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Republic of the Philippines

Region 9, Zamboanga Peninsula

Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Kalawit II District



Name of learner:______________________________________ Grade Level:________________

Arts 8
The Characteristics of Arts and Crafts in Southeast Asia

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify characteristics of arts and crafts in specific countries in Southeast Asia: Indonesia (batik, Wayang
Puppetry); Malaysia (modern batik, wau, and objects made from pewter); Thailand (silk fabrics and
LoyKrathong Lantern Festival); Cambodia (Angkor Wat and ancient temples) Singapore (Merlion), etc.

What’s New

Arts and Crafts

Artisans with their artwork (original illustration by Stephany Bryan D. Itao )

The most famous and widely-used is the songkok. Songkok or peci or kopiah is a cap that has the
shape of a truncated cone, usually made of black or embroidered felt, cotton or velvet. Songkok sales are
normally in demand at the approach of Hari Raya, which is the festival celebrated to mark the end of the fasting
month of Ramadhan.

Cambodia is famous in their iconic temple known as Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat is the most famous
ancient temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world, on a site measuring
162.6 hectares.

Indonesians are known for their visual arts and crafts in their shadow puppet theater art known as Wayang Kulit.
The Wayang Kulit (leather puppets) of Java is performed with leather puppets held by the puppeteer, who
narrates the story of one of the famous episodes of the Hindu epics, the Mahabharata or the Ramayana.

Laos has rich cultural heritage with its artistic features. Lao artisans are associated with wood carving, silver
smithing (particularly among the Hmong), mat and basket making, sa paper making and weaving.Handicrafts is
also part of the traditional culture and livelihood of the highlanders in this country.

This country is famous in its unique paper making using Sa or mulberry tree. "’Sa’ is the Lao name for mulberry
tree; its bark is used to make traditional paper, either plain or with an addition of dried flowers..

Malaysia exhibits delightful varieties of traditional handicrafts ranging from priceless authentic antiques to
exquisite modern hand-made crafts. As most artisans are Muslims, Malaysian handicraft designs are heavily
influenced by Islam with an elaborate presentation of their nature, culture, custom, tradition and religion.

This country is popular in their Wau kite making. Wau is a Malaysian word for kite; it is called 'wau' because the
shape of its wing is similar to an Arabic letter (pronounced ‘wow’). This kite-making tradition comes naturally to
Malaysian people, especially in the Eastern States of the Malayan Peninsula.

There are many types of Wau and the most widely known are:
1. Wau Kikik (simple tailess kite)
2. Wau Bulan (moon kite)
3. Wau Kucing(cat kite), and 4. Wau Jalabudi (women kite).
5. Wau Daun (leaf kite)

Traditionally, farmers used kites as scarecrows in the fields and as a means to lull their children to
sleep, so they could work with little interruption. Now, kite flying becomes a popular sport not just in Malaysia but
also internationally. Malaysians have been celebrating kite festivals annually like the Pasir Gudang World Kite
Festival. Pasir Gudang World Kite Festival is one of the events which serve as the tourist attraction of this
country, attracting hundreds and thousands of visitors and kiting enthusiasts from all over the world.


One of the popular arts by which Philippines is famous of is, its painting
‘Spoliarium’. Spoliarium is an award winning oil-on-canvas painting by Juan Luna. It is the largest painting in the
Philippines with the size of 4.22 meters x 7.675 meters which features a glimpse of Roman history centered on
the bloody carnage brought by gladiatorial matches.It expresses Juan Luna’s patriotism through emphasizing
violation of human rights towards the colonizers of Philippines. It is characterized by unique artistic designs and
elements, displaying an exquisite and sentimental portrait.

Singapore has rich cultural diversity with intangible cultural heritage forms. It is made up of deeply-
rooted cultural and artistic expressions specific to the major ethnic groups.

Its famous artwork is the Merlion. Its name combines ‘mer’, meaning the sea, and ‘lion’. It is portrayed as a
mythical creature with a lion's head and the body of a fish. The fish body represents Singapore's origin as a
fishing village when it was called Temasek, which means ‘Sea Town’ in Javanese; while the lion’s head
represents Singapore's original name ‘Singapura’ which means ‘Lion City’.


Thailand is often called the ‘Land of Smiles’, because Thai people are friendly with their fascinating culture,and
its tourists love its natural beauty and historical riches.

The country’s popular artwork is lantern making for their festivals namely: Loy Krathong and Yi Peng Festival.
Loy Krathong and Yi Peng are two of Thailand's most famous festivals also known as the Thailand Lantern
Festivals. Loy Krathong is tagged as ‘The Floating Lantern Festival’, while Yi Peng Festival as ‘Chiang Mai Sky
Lantern Festival’. .

If Loy Krathong is a festival done with the lanterns floating into the river,Yi Peng Festival (also spelled as
Yee Peng) is a celebration where numerous sky lanterns propelled by flames are released into the air and let
them float up into the sky. There is a candle placed inside the lanterns, and as people light their craft they make
their wishes. The named Yi Peng is from Thai words, Yi means ‘two’ and Peng means ‘full moon day’. Their sky
lanterns are called ‘khomloi’ in Thai, meaning floating lanterns.

The sky lanterns in Yi Peng Festival are made up of rice paper stretched over a bamboo frame with a
candle attached at the base. The hot air from the candle is trapped inside the lantern and making it rise from the
ground, thus it flies into the sky. However, since the lanterns can be hazardous, the release of sky lanterns is
being subjected with very careful precautionary measures.


Traditional silk cloth

(original illustration by

Vietnamese artisans are known in their silk painting. Vietnamese silk painting is one of the most popular forms of
art in Vietnam, which portrays the themes of countryside, landscapes, pagodas, historical events or scenes of
daily life. Their silk painting originates from drawing and painting of home made rice paper.

Reference: Self Learning Modules ( ARTS 8)

Enrichment Activity

Read and analyze carefully the statements, write C if the statement is correct; IC if it is incorrect. If it is
incorrect write the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

____ 1.Vietnamese silk painting originated from drawing and painting of commercial paper.

____ 2.Loy Krathong is a Thai festival where sky lanterns are released into the air and let them float up into the

____ 3.Merlion is portrayed as a mythical creature with a lion's head and the body of a mermaid.

____ 4. Malaysian batik rarely used humans or animals as motifs because Islam norms forbid animal images as

____ 5.Indonesian is famous in their iconic temple known as Angkor Wat.

____ 6. The puppet master who manipulates and narrates the story in Wayang Kulit shadow puppetry is called

____ 7.Malaysian handicraft designs are heavily influenced by Christianity with an elaborate presentation of their
nature, culture, custom, tradition and religion.

____ 8. This kite-making tradition comes naturally to Cambodian people.

____ 9.Modern Batik is a revolutionary repackaged application that enhances the detail of an image on fabric
using resistant dyeing.

____ 10.In Yi Peng Festival, sky lanterns are made up of nice paper stretched over a bamboo frame with a
candle attached at the base.

What I know

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

____1. What is the most famous and widely-used headgear in Brunei Darussalam?
A. Dastar C. Songkok
B. Sarok D. Tangkolok

____2.What is the famous artwork in Singapore?

A. Angkor Wat C. Merlion
B. Batik D. Wau

____3.Thailand is often called the ______________.

A. Land of Khmers C. Land of Smiles B. Land of the
Dragon D. Land of the Rising Sun

_____ 4. What do you call the Floating Lantern Festival in Thailand?

A. Songkran C. Yi Peng
B. Loy Krathong D. Wing Kwai

____5.Where is Thai silk produced from?

A. rattan C. cocoons of Thai earthworms
B. mulberry leaves D. cocoons of Thai silkworms

____6.Sky Lantern is popular in the country of _______________.

A. Brunei C. Thailand
B. Cambodia D. Vietnam

____7.What is the most famous ancient temple complex in Cambodia?

A. Angkor Wat C. Banteay Srei
B. Banteay Kdei D. Neak Pean

____8.What puppetry is Indonesia best known for?

A. Wayang Topeng C. Wayang Gedog
B. Wayang Wong D. Wayang Kulit

____9.Kite-making is a tradition that comes naturally to the people of_______.

A. Cambodia C. Thailand
B. Malaysia D. Vietnam

____ 10. What is one of the most popular forms of art in Vietnam?
A. Handicraft C. Lacquer painting
B. Photography D. Silk painting

KEY ANSWE:1.IC, home made 2.IC, Yi Peng 3.IC, fish 4.C 5.IC, Cambodia 6. IC,
Dhalang 7. IC , Islam 8. IC, Malaysia 9. C 10. IC, rice
1. C. 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8.D 9.B 10. D



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