Optimal Energy Management and Sizing of A Dual Motor-Driven Electric Powertrain

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


Optimal Energy Management and Sizing of a

Dual Motor-Driven Electric Powertrain
Xiaosong Hu, Senior Member, IEEE, Yapeng Li, Chen Lv, Member, IEEE
Yonggang Liu

commercial batteries comparable to gasoline/diesel [4]. As a

Abstract—This paper is concerned with combined power-source consequence, driving range is still seriously concerned by the
sizing and energy management optimization for multi-moto- public, when purchasing or talking about EVs [5]. To mitigate
driven electric powertrains. Existing studies focus mostly on such a concern, from a powertrain design perspective, various
adopting heuristically determined battery and motor sizes for such
powertrains, without a sufficient exploration of the coupling be-
advanced configurations of electric propulsion systems have
tween power-source dimension and energy management strategy. been proposed, with the goal of increasing the efficiency of
To address this research gap, this paper aims at presenting an al- electrical energy conversion onboard. However, these configu-
ternative, convex programming-based method to optimize the rations are inevitably much more complicated than conven-
multi-power-source integration problem, for vehicular economy tional single-motor solution, due to additional actuators (e.g.,
maximization. Specifically, for the first time, we leverage this motors and clutches). Accordingly, how to size and coordinate
method to optimize an electric bus powertrain configuration with
front-and-rear-axle dual motors and a clutch, as a case study. Nu-
multiple key components of such powertrains poses a daunting
merous analysis results, as well as comparisons with common de- challenge for pursuing a full energy-saving potential. This arti-
sign/control practice, demonstrate the effectiveness and computa- cle aims to address this challenge for a dual motor-driven elec-
tional benefit of the proposed scheme. tric powertrain, by means of an integrated optimization of en-
ergy management strategy and battery/motor sizes.
Index Terms—Electric Vehicle; Batteries, Electric Drive, Compo-
nent Sizing, Energy Management, Optimization B. Literature Review
Multi-motor-driven electric powertrains have been being in-
I. INTRODUCTION tensively investigated in the existing literature. A growing num-
A. Motivation and Technical Challenge ber of researchers and practitioners in the automotive sector are
devoted to leveraging additional design/control degrees of free-
I NCREASINGLY stringent standards and regulations on
emissions of carbon dioxide and harmful tail-pipe pollutants
constitute an overwhelming driving force for the development
dom to reap energy-saving advantages over the conventional,
single-central-motor scenario [6]. Next, we review technologi-
cal status of such powertrains, from three essential perspectives,
and deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) over the world [1]. i.e., configuration analysis, energy management strategy, and
Despite a promising interplay with renewables for a sustainable component sizing.
energy future, EVs are still facing with some technological and 1) Configuration
cost shortcomings, mainly owing to the state of the art of com- According to the number of motors used, main configura-
mercial traction batteries [2]. The material and chemical aspects tions reported in the literature comprise dual-motor, three-mo-
have a decisive impact on the overall battery performance [3]. tor, and four-motor electric powertrains (excluding army com-
Up to date, no adequate breakthroughs make energy density of bat vehicles with more than four wheels).
Dual-motor Case: depending on how to allocate motors,
there are roughly three types of dual-motor electric powertrains:
Manuscript received July, 06, 2018; revised September, 10,2018; accepted
October, 23, 2018. This work was supported in part by the EU-funded Marie
(a) two motors are separately placed at the front and rear axles,
Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF) Project under Grant 706253- e.g., [7-13] and Tesla Model S P100D [14] (sometimes a clutch
pPHEV-H2020-MSCA-IF-2015, and in part by the Fundamental Research is also equipped to isolate one motor at low load); (b) two mo-
Funds for the Central Universities of China (Grant no. tors are coupled via a planetary gear set to drive a single axle,
106112016CDJXZ338825, 106112017CDJQJ338811, 2018CDQYQC0035). e.g., [15-20] and the patent [21] invented by Tesla; (c) two mo-
(Corresponding authors: X. Hu and C. Lv)
tors are coupled via other forms of transmission to drive a single
Xiaosong Hu is with the State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions,
axle, e.g., [22] and the patent [23] invented by SAIC Motor.
Department of Automotive Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing
400044, China, and with Advanced Vehicle Engineering Centre, Cranfield Uni- Three-motor Case: General Motor Sequel deployed a single
versity, Cranfield MK43 0AL, UK (email: xiaosonghu@ieee.org). motor to drive the front axle and two in-wheel motors to inde-
Yapeng Li and Yonggang Liu are with the State Key Laboratory of Mechan- pendently drive the rear wheels [24, 25]. Other three-motor con-
ical Transmissions, Department of Automotive Engineering, Chongqing Uni-
figurations were rarely reported.
versity, Chongqing city, 400044, China (email: yapengli@cqu.edu.cn,
andyliuyg@cqu.edu.cn). Four-motor Case: three principal configurations of four-
Chen Lv is with the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nan- motor electric powertrains have been proposed. The most com-
yang Technological University, 639798, Singapore (email:

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


mon is four-wheel independent actuation via four in-wheel mo- vehicular maneuverability in a hierarchical manner [31].
tors [26-32]. The configuration of four onboard motors and four 3) Component sizing
individual gearboxes was also introduced in [33] to realize four- Component sizing plays an important role in performance
wheel independent control. The work in [34] unveiled a combi- and fuel economy of electric powertrains as well. Particularly,
nation of four motors with a transmission to drive the rear axle. sizes of the battery system and motors should be meticulously
2) Energy management designed. Nonetheless, compared to energy management re-
How to control multiple motors in harmony is an enabling search, fewer studies have been carried out on component siz-
technology in advanced electric powertrains. Specifically, en- ing of multi-motor electric powertrains. The motor size and
ergy management herein means power split or torque distribu- transmission gear ratios of a dual-motor EV were determined in
tion among multiple motors. Depending on the overall control [8] to meet vehicular power requirements, i.e., top vehicle speed,
objective, energy management techniques can be roughly di- acceleration time, and maximum grade. With the goal of mini-
vided into the following two categories. mizing energy consumption, a cascaded bi-level component
The first category is concerned with vehicular active safety sizing scheme has been often used, where sizing optimization
and/or maneuverability, with a particular consideration of tire- is conducted in the outer level, and energy management of mul-
road interactions. For example, a sliding mode control was de- tiple motors in the inner level. For example, the motor size and
veloped in [9] to regulate the slip ratio on each wheel within a gear ratios of a dual-motor EV in [18] with a planetary gear set
desirable region for an EV with front-and-rear-axle dual motors. were optimized by multi-objective particle swarm optimization
Since this type of energy management is not the focus of our (PSO) algorithm in the outer level, and the inner-level energy
work, interested readers are referred to a comprehensive review management strategy was rule-based. Similarly, the motor sizes,
article [33] for more relevant information. battery capacity, and planetary gear set parameters were opti-
The second category is targeted at improving energy effi- mized in [19] by using quantum genetic algorithm. However,
ciency of electric powertrains, where vehicular maneuver con- rule-based energy management in the inner level invariably
trol is sometimes also integrated. For instance, a rule-based al- leads to non-optimal torque distribution. To address this defi-
gorithm was applied in [15] to realize a 2-mode energy man- ciency, for a rear-axle-driven EV with dual motors in [22], a
agement strategy for a dual-motor EV with a planetary gear set. convex optimization-based energy management strategy was
In order to further increase energy efficiency of such dual-mo- harnessed in the inner level to ensure optimality and computa-
tor powertrains, some optimization-based energy management tional rapidness of power split, while genetic search algorithm
strategies were also synthesized, e.g., dynamic programming was employed in the outer level to optimize sizes of the battery
(DP) [17] and model predictive control (MPC) [20]. As for pack and motors. For the four-motor rear-axle-driven EV in
powertrains with front-and-rear-axle dual motors, analytical so- [34], a divide-and-conquer approach was utilized for optimal
lutions of optimal energy management were explored by deriv- torque distribution, and genetic algorithm for transmission gear
ing analytical power losses of motors [10, 11]. When using two ratio optimization. The four-in-wheel-motor-driven EV in [32]
identical motors, even torque distribution is found to be the op- adopted an adaptive torque distribution method and PSO in the
timal control. Moreover, the results in [11] demonstrate that a outer level to optimize sizes of four motors and the battery pack.
clutch is advantageous to further reducing energy consumption
through turning off one motor, when the torque demand is lower C. Research Gap and Original Contributions
than a threshold. The study in [13] discusses maximizing the The vast majority of existing efforts focused on energy man-
powertrain efficiency when the two motors have different sizes, agement optimization of multi-motor electric powertrains,
where a fuzzy-logic clutch controller is exploited to govern the given identical parameters of motors or electric drivetrains. A
transition between single-motor and dual-motor modes. Addi- few of studies attempted to synergize energy management with
tionally, four different optimization algorithms are contrasted component sizing for these powertrains via a bi-level optimiza-
in [12] for minimizing energy consumption of a front-and-rear- tion scheme. However, the often-used evolutionary algorithms
axle-driven electric wheel loader. As for four-motor power- in the outer level are invariably computationally inefficient and
trains, optimal analytical energy management was examined as inherently cannot guarantee a globally optimal sizing outcome.
well. [27] shows the optimality of even torque distribution For example, in [22], the sizing optimization still took more
among four motors, given assumptions that four electric than 12 hours, even though a rapid, convex programming-based
drivetrains are the same, and the drivetrain power loss is strictly energy management algorithm was applied. Therefore, a com-
monotonically increasing versus the wheel torque. Moreover, putationally efficient, joint optimization framework of compo-
[28] presents an analytical solution, taking loading transfer into nent sizing and energy management is still lacked such that en-
account. In the case of four motors of different sizes, the ana- ergy–saving benefits of multi-motor electric powertrains cannot
lytical energy management has been investigated in [29]. An be fully explored.
iterative search of optimal torque distribution among four mo- Strongly motivated by this research gap, we extend convex
tors was devised in [30]. In addition, with topography preview, programming, a recognized efficient tool for combined design
DP was leveraged in [26] to accomplish both the optimal vehi- and control optimization of hybrid vehicles [35-38], to multi-
cle speed and optimal torque distribution among four in-wheel motor electric powertrains. This article presents, for the first
motors. A multi-objective optimization approach was also put time, a quick, simultaneous optimization of energy manage-
forward to evaluate tradeoffs between energy consumption and

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


ment and motor/battery dimension for the powertrain configu-

Rear Wheel Front Wheel
ration with front-and-rear-axle dual motors and a clutch, as a
case study. As a result, the following interesting questions about
this configuration that remained unanswered before can be ad- EM2 EM1
(1) Can two motors of different sizes make the powertrain
more energy-efficient than a common practice of using two Battery
identical motors?
(2) Is it possible to establish a systematic method to deter-
Fig. 1. Configuration of the electric bus powertrain system.
mine sizes of the two motors? Is such a method useful to guide
the dual-motor integration, e.g., into Tesla P100D? TABLE I
(3) How does the motor/battery sizing interact with the MAIN VEHICULAR PARAMETERS [35]
Name value unit
torque distribution between dual motors to maximize the
Chassis mass mveh 13700 kg
powertrain efficiency?
Front area Af 7.54 m2
D. Paper Organization Rolling resistance cr 0.007 /
Aerodynamic drag cd 0.7 /
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The powertrain
Wheel radius rw 0.509 m
model is introduced in Section II. Section III formulates the
Final gear i0 4.7 /
convex programming framework for combined component siz- Chassis inertia J chs 41.8 kgm2
ing and energy management. Results and discussion are pre- Auxiliary power Paux 7 kW
sented in Section IV, followed by key conclusions drawn in Air density  1.1839 kg/m3
Section V. Gravity g 9.8100 m/s2

II. POWERTRAIN MODELING Jveh  Jchs  ( J EM1  J EM 2 )i02 (3)

As shown in Fig. 1, the considered dual-motor arrangement
Ft (k )rw J veh a(k )
for an electric bus consists of EM1 and EM2 mounted at the Tdem (k )   (4)
front and rear axles, respectively. Furthermore, a clutch is i0 rwi0
placed between EM2 and the rear axle, in order to isolate (turn J veh a(k )v(k )
off) EM1 when the road load is low. Pd em (k )  Ft (k )v(k )  (5)
A. Power Balance where rw is the effective wheel radius, i0 is the final drive gear,
In the course of vehicle travelling, the powertrain must fulfill J veh is the total inertia of vehicle chassis including wheels,
road power/torque demand. The battery powers the two motors
J E M 1 and J E M 2 are the inertias of both motors. The key vehicle
(EM1 and EM2), through which electric energy is converted
into mechanical energy to drive the vehicle. During braking, specifications are listed in Table I.
The power balance at time k can then be written as:
both motors can recuperate the mechanical energy through the 2 2
braking torque, and store the recuperated energy into the battery.
When the braking torque is larger than the recuperation limit, a
i 1
EMi , input (k )   PEMi ,loss (k )  Pd em (k )
i 1

friction braking serves as a supplement. If the vehicle velocity where PEMi ,input is the input power of motor, and PEMi ,loss is the
and road slope are known a priori, the traction force Ft at the power loss of motor (including inverter losses). Therefore, the
wheels at time k can be calculated according to longitudinal ve- battery output power is described by:
hicular dynamics: 2
Pbat (k )   PEMi ,input (k )  Paux (k ) (7)
i 1
cd Af v(k) 2

Ft (k)   mtot gcr cos( (k ))  mtot g sin( (k ))  mtot a(k ) (1) where Pb at is the battery output power, and Paux is the auxiliary
power of vehicle.
mtot =mveh  mEM 1  mEM 2  mbat (2)
B. Motor Model
where cd is the aerodynamic drag coefficient, A f is the vehic- The power loss of motor is an important consideration in de-
veloping electric vehicle energy management strategies. It is of
ular front area,  is the air density, v is the vehicular longitu-
particular importance to ensure a high-efficiency motor opera-
dinal velocity, mtot is the total mass of vehicle, g is the gravity
tion. In this paper, the motor power loss is approximated by a
acceleration, cr is the rolling resistance coefficient, and  is
quadratic function as follows [35-39]:
the road slope a is acceleration. Moreover, mveh is the chassis
PEMi ,loss (k )  ai1 (k )TEMi (k )2  ai 2 (k )TEMi (k )  ai 3 (k ) (8)
mass, mEM 1 is the front motor mass, mEM 2 is the rear motor
mass, and mbat is the battery mass. Based on (1) and (2), the and the motor input power is written by:
power demand Pd em and torque demand Tdem at the EM1/EM2 PEMi ,input (k )  PEMi,loss (k )  TEMi (k )EMi (k )i = 1,2 (9)
shaft can be calculated as:

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


TABLE II where PEMimax ,base is the maximal output power of baseline mo-
Name EM1 EM2 unit tor.
Peak power 70 100 kW Normally, the mass and inertia of a motor are related to its
Inertia 0.7319 1.0454 kgm2 rotor diameter. In order to simplify the algorithm and increase
Mass 95.46 136.35 kg
Max torque 1622.8 2318.0 Nm the powertrain simulation efficiency, the mass and inertia of
each motor have been assumed to change linearly with a base-
line value [37], which have been used and justified in [43,44].
The motor inertia and mass are scaled by:
J EMi  J EMi,base sEMi i  1,2 (16)
mEMi  mEMi,base sEMi i  1,2 (17)
where J EMi ,base and mEMi ,base are the inertia and mass of baseline
motor, respectively.
C. Battery Model
The opened circuit voltage (OCV) of lithium-ion battery is
closely related to its State of Charge (SOC). It is illustrated in
[39] that in a common SOC range for vehicular applications,
the OCV almost exhibits a linear relationship with SOC. There-
fore, here, for a battery cell the relationship between the OCV
Fig.2. Baseline EM2 efficiency map. ( Voc ), and SOC is written as:
where ai1 , ai 2 , and ai 3 are functions of the motor rotational Voc (k )  SOC (k )  V0 (18)
speed  EMi .
where Q is the cell capacity, C is a coefficient in [F], and Voc
The main parameters of the baseline EM1 and EM2 are listed
in Table II. The efficiency map of the baseline EM2 is shown is the OCV value when SOC is equal to zero. The battery cell
in Fig. 2 [40]. power includes two parts:
To size EM1/EM2, the EM maximum and minimum output Pbat ,total (k )  Pbat (k )  Pbat ,loss (k ) (19)
torque are scaled by sEM [41], and the EM power loss is as- where Pbat ,total is the battery cell internal power, Pbat and
sumed to change with a baseline value linearly [37,42]: Pbat ,loss are the battery cell terminal power and power loss, re-
TEM (k ) [TEMmin,base ,TEMmax,base ]sEM (10) spectively.
PEM ,loss  sEM PEM ,loss,base (11) As the battery cell resistance is assumed to be a constant, the
battery cell power loss can be calculated by:
where TEMmin ,base and TEMmax ,base are baseline torque limits.
Pbat ,loss (k )  I (k )2 R (20)
Consequently, the power loss of motor:
PEM ,loss ( k )  sEM PEM ,loss ,base (k ) Pbat (k )  Voc (k )I (k )  I (k )2 R (21)
 sEM (a1 (k )TEM,base (k ) + a2 (k )TEM,base ( k ) + a3 (k ))
2 where I is the battery cell current, and R is the battery cell
internal resistance. While the battery resistance varies with bat-
TEM (k ) 2 T (k ) tery operating states (charging or discharging), such a change is
 sEM (a1 (k )( )  a2 (k ) EM  a3 (k ))
sEM sEM relatively small, and during powertrain system-level controls
TEM (k ) 2 and sizing, its impact on the optimization results of battery and
 a1 ( k )  a2 (k )TEM (k )  a3 (k ) sEM EMs sizes is often neglected. Hence, it is here reasonable to
adopt a constant resistance during the optimization process, as
(12) treated by many relevant studies, e.g., [39].
and then the EM1/EM2 power loss and input power can be cal- In order to size the battery system, we introduce a scaling
culated by: variable sbat , sbat  nbat / nbat ,base , where nbat is the number of
T (k)2
PEMi,loss (k)  ai1(k) EMi  ai2 (k)TEMi (k)  ai3 (k)sEMi i 1,2 (13) cells in the target battery pack, and nbat ,base is the number of
cells in the baseline pack, which equals 1800. The main battery
PEMi,input (k )  PEMi,loss (k )  TEMi (k )EMi (k ) (14) cell specifications are listed in Table III. And its efficiency map
where sEMi is the motor scaling factor. The maximal output is shown in Fig. 3. Accordingly, the battery pack total power
power of motor is calculated by: Pbat ,total to be optimized can be formulated as:
Pbat ,total (k )  Voc (k ) I (k )nbat ,base sbat (22)
PEMimax  PEMimax,base sEMi (15)
The battery state of energy is expressed by [36, 45]:

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics



no Tdem>T*


eclutch=0 eclutch=1

EM1 only EM1 and EM2

Fig. 4. Clutch control logic flowchart.
Fig. 3. Baseline battery pack efficiency map [46,47].
a preset torque threshold, the clutch is engaged. To find an op-
TABLE III timized torque threshold T*, we run the inner-level convex pro-
gramming over an outer-level grid of the torque threshold. The
Name value unit
flowchart of the clutch control logic is depicted in Fig. 4.
Cell mass[a] 0.07 kg
Cell resistance[a] 0.01 Ω
Maximum discharge current[a] -35 A
Maximum charge current[a] 35 A In this section, the convex optimization problem for the elec-
Cell capacity[a] 8280 As tric powertrain is mathematically formulated. First, we briefly
nbat ,base   1800  /  introduce the definition of a generic convex programming prob-
is from [46] lem. Then, how to construct the convex optimization of the spe-
SOC ( k ) cific powertrain is elaborated.
Ebat (k )  nbat ,base sbat Q  Voc (k )dSOC (k )
A. Definition of Convex Programming
SOC ( k ) Q
 nbat ,base sbat Q  ( SOC (k )  V0 )dSOC (k ) (23) A standard convex programming problem consists of an ob-
0 C
jective function and equality/inequality constraints with respect
nbat ,base sbat C to optimization variables as follows [36, 45]:
 (Voc (k ) 2  V0 2 ).
2 minimize f ( x)
The cell current limits are converted to the following power subject to gi ( x)  0, i  1,..., m (27)
Ax = b
Pbat ,total (k )  Voc ( k ) I min nbat ,base sbat (24)
where x  ( x1 ,..., xn ) is the vector of optimization variables,
Pbat ,total (k )  Voc (k ) I max nbat ,base sbat (25) f ( x) a convex objective function, gi ( x) convex inequality
where I min and I max are the allowable maximum charge cur- constraints, and Ax = b affine equality constraints. It is theo-
rent and discharge current, respectively. retically proven that a convex programming problem results in
The battery pack mass mbat is scaled by: a unique global optimal solution, which can be rapidly solved
mbat  mbat ,base sbat (26) by many commercial solvers, e.g., CVX [51, 52].
where mbat ,base is the mass of the baseline battery pack. B. Objective Function
The objective function is to minimize the sum of electricity
D. Clutch Model cost and depreciated battery/motor costs over a given driving
As mentioned before, power losses of both motors could ac- cycle, as described by [40,53]:
count for a noticeable proportion in the total loss of the electric cost = costop + costcomp (28)
powertrain. As a result, an effective control of the clutch be-
where costop is the operational cost, i.e., electricity expenditure,
tween EM2 and the drive shaft is useful to improve the EM2
efficiency by turning off the motor at low load [11, 48-50]. In defined as:
this paper, we utilize a binary variable 𝑒 to represent the costop  We( Ebat (1)  Ebat (end )) (29)
clutch working state: where We is the electricity consumption coefficient in
1clutch is engaged [euro/Ws/100 km], which can be defined as:
eclutch  
clutch is disengaged P
We  elt (30)
A heuristic control mechanism is used to determine 𝑒 . 36d
Namely, when the vehicular torque demand Tdem is larger than where Pelt is the electricity price in [euro/kWh], and d is the

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


Name value unit Performance value unit
Pelt [a] 0.196 euro/kWh max speed 68.83 km/h
Distance 16.55 km
pc [b] 5% /
Max acceleration 0.84 m/s2
yv [c] 5 year Average speed 19.60 km/h
s 70000 km
costbat [c] 6.831 euro
costEM [b] 20 euro/kW TABLE VI
is from [54], [b] is from [53], [c] is from [39] OPTIMIZATION FRAMEWORK
Objective function: min cost
distance over drive cycle in [m]. In this way, the unit of the op- Optimization variables: E , T bat EMi , sbat , sEMi (N is the number
erational cost can be consistent with the component cost shown of time steps in a given drive cycle.)
below: Expressions:
Pbat ,total ( N ),Voc 2 ( N ), Pbat ,loss ( N ), PEMi ,loss ( N ), PEMi ( N )
costcomp  Wb sbat   WEM sEMi (31)
i 1
with Wb being the battery cost factor and WEM the motor cost When the vehicle is in steady state:
factor: Pdem (k )  0
1 yv P (k )  P (k )  Paux
Wb  100000nbat ,ba se costbat (1  pc ) (32) bat , total bat ,loss
syv 2 While the vehicle is moving:
1 y If the necessary condition is satisfied for the clutch engagement:
WEM  1000000 PEMi max,ba se costEM (1  pc v ) (33)
syv 2 eclutch  1
where costbat and costEM are the battery cell cost and EM cost TEM 1 (k )  TEM 2 (k )  T0 (k )  T1 (k ) sbat  T2 (k ) sEM 1  T3 (k ) sEM 2
per kW, s is the average yearly traveled distance, pc is the Pbat ,total (k )  Pbat ,loss (k )  Paux  PEM 1,input (k )  PEM 2,input (k )
yearly interest rate, and yv is the vehicle service period. The If the necessary condition is not satisfied:
values of the related parameters are listed in Table IV. eclutch  0
C. Optimization Formulation TEM 2 (k )=0
According to (1), (2), (4), (15), and (24), the torque demand TEM 1 (k )  T0 (k )  T1 (k ) sbat  T2 (k ) sEM 1  T3 (k ) sEM 2
can be written as: P (k )  P
bat , total (k )  P  P
bat , loss aux (k )
EM 1, input

Tdem (k )  T0 (k )  T1 (k ) sbat  T2 (k ) sEM 1  T3 (k ) sEM 2 (34) In order to improve numerical properties of optimization, we
set an additional motor size constraint:
cd Af  v(k ) 2 sEM 1  sEM 2  2
(  mtot gcr cos(  (k ))  mtot g sin(  (k ))  mtot a (k ))rw
T0 (k )  2 this setting can meet the peak power demand of 138.27 kW in,
i0 e.g., the drive cycle in Fig. 5.
J a(k ) The remaining constraints include (24), (25), and
 veh
rw i0 TEMi (k )  [TEMi,min,base ,TEMi,min,base ]sEMi
(35) PEMi  [ PEMi,min,base , PEMi,min,base ]sEMi

mbat ,base ( gcr cos(  (k ))  g sin(  (k ))  a(k ))rw C C

E bat  [Voc 2 ( SOCmin ), [Voc 2 ( SOCmax )]nbat ,base sbat
T1 (k )  (36) 2 2
sbat  [ sbat,min ,sbat,max ]
mEM 1,base ( gcr cos(  (k ))  g sin(  (k ))  a (k ))rw
T2 (k )  (37) sEMi  [ sEMi,min ,sEMi,max ]
mEM 2,base ( gcr cos(  (k ))  g sin(  (k ))  a(k ))rw
T3 (k )  . (38) Given the relevant equations listed in Section II and the fore-
i0 going objective function, the optimization problem is formu-
One of the advantages of an electric bus is that its driving lated in Table VI.
route is typically fixed. Here we adopted a real city driving cy- As mentioned before, the clutch control torque T* is opti-
cle (Gothenburg, Sweden), which is depicted in Fig. 5. The per- mized through an outer-loop algorithm. The associated pseudo-
formance of driving cycle is listed in Table V. According to the code is given as follows:
performance and vehicle parameters, the main design criteria of
the powertrain system are fulfilled optimally via convex pro-

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


Fig. 5. Gothenburg, Sweden, driving cycle [35].

tempT *  1:1: max(Tdem )

for j  1:1: numel (tempT * )
tempcost ( j )  min cost
for i  1:1: numel (tempcost )
if tempcost (i)  min tempcost
T *  tempT * (i )
end .


In this section, we illustrate optimization results and demon-
strate the effectiveness and time efficiency of the combined
power-source sizing and control approach.
A. Comparative Analysis of Four Optimization Scenarios
First, we consider four different scenarios below for a com-
prehensive comparison (each scenario is able to satisfy the driv-
ing performance of the bus, i.e., tracking the driving cycle well):
1) sEM 1 and sEM 2 are kept to 1 during the optimization with
the clutch operation;
2) sEM 1 and sEM 2 are optimized with the clutch operation;
3) sEM 1 and sEM 2 are kept to 1 during the optimization with-
out the clutch;
4) sEM 1 and sEM 2 are optimized without the clutch. Fig. 6. EM1 operating points in the cases 1)-3). The green rectangle highlights
The associated outcomes of the four cases under the Gothen- low-efficiency region.
burg driving cycle are reported in Table VII.
and motor sizes. The result of the case 2) shows that the total
When assuming no clutch in the powertrain, in the case 4),
cost is 27.91 euro/100km, further saving 2.05% versus the case
the total cost is 28.50 euro/100km, saving approximately 5.36%,
4). The optimized sizes of EM1 and EM2 are 28.95 kW and
compared to the case 3) with pre-fixed motor sizes. The optimi-
110.47 kW, respectively. It reveals that the clutch operation
zation result of the case 4) indicates that the EM1 size is zero,
only has a significant impact on the EM1 size (i.e., a noticeable
and the EM2 size is 139.48 kW. This observation implies that
contribution to reduction of the EM1 size versus the baseline
an appropriately sized motor, together with a well-sized battery
one). The reason is that EM2 is turned off when the torque de-
pack, is more economical than a dual-motor counterpart, in the
mand is less than the optimal clutch control torque T* of 246
case of no clutch.
Nm, and then a small EM1 is merely needed to propel the vehi-
It is thus interesting to further examine whether the utiliza-
cle at very low load.
tion of the clutch reduces the total cost and affects the battery
The operating points superimposed on efficiency maps of

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


The torque split is Total Cost Battery EM1 EM2 T*
optimized. [euro/100 km] [kWh] [kW] [kW] [Nm]
1) 28.37 30.87 70 100 530
2) 27.91 30.60 28.95 110.47 246
3) 30.11 32.84 70 100 /
4) 28.50 31.36 0 139.48 /

Fig.7. EM2 operating points in the cases 1)-4). The green solid and dashed rectangles highlight low- and high-efficiency regions, respectively.

EM1 in the cases 1)-3) are plotted in Fig. 6. It can be observed clearly conducive to making the torque split more energy-effi-
that the EM 1 in the cases 1) and 3) more frequently operate in cient. Specifically, the EM2 will be isolated by the clutch at
low-efficiency region (the green solid rectangle), leading to some low torque demands such that only the smaller EM1
more power losses, compared to the case 2). The operating works to seek increased efficiency. Moreover, compared to the
points and efficiency of EM2 in the four cases are shown in Fig. case 1), the optimal solution (the case 2)) yields a significantly
7. On the one hand, in contrast to the cases 1) and 3), the oper- reduced EM1 and thereby a lower threshold for engaging the
ating points of EM2 in the optimal case 2) are obviously more clutch. As such, the EM1-only mode in the case 2) induces
in high-efficiency region (the green dash rectangle). On the higher energy efficiency when torque demands do not exceed
other hand, the EM2 operating points in low-efficiency region 246 Nm.
(the green solid rectangle) in the case 2) are significantly less The battery SOC trajectories of the four cases are portrayed
than those in the cases 3) and 4). All of these contribute to re- in Fig. 8(b). It can be seen that the optimization of the battery
duced EM2 power losses and thus higher overall energy con- size and the torque split between the two motors engenders sim-
version efficiency. ilar SOC traces. Further, the optimal battery size of 30.60 kWh
The torque split outcome between the two motors is shown in the case 2) results in a downsized, economical energy storage
in Fig. 8(a). Obviously, without the clutch, the EM1 and EM2 integration. The associated size reductions are approximately
have almost the same torque in the case 3), resulting in poor 0.87%, 6.81%, and 2.42%, relative to the cases 1), 3), and 4),
adaptability to varying torque demands for energy conservation. respectively. The clutch operation and the optimized EM1/EM2
In the case 4), only the EM2 operates such that a large number sizes that increase the overall electric-drive energy conversion
of operating points locate in low-torque region with relatively efficiency enable the battery downsizing. As opposed to pas-
low efficiency. Instead, the clutch in the cases 1) and 2) is senger cars, for an electric bus, its battery can be often charged
or swapped at the terminal station, i.e., the end of each driving

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


The torque split is Total Cost Battery EM1 EM2 T*
optimized. [euro/100 km] [kWh] [kW] [kW] [Nm]
29.51 32.38 70 70 [-]
28.28 31.01 70 70 530
28.08 30.79 52.5 87.5 378
28.05 30.75 35 105 248
Table VII, case 2) 27.91 30.60 28.95 110.47 246

(a) Torque split outcome in the four cases.

(b) Optimal SOC trajectories.

Fig. 8. (a) Torque split outcome in the four cases and (b) Optimal SOC trajectories.
meeting the driving performance requirement of the adopted
cycle. The optimized result can circumvent the overdesign of
the battery system. An optimal battery size not only can cut the
vehicle mass down, but also improve the vehicle dynamic per- B. Comparison of Different EM1/EM2 Sizes
formance. Of course, if we use longer driving cycles, the pro- To further verify the efficacy of the proposed sizing/control
posed convex programming method will lead to bigger battery scheme, we perform an additional comparative study of options
sizes, in order to seek the maximal vehicle economy while accounting for different EM1 and EM2 sizes. According to the
optimal solution (see the case 2) in Table VII), the sum of the

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


Drive cycle Time Distance Max. Speed Ave. Speed Max. Pdem Constraint
[s] [km] [km/h] [km/h] [kW]
FTP_HIGHWAY 765 16.49 96.3 77.62 233.47 𝑠 𝑠 3.5
CSC 1701 10.75 70.55 22.75 151.48 𝑠 𝑠 2.5

Drive cycle Total Cost Battery EM1 EM2 T* Driving cycle Gothenburg FTP_HIGHWAY CSC
[euro/100 km] [kWh] [kW] [kW] [Nm] Time [s]1 21.84 1.92 5.73
FTP_HIGHWAY 30.02 32.58 87.00 150.1 372 1
A 2.5 GHz microprocessor with 4 GB RAM was used.
CSC 23.26 18.49 42.50 109.2 374
EM1/EM2 sizes are not equal in both cycles, with uneven
EM1 and EM2 power ratings equals to approximately 140 kW. torque distribution between both motors, which is not plotted
To respect this total electric power constraint, four more sce- here for simplicity.
narios with heuristic EM1/EM2 sizes are considered, where two
common choices use identical EM1 and EM2 with/without the D. Computational Efficiency
clutch, whereas the others employ discrepantly sized EM1/EM2 Indeed, integration of multiple power sources into electrified
with the clutch. Note that these EM1/EM2 size in the four sce- powertrains is usually a difficult and laborious task, due to a
narios are fixed in the convex optimization that only optimize clear multiplicity of power-source technology choice, topology,
the battery size and the torque split. The corresponding results sizing, and control. As a result, computational efficiency of al-
are displayed in Table VIII. It is evident that the common op- gorithms is still heavily concerned in developing vehicular pro-
tions using identical EM1 and EM2 are most costly, where the
pulsion systems, even for some offline designs, with the pursuit
optimized EM1/EM2 torques give rise to an even torque distri-
of cutting time and cost down. It is therefore important to ex-
bution when both motors work, as analytically verified in [11].
In contrast, a combination of a smaller EM1 and a larger EM2 amine computational efficiency of the optimization method
has the potential for reducing the total cost. In particular, the used in this study. As elucidated in Table XI, given the pre-de-
cost of the optimal case 2) is about 1.31% lower than that of termined torque threshold T* governing the clutch, the optimi-
using identical EM1/EM2 with the clutch. If the clutch is absent, zation is able to solve the power-source sizing and control prob-
the cost-saving advantage will increase to 5.42%. lem within only 22s, 2s, and 6s under the Gothenburg,
FTP_HIGHWAY, and CSC cycles, respectively. This signifies
C. Results Under Different Drive Cycles that the algorithmic efficiency is very high, with a linear pro-
The results discussed above correspond to the drive cycle of portion to the length of drive cycle.
a city bus route in Gothenburg, Sweden (see Fig. 5). It is well
known that driving patterns have a great influence on the per- V. CONCLUSIONS
formance, design, and control of vehicular powertrains. There- This paper develops a convex programming based approach,
fore, it is beneficial to investigating the applicability of the pro- innovatively enabling a quick, effective co-optimization of en-
posed method under different drive cycles, as well as how var- ergy management strategy, battery dimension, and motor di-
ying driving patterns impact the sizing/control optimization mension for a dual-motor-driven electric bus powertrain. Nu-
outcome. To this end, in this section, two additional example merous comparative results confirm that this approach can
drive cycles are taken into account, including FTP_HIGHWAY maximize the vehicle economy by optimizing electric-drive ef-
(Federal Test Procedure) from ADVISOR [55] for emulating ficiency, through appropriately trading off the battery size, sizes
highway driving and CSC (City Suburban Cycle) [56] for of two motors, and power-flow control. The idea could furnish
mixed urban and suburban driving, in order to capture driving some inspiring insights into powertrain design optimization of
characteristics in discrepant bus applications, like a coach or a multiple-motor-driven electric vehicles. Several key observa-
transit bus. Accordingly, before running the convex optimiza- tions are summarized below.
tion routine, we need to re-set the constraint of the peak power
demand, i.e., the sum of EM1/EM2 scaling factors. The associ- 1) The optimized sizes of EM1 and EM2 in the Gothenburg
ated updated constraint, as well as main characteristics of drive cycle are 28.95 kW and 110.47 kW, respectively, rather
FTP_HIGHWAY and CSC, are exhibited in Table IX. The op- than two equally sized motors. It can save the total cost by 1.31%
timization results are given in Table X. The optimized and 5.42%, in comparison with those of using identical
EM1/EM2 sizes in FTP_HIGHWAY are 87 kW and 150.1 kW, EM1/EM2 with/without the clutch. The optimal torque split be-
which are higher than those in CSC (i.e., 42.5 kW and 109.2 tween the optimized EM1 and EM2 is uneven, which makes
kW), owing to higher peak power demands in highway driving. both motors work in high-efficiency regions more frequently.
In addition, versus CSC, the longer driving distance of 2) The increased EM1/EM2 efficiency is expedient to the
FTP_HIGHWAY entails an enlarged battery pack to provide battery pack downsizing.
enough energy. Consequently, the total cost of 30.02 euro/100 3) The optimization routine is extensible to different drive
km in FTP_HIGHWAY is approximately 29.06% more than cycles and thus help evaluate the implication of altered driving
that in CSC. Again, it should be emphasized that the optimal patterns.

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2018.2879225, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


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[48] E. Walid, Y. Zhang, N. Natarajan, F. Massey, and C. C. Mi, “Model ref- Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He re-
erence adaptive control for hybrid electric vehicle with dual clutch trans- ceived the Ph.D. degree at Department of Automotive
mission configurations,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 67, no. 2, pp. Engineering, Tsinghua University, China in 2016. He
991-999, Feb. 2018. was a Research Fellow at Advanced Vehicle Engi-
[49] Z. Zhao, X. Li, L. He, C. Wu, and J. K. Hedrick, “Estimation of Torques neering Center, Cranfield University, UK during 2016
Transmitted by Twin-Clutch of Dry Dual-Clutch Transmission during and 2018, and a joint PhD researcher at EECS Dept.,
Vehicle’s Launching Process,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 66, no. 6, University of California, Berkeley, USA during 2014
pp. 4727–4741, 2017. and 2015. His research focuses on advanced vehicle
[50] S. Kim, J. J. Oh, and S. B. Choi, “Driveline Torque Estimations for a control and intelligence, where he has contributed
Ground Vehicle with Dual-Clutch Transmission,” IEEE Trans. Veh. over 70 papers and obtained 12 granted China patents
Technol., vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 1977–1989, 2018. Dr. Lv serves as a Guest Editor for IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatron-
[51] S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex optimization. Cambridge: Cam- ics, and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and an Associate Editor
bridge University Press, 2004. for Plos One, Automotive Innovation, International Journal of Electric and Hy-
[52] M. Grant and S. Boyd, “CVX: Matlab software for disciplined convex brid Vehicles, and International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and
programming, version 2.0 beta,” http://cvxr.com/cvx, September 2013. Testing. He received the Highly Commended Paper Award of IMechE UK in
[53] M. Pourabdollah, B Egardt, N Murgovski, and A. Grauers, “Effect of driv- 2012, the China SAE Outstanding Paper Award in 2015, the Tsinghua Univer-
ing, charging, and pricing scenarios on optimal component sizing of a sity Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award in 2016, and the Best Workshop/Spe-
PHEV,” Control Engineering Practice, vol. 61, pp. 217-228, Apr. 2017. cial Session Paper Award of IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium in 2018.
[54] (Oct. 2017) http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/in-
[55] K. B. Wipke, M. R. Cuddy, and S. D. Burch, “ADVISOR 2.1: A user- Yonggang Liu, 1982, Ph.D, IEEE Member, Joint
friendly advanced powertrain simulation using a combined backward/for- PhD of University of Michigan, Associate Professor,
ward approach,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1751-1761, Doctoral supervisor, Dean Assistant with School of
Nov. 1999. Automotive Engineering, Chongqing University.
[56] (Jan. 2018) https://www.dieselnet.com/standards/cycles/csc.php Committeeman of Technical Committee on Vehicle
Control and Intelligence of Chinese Association of
Automation (CAA). His work towards the teaching
and scientific research of vehicle engineering and was
awarded the title of “Advanced Worker of Chongqing
Xiaosong Hu (SM’16) received the Ph.D. degree in University” and “The most popular teacher of Chong-
Automotive Engineering from Beijing Institute of qing University”. His research interests include optimization and control of in-
Technology, China, in 2012. telligent Electric Vehicles (EV/HEV) power system, and integrated control of
He did scientific research and completed the Ph.D. vehicle Automatic Transmissions.
dissertation in Automotive Research Center at the He has leaded more than 10 research projects, such as National Natural Sci-
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, between ence Foundation of China (both Youth Fund and General Program), Ph.D. Pro-
2010 and 2012. He is currently a professor at the State grams Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, and China Postdoctoral
Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions and at Science Foundation. The research projects which he has participated in, includ-
the Department of Automotive Engineering, Chong- ing Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, National
qing University, Chongqing, China. He was a post- Key Research and Development Program of China during the 13th Five-Year
doctoral researcher at the Department of Civil and Plan Period, Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973
Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA, between Program), National High Technology Research and Development Program of
2014 and 2015, as well as at the Swedish Hybrid Vehicle Center and the De- China (863 Program), and so on. In his academic achievements, More than 40
partment of Signals and Systems at Chalmers University of Technology, research papers have been published and 9 patents have been awarded. He
Gothenburg, Sweden, between 2012 and 2014. He was also a visiting postdoc- served as the head of the secretariat in The International Conference on Power
toral researcher in the Institute for Dynamic systems and Control at Swiss Fed- Transmissions (ICPT2016) and the session chairman of the International Sym-
eral Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, in 2014. His research posium on Electric Vehicles (ISEV2017), etc. He is the reviewer of the IEEE
interests include modeling and control of alternative powertrains and energy Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Ap-
storage systems. plied Mathematical Modelling, etc
Dr. Hu has been a recipient of several prestigious awards/honors, including
Emerging Sustainability Leaders Award in 2016, EU Marie Currie Fellowship
in 2015, ASME DSCD Energy Systems Best Paper Award in 2015, and Beijing
Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award in 2013.

0885-8993 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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