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AYU ANITA 1711113576

3 days ago a patient came to the hospital with complaints of fever, headache, nausea,
lack of appetite, diarrhea, and reddish rash. After laboratory tests, platelet results are in the
normal range. After several days of treatment the normal body temperature , and not feel
faint, the patient's condition is better than before and patients is allowed to go home. Before
going home, the nurse provided counseling to prevention of Dengue Fever to patient and

The Nurse A, meets patient in the room to explain the discharge planning.

Nurse A : Good morning ms Ayu, how are you?

Mrs.A : Alhamdulillah i’m good.
Nurse A : I am nurse Aula Rahmawati , I will take care of you ms. I want to tell you about
the lab result. ms Ayu your condition is better than before. And you can go home
today ms
Mrs. A : so, can I go home today?
Nurse A : yes ms, you have medicine that must be take at home, please take this
medicine three time a day and before you go back from home we will Do
counseling, this counseling is important to care for you at home, do you agree?
Mrs. A : yes, I agree nurse
Nurse A : please to sign on this form. Alright ms i will explain about dengue disease, if
you not understand you can ask me.
Mrs. A : ok nurse
Nurse A : Well, I started ms, do you know about dengue fever?
Mrs. A : I know that dengue fever is caused by a mosquito bite, just that.
Nurse A : that’s true ms, but I will explain what dengue fever . Dengue fever is a disease
caused by the bite of a degue mosquito, and the characteristics of this disease are
sudden body temperature / fever for 2-7 not go down. And to know more clearly
you have to use blood lab tests and lab results that determine. Now, do you know
how to prevent dengue fever?
Mrs. A : I don’t know nurse
Nurse A : so to prevent dengue fever usually creates a clean environment, keep it away
from mosquito nests and do 3 (Three) M. do you know what is 3 ( Three) M?
Mrs. A : what is it?
Nurse A : 3 M is to drain the bathroom, close the water reservoir, and bury rubbish that
can hold rainwater
Mrs. A : oh I see, besides that , what else nurse?
Nurse A : you have to rest enough, and don’t stay up ms.
Mrs. A : ok
Nurse A : do yo understand and what you want to ask?
Mrs. A : I want to ask. How do i have to keep my red blood cells within normal limits.
Nurse A : to keep red blood cells normal, you must consume healthy foods, especially you
can eat red guava fruit, spinach, and you should drink more water.
Mrs. A : oh like that. I will try to do things that you explained.
Nurse A : this have a little information from us, we have a leaflet here, in here have
definition, signs and symptoms, and eating patterns of dengue fever. So, if the
you fell these signs an symptoms, the you can as soon as come to the hospital to
check your condition .
Nurse A : do you understand ms?
Mrs. A : yes, i understand
Nurse A : can you repeat how to prevent dengue?
Mrs. A : you can, with 3 M. That is to drain the bathroom, close the water reservoir, and
bury the rubbish can hold rainwater,
Nurse A : oh very good ms, our discussion finished . please you or family to arrange the
files and administration before you go back at home
Mrs. A : thank you nurse.
Nurse A : you are welcome. Excuse me ms.

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