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Nama Contita Sabila meidt nda

Nim 152062l033
Prodi = S1 TeEnik Mesin

Mat Ful ka|Fuus

DOSen Dr. Dorwin Rio Budi Sua ka ,MT

(orunon fongsi tingfat tngoi

20 IF s 2 - S t +12 t Fins the velocity of the mouing object
when its acceteratton is zero: 2
Vt)ds2t*-i5t-2y t

aCt)=d's_ 6t -30-2
Gt-30t-2 0
6-4)t1)= o
v)-1 dan v(0)=l

30 IF S o t -14t t 60t )nd the Vetocrty oF the mouing obiect when

t saccelerotgn is 2ero
u t o -y2tt120 t)
atds =1 (12t-32 (20)
1(12t34 +120)0

12 (t-2)(t-5) F0,maka :t=2, t:5

lo v(2)=lo,y dan v(S)=S

eba Tlio ooomol

31 Two oble cts moue along a Coordinate lene.A Ahe end oF
Second s their directed dis tonces Fro m the ori9rn,tn Fee t, are
9:ven by S, 24t -3t and S2:t -2t,respectivety
a when do they ha ve t he Some vetocrty
V.t=-6t So Y-6t 224-2ia
V2t2t-2 J St6
b.when do they kave the Same SPeed bzp2id
Y-62t-2:4-64 -2 6-2
Sec and E Sec.
C. wherd do t hey have the Some Positian
46-3 tS-2 t S
ut -6t o
Et0 Sec and t 23 Sec

32 The Posttrons of tw0 oblecBs P and P2 on a Coordino te

line at the end oF Secon ds are 9ruen by S, 3t12t +18t
t5 and S, -{+9t 12 fresPectfvery. w hen do the wo

obiect5 ha ve the Same Velocit9?

V.4)ds =9t-2q t tlo

dt Lobyoles
9t-24tt18-(-3t)+8 t-12
(2t-42t +30 co
34 An obiect thfown directty UPword From 9round level wth an
hrkrar vetocr{y oF YS E Feet Per se cond iS S:48 F-16+ *Feet
hi9h at the end OF Seconds
a what is the maximum hecgnt aftarned
vt)=y9-32 t
4-32 o enosl

b How FaSt is the object moving and in which directton athe end 0F
Seco nd?
6 F E/sec uPward
C How long does it tate to eturn to tfs ari9inal Pasttion
48t-16t *=o
-16 t(-3 +t) =o
E3 Sec

Turunan Fungsi im Plisit.

USe in Plici t dif(Ferenkiatton fwice fo Frnd yat(3.u)iF x 4y-25
x+92s 9 4)- )
2x t2y = o dy dx dx
2y - 2 x 9
23 -9-x)
a- +(3) -16t9 --25
(u) 6 64

Show thot the nor mal lne to x+ 3xy at Passes

throu9h the ori9in
xty3x y
3xt39'> 3xy'+3y
X +9y x9 +9 be tovo
y-xy'- 9-x 2
y-x)=y -x

Femirin9an 9aris normal= Ce aR

ee y-9mxX)
9- x-)
Y2 show that the hyPer bolas Xy=1 and x-y*:| interSect af
rght angles.
Bke 9lis Pocomoli
Xy= xy*
xy+92o 2 x-2y y 20
xy'-y -29 9'a-2x
y'- -2
m m2:-9-_K a-

3 Show that the 9 raphs OF 2x+9 6 and y Yx (9 ter Sect at

ri9ht angles
2x + =6 y=4x
x t2y y'o 29 y'
2y y - x
y4X 2x
2y 9
2x+6 2
2x +X=6
2 x2 + x - 6 - 0
xt2x-320 y'-x-y(i) 4 -
(x-1)(x+3) =o 2y 2(2)
x X2-3
LoesdM1.m2- -0o2sod y = Y

Dadi, 9aris-9aris bereotongan Pada Sudot StFu-siko

2lnt h6
Laju yang berkattan. TS:16
Each ed9e of a variate Cube iS inctea Stng at a rate of 3 (nches
Per secand. How FaSt is the volome oE the cube increang when an
edge is 12 inches tong!
v-S du 3 s ds
ds 3 tns dt dt
Dadi Fetia S=12 (nchi, dU =3 (12).3 2 9o tn 7s

ASSuming that a SoaP bu bble retains (ts SPhericat ShaPe as
exfands,ha w Fast (s t s rodius tncreos1ng when (ts roldruS is
2 nches (f ar 13 blown (ato rt at a rate 0F 3 Cubrc tnche5
Por Secong?
V23 TTrdu 3 (ns
dy TTr dc
dt dt s
3 Tr dr
dt Tr
Jadi, Fefita ra3,dr = 3 in/s
dE T (GE 2 10

13 A meta diSk exPo nds duri ng heatn9.|F (tS radius tncreases at

the rate 6F O.02 (nch Yer Second, how Fast ts the area oF one oF
ts Faces (ncrea Stn9 when its radius is 91 inches!
LTr dr 0,02 in/s

L2Tr dr a2aal

dt dt

Dod, Fetto r :8,1 dl:2T (oA).(0,02)=o,324 (n/s

dt See
ifere nsial dan aProk si maSi
2 Tne interior of an ofen cytt ndri cal tont s 12 Feet tn diameter and 8
e e t dee?.The botlom is co PPer ond +he sides o e steel. USe diF fe ren-
a i s to Fnd appro xi ma tery how a n y 9attons oF uater Proo Frng
atnt are noeded to aPPy a o-05-(nch Coat to the Stee tort oF
the tnside of +he tan EI 9allon t231 cubre (nches)
v Tr F re6t +2 in.t9t t 96 A
du 2Tr dr.t, dr:o,oS tn
Jv:2 Tr(a2) (ogs)(9c) SE
dv 691,2 TT n
Saton +23 in
Dodi cat 99 dabutuhton sobonyat69 L,2 T 9 9ato n.

25 ASSumi n9 that the equator is a Circte whose radius is aPProxi ma-

te1y Vooo mle5, how much lenger 4han the equa tor would a concen-
Erc.CoPonar crcte be if each P6tnt on tt were 2 Feet above the
equotor 2USe difF erentiaIS
F:2 TT r
d f 2 TT dr
r s 00 ml22112 O00 t
dr2 Ft
dE:2 T dr:2TT 2Y T<12,56 tt
26 The Perisd of a SimPle fenekulum of length L Feet is 9iven byT:2 [T
/L/9 Second S. We asSume 4hat 9,the acce le ratto n ckue to gravity
on or ve ry near/JEhe surface oF +he earth,is 32 Feet Per Se cond
Por Seco nd-lF the Penedulo m iS that 6F a Clock that Feeps
time hon
w L=u Feet, how muCh time will the Clock 9ain
in 24
hoors F t he length OF the Ponclolom is dec eased to 3.9+ Feet!
b T 2 T79 Second
Lah9232 Ft/s
baa LeY Et
hd2:4-3,9t o,03 Ft
T 2T L 22.T.C2
U9 V32
dT 2T
U32 22
dl JL2T. 0,03
U32 2 U32.4
s 0,0942 0,o og3 pe o d o d e c 0

2 Jom=86 Moo Seconds

Dadi,wattu 99 dibotuh ton:pops21ol
O, 0o93 x36Uoo H 1 2 Seconds. n Ooy

Bko Socomoli

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