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Comparison and Contrast: lesson Plan of Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School and

SMPN 1 Bancer School

By: Putra Habib Dh (1304681), Galuh Ayuningtyas

Indonesian University of Education

Lesson plan is the war-strategy of a soldier for a teacher, without it, they would lose the war,
and even they would die on the field on duty. Lesson usually created by the teacher to set their
instruction of a topic. They are consisting all the things before, present, or after the instructions. Beside
of that lesson plan also describing the objectives, the materials used, competences, information about
the class etc. but the main point of why teacher creates a lesson plan so the teacher could do their best
on teaching on class. Every teacher could make different lesson plans, some are centralized so the main
activity are based on national standards. But here, I will be compare and contrast the lesson plan from
Pribadi Bilingual School, and SMPN 1 Bancar, so it is more likely comparing private and public school
lesson plan but in a small scale in a small part of the whole story of both school and also the teachers.

From the start both of the lesson plan describing the information about the school and class
information as well the general subject matter that in this case Physics Education and both of it also
describe the competence standard and basic competences of the course. Both of it also describing the
objective, the method and the model that are quite slightly just the same at the core. The next is after
the general information about the course then it is continued with lesson plan main content that is the
activity that they will through the meeting. Both are explaining the events that happen in the class, with
allocation time stated in minutes. Both also having a start with introduction and apperception,
continued by the core content that is explained in the method and strategy attached on each lesson
plan. After the core both of it also has a closing events that has a duration similar to the introduction
event. At the end, the evaluation will be held in a written test at the end of some meetings.

Looking at the purpose of the lesson plan itself, both of them are quite similar in the end if we
look about it generally. However if we look into the detail, there is so things are different to be discuss
on each lesson plan that considerably unique for each. At the first time, the SMPN Bancar made the
lesson plan for two meetings meanwhile the Pribadi BS teacher made it for one meeting. The basic
competences are also quite different while the Pribadi BS describe about “investigate” while SMPN
Bancar state “Describe”, probably it is different due to the model and method that they used. The
objectives of the SMPN Bancar Lesson plan is really tight and long, it is full of comprehensive content
that has to be mastered by the students, and also state the character objective that they should earn
after the lesson. In the other hand, Pribadi BS more intended to deepen the concept through our daily
life phenomenon, and use it to get the concept more deep, but not about character. That perhaps
caused by the curriculum applied of both school since public school using the “Kurikulum 2013” that has
a core also in the character building content. Pribadi BS state differently the Competence Standard,
Basic Competences, Indicator and the Objectives, yet SMPN Bancar not state the indicator, but just
Competence Standard, Basic Competence and Objectives. The Strategy chosen by the teacher also
significantly different, since Pribadi BS just use Guided Inquiry stated on the lesson plan, with
experiment method, differ from SMPN Bancar that using Direct Instruction, Cooperative Learning, with
Group Discussion, Experiment and Lecturing method. Then there is small things that barely to see that
Pribadi BS state their reference there right in the general information section at the beginning,
meanwhile SMPN Bancar put reference to its lesson plan after the activity table, then the SMPN Bancar
write the teaching media while Pribadi BS not. Come to the main content of the lesson plan, Pribadi BS
describing more detailed about the activity that is differentiate the teacher and the student activity with
indicator attached on each table rows, but SMPN Bancar only state the Activity as general.

At the introduction, SMPN Bancar having the motivation and apperception, with preliminary
knowledge attached and pre-experiment attached before the main course. But in the other hand, the
introduction of the Pribadi BS are more cognitively, it state about observation section, motivation
section, Problem Section, Manipulation section, and conflict cognitive that are full and comprehensive at
the concept, also since it is inquiry that means it is filled a lot with a question, and student are expected
to answer or respond as the teachers prediction along with scenario in the lesson plan. Pribadi BS using
experiment that are prepared also with a simulation with a software/flash, and every step are
comprehensive and interactive, closed with verification section. However, the SMPN Bancar has a long
list to teach, every concept must be deliver in a tight space, divided into exploration section, elaboration
section, and confirmation section, it is not really interactive, and it is stated “facilitate” many times.
Then in the end of the class session, the Pribadi BS close the session with strengthening the concept
given that make this lesson plan felt so academically, yet SMPN Bancar do summary and reflections
about the course, and tried to make a continuity at the end of the session. Then at the end, both of it
will evaluate by a test, that both using written test, but since SMPN Bancer has very tight courses in it,
the test consisting of many sections and concept evaluation, in contrary, the Pribadi BS just write the
important concept of the lesson and giving assignment for the next meeting.

Both are great and comprehensive, which one is the better one it is not for me to decide, cause
the implementation of lesson plan could has vary result on each teacher, that are a same lesson plan
could result different by different teacher, but it is also one of the teacher effort to support and sustain
our education insatiable hunger.

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