Identifying Patterns of Organization in Paragraphs

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Writers organize their points and support by using one or more

Example: A writer may cite the cause of a storm and its effect/s
A writer may classify food into different kinds.
Knowing how to identify a pattern of organization in a text can help you
follow the development of a writer’s ideas. There are key words that will help
you identify the specific pattern/s being used by a writer.
Chronological Refers to the First, second, For the past
order in which next, later, as twenty years,
something is soon as, then, mobile phones
done such as until, last, before, have evolved in
when telling a after, finally size and function.
story where it
starts from first
to the next.
Comparison/ Discusses Comparison: also, Both Jess and
Contrast similarities and likewise, in like Carla are
differences in two manner, Filipinos, but
or more ideas, similarly, similar they do not speak
events, people, or to, compared with the same
things Contrast: language.
however, but,
nevertheless, on
the contrary, on
the other hand
Classification Sorts out ideas classified as, There are two
into smaller comprises, is ways to access
groups and then composed of, the Internet in
the traits of each several varieties order to surf the
group are of, different web.
described. stages of,
different groups
that, includes,
one, first, second,
another, finally,
Spatial Arranges above, below, A shallow lake
information beside, between, lies behind our
according to how next to, in front house in
things fit of, behind, inside, Batangas.
together. outside, opposite,
Describes within, nearby,
physical location over, under
or position in
Definition Explains the is, refers to, can be Repression refers
meaning of new defined as, means, to the mind’s
words or phrases. consists of, involves, capacity to block
is a term that, is
called, is fearful thoughts,
characterized by, impulses, and
occurs when, are memories.
those that, entails,
corresponds to is
Cause and Effect Describes or because, for this Contaminated air
discusses an reason, due to, can give ill health
event or action cause, on effects to the
that is caused by account of, if this, children.
another event or as a result, since,
action. consequently,
therefore, thus, in
effect, resulting,
and the outcome.

A. Identify the organizational pattern that is used in each topic sentence.
Write chronological, comparison and contrast, classification, definition,
cause and effect, or spatial on the blank.

______________ 1. During the election, a candidate for president will make a

number of campaign stops throughout the country.

______________ 2. Although two students will listen to similar information,

they may produce dissimilar feedback on it.
______________ 3. Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that is usually inherited
in which blood does not clot easily.

______________ 4. People with moderate exposure to sunlight enhance their

body’s production of vitamin D.

______________ 5. The earth consists of many types of biomes where living

and nonliving things thrive.
______________ 6. Volcano has many important layers from bottom to top.

______________ 7. Jason and Mark are both interested in music however

Jason likes to compose while Mark likes to sing.

______________ 8. Distance education refers to a learning that takes place

when the student’s location is far from the classroom,
building, or site.

______________ 9. Because of the strong storm, residents evacuated to an

elevated and safer shelter.

______________ 10. Food preparation has developed through the years.

A. Identify the organizational pattern that is used in each paragraph. Write

chronological, comparison and contrast, classification, definition, cause
and effect, or spatial on the blank.
1. ______________
Education in out society serves many purposes, but there are three
main functions. First, students learn skills that will help prepare them
for society. Writing, reading, ang mathematics are essential in today’s
workplace and many people learn these skills in school. Second, schools
serve communities. Whether by functioning as polling locations during
elections or providing safe havens for students in temporary living
situations, public schools add value to communities. Third, public
schools provide a structured environment for children to engage in
productive activities during many days of the year while their adult
caretakers may be working. In other words, public schools also provide
day care. These are three of the primary reasons why we have schools in
our society.

2. ______________
There is more than one way to have successful school day, but a
great way to be prepared is to be well prepared. The first thing you
should do is complete your homework the night before. Don’t try to do
your work in the morning., it will be too stressful and you may not have
enough time. Next, you need to go to bed at a reasonable time. If you stay
up too late, you will not be able to focus on assignments or instructions
as well and you may even fall asleep during class. Lastly, you should
wake up early. This will give you time to get ready and feel good about
yourself, and you’ll be able to get something to eat before the day begins.
So remember, one way to have successful school day is to do your
homework the night before, go to bed early, and wake up early. Have a
great day.

3. ______________
Though toads are still around, they no longer are as common in
some areas as they were a few decades ago. The growing use of
insecticides has reduced their numbers. The chemical sprays usually do
not harm frogs or toads but cut down the animals’ food supply. The
urban gardener who decides that a toad would be useful in the backyard
will probably have to go out in the woods or the countryside to fetch one.

4. ______________
No one knows exactly what cause tornados, but some scientists
believe that when warm air meets cold air, a tornado may form. The
reason for this is that the warm air is lighter than the cold air, so it rises
up fast and meets different winds moving in different directions. Under
the right conditions, this can cause a tornado. Though there is still much
mystery surrounding tornados, many people believe that when warm
moist air meets cool dry air, tornados can result.

5. ______________
The ability of a building to withstand the stress an earthquake
depends upon its construction, shape, mass distribution, and rigidity.
Different combinations are used. To reduce the stress, first, the
building’s ground floor must be flexible. One method is to support the
ground’s floor with extreme rigid, hollow columns, while the rest of the
building is supported by flexible columns located inside the hollow
columns. A different method is use to rollers or rubber pads to separate
the base columns from the ground, allowing the columns to shake
parallel during an earthquake. Next, the outdoor walls should be made
with stronger and more reinforced materials such as steels or reinforced
concrete. Then, to help prevent collapsing, the roof should be made out
of lightweight materials.

6. ______________
Lightning and thunder are related events but come from different
energies. Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of electricity that occurs
between a cloud and the ground or between two clouds in the sky. A
lightning bolt can be several miles long and can be straight or forked. It
is very hot, with an average temperature of 34 000 degrees Celsius. This
causes the air around the electric bolt to expand, producing lots of sound
energy. It is this sound energy that we hear as thunder. So, lightning and
thunder are caused by the same event, but lightning is light energy, or
electromagnetic energy, whereas thunder is sound energy. Thus, we see
lightning and hear thunder.

7. ______________
Depression can be treated in various ways. One may consult a
professional help whom he/she can listen to advice or get medication.
Another way that one can do is to simply find a comfortable place that
he/she can feel rejuvenated. Also, one can try to change his/her diet and
incorporate a suitable exercise that will give him/her positive energy to
combat negative moods.

8. ______________
After Elisa’s Taekwondo class, she had decided to stop by her
grandmother’s house to give some help in the house chores. She stayed
there for about two hours. Next thing she did was to call Hannah to
remind her about their social studies project. Then, she took a short ride
to her home and took a arrest for an hour. Finally, she started reading
her favorite novel.

9. ______________
Anger is having a feeling of hatred toward someone or something. It
is one of our basic emotions and can be most dangerous if it is not
carefully controlled. A person can become angry when he/she cannot
fulfill a a basic need or desire that is important to him/her.

10. ______________
The whole Hindu population of India can be divided into four castes
or varna. The highest of these castes is that of the Brahmans or priests.
The next is the varna of the warriors, known as the kshatriya, or
sometimes the Rajput caste. Below this comes the Vaishya or merchant
caste and the lowest caste is known as the Sudra caste. While castes are
traditionally associated with a type of occupation, in modern India,
occupations are not a reliable guide to caste.

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