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Nama : Vita Sari Agustin

Nim : 12040322083
Kelas : Broadcasting 3L

1. How many forms are media?
Answer : The forms of media are letters, radio, brochures, electronic messages, television,
telegrams, magazines, posters, announcement boards, the internet and others.

2. What are print, electronic media and information technology?

Answer : The notion of print media can be interpreted as a medium for conveying
information that has benefits and is related to the interests of the people at large, which is
delivered in writing which contains information related to the interests of the general public
and is not limited to certain groups.
Electronic media is a means of mass media that uses modern electronic devices, for example
radio, television, and film. And all information or data created, distributed and accessed
using electronic form.
Information technology (IT) is a general term for technology to assist humans in creating,
converting, storing, communicating, and disseminating information. Information technology
is a technology that has a function in processing data, processing data, obtaining, compiling,
storing, changing data in all kinds of ways to obtain useful or quality information.

3. What does commencement mean?

Answer : A commencement is the act of starting out, or blazing a new trail. The suffix -ment
makes the word commencement a noun — a thing, an activity, a start. The word can be used
for the beginning of anything, from a business meeting to a vacation trip to a marriage.
Anything that begins has a moment of commencement.

4. When have our lives become significantly more convenient?

Answer : I think life feels comfortable when we are always grateful for what we have, get rid
of the arrogant and arrogant soul, focus on reaching our goals and don't forget to always
obey Allah and love our parents.
5. Who can be positively or negatively affected by the media?
Answer : all the people who use it get positive and negative influence by the media

6. What has the greatest impact on the young generation?

Answer: children easily understand the use of media faster than parents. And at this time
education in Indonesia is using an online system in learning and teaching so as to make
Indonesia more advanced in increasing the use of information technology

7. What is the most obvious problem with the young generation using the internet?
Answer : Cyberbullying The majority of teenagers have been victims of cyberbullying or
cyberbullying. Bullies usually use technology, in this case social media, to harass, insult, and
other negative things to victims. Teenagers who are victims of cyberbullying tend to
experience depression, anxiety, and even have suicidal thoughts.

8. What are the positive and negative effects of the internet?

Answer :
The following are the positive impacts of using the internet:
 Easy to get various information.
 Enables communication between users around the world that is not limited by
geographyand culture.
 Control work remotely.
 Provide education, health or news services.
 Allows someone who is isolated from the community to interact again.
 Provide a means of entertainment, self-development, and creativity.
 Providing a vehicle for business in cyberspace.
 children easily understand the use of media faster than parents. And at this time
education in Indonesia is using an online system in learning and teaching so as to
make Indonesia more advanced in increasing the use of information technology

Here are some of the negative effects of using the internet:

 Keeps users isolated from direct social interactions.

 Increase the spread of computer viruses.
 Nothing guarantees the validity or correctness of the information.
 Make it easy for someone to copy the work of others.
 Provide broad opportunities for people who are not responsible for committing
 Endanger the security of information owned by everyone, for example, business
people and governments.

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