
tachycardia syndrome (POTS), thermoregulatory dys-
is recorded to screen for any cardiac abnormalities
function, peripheral neuropathy, general autonomic
(e.g., arrhythmia, atrial-ventricular delay or block, long
failure, or neurodegenerative disease. Symptoms of ortho-
PR interval, long QTc interval) that exist at baseline
static hypotension include postural lightheadedness, dizzi-
and may warrant further investigation.
ness, weakness, coat hanger headache, or shortness of
breath (Gibbons and Freeman, 2005). Gastrointestinal
manifestations can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, Heart rate variability to paced breathing
constipation, bloating or gastroparesis. Urologic mani- Deep breathing with maximum effort is performed for
festations may include urinary urgency, frequency nine cycles, with each cycle paced at 5 s for inhalation
or retention. Sudomotor dysfunction may present and 5 s for exhalation to assess heart rate variability
with anhidrosis, hyperhidrosis, or thermoregulatory (HRV) as a measure of parasympathetic function.
abnormalities. Normal HRV in response to deep breathing is an increase
By assessing cardiovagal parasympathetic function, of heart rate during inhalation and a decrease during
cardiovascular sympathetic adrenergic function, and exhalation, also known as the respiratory sinus arrhyth-
sympathetic cholinergic sudomotor function, the role mia (Angelone and Coulter, 1964; Davies and Neilson,
of the autonomic system in the pathophysiology of these 1967; Low, 2003). HRV data are analyzed and compared
conditions and the contribution to these symptoms can be to normative data adjusted for age and gender. Heart rate
evaluated (Low, 2003; Low et al., 2003). variability declines with age. It is important to measure
In preparation for autonomic testing, patients should respiratory effort in order to provide context to the
stop medications (if it is safe to do so) that impact auto- results. Data cannot be interpreted if the respiratory effort
nomic function, for five half-lives. Practically, we gener- is suboptimal. Automated devices that record heart rate
ally recommend holding medications for 48 h before variability generally do not analyze respiratory effort
testing, if this is possible. Test results may be influenced and therefore cannot appropriately interpret the results
by a number of classes of medications including those (Gibbons CHC and Fife, 2012). A reduced HRV with
with anticholinergic effects (such as tricyclic antidepres- good effort may be a sign of isolated parasympathetic
sants or serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), dysfunction or may occur in the context of a generalized
antihistamines, decongestants, medications with anti- dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Fig. 28.1
muscarinic effects, medications that raise or lower blood highlights several responses to paced breathing.
pressure, medications that influence volume status
(volume expanders such as fludrocortisone or volume
Valsalva maneuver
contractors such as furosemide), analgesics (opioids),
and antiinflammatory agents (Low, 2003, 2008). Some A test that measures both sympathetic adrenergic and
exceptions are made for medications that could potenti- parasympathetic function is the Valsalva maneuver
ate medical complications, or create withdrawal effects if (Sandroni et al., 1991; Low, 2003; Hilz and Dutsch,
removed (e.g., levothyroxine, opioids), or if the auto- 2006), a forced breathing exercise with open glottis
nomic testing is performed to assess the response on and an expiratory pressure of 30–40 mmHg for 15 s
medication or is repeated to assess the effect of a new against resistance, which is used to assess the cardiovagal
treatment (Low, 2003). On the day of testing, patients heart rate response and the sympathetic adrenergic blood
should not use compression stockings and should avoid pressure response (Low, 2003). The hemodynamic
caffeine and tobacco. Approximately 3 h before auto- changes during the Valsalva maneuver occur in a
nomic testing, substantial fluid or food intake should sequence of four distinct phases (Gibbons and
be avoided (Low, 2003). Freeman, 2004). In phase I, the blood pressure increases
During autonomic testing, the patient is equipped during the beginning of the expiratory effort, a pure
with a brachial blood pressure cuff, a beat-to-beat blood mechanical effect due to a sudden increase in intratho-
pressure monitor on the finger of the contralateral hand, racic and intraabdominal pressure leading to compres-
and a single- or multilead electrocardiogram (ECG). The sion of the aorta and vena cava. This is followed by
brachial blood pressure monitor is set to measure every phase II, which is divided into early and late. During
1–2 min during tilt table testing and active standing. early phase II the blood pressure decreases steadily

Fig. 28.1. Heart rate variability. The solid lines are the heart rate in response to paced breathing (the left Y-axis for A, B and C). The
dotted lines in the figure are the respiratory capacity (a higher number indicates a greater chest wall excursion and lung volume—
right Y-axis). In (A), there is normal heart rate variability that is time locked to deep respiration. In (B), there is significant respi-
ratory effort, but no change in heart rate (this is a patient with Parkinson’s disease and severe dysautonomia). In (C), the patient is
not making any effort at deep respiration with minimal heart rate variability. The heart rate response to breathing in (C) could easily
be mistaken for an autonomic neuropathy if respiratory effort were not monitored. Copyright B.M.W. Illigens.
secondary to the sustained compression of the vena cava,
leading to a decreased venous return to the heart, reduced
preload, reduced stroke volume, and therefore dimin-
ished cardiac output. The fall in blood pressure triggers
a compensatory heart rate increase from withdrawal of
cardiovagal tone. It also activates baroreceptors in the
carotid and aortic arch, causing an efferent sympathetic
discharge, which leads to increased total peripheral resis-
tance and ultimately a recovery of the blood pressure
marking late Phase II. Phase III is a sudden drop in blood
pressure due to a decrease in intrathoracic pressure once
the expiratory effort is terminated. Phase IV is the blood
pressure overshoot and depends on cardiac
adrenergic tone.
As a measure of parasympathetic function, the heart
rate response in the Valsalva maneuver is analyzed by
the Valsalva ratio (Low, 2003; Hilz and Dutsch, 2006).
The Valsalva ratio is a calculation of the maximum heart
rate during the maneuver over the minimum heart rate
during the 30 s after maneuver and is compared to norma-
tive data by age and gender. There is an age-related
decline in the Valsalva ratio. A larger Valsalva ratio Fig. 28.2. The phases of the Valsalva maneuver. The blood
indicates more “normal” parasympathetic function. The pressure (top tracing) and heart rate (middle tracing) in
assessment of heart rate variability during the Valsalva response to a Valsalva maneuver. The bottom tracing demon-
maneuver requires the blood pressure for appropriate strates the expiratory pressure. This is a normal response with
interpretation. If there is no drop in blood pressure during an appropriate dynamic change in blood pressure during
phase II because of inadequate respiratory effort, there phases 1–4, with an appropriate tachycardia in response to
will be no heart rate response. Automated devices typi- expiratory pressure of 40 mmHg for 15 s. Copyright B.M.W.
cally do not measure expiratory pressure or beat-to-beat
blood pressures, preventing appropriate interpretation
of the heart rate response to a Valsalva maneuver. Due to the increase in intrathoracic pressure that
A review of the phases of the Valsalva maneuver is pro- occurs during testing, a Valsalva maneuver is not recom-
vided in Fig. 28.2. mended for individuals who have undergone eye surgery
Sympathetic adrenergic function is assessed by the during the previous 3 months, or individuals with dia-
beat-to-beat blood pressure response during late phase betic retinopathy or untreated glaucoma.
II and during phase IV. A normal response would be a
recovery of the blood pressure within 4–7 s after phase
Active stand
I (defined as late phase II) and a blood pressure after
the Valsalva maneuver overshooting the baseline, An additional test of both parasympathetic and sympa-
defined as phase IV (Low, 2003; Hilz and Dutsch, thetic adrenergic function is the active stand (Gibbons
2006). Mild sympathetic dysfunction would be a reduced and Freeman, 2004). The active stand is performed after
and/or delayed recovery after 7 s in phase II and reduced at least 5 min baseline recording of blood pressure and
and/or delayed phase IV overshoot. Severe sympathetic heart rate in the supine, rested position. The patient
dysfunction would be a continued fall in blood pressure moves from the supine to the standing position quickly
throughout the expiratory effort with no evidence of (within 3 s if possible) and stands in an immobile, stable
a late phase II blood pressure recovery and absent over- position for 5 min. This test reflects the patient’s daily
shoot in phase IV (Sandroni et al., 1991). A technically experience in positional change. In response to standing
inadequate Valsalva maneuver is shown in Fig. 28.3. In there is a shift in blood volume of 300–800 mL from the
this example, values obtained could be interpreted as central intravascular compartment to the peripheral vas-
abnormal if the respiratory effort is not recorded. cular system (Ewing et al., 1980). With the sudden trans-
However, once the respiratory effort is considered in fer of blood volume there is a rapid increase in the heart
the analysis, it is clear that the test is not performed rate that peaks at about 3 s. This sudden, and transient,
properly. tachycardia is mediated by inhibition of vagal tone likely

Fig. 28.3. An inadequate Valsalva maneuver. The blood pressure (top tracing) and heart rate (middle tracing) in response to a
Valsalva maneuver. In this example, the patient does not generate sufficient respiratory effort to elicit a sufficient change in blood
pressure or heart rate. Without measurement of expiratory pressure and beat-to-beat blood pressure, it is not possible to differen-
tiate an abnormal response from inadequate effort. Copyright B.M.W. Illigens.

as a result of muscle contraction, referred to as the exer- 30/15 mmHg (Freeman et al., 2011). During active stand-
cise reflex. After the initial increase in heart rate, there is a ing, parasympathetic function is measured using the
further baroreflex mediated increase in heart rate from 3 30:15 ratio (Low, 2003). The 30:15 ratio is determined
to 12 s in response to a fall in blood pressure due to dimin- by the slowest heart rate (longest RR interval) occurring
ished vasoconstrictor tone. The transient decrease in about 30 s after standing divided by the fastest heart rate
blood pressure and increase in heart rate results in a (shortest RR interval) occurring about 15 s after standing.
new baseline after approximately 30 s. As blood pressure The larger the value for the 30:15 ratio, the more “intact”
returns toward normal, there is a transient blood pressure the parasympathetic nervous system is. Abnormalities
overshoot period and a baroreflex mediated bradycardia that can be detected on active standing include evidence
at 30 s after initiation of standing (Ewing et al., 1980). of parasympathetic dysfunction, orthostatic hypoten-
Sympathetic adrenergic function is measured by sion, or postural tachycardia. The typical parasympa-
changes in blood pressure while standing compared to thetic function (heart rate) response to an active stand
the baseline, supine position. A diagnosis of orthostatic is shown in Fig. 28.4.
hypotension is defined as a 20-mmHg decrease in sys- The only contraindication against standing is a phys-
tolic, or a 10-mmHg decrease in diastolic, blood pressure ical disability that would prevent the ability to stand
within 3 min of standing (Freeman et al., 2011). In safely. In patients with severe orthostatic hypotension
patients with supine hypertension, the fall in blood and in those who had neurally mediated syncope during
pressure for a diagnosis of orthostatic hypotension is tilt table testing, care should be taken to perform the test

Fig. 28.4. The 30:15 ratio. The 30:15 ratio is a quantified change in the heart rate that occurs between the 15th and 30th second, or
heartbeat, after standing, during which time a significant change in heart rate occurs. This figure demonstrates the heart rate
response to moving from a supine to standing position. The R–R interval at the lowest heart rate (generally around 30 s, or
30th heart beat) is divided by the R–R interval of the highest heart rate (typically at 15 s, or the 15th heart beat) to provide a numer-
ical measure of parasympathetic activity. The exact peak and trough of heart rate will vary between individuals and will be related
to the underlying heart rate; therefore the 30:15 ratio can refer to either the number of heartbeats after standing or the time in
seconds and is just a rough estimate of where to select the maximum and minimum heart rates. Copyright B.M.W. Illigens.

in a safe environment where individuals can be protected transient blood pressure drop due to venous pooling,
from a fall. It should be noted that the results must be which then triggers the baroreceptors in the carotid artery
interpreted within the clinical context for the individual. and aortic arch (Wieling et al., 1985; Sprangers et al.,
Orthostatic hypotension can be a consequence of medi- 1991). The baroreceptors then cause a compensatory
cation use, volume depletion, or other medical condition heart rate increase through withdrawal of parasympa-
and does not necessarily indicate a problem with the thetic tone and an increase in blood pressure due to an
autonomic nervous system. increase in sympathetic adrenergic tone. The following
conditions can be identified during tilt table testing:
neurally mediated syncope, orthostatic hypotension,
Tilt table testing
POTS, and delayed orthostatic hypotension (Freeman
The tilt table test is used to assess the hemodynamic et al., 2011).
response to postural change. Postural change from the The patient will start the tilt test in the supine position
supine to the upright position leads to venous pooling, on a table equipped with a footrest support and suspen-
a process where 500–1000 mL blood shifts from the tho- sion belts to ensure a secure and safe testing environment
rax into the legs and to a lesser extent into the abdominal during the tilt. The patient should rest in a recumbent
and pelvic regions (Wieling et al., 1985; Ajsmit position for a prolonged period of time, generally about
et al., 1996; Low, 2003). Several countermechanisms 20 min. After at least three similar baseline blood pres-
exist, but the most important are the neurocardiovascular sure and heart rate readings are acquired, the patient is
system and the muscle-venous pump. During the active quickly tilted head-up to 60–80 degrees (the exact angle
stand both mechanisms are utilized to maintain blood varies across different labs, but we prefer a 60-degree
pressure. During the tilt table test, otherwise known as angle). The patient is instructed to avoid moving the legs
a “passive stand,” the individual is brought to a 60- to during the test (to avoid using the muscle pump) and is
80-degree tilt, a position where leg muscles are used to then observed for symptoms and hemodynamic changes.
a minimum because the individual is supported against The patient is kept in the tilted position for at least 10 min
a bed (Wieling et al., 1985; Ajsmit et al., 1996). or until a terminating event occurs. Termination of the tilt
During the tilt table test, both the parasympathetic and is based on clinical judgment, but the typical reasons for
the sympathetic adrenergic systems are tested through tilting down a patient are (1) reduced responsiveness or
gravitational stress. Normally, upon tilt up there is a unresponsiveness (the clinician must use judgment; if

Fig. 28.5. Tilt table testing. This figure highlights four typical responses seen during tilt table testing. The thick black line is the heart
rate (left Y-axis) while the thinner black line is the beat-to-beat blood pressure (right Y-axis). In (A), there is a normal blood pressure
and heart rate response to tilt. In (B), there is a significant increase in heart rate in response to tilt with no change in blood pressure
(a postural tachycardia). In (C), there is a sudden hypotensive and bradycardic event seen at 18 min consistent with neurally mediated
syncope. In (D), there is a slow but progressive decline in blood pressure consistent with orthostatic hypotension. There is no
significant change in heart rate with the fall in blood pressure consistent with autonomic failure. Copyright B.M.W. Illigens.

there is no hemodynamic change this could represent A normal hemodynamic response is a systolic blood
“pseudo-syncope”), (2) extreme discomfort and request pressure decrease of less than 20 mmHg, a diastolic pres-
for early termination of testing, (3) sustained hypoten- sure decrease of less than 10 mmHg, and a heart rate
sion (this will depend on symptoms and change from increase of not more than 30 beats per minute (these values
baseline blood pressure), (4) hypotensive bradycardia are for adults; children will vary by age) (Freeman
consistent with neurally mediated syncope. et al., 2011).
Many centers limit the duration of the tilt to 10 min, There are no contraindications to tilt table testing with
but a duration of 45 min should be considered to rule the exception of weight that exceeds the capacity of the
out delayed orthostatic hypotension and neurally medi- table. Each tilt table is rated to a maximum weight, and all
ated syncope (Gibbons and Freeman, 2006). Both patients should be weighed to ensure that they do not
delayed orthostatic hypotension and neurally mediated exceed the maximum capacity of the table. During tilt
syncope are often detected in the latter part of testing. table testing, there is a potential for a bradycardic, hypo-
After tilt-down, another 3 or more minutes of recovery tensive response that can be profound in some patients
are recorded. In the setting of profound hypotension or with neurally mediated syncope (also known as vasova-
neurally mediated syncope, a prolonged recovery time gal syncope). A code cart should be available in close
may be required, often in the reverse Trendelenburg proximity and testing supervised by a physician with
position for a few minutes before returning to the supine appropriate training. In the setting of neurally mediated
position. Examples of disorders seen on tilt table testing syncope, the patient should immediately be placed in
are shown in Fig. 28.5. the reverse Trendelenburg position. With prolonged
asystole an emergency alert should be called. In our
experience with thousands of tests, even prolonged
asystole recovers to normal sinus rhythm within 60 s
of reverse Trendelenburg. If unsupervised patients are
left in the head-up tilted position, this can result in dan-
gerously prolonged asystole (Maloney et al., 1988;
Milstein et al., 1989; Dangovian et al., 1992).

Other tests of sympathetic

adrenergic function
Several tests of autonomic function have been used clin-
ically, but not routinely, in the evaluation of autonomic
function. These tests include blood pressure response
to sustained handgrip, blood pressure response to mental
stress, and blood pressure response to cold water immer-
sion (the cold pressor test) (Ewing et al., 1976; Hague
Fig. 28.6. The sudomotor axon reflex. An example of the
et al., 1978; Wood et al., 1984; Vita et al., 1986;
sudomotor axon reflex. As acetylcholine is iontophoresed into
Hjemdahl et al., 1989; Specchia et al., 1991). These tests
the skin, it activates a local nerve terminal and a signal is
have been used for research purposes, and reported in sent antidromically up the nerve fiber. At a branch point, the
some clinical cases, but are not routinely used in clinical signal continues to propagate antidromically but also spreads
practice because of the variability of response across orthodromically down to neighboring sweat glands. These
individuals, and lower sensitivity and specificity. neighboring glands also produce sweat outside the area of stim-
ulation (the indirect sweat response). Copyright B.M.W.
CHOLINERGIC) FUNCTION sweat glands are stimulated to produce sweat outside
of the area of direct stimulation (indirect axon-reflex
Intact sudomotor function is important for thermo-
mediated sweat response) (Fig. 28.6) (Low et al.,
regulation and is mediated via eccrine sweat glands that
1983). A number of tests of sudomotor function have
underlie sympathetic control. Thermoregulatory activity
been developed, including the acetylcholine sweat-spot
originates in the hypothalamus and is mediated via pre-
testing, silicone impressions, and the quantitative direct
ganglionic cholinergic neurons that synapse in the para-
and indirect axon reflex testing (Stewart et al., 1994;
vertebral ganglia with postganglionic neurons (Illigens
Gibbons et al., 2008; Illigens and Gibbons, 2009). The
and Gibbons, 2009). The postganglionic axons extend
most widely used, and well established for clinical
to the eccrine sweat glands and release acetylcholine
purposes, is the QSART. It should be noted that many
from the axon terminals into the junctional space where
autonomic sudomotor reflex tests use iontophoresis of
the acetylcholine binds to postjunctional M3 muscarinic
a cholinergic agent and measure sweat function in an
receptors on eccrine sweat glands to provoke sweat
“axon reflex mediated” adjacent area.
The sudomotor axon reflex can be provoked by
Quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test
cholinergic agents, such as acetylcholine, pilocarpine,
or methacholine (Low et al., 1983; Maselli et al., 1989; The QSART is a sudomotor axon reflex based method
Low et al., 1990). Upon stimulation, a direct sweat to evaluate sympathetic cholinergic function. Axon
response is elicited when the cholinergic agent binds to mediated sweat production is stimulated through ionto-
M3 muscarinic receptors on sweat glands. At the same phoresis of a cholinergic agent and is measured in the
time, the cholinergic agent binds on prejunctional nico- axon-reflex area on the skin with a multicompartment
tinic receptors on sudomotor axon terminals and gener- capsule that is connected to a hygrometer to quantify
ates an axon potential. In the case of the sudomotor changes in humidity (Low et al., 1983).
axon reflex, the action potential initially travels anti- Testing requires placement of a special multicompart-
dromically along the postganglionic sympathetic sudo- mental sweat capsule with an outer ring compartment for
motor axon until it reaches a branch point. After the stimulation and an inner circular compartment for
branch point the potential spreads and travels orthodro- recording on the skin. Standard recording sites are the
mically along other axon branches into adjacent areas ventral forearm, lateral proximal leg, medial distal
of the skin, where neighboring populations of eccrine leg, and dorsum of the foot. The outer ring of the capsule
is filled with a cholinergic agent of choice (typically 10% to 35%–40%. Wearing a facemask to protect the airway,
acetylcholine in water). The inner compartment’s inflow the patient is covered with an indicator dye that changes
is connected to a nitrogen gas tank (or dehumidified air) color upon contact with moisture, enabling visualization
and the compartment’s outflow to a hygrometer. The of the degree and distribution of sweat production (spar-
dehumidified gas is delivered at a constant flow rate to ing the area around the eyes, but including cheeks and
the recording compartment located over the indirect area. forehead). Commonly used indicators are alizarin red
The recording typically shows an initially high level of powder (applied as a mixture of alizarin red with corn
humidity (from room air still being in the system) that starch and sodium carbonate (1:2:1)) and iodine–
slowly decreases until stabilizing at a low baseline level. cornstarch (iodine solution applied onto the skin and
Iontophoresis of the cholinergic agent is then started at dried and then covered by a thin layer of cornstarch).
2 mA for 5 min. Any change in humidity of the outflow In addition to creating a messy environment, these sub-
air during stimulation and for an additional 15 min of stances may also be a challenge to pharmacy staff who
recovery is recorded. Data are analyzed by determining are not familiar with their use. Areas of sweating will
sweat onset latency, peak sweat production, and area cause a change in the indicator’s color (from yellow to
under the curve as a measure of sweat volume. purple if alizarin red is used and from white to blue if
In a normal response, humidity increases from base- starch with iodine is used) and digital photographs are
line levels with a delay of 1–2 min after the initiation taken to quantify the percentage of anterior body surface
of iontophoresis triggers sweat production (the delay is area positive for sweat (expressed as TST% ¼ area of
due to the axon-reflex dependent delay in sweat produc- anterior body anhidrosis divided by total body surface
tion in the indirect area and the time needed for the air to area, multiplied by 100) (Low et al., 2006; Illigens and
travel from the recording compartment to the hygrome- Gibbons, 2009). The patient is equipped with oral and
ter) and then steadily increases during and for up to skin temperature probes to measure core and body sur-
5 min after stimulation, followed by a slow decrease dur- face temperature. Using temperature-regulated infrared
ing recovery. Abnormal responses are an increased, heaters positioned over the patient, the aim is to raise
decreased, or absent sweat response or a delay (latency) the patient’s core temperature by at least 1.0°C above
until an increase in humidity is recorded. A length- baseline temperature or to 38°C (whichever is higher)
dependent neuropathy (such as in diabetes) would show while maintaining a skin temperature of 38.5–39.5°C
a stronger decrease in sweat volume in the distal record- to prevent overheating. A representative maximal sweat
ing sites and milder or no decrease in more proximal response should be evoked within 30–65 min and total
recording sites (Kennedy et al., 1984; Gibbons et al., testing time should not exceed 70 min to avoid hyperther-
2013). QSART testing is demonstrated in Fig. 28.7. mia (Illigens and Gibbons, 2009).
There are a number of potential limitations to QSART. A normal sweat response shows a symmetric distribu-
QSART can be expensive and the iontophoresis of acetyl- tion pattern of sweat production over the entire body sur-
choline to induce sweating can create confusion with phar- face at varying degrees of intensity. An abnormal sweat
macy staff who are not familiar with this technique. It is response may present with an asymmetric sweat pattern
important to control for ambient temperature and humidity or with areas of anhidrosis that may be focal, segmental,
during testing. Results need to be interpreted based on regional, or length-dependent (Illigens and Gibbons,
both age and gender. Medication use, topical applications 2009). To differentiate whether areas of sudomotor
of moisturizers, and hydration status can contribute to spu- dysfunction localized with the TST are due to lesions
rious results (Illigens and Gibbons, 2009). There are few in the preganglionic or postganglionic neuron, the
side effects from testing; some patients may notice some TST is combined with a test of postganglionic function,
skin irritation at the site of iontophoresis. such as QSART; a preganglionic lesion will demonstrate
an abnormal pattern of sweating with a normal QSART
response. A postganglionic lesion will demonstrate
Thermoregulatory sweat testing
abnormalities in both tests (Low, 2003). Examples of
The TST measures the integrity of both the central and thermoregulatory sweat testing are shown in Fig. 28.8.
peripheral sudomotor system from the brain to the sweat The TST is a time-consuming and labor-intensive
glands (Illigens and Gibbons, 2009). The patient is test. It requires dedicated space, specialized heating
placed in a chamber that raises the core body tempera- equipment, and appropriate shower facilities for patients
ture, producing a topographical distribution of sweat pro- after testing. It is not considered a routine test in many
duction. For the TST, the patient is asked to wear only autonomic testing centers. Close observation of patient
underwear and is positioned supine on a table in a status is required during testing; individuals with signif-
temperature- and humidity-controlled room or chamber. icant anhidrosis are at substantially increased risk of
The temperature is set to 45–50°C and relative humidity hyperthermia.

Fig. 28.7. Quantitative sudomotor axon reflex testing (QSART). An example of the QSART set-up is provided. An iontophoretic
device provides the electrical current that allows acetylcholine to penetrate into the skin. The sweat capsule blows nitrogen gas
(QSART) or dehumidified air (QSWEAT) across the skin and a hygrometer measures the change in humidity. A sample sweat
output response is provided at the top of the display. Three sites on the leg and one site on the forearm are typically tested. Copyright
B.M.W. Illigens.

RESEARCH TESTING FOR A number of these functional autonomic tests are

AUTONOMIC FUNCTION based on the quantification of the autonomic axon reflex.
The term axon reflex was first used by Langley for an
Cutaneous autonomic reflex tests axon-mediated pilomotor response (Langley, 1903).
In addition to clinical autonomic tests, a number of tests Currently, the term axon reflex is most commonly asso-
are used for research purposes to investigate autonomic ciated with Sir Thomas Lewis, who described the vaso-
function. Testing the autonomic nervous system is fre- motor axon reflex as the underlying mechanism for the
quently performed through indirect functional tests to flare component of the triple response (Lewis, 1927).
assess the peripheral portion of the autonomic nervous In fact, the axon reflex exists for all three components
system. The skin is easily accessible and there are options of the peripheral autonomic nervous system as a vaso-
to test in multiple locations to evaluate contralateral or motor response, a pilomotor response, and a sudomotor
length-dependent differences. Dysfunction of the periph- response – and for all of them a quantitative approach
eral autonomic nervous system may be the earliest mani- exists (Gibbons et al., 2008; Siepmann et al., 2012;
festation of a small fiber neuropathy (Low et al., 2006). Illigens et al., 2013).

Fig. 28.8. Thermoregulatory sweat testing (TST). In response to a rise in core temperature, the body produces sweat for thermo-
regulatory purposes. With application of an indicator dye, a topographical map of sweat production can be measured. (A) A normal
sweat pattern in response to a rise in core temperature; (B) a pattern due to length dependent polyneuropathy; (C) a spinal cord
injury prevents sweat production below the level of the injury; (D) patterns of a right lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury and a
right T10 radiculopathy; (E) global anhidrosis is detected. Copyright B.M.W. Illigens.

The vasomotor axon reflex is based on activation of area measured by an increased capillary blood flow, fol-
cutaneous afferent polymodal nociceptor C-fibers and lowed shortly by vasodilation in the indirect area. The
can be elicited by chemical stimuli, such as acetylcho- vasodilation peaks within 5 min and then slowly returns
line, and physical stimuli. Upon activation of those to baseline several minutes after that. A reduction in
fibers, an action potential is generated, which causes vasodilation, a delay in peak vasodilation, and/or a
local release of vasodilating neuropeptides and sweat decrease in the area of indirectly stimulated axon reflex
production in this area (direct vasomotor response), but mediated vasodilation may be signs of peripheral nerve
also travels orthodromically along those afferent fibers dysfunction. However, spatial resolution of LDF is low
until it reaches a branch point (Stewart et al., 1992; and measurements show high intra- and interindividual
Peltier et al., 2009; Illigens et al., 2013). The action variability, reducing the sensitivity and specificity of this
potential then spreads antidromically along axon technique for individual patients. LDI is limited by a rather
branches into neighboring areas of the skin until it complex data analysis and is also only useful for detecting
reaches the nerve terminals, where it triggers a release differences between groups of subjects. Both LDI and
of vasodilating neuropeptides with changes to vascular LDF require expensive hardware, have a complex set-
flow outside of the initial area of activation (indirect up, and due to their limitations are currently confined to
vasomotor response) (Low et al., 1983). The most com- the research setting (Green et al., 2009; Illigens et al.,
mon tests of vasomotor function are laser Doppler flow- 2013). At this time, we do not recommend these tests
metry (LDF) and laser Doppler imaging (LDI), typically for clinical evaluation of cutaneous autonomic vasomotor
measured in response to iontophoresis of acetylcholine function. Examples of these tests are shown in Fig. 28.9.
(Illigens et al., 2013). LDF measures changes in capillary The pilomotor axon reflex can be elicited by mechan-
blood flow using a single point (or multipoint) laser. With ical, thermal, electrical, or pharmacological stimuli, such
LDF, several single-point probes are utilized simulta- as phenylephrine, upon which C-fibers are activated to
neously to allow quantification of both direct and produce a direct goose bump reaction and via axon reflex
axon-mediated changes in vasomotor response. LDI is an indirect goose bump reaction outside of the area of
a technique that measures changes in capillary flow direct stimulation (Siepmann et al., 2012).
by repeated scanning of a defined area of the skin with A quantitative pilomotor axon reflex test has recently
a single point moving laser and has thus good two- been developed to assess this response (Siepmann
dimensional spatial and temporal resolution (Green et al., 2012). The number of goose bumps, volume of
et al., 2009; Illigens et al., 2013). LDI does not measure goose bumps, and area of spread of the indirectly acti-
the same point over time like LDF; instead it uses a single vated goose bumps can be assessed. This technique is
laser to create a topographical map. A normal vasomotor currently used for research studies and is not recom-
response leads to very quick vasodilation in the direct mended for clinical use at this time.

Fig. 28.9. Laser Doppler flowmetry and imaging. The top images demonstrate the laser Doppler imaging (LDI) seen in response to
stimulation with acetylcholine (the brighter the color, the greater the blood flow). This provides a graphical representation of blood
flow over a region of skin. In the lower image the blood flow is measured by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) in response to ace-
tylcholine iontophoresis. LDI measures blood flow continuously from several discrete sites, while LDF measures blood flow over
an area at predetermined time points. Copyright B.M.W. Illigens.

nerve fascicles (such as the peroneal nerve), the multiunit
Microneurography is the only test to directly evaluate bursts contain primarily vasoconstrictor information and
autonomic function (Wallin and Sundlof, 1979). Devel- are in synchrony with the cardiac rhythm. In skin fasci-
oped in the 1960s, microneurography measures the post- cles, the sympathetic bursts may contain information
ganglionic discharges in sympathetic axons using a about vasoconstriction, vasodilation, or sudomotor func-
microelectrode. Sympathetic nerve fibers discharge tion, and the bursts are not typically linked to the cardiac
spontaneously in irregular bursts, but the activity rhythm (Macefield et al., 2002). Microneurography
increases in response to orthostatic stress or with changes plays a very important role in research investigation of
in blood pressure (Charkoudian et al., 2005). The most autonomic function, but requires highly specialized
common site selected for microneurography studies is training, is very labor intensive, and is therefore is not
the peroneal nerve at the fibular head; however, other used for clinical purposes. An example of microneuro-
nerve fascicles can be studied as well. In studies of motor graphy is shown in Fig. 28.10.

Fig. 28.10. Microneurography. The upper image demonstrates a microneurography needle being placed in the common peroneal
nerve at the fibular head to measure muscle sympathetic nerve activity. In the lower figure, the heart rate (upper tracing, measured
by RR interval), the blood pressure (middle tracing) and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (lower tracing) can be seen. In response
to nitroprusside, there is a decrease in blood pressure with an increase in heat rate. Muscle sympathetic nerve traffic increases
during the drop in blood pressure. When blood pressure returns to normal (after administration of phenylephrine) the muscle sym-
pathetic nerve activity decreases. Copyright B.M.W. Illigens.
SUMMARY Gibbons CHC WP, Fife TD (2012). Autonomic testing.
Model coverage policy. American Academy of Neurology.
The evaluation of autonomic function is an important
part of the neurophysiologic evaluation of disease. These Gibbons C, Freeman R (2004). The evaluation of small fiber
tests of autonomic neurophysiology extend, but do not function-autonomic and quantitative sensory testing.
replace, the clinical evaluation of patients with suspected Neurol Clin 22 (3): 683–702. vii.
autonomic disorders. The purpose of these tests is to pro- Gibbons CH, Freeman R (2005). Orthostatic dyspnea: a
vide objective evidence of autonomic function to assist neglected symptom of orthostatic hypotension. Clin
in diagnosing or managing disease. A battery of tests Auton Res 15 (1): 40–44.
is typically employed to characterize the parasympa- Gibbons CH, Freeman R (2006). Delayed orthostatic hypoten-
sion: a frequent cause of orthostatic intolerance. Neurology
thetic, sympathetic adrenergic, and sympathetic cholin-
67 (1): 28–32.
ergic systems. Additional autonomic evaluation of Gibbons CH, Illigens BM, Centi J et al. (2008). QDIRT: quan-
other end-organ systems may be considered through titative direct and indirect test of sudomotor function.
collaboration with gastroenterology, cardiology, urol- Neurology 70 (24): 2299–2304.
ogy, or ophthalmology. Special considerations include Gibbons CH, Freeman R, Tecilazich F et al. (2013). The evolv-
testing space requirements, the sophisticated instruments ing natural history of neurophysiologic function in patients
needed, costs of testing, interfering medications, and with well-controlled diabetes. J Peripher Nerv Syst 18 (2):
hydration status, patient cooperation, and coexisting 153–161.
medical conditions that either limit reliability of the Green AQ, Krishnan ST, Rayman G (2009). C-fiber function
results or pose health risks during testing. Despite these assessed by the laser Doppler imager flare technique and
challenges, autonomic function testing is a valuable tool acetylcholine iontophoresis. Muscle Nerve 40 (6): 985–991.
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