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Backbase presents

Banking 2025
Four pillars of the
digital-first bank


00. Introduction 03. Pillar 03 Open banking 05. The digital-first banking platform
Revolutionary times Composite applications (mash-ups)
New digital first competitors Consuming open APIs About Backbase
From banks to platforms Backbase named leader by analysts
01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking Make time for API strategies
An outdated approach The open network economy
Turning the ship around
Getting the best out of the core 04. Pillar 04 Smart banking
Get mobile banking right One size no longer fits all
Journey design never ends It’s all about Big Data
Owning the experience AI and machine learning - making sense of it
02. Pillar 02 Modular banking Enhancing the human elements
Lego-style building blocks Next generation sales
Agile processes Towards Cognitive Banking
Agile innovation Improved retention rates
Continuous Integration, Continuous Deploy-
Agile distribution

00. Introduction

When today’s customers evaluate financial institu- Banks are already operating within an entirely new they constantly innovate to make it more sophisti-
tions, they don’t compare different banks anymore, financial services industry and they must transform cated.
they compare experiences. Everything in their lives as their business models to respond and stay relevant.
consumers is better than ever, with real-time, smart In doing so, they have four key pillars for success at Back in the days when Microsoft was the disruptive
digital services being delivered daily via their smart- their disposal - omni-channel banking, open banking, innovator who ruled the desktop, they would nev-
phone. Booking a flight, planning a holiday, shopping modular architecture, and smart banking. This pa- er have imagined Apple would return from obscuri-
online - it’s all easy, instant and seamless. Onboard- per outlines these four pillars, and their importance ty with such impact. iOS came along, moved us off
ing takes a few clicks and more importantly, unhap- in preparing for the banking industry of 2025. the desktop and made us mobile. People could now
py customers can switch providers in a heartbeat. achieve their goals with something as small as a
Revolutionary times smartphone, operated by fingertip. Microsoft sud-
Smart digital platforms power these superior expe- What we are seeing in our time is unique - we are denly ruled a world that had become less relevant
riences and this digital-first model has changed the witnessing platformization. Huge companies like - they had not prepared for the mobile operating sys-
game forever. There has been a fundamental shift Google have won because they don’t merely provide tem that Apple created.
in how business gets done, where staying relevant products or services. Instead, they aggregate a range
means becoming an active part of a customer’s dig- of products and services to create a digital-first plat-
ital life. form that enriches people’s lives. Having created it,

00. Introduction

The 4 pillars of Banking 2025

To survive when giants like Google make their way Banking 2025
into people’s financial lives, banks must have the
Value Drivers
right framework in place to compete. This frame-
work is the digital-first platform, supported by four
pillars - omni-channel banking, smart banking, mod- SUPERIOR CUSTOMER VALUE
ular banking and open banking. Each of these four
pillars is fundamental to success in the banking in-
dustry of the future.
01. 02. 03. 04.
Omni-channel Modular Open Smart
Banking Banking Banking Banking


1_A strong digital banking platform is supported by TRANSFORMATION
its four pillars; omni-channel banking, modular banking,
open banking and smart banking. It is the key to driving
value and transforming the business for banking 2025.
Source: Backbase

00. Introduction

01. Omni-channel banking 03. Open banking

Where channels are streamlined and optimized to Where the bank uses open APIs to connect internal-
ensure superior customer journeys over any touch- ly and to third parties. Banks can connect to other
point. One central orchestration hub coordinates the organizations via open APIs and therefore tag new
addition of new features and powers frictionless ex- experiences and value onto their own products and
periences on any device. services.

02. Modular banking 04. Smart banking

Where the system architecture is made of a series of Where smart technologies like AI and machine learn-
reusable, Lego-style digital building blocks. Function- ing gather, analyze and mine data to drive highly-per-
alities can be reused and swapped around as needed sonalized customer interactions, boosting sales and
and banks can react to market changes quickly and retention.

00. Introduction

New digital-first competitors

Every industry is filled with examples where myopia New challenges are coming from powerful sourc- no alternative but to get competitive. Change is need-
has been fatal, where companies did not prepare for es, often from outside the financial services indus- ed and it must run deep. Banks must literally alter
the rise of digital platform that would change the try. Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon, having how they think and revamp their business models.
game forever. Nokia, who brought the mobile phone already built a digital-first platform, can use it to sur- Tagging on bits of digital to the current offering will
into our lives, has battled to regain relevance since prise and delight customers. It is also easily mapped not be enough either. Digital transformation must
Apple took over this space. The home video industry onto different sectors and big techs like Google are permeate every level of the organization.
did not prepare for Netflix. Kodak saw digital coming, wasting no time in entering new industries. One of
but did not mobilize quickly enough. In every sector, those industries is banking and finance.
digital is king, and organizations that don’t react, or
do so in a non-committal way, just won’t make it. Alibaba, Tencent and Amazon already feature in the
competitive landscape, as do Google, Facebook and
Financial institutions have seen this change happen Apple - all have gone into payments. While this has
around them, yet many still have the traditional oper- raised concern in some quarters, especially when it
ating system in place. Their current setup was grown comes to regulation, that concern won’t be enough
from bricks and mortar, checkbooks and batch pro- to stem the tide of change.[1]
cessing - all components of a framework that is be-
coming obsolete. It cannot and will not guarantee The simple fact remains that fintechs and big techs
survival into the next decade. Sounds like a scary do digital better and banks have to catch up. As long
proposition, but it’s a very real one. as customers demand digital convenience, there is

Pillar 01
Omni-channel banking

01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking

2_ W
 hat are your biggest roadblocks to accomplishing your omni-channel.
0 20 40 60 80 100

Our company culture

isn’t ready for digital

Our legacy systems

are holding us back

Our system and processes

are too inflexible for digital

Poor collaboration
between Business and IT

We lack skills and expertise

(functional and technical)

High costs/
No business case

Projects take too long/ 2_ Legacy, siloed systems are impeding progress with
Not enough results
omni-channel banking. Over 77% consider these systems
Major Medium Minor Not a the biggest roadblock to their digital transformation, while
roadblock roadblock roadblock roadblock
over 50% see them as a medium roadblock to capitalizing
on digital opportunities.
Source: Backbase

01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking

An outdated approach Turning the ship around

The traditional approach, with siloed channels (like Rather than creating digital business functions for
web, online or branches), is neither customer friend- each channel, it makes sense to do everything once,
ly, staff friendly, nor efficient. Each channel needs its and disperse to all channels via a central hub. In this
own raft of workflows, content, screen design and way, banks can orchestrate customer interactions
other supports, meaning the same functionality is across multiple touchpoints, generating massive
created time and again. Work is redone many times, time and cost savings, and customer experiences
with the end result distributed to channels that don’t that make sense.
relate to each other.
Digital-first platforms generally win over channels,
The numbers are staggering. Millions are spent each no matter how sophisticated each channel may be.
year on the duplicated logic, personnel and systems Consider the competition, Google does not have
needed to prop all of this up. In a world where cus- channels - it has a platform, so it does not need a
tomers expect seamless and consistent customer huge team of people maintaining each touchpoint.
experiences this is completely unsustainable. Such Instead, resources are put into doing the right thing
an outdated approach is putting banks at a serious for the customer. It’s about adding real value, rather
disadvantage. than administering systems.

What’s needed is a central omni-channel digital bank-

ing platform to orchestrate customer interactions
across any touchpoint.

01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking

Getting the best out of the core 3_ F rom different channels to omni-channel fabric
A key part of creating customer-friendly platforms
is being flexible and innovative. Banks struggle with
this due to the inflexible nature of their legacy core
systems. The reality is however that banks won’t be Branch Internet Mobile Branch Internet Mobile
replacing these core systems any time soon - they
Screen design, Screen design, Screen design,
Omni-Channel Dialogs
simply can’t. Fortunately, they don’t have to. workflows, workflows, workflows,
Screen design, Workflows, Content
content content content

Channel | Silo Legacy Omni-Channel Platform

Onboarding Credit Credit Card

Account Opening
Application Application









3_ The traditional silo channel format is outdated and it’s
time to weave each one into the fabric of omni-channel.
Innovations or improvements are then made once and re-
used across the board.
Source: Backbase

01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking

4_A two-speed innovation heartbeat

Introducing a two-speed architecture will allow banks
Customer Employee
to combine the best of old and new4. Placing a dig-
ital-first customer experience layer on top of legacy Change requirements
systems creates the ability to orchestrate seamless
customer journeys by reusing data and capabilities Customer
from core systems. As this customer experience lay-
er is loosely coupled with traditional core systems,
innovation can occur at two different speeds - slow
and steady at the core and fast at the digital level. coupled
Such a two-speed innovation heartbeat allows for
frequent front end changes to keep pace with mar-
ket demands.
Internal systems
and platforms

Change capability
4_ A two speed architecture is the key to combining the
best of the old and new. A smart customer experience
layer can work in harmony with core systems, introducing
the flexibility banks need to compete.
Source: Backbase

01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking

Banks can therefore continue to work with their core or complaints can be resolved instantly. Access and but can easily be repurposed across other customer
legacy systems, and meet modern demands via a recognition is handled immediately via biometric touchpoints including online banking, or even face-
digital customer experience layer. technologies, while scanning technologies eradicate to-face channels. Investing in a mobile app strategy
paperwork. is the right thing to do, failing to make it omni-chan-
Get mobile banking right nel from its very inception is not.
Mobile banking has become a prime omni-channel Mobile really has a lot to offer, but banks must exer-
touch point. A key strength of mobile is its ability to cise some caution. Getting distracted by mobile will When banks do get mobile right, customer represen-
literally bring the bank to a customer’s pocket. With not enhance the omni-channel portfolio, it will just tatives get a more indepth idea of what’s needed and
mobile banking apps, services can be consumed create another silo. A once-off mobile app should can deliver more complete solutions. Issues are re-
anytime, anywhere. Mobile also offers unique real be avoided. Instead banks must create generic om- solved faster, with huge cost savings and benefits
time communication capabilities, meaning issues ni-channel capabilities that are smartphone-friendly, for customer loyalty.[2]

01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking

Journey design never ends

Every great omni-channel effort needs clever cus- clever design empowers customers to get what they
tomer journey design. The starting point here is to need from their bank, while empowering front-office
ask what the customer needs, and how processes employees with automated tasks and real time data.
can be designed to suit. Each touchpoint, be it digital
or human, should connect all other components and Good multi-channel banking experiences optimize
eliminate friction. This is how companies like Uber the various apps and websites for different custom-
became the best at what they do. er types. This approach literally accounts for how
a customer wishes to consume services. People
When a banking customer seeks a new product, they are different. Some want to get their banking done
don’t always wish to travel to a branch, or fill in a quickly, while others take a very focused, prepared
collection of forms, yet they are often forced to. Em- approach. Others take time to think things over, and
ployees should not have to enter and re-enter data, yet others prefer a face-to-face experience. Depend-
but they still do. In many cases, the design is just ing on how a customer feels at that time, the journey
not right. Journeys should be designed for integrat- flow should accommodate, and navigating across
ed omni-channel experiences that streamline every- channels should always be seamless.
thing across multiple touchpoints and devices3. A

01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking

5_Cross channel journeys: Loan application

A customer may start an application for a banking


Call Center
product on a tablet, then come back to it later on a Quick


• View account ballance
desktop, but find it important to sign off at a branch. • View stock prices
• Payments
Whatever the preferred route, they should be in con- Cross Channel Journeys:
Focused Loan Application
trol and that happens when integrated cross-chan-
• Apply for mortgages
nel journeys are possible5. • Buy stocks Check Rates
• Set budget goals
• Pay bills Select Products
• Compare 401ks
Get Help
• View stock portfolio Sign Contract
• Compare mortgage rates
• See spending pattenrs View Status

• View stock portfolio
• Compare mortgage rates
• See spending pattenrs

5_ Customer journeys must be seamless across any

combination of channels.
Source: Backbase

01. Pillar 01 Omni-channel banking

Getting the journey right is one thing, but it’s also

important to remember that customer needs do not
stand still. Banks that stay one step ahead of them
will get the best from the digital banking platform. De-
signing real omni-channel experiences never stops,
even after the delivery of milestone projects. It’s an
ongoing process, creating the best, analyzing feed-
back and results, and continuing to optimize.

Owning the experience

A silent battle for the digital customer experience is
already underway and banks must have a firm han-
dle on it to ensure continued relevance. To own the
customer experience, they must move away from
silos and go truly omni-channel. That means creat-
ing end-to-end capabilities, which can be mixed and
matched to suit any screen format or user persona.

Pillar 02
Modular banking

02. Pillar 02 Modular banking

6_ What are the major challenges in terms of being able to respond to market changes?
0 20 40 60 80 100

Creating a consistent brand

experience across channels

Eliminating siloed or duplicated

applications across channels

Allowing customers to easily

switch between channels

Integration with
back-end / core IT systems

Legacy systems and / or

inflexible business processes

Making sure we have a 360o

view of our customer per channel
6_ Legacy systems and the inflexible business processes
Lack of skills
they generate are noted as a major challenge by a third of
and talent
banks, and a medium challenge by 40% of them. 39% find it
Compliance and a major challenge to get a 360 degree of customers, while
risk restriction
over 40% find it a medium challenge to deliver consistent
Major Medium Minor Not a
challenge challenge challenge challenge
experiences across all channels.
Source: Backbase

02. Pillar 02 Modular banking

Lego-style building blocks

If customers expect increased dynamism at the The more agile fintechs and big techs use compo- Banks have started to decouple the various orga-
front end, then the system architecture must be agile nent-based systems, which allow the same capa- nizational layers, which is a step in the right direc-
enough to handle it. At the moment rigid, monolith- bilities to be shared across processes using stan- tion. In the new competitive environment however,
ic systems are hampering digital transformations, dardized exchange principles. By swapping around this needs to go further. Decoupling the front and
with reams of spaghetti code that demand hours of different modules as needed, it’s possible to custom- back end may provide a bit more flexibility, but in the
maintenance - and that’s before we even get to in- ize offerings or add new features, without large de- broader competitive environment it doesn’t enable
novation. The current setup is prone to errors, costly ployment efforts. Modules are created once, reused the bank to move at the speed of digital, which is
to manage, and impossible to change without major and infinitely combined, creating a fluid structure what’s needed.
upheaval. that can be used to respond to the latest customer
demands. By incorporating a digital-first platform with a mod-
Changes to unwieldy monoliths are also unpredict- ular architecture, banks can drive their agility. Busi-
able, as banks don’t always have visibility over the Agile processes ness owners can be increasingly creative in sales
final outcome. The implications are enormous when A modular set-up paves the way for faster, more agile and service design, while engineering can quickly de-
you consider the potential impact on thousands of ways of working. Supported by this Lego-style build- velop and launch new value propositions. Modular
customer accounts. All of this is a huge distraction ing block architecture, it is possible to create and alter banking is the key to fine-tuned processes, and will
from adding value, which is what really counts if processes, products or channels as needed. Chang- drive any efforts to create a future-proof digital bank-
banks want to hold onto their customer’s attention. es are easily made, by small business teams, with ing platform.
With monolithic systems, banks are sorely lacking minimal impact on the business.
the foundation they need to compete.

02. Pillar 02 Modular banking

Lego-style building blocks 7_The Lego-style approach

The more agile fintechs and big techs use compo-
nent-based systems, which allow the same capa-
bilities to be shared across processes using stan-
dardized exchange principles. By swapping around
different modules as needed, it’s possible to custom-
ize offerings or add new features, without large de-
ployment efforts. Modules are created once, reused
and infinitely combined, creating a fluid structure
that can be used to respond to the latest customer

Monolithic Decoupled Lego style

applications layers building block


7_ Monolithic applications have had their day, a modular

architecture can bring banks the flexibility they need to
compete effectively.
Source: Backbase

02. Pillar 02 Modular banking

Agile processes 8_Waterfall vs Agile process

A modular set-up paves the way for faster, more agile

ways of working. Supported by this Lego-style build-
ing block architecture, it is possible to create and alter
processes, products or channels as needed. Chang-
es are easily made, by small business teams, with
minimal impact on the business.

Banks have started to decouple the various organiza-

tional layers, which is a step in the right direction. In
the new competitive environment however, this needs
to go further. Decoupling the front and back end may Waterfall process Agile process
provide a bit more flexibility, but in the broader com- • Perfect plans; avoidance of risk of failure • Rapid adaptation, learning and recovery from failure
petitive environment it doesn’t enable the bank to • Everything is important, fragmented multitasking • Laser focus on things that are more important
move at the speed of digital, which is what’s needed. • Diplomacy, spin and controlled power • Transparency, honesty, trust and delegated power
• Layers of internally focused approval • Customer-focused design and empowered employees
• Individual performance • Collaboration and alignment

8_ Modularity adds pace and flexibility, breaking up big

deployments into small, manageable changes.
Source: Backbase

02. Pillar 02 Modular banking

By incorporating a digital-first platform with a mod- powers a bank to go beyond responding to market In this way, small incremental changes are regularly
ular architecture, banks can drive their agility. Busi- realities, to actively creating them - in conjunction made, rather than huge, infrequent ones that involve
ness owners can be increasingly creative in sales with the customer. major upheaval. Banks can continuously introduce
and service design, while engineering can quickly de- smart new features in the background, while busi-
velop and launch new value propositions. Modular Banks need this freedom and velocity to stay in touch ness runs as usual on the front end.
banking is the key to fine-tuned processes, and will with market demands. With a more agile foundation
drive any efforts to create a future-proof digital bank- in place, they can really start to innovate for compet- From cutting costs to ensuring business continuity,
ing platform. itive advantage. modular banking brings banks the increased flexibil-
ity they need to compete. [3]
Agile innovation Continuous Integration,
The Ubers and Facebooks of this world frequently Continuous Deployment (CICD) Agile distribution
introduce clever new features, quickly and at almost In line with an increased capacity to innovate, banks Traditionally, when banks create something new,
zero marginal cost. They are agile enough to exceed can change the way they release new products or they launch it via the existing channels. This has
customer expectations without any major implemen- features. The traditional waterfall approach to new not guaranteed acceptance in the market however,
tations, upheaval or cost implications. They easily product development can be replaced with a Con- and many have paid the price with wasted resources
roll out new offerings and scale them up or down - at tinuous Integration, Continuous Deployment (CICD) and PR failures. Delivery must be via the customer’s
will. approach. This method is characterized by short, choice of channel so both offering and channel are
With a modular architecture in place, it’s possible for frequent release cycles, where a running pipeline of personalized. It’s time to bring the customer what
banks to innovate in the same way - fast and in line improvements are automatically and continuously they want, where they want it.
with customer needs. A modular architecture em- rolled out over native cloud technologies.

02. Pillar 02 Modular banking

9_5 characteristics of agile distribution

With an agile, modular architecture, distribution chan-
nels can be adapted, deleted or added as the market
demands. The fixed costs associated with traditional
distribution formats become replaced with the lower
variable costs of streamlined, digital-ready channels.
The upshot is that resources are released for contin-
uous improvement and added value. Banks can start Revenue ready
Customer first Transforming fixed costs into
to focus on what matters to customers, while saving Offering customers “what
variable costs and investing
they need”, not “what the
money and boosting revenues. savings in revenue generation
bank has”, hyper-personalized
products and services.

9_ Agile production must be met with agile distribution. Fast twitch Test, learn, tweak Right channeling
Flexing distribution, making Replacing complex distribution Combining digital and physical
Banks must be flexible enough to deliver what’s needed,
channel decisions quickly processes, continually adjusting channels to grow market share
where needed. and often. offerings as the market dictates. without traditional branches

Source: Accenture - The Agile Bank:

Transforming The Customer Experience

Pillar 03
Open Banking

03. Pillar 03 Open banking

q_ W
 hy are you implementing an API gateway as part of your open banking strategy?

Enable developer ecosystem



Enable third parties to buy our services

Enable and accelerate our own digital banking innovation

We need it for regulatory compliance (e.g.,PSD2)


Monetize our existing Systems

q_ Despite their initial reluctance towards open APIs,
banks are starting to understand their potential, with
almost 70% implementing API gateways to accelerate

digital banking innovation. 41% see an API gateway an
enabler of the developer ecosystem, while almost 38% as
Other a chance to open up to third parties.
00 Source: Backbase

03. Pillar 03 Open banking

Banks have made some strides with internal APIs in re- ing valuable business networks and add value to their of- el, incorporating payment gateways, Google maps and
cent years. Today however, using open APIs to share data fering. Appstore distribution to create a network application that
with external third parties counts just as much. In the past, delivers an end-to-end taxi service. The customer need
the banks managed all of the inputs and outputs related The threat of disintermediation has been an issue for not seek out a taxi, directions, or even money to pay the
to banking services. Their data was secret, nicely hidden banks since PSD2 and open banking showed up on their driver, Uber handles it all, in one place.
away from competitors. They controlled distribution, be- radar. Opening up their APIs gives other parties, including
cause they owned the branches and online banking chan- competitors, unprecedented access to a bank’s data. Cus- Customers can already pick and choose their banking ser-
nels. The bank was the black box for all information relat- tomer demands have changed however, so failing to take vice providers via open APIs, so there is no reason why they
ing to a customer’s finances. Loyalty often resulted from a on open banking, and properly, will lead to disintermedi- wouldn’t opt for banks that incorporate smart, third-par-
customer’s unwillingness to extract historical information ation anyway. Whether by business model choice or by ty products and services. In a digital world, the bank is
from their current bank and move it to another one. If the regulation, banks simply have to engage. no longer the sole creator of value for its clients. Today,
world had stayed the same, banks may have been able to competitive strength comes from having good connec-
coast along like this, but it has not. Composite applications (mash-ups) tions with other players and from adding or sharing value.
Despite the perceived threats, open banking holds many Banks must use open APIs to connect, both internally and
Open Banking and PSD2 have changed everything in Eu- opportunities to drive business model flexibility. People to third parties, to ensure they can keep their customer
rope. It’s expected that most banks around the world will have become used to the comprehensive services offered base interested.
also explore more open business models, to begin creat- by aggregators like Uber. Uber works with a mash-up mod-

03. Pillar 03 Open banking

Consuming open APIs w_Closed vs Open banking

Banks must open up their APIs - that’s true - but they can
also benefit by becoming consumers of them, tapping into
third party capabilities to add real value to their offering.
Doing this in a clever way could help them enhance their
products and services to the point that they become the
Uber of their area. When looking at things this way, the
potential really begins to outweigh the threat.

Closed banking Open banking

• Assets ownership • Connections access
• Localized work • Distributed work
• Mass production • Unit production
w_ Open banking means that banks simultaneously lose • Properietary value • Shared value
control and gain opportunity. Opening up to third parties • Scarcity control • Abundance management
exposes their data, but it also lets them tag added value
onto their own products and services.
Source: Backbase

03. Pillar 03 Open banking

Business Model Agility e_Business Model Agility

Leveraging open APIs to integrate both internal and exter-
nal capabilities will give banks the flexibility to innovate
Scenario 01
with their business models. In recent years we see four Digital banking interface Core systems
Digital front-end
digital business models emerging. threat.

Scenario 02
Built-for-digital bank Lean core
Digital bank

Scenario 03 Fintech providers

Aggregator Lean value aggregator
Fintech providers

Scenario 04
Core systems
Digital banking platform finantial services Fintech providers
Fintech providers

e_ Banks can adopt various API strategies but the

transformational one is optimal because it blends the best
of the old and the new.
Source: Backbase

03. Pillar 03 Open banking

My financial life
01. Digital Front-end – a tactical approach, creating a From the customer’s point of view, true open banking al- quire the value of the network, strategically using APIs to
new digital front-end on top of existing core systems. This lows them to access all aspects of their financial life at offer more value and drive more traffic to their platform.
is enough to compete in a digital first world. one location, rather than logging into a series of institu- Those that get it wrong will fail to gain that value and sim-
tions. Their entire financial lives should be visible on a sin- ply open up their data to competitors.
02. Neo Bank – creating a digital bank from scratch. With gle dashboard or app. For example, an SME owner could
this approach the bank is unbounded by legacy systems, use one interface for both personal and business banking.
and the digital platform is central to everything. It goes further, why not pay utilities and energy bills via
that same interface? Anything connected to a customer’s
03. Digital Aggregator – Banks can take up the role of financial life can and should operate from one dashboard.
aggregator, connecting to 3rd party fintech providers and This is the final destination for banks and a key driver of
owning the integrated customer experience. This is a pure future success.
open banking philosophy, where Uber-style composite ap-
plications are created. The open network economy
Continuous, API-driven collaboration and the four emerg-
04. Digital First Bank – a transformational approach, that ing business models are all part of the larger open network
blends the best of the classic and digital worlds. Here the economy trend. Participants of the open network econo-
focus is on creating Uber-style composite applications my will grow faster as they benefit from a ‘network effect’.
and driving innovation, whilst preserving the good in what As more organizations create integrated value proposi-
has gone before. tions, they will attract more users, and create more value
within the network. Those that join in a clever way will ac-

The customer experience
is ground zero
In all of this, there is one crucial factor - the digital processes, and translate customer data into valuable
customer experience. Banks must absolutely ensure insights that helps customers make better financial
they secure ownership of it. This is essential, decisions.
otherwise they run the risk of opening up APIs, giving
away data to the competition, and failing to add any This process requires some thought, and a business
value to strengthen their own position. model. Will a bank charge for open APIs like Amazon
does? How can banks selectively open up whilst
As part of this, banks must master new digital keeping their business secure? The line between a
technologies and software development skills. They beneficial collaboration and a data giveaway is a fine
must integrate multiple disconnected back-end one and banks must prime themselves to work open
systems into a single, seamless digital customer banking the right way.
experience. They must move to paperless, digitized

Pillar 04
Smart Banking

04. Pillar 04 Smart banking

r_ W
 hat does your bank see as the biggest benefit of a smart banking approach?


Strong customer engagement





Reduce costs r_ Banks should focus their efforts on keeping pace with
fintechs, who have mastered smart tech. 64% of banks
New ways of revenue generation are more concerned with customer engagement however,
Positive impact on risk/compliance and 18% on new revenue channels. Less than 5% of banks
Successfully compete with fintech companies note the value of competing with fintechs.
00 Simplify internal processes
Source: Backbase

04. Pillar 04 Smart banking

Smart targeting engines and artificial intelligence are es. Smart technologies can automate the process, mak-
among the many tools big tech and fintech have used to ing segments-of-one possible on a large scale. Automat-
blaze a trail in the industry. Customers are increasingly ed behaviour tracking provides valuable insights into a
used to hyper-personalized services and communica- customer’s needs, enabling banks to offer relevant advice
tions. In fact, they have come to demand them and the and offers. A user browsing real estate or mortgage prod-
key to delivering this is the use of smart technologies. ucts, for example, should be presented with an appropri-
ate mortgage offering. By tracking in this way, customer
One size no longer fits all needs are constantly catered to, while the bank becomes
The ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, where services are mass a trusted advisor, always on the lookout for their best inter-
delivered over selected channels, no longer applies. In ests. When the customer directs how they are segment-
today’s world, smart engines dynamically assemble the ed and targeted, it makes everything more meaningful for
right content and data into hyper-personalized experienc- them and more profitable for the bank.

04. Pillar 04 Smart banking

It’s all about Big Data t_One-size-fits-all vs Hyper-personalization

Effective segmentation, targeting and tracking is done by
collating data from various sources, and analyzing it to cre-
ate actionable insights. Big data is the engine that drives
all of these efforts so banks must get comfortable with
understanding their own data and that of other parties. A
new era of personalization heralds the need for new skills
to blend massive volumes of data from divergent systems
into meaningful, actionable information. Banks will invest
more in data scientists to leverage all the data they have
and translate it into both customer and business value.
The end goal is to leverage big data to create more effi-
cient operations, higher profits and happier customers.

One size fits all Hyper personalization

Where the same products and services are pro- Each customer receives a product or service tailored
duced and released, in bulk, to all customers via a to their individual needs, over the channel or selec-
t_ One size no longer fits all. Banks must use smart series of pre-selected, existing channels. This ap- tion of channels most suitable for them. This ap-
technologies to personalize offerings and distribution proach does not account for a customer’s individual proach drives customer satisfaction, tailoring both
channels. preferences - not ideal to ensure customer satisfac- the product and distribution channel to their needs
Source: Backbase tion or customer adoption rates. at any given time

5 Star treatment
Jouk Pleiter, CEO of Backbase at Finovate Europe 2018
The customer is in control more than ever before. Take the example of a business trip. Flight expenses in the mobile banking application. For example, a
They have come to expect nothing less than five-star can be set up to go directly into an Expensify account, customer can use facial recognition to log in for a
banking services, with relevant offers and guidance and credit card bills paid automatically. This flow complete overview of all financial products - from a
in line with their daily needs. This new expectation takes seconds to set up and once done, the banking range of banks. This interface could also incorporate
level was outlined during the winning showcase at app knows to do it going forward. A smart banking healthcare, ecommerce providers and more. By being
Finovate Europe 2018. app can also proactively help, offering suggestions the best aggregator, the bank becomes the go-to
for investment or ecommerce opportunities, or even platform for their customer.
Smart actions a restaurant for dinner. Leveraging 3rd party open
Customers can be empowered to easily automate APIs, the app can even make a reservation and add Think outside the box
manual tasks. This transforms mobile banking into the appointment to a user’s calendar. Banks must be imaginative enough to create 10
a personal concierge service, tailored to their exact times better customer experiences. This is done by
needs. Imagine a scenario where a customer can Aggregation merging multiple capabilities to deliver the best. Smart
educate their mobile banking app to make life easy It’s important to combine capabilities from within the integration merges the value of different providers,
by actually thinking for them. It’s possible, in fact it’s bank, and outside it. Third parties like airlines, telcos putting the app at heart of digital customer’s lives.
already happening. or e-commerce providers can be directly integrated

04. Pillar 04 Smart banking

Towards cognitive banking y_Towards cognitive banking

Artificial Intelligence (AI), a key smart technology, can slice
and dice data to support compliance, customer engage-
ment and operational efficiency. Rather than working with AML and
after-the-fact analyses, banks can use AI to predict cus- fraud detection
tomer needs and tap into the decision-making process be-
fore customers act,for example by offering personalised
ing Na
suggestions/call to actions. Banks therefore go beyond n


tu ocess

analyzing explicit behavior to actively predicting it, which


brings them into the realms of cognitive banking. The bank

essentially becomes part of the customer’s decision-mak-
ing process. Smart banking effectively reaches into the
Co g
future to actively craft customer journeys and consistent- n
iti v e C o m p u ti
ly provide timely, optimal solutions. Customer
recommendations Chatbots

y_AI equals ROI. Chatbots, robots, algorithms and other

technologies are driving the prominence of smart banking.
Source: Efma © September 2017 The Financial Brand
Algorithmic trading
04. Pillar 04 Smart banking

Next generation sales Increase customer loyalty

Marketing campaigns have benefitted from the use of AI Aside from bringing in new customers, smart technolo-
and machine learning for some time now, but those who gies drive customer retention by constantly tracking their
prefer cold, hard sales metrics will be happy to learn that needs and providing them with well tailored targeted ad-
cross-selling and up-selling can also benefit from it. Ac- vice. If a bank can make relevant suggestions at the right
cording to CapGemini, three in four organizations that time, it can demonstrate that it is in touch with a custom-
implements both AI and machine learning can have their er’s needs and interested in helping them optimize their
sales of new products and services grow by over 10%. [5] financial situation. A wealthy client should be presented
Understanding customers is key to digital sales and smart with the best investment opportunities, in line with their
technologies can drive this, often better than humans can. demands at a given time. A potential car buyer should be
Behavioral analyses can be done by human salespeople, handed the most suitable loan rates on a platter, having no
but smart AI tools can do it even better. By automatically need to shop around, as he knows that his current bank
identifying customers to whom banks can add real val- always has the right answer.
ue, they target them with highly relevant proposals, at the
right moment and in the right tone of voice.

The digital-first
banking platform

05. The digital-first banking platform

u_The components of the digital-first banking platform

Tailored Real-time Digital Financial Front-office
Advice Support Sales Insight Empowerment

01. User Experience Management

02. Digital Banking Capabilities

03. Identity & Access Management

04. Process Digitization Capabilities

05. Cloud Deployment

y_ strong digital banking platform is a function of well-
managed user experiences, backed by digital capabilities,
security, smart processes and cloud deployment.
Source: Backbase

05. The digital-first banking platform

Google owns information, Amazon owns ecom-

merce, Facebook owns communication - these play- When all systems talk to each other, tailored ad-
ers dominate in their areas. Now it’s time for banks to vice and real-time support are instantly available to
own finance. They must reinvent themselves and go customers. Frontline staff are freed from slow, pa-
beyond a digital transformation to achieving a busi- per-based processes and empowered to deliver ex-
ness transformation. Banks that work the digital-first cellent service, with the right information at their fin-
banking platform properly will empower themselves gertips. The user experience works, from onboarding
to do things 10 times better. That’s how they will hold to upselling, and this drives digital sales. Enhanced
onto their customers at a time when the threat of at- financial insights help customers to manage their
trition is bigger than ever. financial lives and banks to strategize. The digital
banking platform connects all the dots to deliver for
A robust, agile digital-first banking platform will con- the end customer and ensure the bank can compete
nect and empower all parts of the organization to into the future.
optimize omni-channel customer journeys. It works
alongside legacy systems, connecting, aligning and
informing to support staff and customers.

05. The digital-first banking platform

01. User experience management

Behind every great user experience is a smooth in- edit content and navigation, add widgets, update the
tegration with back-end services. When customer mobile app, run digital marketing campaigns across
data can be quickly sourced, frontline staff are em- multiple channels, and more.
powered with real-time, accurate data, and custom-
ers enjoy superior self-service capabilities. A modular, flexible orchestration layer will connect
and streamline existing core banking and back-end
Digital marketing professionals should be able to tai- systems for frictionless, personalized, omni-channel
lor the end-user’s experience, without the need to call experiences. This empowers banks to deliver opti-
on IT for every change. Backbase offers a range of mal, relevant customer journeys, reduce time to mar-
user-friendly tools that empower digital marketers to ket, and ease the burden on the IT department.

05. The digital-first banking platform

02. Digital banking capabilities

To compete in a digital world, banks must offer smart systems. Modular architecture enables easy cus-
digital products and services that are easily acces- tomization, while both classic and cloud deployment
sible over every device. Banks need a platform that are facilitated.
supports their efforts to stay competitive by provid-
ing innovative digital excellence. This leading omni-channel digital banking platform
helps financial institutions create, manage, and opti-
Backbase is the digital banking platform that em- mize superior customer journeys, on any device and
powers banks with superior Banking-as-a-Platform over multiple channels. Functionality can be tailored
capabilities. Built on a state-of-the-art microservices for seamless, omni-channel customer experiences
architecture and with API-based banking capabili- that normally would not be available directly from
ties, Backbase complements existing core banking the core banking or back-end systems.

05. The digital-first banking platform

03. Identity and access management

Identity and access management is key to ensur- nations, tokens, Integrated Multi-Factor-Authentica-
ing access security in today’s open banking market- tion (MFA) and alerts strengthen and simplify access
place. A sophisticated entitlements solution makes control.
this easy, by automating and managing the process
of granting access rights to trusted users. Access to permitted functions and data can be limit-
ed and authentication can be stepped-up in high-risk
Backbase offers a sophisticated entitlements solu- situations. Users can fully customize to create their
tion that lets a bank integrate the existing entitle- own views, and select preferred accounts or busi-
ments system, or leverage Backbase Entitlements to ness performance metrics. Payments can be autho-
tailor access levels and permissions to view, create rized on-the-go and mobile alerts and access to out-
or approve transactions. Various password combi- standing approval requests are also available.

05. The digital-first banking platform

04. Process digitization capabilities

Smart online forms and logical processes are key to nal systems for straight-through processing (STP).
efficient customer journeys. When they don’t work Banks can actively streamline their online customer
properly, abandonment increases, impacting the dialogs and manage their self-service and customer
success of online initiatives. Smart forms and dy- enrolment processes.
namic process management increase efficiency and
remove manual, paper-based tasks - making life eas- Backbase automates daily tasks, connecting people
ier for both customers and employees. and information to handle each case quickly and ac-
curately. Built-in mobile and social capabilities simpli-
Backbase Digital Forms simplify and streamline all fy collaboration via any device or channel, and com-
customer dialogs across multiple channels, while on- munication with legacy systems is also possible via
boarding or self-service dialogs integrate with inter- configurable connectors.

05. The digital-first banking platform

05. Cloud deployment

Cloud deployment powers constant feature or func- The Backbase platform supports both traditional app
tionality updates, without any impact on day-to-day servers and new native cloud deployment models,
business. New code can be deployed thousands of enabling banks to safely make the transition from
times per month, and fast. Development teams can a classic deployment to a native cloud deployment,
bring new capabilities to market via a highly auto- without re-engineering. Backbase has done the hard
mated platform that scales with the business. Secu- work of abstracting the platform capabilities from
rity can also be automated, making it easier to keep the various cloud deployment models, The Back-
pace with industry regulations and compliance stan- base Cloud is supported by an ecosystem of certi-
dards. fied technology and infrastructure providers that fa-
cilitate service provision across multiple countries,
all with a proven track record in financial services.

Backbase Named a Leader in the Ovum Decision
Matrix for digital channel banking platforms
“Backbase hits the most important aspects of Ovum Decision Matrix is emphasizing the impor-
digital channels, which are in demand for banks tance of developing an effective omni-channel
looking for a very modern, agile, and neat solu- banking strategy, selecting a future-proof digital
tion. Backbase allows a rapid time-to-market banking platform and taking into account the
with its responsive design approach to the dig- emergence of new technologies - all in order to
ital channels. empower banks to stay relevant to their custom-
ers, improve their customer banking experience
With this solution banks are getting a number and not lose out to digital challengers. The eval-
of features that are well aligned with current uation criteria for the Ovum Decision Matrix in-
trends in the digital economy, not only allowing cludes market impact, business functionality,
for efficient servicing but also effective sales and product execution - across which Backbase
and marketing actions.” scored exceptionally high. This is the second
time in a row that Backbase is nominated within
the Matrix as Market Leader.
Backbase Named a Leader in the Forrester
Wave™ for Omni-Channel Digital Banking
“Backbase offers broad business capabilities, rent Offering category. Being named a leader in
rich support of customer experience, and very the Forrester Wave provides the market with fur-
solid technology and architecture. With Back- ther validation of Backbase being at the forefront
base being a pure-play vendor, it is not a sur- of digital innovation. We are very happy with this
prise that its commitment to its omni-channel recognition and are energized to help our cus-
banking solution is high.” tomers accelerate their digital transformation.
Our software is used by leading banks around
Backbase was among a group of select vendors the world, and we are 100% committed to ena-
that Forrester included in its most recent Wave bling them to create superior digital customer
for Omni-Channel Digital Banking software. The experiences, any time, any place, and on any de-
Backbase Digital Banking Platform is listed as vice.
leader and received the highest score in the Cur-
About Backbase
Backbase is a fast growing fintech software experiences are essential to stay relevant, and terms of omni-channel banking platform capa-
provider that empowers financial institutions our software enables financials to rapidly grow bilities, and award the company high marks for
to accelerate their digital transformation and their digital business. its deep focus on customer experience man-
effectively compete in a digital-first world. agement and unparalleled speed of implemen-
More than 100 large financials around the world tation. Forrester named us a leader in the For-
We are the creators of the Backbase Omni-Chan- have standardized on the Backbase platform to rester Wave for Omni-Channel Banking. Ovum
nel Banking Platform, a state-of-the-art digital streamline their digital self-service and online nominates Backbase as the market leading pro-
banking software solution that unifies data and sales operations across all digital touchpoints. vider of next-generation digital channel banking
functionality from traditional core systems and Our customer base includes HSBC, ABN AM- platforms, from both a functionality perspective
new fintech players into a seamless digital cus- RO,CheBanca!, Credit Suisse, Fidelity, HDFC, His- and execution perspective.
tomer experience. cox, ING, KeyBank, Legal & General, NBAD, OTP,
PZU, PostFinance, Navy Federal CU and West- Backbase was founded in 2003, is privately fund-
We give financials the speed and flexibility to cre- pac. ed, with headquarters in Amsterdam (HQ Global)
ate and manage seamless customer experienc- and Atlanta (HQ Americas) and regional opera-
es across any device, and deliver measurable Industry analysts Gartner, Forrester and Ovum tions in London, Mumbai and Singapore.
business results. We believe that superior digital recognize Backbase as an industry leader in
Americas HQ European HQ
10 10th Street, Suite 325 Jacob Bontiusplaats 9
Atlanta, GA 30309, United States 1018 LL Amsterdam,
Toll-Free Number: +1 866 800 8996 The Netherlands
Office Number: +1 470 881 8780 Phone: +31 20 465 8888

Regional Office New York Regional Office London Regional Office Toronto
1460 Broadway New York 81 Farringdon Street The Dineen Building,
NY 10036, Suite 110005 London, EC4A 4BL 140 Yonge Street,
United States United Kingdom Ste 301 Toronto, Ontario M5C 1X6
Email: Phone: +44 20 3735 8437 Email:

Regional Office Boise Regional Office Cardiff Regional Office Singapore

US Bank Plaza, Ground Floor, The Bounded Warehouse 22 Cross St
101 S Capitol Blvd. Suite 1750 Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, CF10 4HE Level 3 WeWork Building
Boise, ID 83702 United Kingdom Singapore 048421
United States Email: Email:

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