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Cultural Effects on Visual Perception 339

Cultural Effects
on Visual Perception

Mainstream psychology has generally assumed

that psychological processes are universal and that
the main role of psychology is to investigate these
universal aspects of human beings. Visual percep-
tion, attention, and even visual illusion have,
therefore, been understood mainly through the
underlying optical mechanisms and characteristics
of visual information hardwired in the human
brain and shared by human beings in general.
During the last couple of decades, however,
increasing numbers of cross-cultural studies have
empirically reexamined this theoretical assumption Figure 1   Müller-Lyer Illusion
and advocated an alternative view of human psy- Source: General Social Survey, National Opinion Research
chology in which culture and human psychological Center (2000).
processes are considered to mutually influence one
another. This entry reports some recent attempts
to reexamine the so-called universal systems of is much stronger among U.S. residents. Furthermore,
visual perception and discusses the possibility of children in some cultures (e.g., hunter-gatherers
cultural influences on perception as evidenced by from the Kalahari Desert) were completely immune
cultural variations in optical illusion, in color per- to the Müller-Lyer illusion. The findings suggest
ception, in visual attention, and in brain function- that individuals who grew up in certain visual
ing that governs visual attention. environments are not vulnerable to the Müller-
Lyer illusion.
Various studies have proposed hypotheses to
examine the main causes of cultural variations in
Cultural Effects on Visual Illusion
susceptibility to this illusion. The carpentered envi-
In the literature of psychology, optical illusion is ronment hypothesis, for example, suggests that
often used as evidence of human universals in per- people developmentally acquire perceptions of a
ception. One of the most famous optical illusions three-dimensional world in accordance with their
is the Müller-Lyer illusion (see Figure 1), in which experiences with the surrounding environment. In
people perceive that a line segment ending in Western industrialized societies, individuals’ depth
inward-pointing arrows is longer than a horizontal of field is founded on the structure of rooms,
line segment ending in outward-pointing arrows. houses, and furniture consisting of vertical and
This seemingly universal phenomenon, however, horizontal lines with corners in a variety of angles.
has been tested cross-culturally, and the results People in these societies associate acute angles with
indicate cultural variations in the magnitude of nearby objects (such as the corner of a rug), and
illusion. For example, Murray Islanders in obtuse angles with somewhat more distant views
Melanesia and members of the Toda tribe in India (such as the intersection of two walls and a floor).
showed significantly smaller errors than do their Once they acquire this specific perceptual pattern
British counterparts in judging the relative lengths in the three-dimensional world, they apply the
of the lines. Similarly, extensive cross-cultural same rules even when they observe the visual rep-
studies of 17 societies—including a variety of resentation in the two-dimensional field. The
African agricultural and hunter-gatherer cultures, Western perspective in art is a good example. In
an Australian Aboriginal foraging culture, a tribe Western perspective, objects close to the viewer are
of Filipino horticulturalists, and midwesterners in drawn larger and are characterized by acute angles,
the United States—show that the degree of illusion and objects farther from the viewer are drawn
340 Cultural Effects on Visual Perception

smaller and feature obtuse angles. For this reason, they reported that the hunter was aiming at the
Westerners perceive a line ending in inward-facing smaller prey, which they believed to be closer to
arrows to be farther away (and therefore actually the hunter.
longer) than it appears. However, in cultures The causes of cultural variations in the effects of
where structures are built using less angular optical illusions need to be studied further. Current
shapes, people have fewer opportunities to inter- findings, however, suggest that humans’ susceptibil-
pret the relationships between lines and angles in ity to optical illusion may depend heavily on their
their perceptual world. The carpentered environ- visual experiences in the environment and on cultur-
ment hypothesis thus helps explain why people ally shared interpretations of visual information.
from some cultures are less susceptible to the
Müller-Lyer illusion than Westerners. Cultural Effects on Color Perception
Drawings using Western perspective have been
used to study cultural variations in depth-of-field Colors accentuate our daily life. But do all people
perception. For example, one study examined perceive color in exactly the same way? Color is an
how children and illiterate adult laborers from an excellent stimulus for use in scientific investigation
African Bantu tribe interpreted the image of a because although the spectrum is physically defined,
large hunter aiming a spear in the direction of two color perception entails psychological processes.
animals, an elephant and an antelope (see Figure 2). One line of research provides evidence that sup-
The elephant was closer to the hunter from a non- ports the universality of color perception. A cross-
Western two-dimensional point of view, but cultural study of 98 societies suggests that 11
because it was drawn smaller than the antelope colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple,
and the hunter, it would be farther away accord- pink, brown, gray, black, and white) are univer-
ing to Western perspective. The antelope was far- sally recognized, even in the absence of color terms
ther away from the hunter in the two-dimensional corresponding to these colors. For example,
view, but because of its size, it would be consid- although the Dani people of Irian Jaya on the
ered closer to the hunter in Western perspective. island of New Guinea had only two color terms
Therefore, although Westerners would be expected (dark and light), they were able to quickly distin-
to perceive that the hunter was aiming at the guish among the basic colors.
large prey, the Bantus perceived the same image Moreover, researchers who investigate the
without the depth of the field, and for this reason relationships between colors and color terms
advocate an evolutionary account of
the development of color terms. That is,
the appearance of color terms is predict-
able according to the number of color
terms in a language. If the language has
only two color terms, these always turn
out to be black (dark) and white (light).
However, if the language has three
color terms, the third term will corre-
spond to the red end of the spectrum.
The fourth and fifth color terms will be
green and yellow (or yellow and then
green), the sixth color will be blue, and
Figure 2   The Image Used in William Hudson’s (1960) Experiment the seventh color will be brown. The
last color terms to appear will be pur-
Source: Hudson, W. (1960). Pictorial depth perception in sub-cultural
ple, pink, orange, and gray, not neces-
groups in Africa. Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 183–208. Reprinted
with permission of the Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation. sarily in that order.
Published by Heldref Publication, 1319 Eighteenth St., NW, Washington New findings challenge the idea that
DC 20036–1802. Copyright © 1960. color perception is universal among
Cultural Effects on Visual Perception 341

humans, however. For example, the Dani per- The issue of universality versus cultural vari-
formed relatively poorly in tasks requiring them to ability in color perception is still controversial.
remember the basic colors; their retention rate was One position holds that language and cultural con-
much lower compared with that of English speak- ventions do not affect color perception; the other
ers. Another study investigated color perceptions of maintains that color perception is subject to arbi-
Berinmo speakers in East Sepik, Papua New Guinea, trary, culturally defined color terms. It has recently
whose language contains five basic color terms. been suggested that both positions are partially
The Berinmo’s language distinguishes between nol true. The color terms used in a given culture do
(a kind of bluish green) and wor (a kind of yellow- influence retention, learning, and ongoing pro-
ish green) but not between blue and green. In this cesses of color discrimination. But there is still
study, English and Berinmo speakers were asked to about 75% overlap in how cultures draw bound-
view and remember color chips representing colors aries around color terms. For example, the bound-
spanning either the blue-green boundary or the nol- aries of the color terms used by the Berinmo
wor boundary. The Berinmo speakers’ performance speakers mentioned earlier are similar to those of
of the color retention task was better with regard to the five color terms used by Himba speakers in
colors on the nol-wor boundary. The English Namibia, although the ecologies and economies of
speakers did better at remembering colors on the the two groups diverge significantly. Thus, there
blue-green boundary. These findings suggest that seem to be universal constraints regarding catego-
linguistic color terms do affect the ability to remem- rization of colors.
ber specific colors.
Does language play a role in facilitating or
Cultural Effects on Visual Attention
inhibiting our perceptual processes? A study of
Russian and English speakers examined whether Another line of research has examined whether
the existence of a language category influences culture can affect attentional processes. Research
color perception. Russian has two independent on perception and cognition indicates that there
color terms to represent blue: light blue (goluboy) are systematic cultural variations in attention
and dark blue (siniy), whereas English speakers between people in East Asian societies (e.g., China,
usually distinguish these colors by adding adjec- Korea, and Japan) and Western societies (e.g.,
tives (light or dark) to the base term blue. English Canada and the United States). East Asians, who
and Russian speakers were presented with a vari- holistically attend to the entire field and relation-
ety of blue color chips that were slightly different ships between objects, are more context sensitive
from each other in hue and saturation, and the than Westerners, who analytically focus on salient
task was to discriminate which one corresponded objects and can easily separate target objects from
to the target chip. For example, a blue chip was the context.
presented as a target stimulus; subsequently, two A research group used the rod and frame test to
alternative blue chips were presented, and the par- compare the levels of context sensitivity of U.S. and
ticipants were asked to select which of the alterna- Chinese participants. This task used a device con-
tives was identical to the target chip. Russian sisting of a square frame box of a certain depth,
speakers were quicker to discriminate between with a rod situated at one end of the box. The par-
two colors when they fell into different categories ticipant sat at the other end of the device with his or
(goluboy and siniy) than when they were from the her chin on a chin-rest, observing the rod through
same color category. However, these differences the box. The participants were asked to manipulate
did not provide the same advantages for English the position of the rod until they subjectively
speakers. This experiment demonstrated that thought the rod was perfectly vertical. The experi-
categories in a language affect participants’ menter then manipulated the angle of the frame
performance in simple perceptual color tasks. box, and the participant tried again to position the
This line of research suggests that culturally rod vertically. When the angle of the frame was
shared ways of naming colors may influence speed vertical, the frame could serve as a reference point
of color perception. for the position of the rod. When the frame was
342 Cultural Effects on Visual Perception

tilted, however, the judgment of participants who supported by a study that measured brain activa-
could not ignore the frame would be hindered. The tions during a similar object versus background
Chinese participants made more errors than the U.S. task. In this study, magnetic resonance imaging
participants did, suggesting that the Chinese were revealed that when identifying objects and their
more sensitive to contextual information and there- locations, more brain regions relating to object
fore more influenced by the angle of the frame. U.S. information processing were activated in U.S. par-
participants were able to detach the task from the ticipants than in Chinese participants. Another
influence of the angled frame, which suggests that cross-cultural study measured activity in the brain
they were relatively immune to the contextual cue. area that processes object recognition. There were
Are there cultural differences in how attention no identifiable differences between Singaporean
affects memory for objects in scenes? In an object college students and their U.S. counterparts;
recognition task, U.S. citizens and Japanese were however, Singaporeans 60 years of age and older
presented with pictures of wild animals in natural showed less activity in that brain area than did
settings. The same participants were then shown U.S. residents in the same age group. These results
pictures of the original animals, as well as new suggest that even the neural circuitry for attending
animals, and asked to identify which animals they visual scenes is affected by culturally influenced
had seen previously. In this part of the study, the information processing over the long term.
combination of animals and backgrounds was What are the causes of this systematic cultural
manipulated: Half of the original animals were variation? Researchers in general maintain that
presented with their original backgrounds, and people internalize a specific pattern of attention
the rest with completely new backgrounds. through their experiences of living in a given cul-
Although the task was to identify the animals, the tural environment. Some researchers maintain that
results indicated that, compared with those from exposure to culturally biased visual representations
the United States, Japanese participants were such as paintings, drawings, and even photographs
less able to recognize previously seen animals— facilitate the internalization of a specific pattern of
especially when they saw them against the novel attention. For example, East Asian painting master-
backgrounds. These results suggest that the pieces were found to be more context rich than are
Japanese encoded the background information in their Western counterparts. Furthermore, when
the images they saw in first part of the study and asked to draw scenic images, contemporary mem-
had more difficulty detaching the target animal bers of East Asian cultures were more likely than
from the context. Westerners were to draw context-rich images.
What are the underlying mechanisms of cul- Other studies suggest that East Asian cultures
tural variation in patterns of attention? And to emphasize a sense of interdependence, whereas
what extent do sociocultural factors influence our Western cultures emphasize a sense of independence
patterns of attention? Recent findings in psy- regarding interpersonal relationships and reasoning
chophysiology and neuroscience provide evidence styles. Such cultural values may encourage cultur-
that culture deeply influences attention. Results of ally adaptive patterns of attention—for example,
an eye-tracking study indicated that East Asians making Westerners more likely to see independent
were more likely than were Westerners to allocate objects in the scenes and Easterners more apt to see
their attention to the surrounding information. relationships and contexts that surround the objects.
When given the aforementioned animal recogni- In sum, these findings support the notion that cog-
tion task, Chinese participants made more sacca- nitive experiences in the real world influence the
dic (rapid nonfocused) eye movements to the processes of our visual systems.
background scenes than did those from the United
States, even though the task was to evaluate the
Implications of Research
target objects. These results suggest that context-
on Culture and Perception
oriented attention is deeply internalized among
East Asians, and for this reason, they cannot help Current research provides evidence of cultural
referring to contextual information even when influences on perception. These effects have a
they do not have to. These findings are further variety of implications for social, cultural, and
Cutaneous Perception 343

personality psychology, as well as for cognitive Further Readings

psychology. The reasons are threefold. First, the Berlin, B., & Kay, P. (1969). Basic color terms: Their
cross-cultural examination of human perception universality and evolution. Berkeley: University of
allows us to examine in what ways, and to what California Press.
extent, our perception is flexibly structured and Chua, H. F., Boland, J., & Nisbett, R. E. (2005). Cultural
influenced by systems associated with sociocul- variation in eye movements during scene perception.
tural experiences. Some researchers maintain Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
that basic visual processing exists independently USA, 102, 12629–12633.
of socioculturally shared beliefs. Their findings Kay, P., & Regier, T. (2007). Color naming universals:
suggest that the physical and structural systems The case of Berinmo. Cognition, 102, 289–298.
of visual perception are sufficient for under- McCauler, R. N., & Henrich, J. (2006). Susceptibility to
standing human perception. However, under the the Muller-Lyer illusion, theory-neutral observation,
rubric of “new look psychology,” which empha- and the diachronic penetrability of the visual input
sizes influences of beliefs and values on visual system. Philosophical Psychology, 19, 1–23.
perception, researchers maintain that our per- Nisbett, R. E., & Masuda, T. (2003). Culture and point
ceptions, even perceptions of so-called neutral of view. Proceedings of the National Academy of
stimuli, are fully influenced by our knowledge Sciences USA, 100, 11163–11175.
structures, which in turn are based on our expe- Park, D., & Gutchess, A. (2006). The cognitive
riences. The underlying processes have not been neuroscience of aging and culture. Current Directions
fully investigated, however, and further research in Psychological Science, 15, 105–108.
Roberson, D., Davis, I., & Davidoff, J. (2000). Color
is necessary.
categories are not universal: Replications and new
Second, social and cultural psychologists who
evidence from a stone-age culture. Journal of
have identified cultural variation in social cognition—
Experimental Psychology: General, 129, 369–398.
such as causal attribution, self-perception, judg-
Winawer, J., Witthoft, N., Frank, M. C., Wu, L., Wade,
ment, inference, and categorization—have long
A. R., & Boroditsky, L. (2007). Russian blues reveal
awaited more objective measurements than previ- effects of language on color discrimination.
ously existing quasi-experimental and quasi-survey Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
data collection, which was based mainly on par- USA, 104, 7780–7785.
ticipants’ self-reports. Current technological Witkin, H. A. (1967). A cognitive-style approach to
advances allow cross-cultural researchers to scruti- cross-cultural research. International Journal of
nize underlying processes of these variations in Psychology, 2, 233–250.
human behaviors.
Finally, the theoretical frameworks of percep-
tion research do not sufficiently account for the
functions of emotions, motivation, and psycho-
logical states. Since the emergence of new look Cutaneous Perception
psychology, however, substantial numbers of stud-
ies have suggested that such factors play an impor- The skin, far from being just a passive wrapping
tant role in perceptual processes. Again, the for the body, provides a wealth of capabilities
findings of cultural influence on perception mutu- that combine to allow for extraordinarily com-
ally accelerate further investigation into the com- plex patterns of perceptual experience. Although
plexity of human perception. cutaneous perception might be taken for granted
by most persons, for individuals with visual or
Takahiko Masuda auditory disabilities, their impression of the
See also Aesthetic Appreciation of Pictures; Attention and
world can depend heavily on their senses of
Emotion; Color Perception; Eye Movements and touch. Cutaneous perception results from combi-
Action in Everyday Life; Eye Movements During nations of responses from skin receptors, evoked
Cognition and Conversation; Individual Differences in by mechanical and thermal stimuli, and, occa-
Perception; Nonveridical Perception; Social Perception; sionally, chemical and painful events. Historically,
Visual Illusions; Visual Scene Perception there has been some question about the structures

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