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oral Process ON 190 Elect Electoral Process tore | duction: Introduce ines how election and referendums arg “J s determi An electoral proces ; a determined. Political electoral processes are organ; and how their results are “sa ay governments. An election follows a set of legal process; which is oy ling i candidates and public. If a vacancy occurs during the term of Office fop by government then a by-electing will generally be held within three-months, | An electoral process comprises on the notice of election ang ele timetable; candidate nomination; appointment of election-agents; Aotifiatin g candidates and polling stations; briefing of candidates and their Agents; closing electoral registers; issuing of postal votes; return of postal vote, the poll, the com, and election expenses. Mechanism: Brief explanation of electoral mechanism is given below; i. Notice of Election and Election-timetable: / The Election Commission of each country advertises the Notice of Eleciit with details of the vacaney approximately 6-7 week before the polling day. Att ee will publish an election time table; which sets out the ke’ postal vote and 1 a Papers, appointing agents, closing of registers, issuilg", cy deadlines for both voters and candidates. These notices w Appear in the nati 7 ‘ational and regional Paper and on the commission website. ence ical Se poll Hed, the n ‘OMination, ains PaCKApES 4 MUS all the key informer Wil be n Forms. There ig a tio a jo xplaining the electoral Process in detail ang ee vate’S descriptions; election expenses and gall uc ’ conti Out campaiy itd intent of Election Agents; po ' i : e ‘ea with nomination pack will be a palo form for appoi i . POintment of elect; can either be appointed by candidat election < They i les or the candidates Perform this , ; themselves. Later on in the process the candidate can also Appoint polling wi ont to represent them on polling day and at the count, unt Notification of candidates and polling: once the candidate submitted the nomination paper by the death Bibi ission publishes the names of candidates, list of polling stations and list of amiss J im agents of each candidate. ITle: Briefing the Candidates and Agents: 7 Ast fedinn» raqres i ‘ . bri hi About 3-4 weeks prior to polling day the returning office will host a briefing eLeslio sion for candidates, in which key information will be given to candidates and their ‘ms about the election, the arrangements for polling, counting of votes and ‘aisions of results. Close of Electoral Registers: i i ection. This There is'a set date by which voters must be registered prior to el . tion and postal * de allows the electoral registers to be finalized before the elect ‘Stobe Printed prior to dispatch. LIers "suing of Postal votes: rior the . about 10-14 days P' inet Votes will be issued by the retuming officers is. Candidates and agents are nut Ney _ Candidate will receive notification of this. n titled to attend the issue, > iil Retr! of F vil. " re acc’ AL postal vores 0 5 these staremen's ole u ae 4, Candidates a” officer 0 prevent fraud. if they wish. Polling Day* sis of polling stations 1 statutory verification process of > fe le nd Agents are entitled to observe tas leh, t are provided to each candidate ang te here the polling stations for the election are? The poll coon oter is provided with ballot paper, which iu S of box in the presence of presiding and Pong cs ice, The li which show WI Joses at 5 pm. Each vi and ¢! intoa choice and puls the vole There are various method of voting and every country adopts of j a4 choice, for example the past- -the-post, proportional representation-single ti vote, list system and the mixed member proportional representation. xX. The count: The count is either held at the close of the poll or the next day following election. The count is held at a venue within ward, where the poll is contested ing presence of agents of the candidates. For the proportional representation quis} assessed and those candidates, who received the required quota is declared succes In the-past-the-post system a candidate is declared successful, who receives highe number of votes. xi. Election Expenses / Campaign Spending: oe. rae spending is subject to financial limits dependent on the elect ae seo in area contested, Around 35 days after the poll, the candid lepa it an ace r . ae ne y an account of expenses to the Election Commission. Thes* ic Inspection. It should be noted that expenses are reimbursed Representation: Its kinds: Introduction: percent is acti gent ine Place of another party by an authorization ‘es chalf Of a princinal a eauneil an behalf of a cliem in tislative includes any condition, warra rye" entation includes y al eptest nly or Undertaking, Asis Of misleading 1 lution of the World induced into a contract on the bi yerson whether oral f the contract, Every Constit Presentation May give the nf ry damage ° ye © tation to Pep nese yo any criminal. ion occurs when Olitic: # ‘eal Representatio’ n pe politica! on behalf of other in political are act . . . lize nd Itiple and competing dimensions: 9, a? ce, It has mu : son i lat contains different gata resentation is one of th | rep ‘al actors Speak, advocate, na. It is a kind of political ur Common understanding of and conflicting Conceptions of s ives should represent and ioe sentatives s| ! tical epFC so holds Tepresentatives to i tible, a spat are mutually incompa ois goals of political representation, The first is to provide a Tere are ee eaning of political tepresentation, identifying the key orl overview meen The second is to highlight several important “aes nponents of ms by contemporary literature on political oon es oe al of political representation. The ad goal “ oe shes point 10 lems with theories of political representation and ther vera! persistent pr h. as of researcl me future are: ‘propose SOt Kinds of Representation: i its kinds. Edmund i tation and its kin “ vario i ‘ding represent et are various theories regar« ; oe ct y ¢ Mansbridge and Andrew Rehfeld have p ~ Sete, Hanna Pitkin, Jani ‘ ter i its kinds. res about the representation and its ki ked the i es th the pré aviour of its proper behaviour he district’s interest with t Edmund Burke lin! in number and . interest, few in ‘ed officials, Hi cives of “broad, relatively fixed i officials. He conce i ts are + These interest : ust one. ae HI locality has j ze in his overal “=i defined, of which any group oF haracteri ivelihood they cl “octed with Particular localities, whose livelih iy they involve.” make the “q way to tion as. "anna Pitkin defined political representa tation as itical represen! i f political a He identified four views of P' "On present again.” He i _ ® “ete mn, Deseri HIVE tenn PtiVe tepreien collective and party-based, oN is alse Minority Representation: wa Problems of Minorities: Many states have heterogeneous Population, comprising of tio & groups of people who differ from a other in political views, lig language or culture. The larger group in the state usually a It, While the an or groups have no share in the government due to their numerical inf Such a lesser group which differs from the more numerous groups in Political. religion, nationality, language, race or culture, is known as a minority, The a political, national, religious or communal, linguistic and racial minorities, | them, however, the political minority is different from all other kinds, Polity minorities are temporary, for the people usually change their political Views af some time, so that what is a minority party today may become a majority pay tomorrow. But one cannot thus change the colour of his skin, religion, language orhis race and nationality. Hence national, racial, religious or linguistic minorities a permanent. If minority groups are not given a share in the government of thei: country, as it is often the case, it becomes a source of permanent injustice ani grievance, and a blot on its democratic system, if such a country claims to bea democracy. Arguments for Minority Representation: John Stuart Mill was the first Sreat advocate of minority representation int berate state In his book, “Representative Government”, he declared that “itis? Part of democracy that minctities should be adequately represented. TH emocracy, according to its definition, is the government of the whole peooF 100 a 437 cop! equally represente He lamented the fact that such ie P roe On the other hand, he said, the existing demoo a : te ‘ nts of the whole peoples by a mere majority of ai are tf worn «Analyzing the reason wh the peoples f ap ° rc gente ted. why the majority rules and the - ay re? , he SaySs it as due to the voting system, that i a anise is, the principle ¢ i ves must decide discussion and deliberation in a representative body he goes on to say, “does it follow that the minority should have 17 Because the majority ought to prevail over the minority. ‘e a sent ori have all votes, the minority none?” Such a state of affairs aa e a ane ity and would be a bolt on the fair name of democracy, “which its very root and foundation. “Justice and equality demand that nority should be proportionately represented. So the method of , a ot on was Mill’s solution of the minority problem, without 0 y becomes not ah cordingly, the minority has a right to elect its own representatives to the vol “pu ? on es at all equal government but a government of inequality and fos o that they participate in the deliberation and adoption of laws, along with ofthe majority representatives. For laws, as Laski says, must be built on the shes of the minorities, which must be taken into consideration in the making as uld result in oppression, tyranny, discontent and rebellion. yo orherwise it woul Minority Representation: lethods of minority representation have been devised and applied in the Five methods of aidem states. We shall first consider the method of proportional representation. 1, Proportional Representation: The principle of proportional representation is explained by J.S. Mill in these wrds: “In a really equal democracy, every section should be represented, not dsyoportionately but proportionately. A majority of the electors would always have {tty of the representatives; but a minority of the electors should always have a non the representatives. Man for man, they would be as fully representative as Majority.” zs other f minority "Pern STO, p. Lee . 4 Nay ce of providing some representation ¢ a 01 ly great. When two-thirds of r party and one third for ih — e hat the majority should hav. e one-third of th, le «The importan minorities js extreme! constituency yote for one .; obviously just th other, itt two-thirds minority sentatives.” and repre’ he proportional representati P tion. Ty . aim of tl the Hare or the single transferable voi, by S¥Stem ay This is the proportional representatives are the list system. A. The single transferable vote system: ‘This method is in use in Ireland and for municipal elections in C. ‘nada 7 and United State. It is also known as Hare System. It was devised by an Thomas, Hare, in his book “Election of representatives” 1857. It i mk Andrae system, after the Danish Minister, named Andrae, who fi se Denmark in 1855, with a slight difference regarding the method of te oe epee nore Some writers also call it the Piciresil sean =a in ica his preference for one or the other candidate. Fi i “ ; he Single Transferable Vote System. Th “een wasted. If his candidate is unable to get a majori ‘jarrah. uae transferred to the next candidate for wh emt tetera oud weiner hom he was shown his second preference at so on. The essentials Is of the single bet ee gle transferable vote system multi -Y, a single vote, preferences, the quota and ts oan ¢ transfer of votes. i, Multi. ulti-number constituency: This syst IS System require es the multi seats. No F ultiple membs 6 maximum ‘mber constituenci , sug, number encies with at least th Suggested a fifteen m a of seats is necessary, bi ih ad rine a - member consti ary, but ‘ou P_ however, the numbe er constituency as a a on ual T of seats varies between th responsible limit. In practice ‘en three to fi fifteen. cai Soience —erene ch voter has only one vote. But he ga paper by. marking his Fist, Second, thid or mor choi wi tes on the ballot-paper as 1, 2, 3 and . ida woe di s, He can thus indicate as ma N indicate jj ‘ate his Preference on the ic Ces foy the vari, agai, 01 SO on Against the ny Hames Of the date NY choice aati atives to be elected. ®S aS there are the ent res quota i pete the counting of votes begins, the quota of Votes which a Candidate d. In the Hare System, the f Votes cast by the number 1 secure 10 be declared elected is first determine us . peer ta is determined by dividing the total number o} uot seats 10 be filled, as thus: dl suppose there are 10,000 votes cast and 5 seats to be filled, s0900 + 5 = 2000 Inthe Andrae System, the quota is calculated as total number of votes cast gutelby Number of seats Plus: Suppose there are 10,000 votes cast, and 5 seats to be filled. The quota of votes will be 10,000 + 5 = 2,000 + 1 = 2001 i. Counting of votes: Next stage is counting of votes. First of all the first choices are counted. When acandidate has secured the required quota of first choices, he is declared lected. The surplus of votes cast in his name is then transferred io the candidates of the second choice, till he secured the requisite quota of votes and so on, In case no candidate completes the quota, then the votes of those Candidates who secured the lowest number of votes are transferred to the Meferences expressed on the ballot-papers till their quota is complete. ‘Thus as Many candidates are declared successful as there are seats to be alle In ms “3 every minority gets representation according to its voting strength, Movided itis More than the required quota of votes. Ei a’ ts: | Defec ble vote system has some obvious defects The single transferal Itis complicated and diffi intrigues and combinations and such 4, only one candidate in order to receive as “yy Votes f cult to be understood by ordinary vo ets, It encourages party voting.” that is, voting for other parties while giving none- It, therefore, encourages differences and cleavages amon * . 7 interests, it may happen sometimes that the candidate with first ae s ose of the second and third choices iv. _ Lastly, to secure the quota while th declared successful. How can we say that the Second, third or later hig chy: are the real preferences of the voters? B. The List System: It is another kind of the proportional representation. It is used in srg European countries, such as Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, etc. it is also bay on the multiple member constituency system, it is also used in Pakistan while clvag women in National Assembly. Each political party puts a list of as many cantidgs as the number of the seats to be filled from a constituency. Every voter are has vote, which he casts not for one candidate but for the list of the party of his choi say i a are cone, a quota is determined by dividing the number of we co Hine ee ion from a constituency. Then the total numberd " excites of he pry, Sump on by the quota, which gives the rund e ibe electoral quota is 1,501 os = ee a pe omalists, Socialists and conservati aw ils there ‘are three pa ‘ : Socialis Party 1600 and the cons ves the nationalists have secured 3,400 vo#S will get two Seats, the socialist mh lag a natal Party one seat, while the conservative party und its votes polled are less then th wansferr € quota of ) “ ng 501 votes from other constit 1,501 votes. However it can get 0% tuency, pei! science ortional Representation: ere? its it i it th a qe esirst merit is that the representation is secur a Pgh jon 10 their voting strength. It makes a 0 all parties i 10 e in a dem caisl ‘io as it must b locracy, based on equalit ature and groups in ' a {tue mirror of the inori and liber on dls every minority has and equal chance to win 'y. 5 Sei s rit ig a racial, linguisti f is a racial, linguis 3 i cially if it guistic oF religious minori ity in of ‘se shirdly, the very fact that the single transferable Vote system is a compli ajair and makes it necessary for the voter to indicate his Pree: tae educative value. The voter is compelled to reflect over the aueliions z the various candidates’ fact before he shows his preference. This develops his sive sense and makes him an intelligent citizen who has to consider the issues which j aoter and can never hope to become a majority. 1 thy h is permanent curity and satisfaction among the minorities, 'S produces a sense involved. Finally, proportional representation prevents any sudden and radical changes in the state constitution. It gives birth to multiple parties with various interests in the legislature, and thus makes coalition government necessary, such governments do not favour radical and extreme measures and laws for they are the result of compromise. Inshort, this system recognizes the pluralistic nature of modem society and tivsa direct voice to all groups and interests in the law-making body. Imerits of Proportional Representation: It has more defects than merits. Practical experience has revealed many "eaknesses in it some of which are of serious nature. oo Fins of all, proportional representation system lacks simplicity which is the Tequisite of a good electoral system. The need for indicating ae Wota, etc, are things which the ordinary voters do not undersian ¢ketoral officers cannot properly deal with. of proportional representation rg eq all methods astituencics which hinder a direct ire : | and ne ee ndidates. Hence proporti Persona ty 0 PortIONal qe. Sy! | relations between the jy Tesey, * em secondly: pltiple-e™ petween the yoler: ects of persona roys all pros? i reases the influence of the party bosses an A opens the il arty intrigues, Js as bribery, party gues, etc, by-elections by S ate a ber con s and the cal dest constituent. Ir ine evil 4 such electoral this system. my jij, Thirdly, it encourages minority thinking and produces multiple groups and thus in the legislature. The voters and the candidates Patties a and fight for groups” interests. The legislature is filled with scent. thin i groups which destroy the national character of the legislature ang Patties arena of divergent sectional and party interests. " Make iv. Lastly, opinion and interests of the minorities cannot be safeguarded eeaor devices as the proportional representation. The need is of : national economic system and a good moral character, of th ‘ Moreover, proportional representation has not secured better repr : Pape has engendered such evils as party intrigues, jobbery, and bosiin = possible unde ity Other Methods of Minority Representation: 1. Limited Vote System Under this system i ncies Wi as vn si " there are multiple-member constituencies with at least the. A ‘an cast several votes b vette nn fs ’s but hey. are less than thi " ‘wen 1 number of seat vote tert ae has five seats, the voters will have only thet alled limited vote. Moreover, he must Ive j ust not give more that _ one vote to any si ly single . This will le candidate, but spread hi enable a minorit is votes over several candidat Bs lame 'y party to wit : a minority. This system ’ a get ee wt ies, ° loes not gi give representation {0 Tepresentatio; tes, n does. It was tried in Portus! / as the Proportional © Slates of the United gt native Vote System ¢ Alter system is applicable in single memb er Con: a voters who has to choose from Stituencies, only, { 0 1 It candid Inder this gst “ce than half the votes after first choices h; more d ices are also counted to decide who wi iri favo! he Cumulative Vote System ¢ by showing first, second a ‘ nce DY nd and more choices, 1¢ MS, indicates. hig «no candid; ° at ave ber €N counted, then Se second Ins, whi ile those Candidates are '¢ obtains pated who secured the lowest number of vn nctes vot . small minorities. es. This system does not T under this system the voter has as many votes as there are seats to be i Ss to ‘ the constituency but he can cast them for one of the candidat filled in ve lates or spre: them over more or all of them. As he concentrates his votes on one ee " ad 7 i idate, it is called the cumulative vote system. It enables a minority to cast all i . . ; . all its yotes to its own candidate. This system is used for electing local officers in some states of the United States. Communal Representation This method was employed in British India for giving representation to religious minorities, called the “communities” such as the Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, and the economic classes such as the landlords, etc. it was done in two ways by separate electorates. In this cas candidates of their own community, ach community. The second method was the both Pakistan f seats. Since Independence, ntation, except that for the Scheduled | Assembly and e the voters of each community vote separately for the thus there were separate constituencies for ¢ joined electorate with reservation 0 and India have given up the system © seals are feserved in some cases in the Indi Castes, In Pakistan seats are reserved for mino Senate of Pakistan. f communal represe! an Constitution ities in National bn, ation Sy reset ; _ \ wm _ — cain Ree territorial representation 8 attacker i , me, however Tec tike GDH Cole, the Web,” ® ; sae Ang } s ¢ seers, $UC ists, the piers: 7 sy nmunishr - ran wn soviet COM <9 called Occupational oy Foes ~ population of a state has divers 7 ‘ong and iS divided into many classes, i ty ch religious, economic and social difference, ak presented by men who are elected on tei a cobbler cannot represent the tig professions al it has mu jot ber doctors, annot represent the factory ee Yet each Ofte hy rofession. Hence representation must be function is own fh more intelligent and trustworthy judges “a Men are muc! : he same industry than of those who ing iti who work in t real qualities of those mK the same geographical district.” Many writers also believe that the a necessarily industrial issues which need be decid ed by e industries concerned. Although it is nowhere adopted in its entirety, functional representation hy, been introduced in a modified form in many countries. In Great Britain te universities were given special representation in Parliament. In the Soviet Union, te soviets comprised the workers, peasants and soldiers during the early years of is history. The Weimar Constitution (1920) of Germany provided for the Gemma Economic council which was based on functional representation of varios agricultural, industrial and commercial groups and interests. The corporate state o! Mussolici’s Fasist Italy and the scheme of economic estate in Nazi Germany als ee lee om of functional or occupational representation.” The Englit different functional groups on € upper chamber would contain representatives ‘wo parliaments * and’ interests. The Webbs proposed that there should » one political and the other social torial) ial, the former to be terion” elected and the lat i ‘ter functionally. G.D.H. Cole says that in place of an 0% represent hi than territorial. political issues are representatives of th vote selence | ive bod eal fre ative body there should iy goo>—— \ fA repre natives as there are dj o a 2 4 prose stinet essentigy 9! Sh : ‘ sential Y Separately Ao brow ye 1 Represent Of Sunetiony gan fs srunetton® presentation to be o font as sentation is in he ue petional repr s in harmony with the ‘ut qt makes authority federal © plural Mn chara a society: ; " serest should be controle r inter’ d by representative iste and fege . Icler. al nature ad authority oh the traditional government coun of ee m of maintaining Peace and order, moe be reduces “This will give two advantages: (i) sectional — and Sudiciat settlement ra elected delegates will, more likely have an sats will be given a voice Z @ ich relate to their occupation or interest. “A, cae Knowledge of the oe that #8 fealistic must recognize that the os ‘eon, i cab cay of groups rather then of individuals, and the a é nomad inked with the community only through the ah eae ane into which his more intimate interests naturally — ee of his will and opinion only on those decisions ‘ia we ot erstand and in the formulation of which he can clon he feels some special bond of vocational or cultural interests. The ides, with whom .d on’ these bonds, therefore, should become substantially ° While, wet nim mi 0 the the stamp she can und ssociations forme: sfonomous in both policy and administration. Demerits of Functional Representation In practice, functional representation has revealed “such serious weaknesses siomake it little, if any, better than territorial representation. is of national unity and ig, classes and groups. gts at the expense ation encourage i Firstly, functional ,representation destroys the bas sovereignty. It splits the society and state into conflictini Ifsuch a system is adopted, it would emphasize class intere’ of national interests and national unity. Vocational represent s national unity and sovereignty: Aman ae Citizen first, a worker or a teacher afterwards. class consciousness and undermine: “WoneyUasaidar Teo} Jo wraysks 1 youues pure aR)5 omy ‘0 swiayqoud ayy AOS JOU [IM UONeIUAsaudar [euonednsa0 0 [euonouny wey) “arojarayy ‘apnjouos OM ‘[eUONEU om) pur

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