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Flat rates will continue to decline, whereas bandwidth will increase. Why should you therefore not be able to
communicate with your pos system via the Internet? Ordinarily, you would need a static IP address (fixed).
Although most ISPs (Internet Service Providers) offer dynamic addresses (addresses that are not fixed), you
can still communicate with your pos system.

The solution is called DynDNS. There are several service providers that offer so called DynDNS service at
no charge. The example we will be using in this tutorial uses, which offers up to 5 DynDNS
entries at no cost. Their service works with Linksys, Netgear, D-Link, Zyxel and other routers (A network
device that connects two similar networks having the same network protocol. It also chooses the best path
between two networks, when there are multiple paths).

In the free of charge scenario mentioned above, you will be able to choose a domain name such as, for instance. Naturally, you can use a full domain name as well, but his service
does require a fee. You will however benefit from additional services, if you chose to use a full domain
name. In this tutorial we will use dyndns’s free service.

Network Setup:

In order to use the DynDNS service, you have to go to their website and register/create an account.

Click on “My Account à Create Account“. (Only very little information is requested.)

You will then receive a confirmation e-mail similar to the one above.

Click on the link to activate your account.

You can now use the account you just created by logging in with your user information.

Under “My Account à My Services à My Hosts à Dynamic DNS à Add Host“ you can assign a domain
name to your host account.

There are only a few required entries to make.

Under „Hostname“ enter your desired sub domain name. Chose a domain name from the drop down list on
the right. If the desired combination is already taken, simply select an alternative. Do not change the
displayed IP address, because this is the IP address that your ISP has dynamically allocated to you at that
moment. Checkmark „Enable Wildcard“ next.

Via “Add Host“ you can save your entries.

You can create up to 5 host accounts in this manner.

DynDNS Compatible Routers:

Linksys Netgear D-Link Zyxel

BEFSR41 RP614 DI-524 ZyAIR G-x000

BEFSX41 FVS318 DI-604 ZyAIR B-x000
BEFVP41 FWG114P DI-707P ZyWall
WRT55AG WG602 DWL-2100AP Prestige 62x
WRV54G WGT624 Prestige 63x
BEFW11S4 WGR614 Prestige 64x
WRT54G WGR101 Prestige 65x
WRT54GS WGU624 Prestige 66x
WCG200 WPN824


It is vital that your router supports DDNS, Port Forwarding, and Port Mapping!

In our tutorial we will use a DI-604 router from D-Link, which supports DDNS, Port Forwarding, and Port
After you have configured your router for Internet access (please consult the instruction manual of the
router’s manufacturer), you will then have to configure the DDNS and Port Forwarding settings.

Please enter the IP address of your router into your browser and then enter your router’s login information in
order to reach the configuration pages.

Under “Home à WAN“ enter the login information that your ISP has given to you for Internet access. Under
„Connect mode select“ click on „Always-on“. This is necessary to be able to reach your POS network via

You can open up the ports by clicking the “Advanced à Virtual Server“ buttons.

In this tutorial we will setup 2 POS systems for WAN communication.

1. First, select „Enabled“ to activate the Port Forwarding function.

2. Enter a designation into the text field „ Name“ to identify the POS system.

3. Under “Private IP“ enter the IP address of the POS system to which the data will be routed. Every
ECR in the network gets an IP address. The formula is the ECR number minus one. In this case
ECR number 201 gets IP Likewise, ECR 202 gets the IP address 222.0.0. 201. In case
you have more than 2, you would simple go on with the formula „ECR# -1“ to get its „Private IP“

IP Address Determination of POS Systems in Your WAN

ECR IP Address
X 222.0.0.(X-1)

4. Next, select UDP from the “Protocol Type“ drop down list. The „Private Port is always set to 2030.

5. Set the „Public Port“ of the first ECR in the network (in our case ECR 201) to 2030. The next ECR
would receive 2031, the third 2032, etc.

6. Under “Schedule“ you can chose „Always“ or a specific time frame when access via WAN is allowed.

Configured ECRs
UDP Privat/Public Port

Now you can configure your DynDNS settings via “Advanced à DDNS“, so that your router can pick up your
dynamic IP address as soon as it gets the changed/updated information from your ISP. It then makes this
information available to your DynDNS account, which you set up earlier. This will enable you to reach your
ECRs via WAN.

1. Under DDNS select „Enabled“ to activate the DDNS function of your router.

2. Under “Provider“ select your provider and then under “Host Name“ enter the domain name that you
selected, when you created your DynDNS account.

3. Next, enter your “Username“ and “Password“ of your DynDNS account. This is necessary, so that
your router can access the account.


Start Qprog as usual. If you are using a version prior to 1.50, please download and install the update from To check your build number go to the „Help“ menu and select „About“. Earlier versions will
not support these features.

Under “Communication à Ethernet Connection“ chose between LAN (Local Area Network) or WAN (Wide
Area Network). To use the Internet to communicate with your ECRs you must select WAN.

Under “Communication à Settings“ you can configure the type of communication protocol that Qprog will
use to access your ECRs.

Select “Direct Connection“ in case you only have one ECR to communicate with. If your network includes
more than 1 ECR, select “Network Connection“.

Under “Program à Load from Register“ you can tell Qprog to download data from the ECR.

In case you have a static IP address from your ISP, simply enter it here to access your WAN. However, if
you have a dynamic IP address (one that changes every time you enter the Internet), select „DNS“ and enter
the address (domain name) that you assigned to your host, when you created your DynDNS account.

The window for ECR numbers only appears when you have selected “Communication à Settings à
Network Connection“. Here you can enter the ECR number of the system that you wish to access via WAN.

Enter the “Customer ID“ into the text field. The ID is stored on every ECR with which you want to
communicate with and serves as a security measure. If the Customer ID does not correspond to the one
stored on the ECR, no communication will take place.


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