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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


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story of a teen, who gave of your school days? Hear it football clubs
TODAY’S solutions for the stubble out from your friends on their see title hopes WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2021

Newspaper in

burning crisis in the country school life take a hit




Answers Your Query Chinese rocket debris
Ashrit Badagala,
class V, Birla Open
Minds Int’l School,
Kollur, Hyderabad
lands in Indian Ocean
he remnants of China's biggest rocket, the Long March 5B,

Q What is the
best diet for
children now?
Good nutrition is crucial
T landed in the Indian Ocean on Sunday, with most of its com-
ponents destroyed upon its “uncontrolled re-entry” into
the atmosphere, ending days of speculation over where the
debris would hit. (It had blasted off from Hainan island on April 29). The
To ask queries
regarding Covid-19
during Covid. The ideal
plan is to follow the WHO-
coordinates given by the Chinese state media put the point of impact in
the ocean, west of the Maldives archipelago. The US Space command KOHLI GETS
and Vaccination from
our experts, scan the
recommended balanced
diet with adequate
confirmed the re-entry over the Arabian Peninsula, but said, it was
unknown if the debris impacted land or water. FIRST DOSE
QR Code or visit
amounts of carbs, protein
and fat. The regular Indian THE DANGER: According to
experts, when a rocket is
nearly 29,000 kmph Few
expected the debris to harm
meal usually fulfills this.
Drink plenty of fluids. launched, its discarded booster
stages re-enter the atmosphere
humans, courtesy its burning up
in the atmosphere, as well as the
Expert advice given by soon after the liftoff and harm- fact that large parts of the Earth India’s captain Virat
Dr Bimal Prasad lessly fall into the ocean— a stan- are covered by oceans, and mas-
Padhy, Consultant dard practice. However, in this sive land areas lie uninhabited Kohli, senior pacer
Neurologist, Care
case, a 10-floor large vehicle of However, the incident has raised Ishant Sharma and
the rocket, weighing 18 metric questions about the space
Hyderabad tons, went into the orbit along technology that China is Test specialist
with the section of the under-
construction space station that it
developing, and the probability of
harm being caused to populated
Cheteshwar Pujara on
Raghuvir Prakash, was carrying. It was travelling at areas in the future Monday received their
class VII, DPS, RK
IT HAPPENED BEFORE first doses of Covid-19
Puram, New Delhi
PRIOR INCIDENTS: In July 1979, when the NASA space station Skylab vaccine. Kohli also
Q How can we kick negative
thoughts away?
When negative thoughts overhelm you, a therapist practis-
was brought down, large chunks fell from orbit and landed in Australia.
In March this year, a SpaceX rocket stage made an uncontrolled landing
urged others to get
vaccinated "as soon
on a farm in Washington state in the US, but this happened due to a
es cognitive behavioural therapy. So, if you are to describe
an event that has led to a stream of negative thoughts, malfunction in the engine tasked to bring it down, and not by choice as you can"
evaluate the thought in an objective way and figure out if it
is valid, appropriate and healthy. If not serving any pur-
pose, then find alternative solutions that serves a purpose.

Manas Kapur, class IX, Sri

Cutting methane emissions key to Covid-appropriate behaviour,
Venkateshwar International
School, New Delhi
slowing warming: United Nations vaccination main shields against
Q How to deal with loneli-
ness amid Covid?
There are two ways of looking at it—one is acceptance
ndustry could cheaply and easily slash
humanity's methane emissions by at
least 30 per cent in a decade, the United
all mutants, future waves: Experts
Nations has said, adding that such cuts
and the other, resigned acceptance. Acceptance is a would slow global warming and prevent With the second wave of the Covid-
defence mechanism, where you resolve conflicts in a hundreds of thousands of deaths. Curbing
19 pandemic ravaging the country
healthy way. However, resigned acceptance leads to a emissions of methane from farming, fossil
fuel operations and waste management is and concerns being raised about a
sense of defeat, lack of purpose. Try to accept reality. a crucial part of efforts to restrain runaway possible third wave, experts caution
climate change. The powerful greenhouse
Expert Advice Given By gas, which is short-lived but many times that the next wave could be less
Dr Sanjay Chugh, Senior Consultant more potent than carbon dioxide, also severe, if people keep following
contributes to toxic air pollution, harm-
Psychiatrist, New Delhi ing human health, plants and ecosystems. Covid-appropriate behaviour, and a
large portion of the population is
ALAN MOORE IS WORKING ON Technical solutions, mostly in vaccinated.
 CO2 is responsible for more
SHORT STORY COLLECTION, the fossil fuel and waste sec-
tors, are "readily available" than three-quarters of global
5-VOLUME FANTASY SERIES and can reduce humanity's warming. But methane also
 Several experts
believe that a casual
adviser to the government,
had said last week that the
methane emissions by more plays an important role
approach that followed the trough of the first third wave was inevitable and it was necessary
BOOK than 30 per cent this decade,
the analysis found. Together,  It has a warming potential 28 times greater wave could be a possible reason for the pan- to be prepared for new waves, but clarified two
than CO2 over a 100-year period and its concen- demic raising its head again, though others are days later that the "insidious asymptomatic
with other measures that are
tration in the atmosphere has more than dou- also putting the blame on the new mutants and transmission" can be stopped, if prescribed
currently available, the reduc-
tion could be as much as 45 bled since the Industrial Revolution. Over a 20- variants of the virus being more virulent guidelines about precautions, surveillance, con-
per cent, it said year period, it is more than 80 times potent K Vijay Raghavan, the principal scientific tainment, treatment and testing are followed

lan Moore has many, many stories still to tell.

Users not accepting privacy terms to face limited

The celebrated British author known for 'V
for Vendetta' and 'Watchman' among other
works has a deal with Bloomsbury for the story col-
lection 'Illuminations' and a five-volume fantasy se-

access: WhatsApp
ries, 'Long London'. In a statement, Moore said, he
was "bursting with fiction, bursting with prose", and
thanked his publisher for its commitment to "ex-  The messaging platform said, after a delete the users' accounts, if they haven't
pand the empire of the word." few weeks of limited functionality, accepted the update but highlighted that
users, who still won't accept the its existing policy related to inactive users
terms, “won't be able to receive will apply WhatsApp accounts are

 Moore's 'Illuminations', scheduled for fall hatsApp will not delete any account for not accept-
2022, takes in everything— from ghosts to the ing its new privacy update, but users not agreeing incoming calls or notifications, generally deleted after 120 days of
to the controversial terms after "several weeks" and WhatsApp will stop sending inactivity, wherein inactivity refers to
big bang theory
will not be able to access their chat list, and messages and calls to your users not connecting to the messaging
 'Long London' follows a "sometimes-accessi- phone” WhatsApp said it won't platform
eventually, will not be able to answer incoming phone or video calls
ble shadow city that is beyond time," starting over the app. Last week, the Facebook-owned company had said,
with London after World War II and “following
the population of writers, criminals, artistes, and
users not accepting its privacy policy update by its May 15
deadline will not face deletion or lose functionality of their
Raising concerns over the changes
to WhatsApp's privacy policy, TECHAWAY
magicians through that familiar city and a ver- accounts on the said date. WhatsApp, on its website, said it is the Union ministry of electron-
sion of London just beyond our knowledge,'' continuing to remind those who haven't had the chance to ics and IT had asked the messaging platform to withdraw the recent
according to Bloomsbury review and accept the terms, and after a period of several change, along with several industry groups raising the question
 The first volume of 'Long London' comes out weeks, "the reminder (that) people receive will eventually over the data sharing of WhatsApp users with Facebook
become persistent". It, however, did not divulge the
in 2024
timelines set for these reminders.
02 “Life is short, but there is always time
enough for courtesy.”


From eco warriorship

to MIT…
burning acres and acres of puter science, engineering
stubble and felt curious – and logical problem solv-
surely this material could ing was always something
be put to some use! We that came naturally to me.
stopped on the way, and I In eighth grade, I learnt
brought back a sample to about DNA and genetics. I
experiment with and was fascinated by how
A teen gives workable solutions for the stubble burning joined hands with two of such a small, seemingly in-
my best friends to collab- significant molecule hides
crisis in the country, wins an award, and is all set to orate. Today, our initiative such wonderful mysteries
has identified up to seven and dictates our entire
join a prestigious US-based research summer school. workable solutions, some lives. I didn’t feel like giv-
of which are as follows: ing up either computer sci-
Know her story, views, innovations… ➤ We can use stubble pulp ence or biology, so I re-
for a variety of packaging searched and found bioin-
materials and for making formatics, and now I’m in- paper as well. vested in it! This is what
➤ We can also use the raw

hat is it like being students need to do.
selected for the fibre itself in handi-
most prestigious
summer school of
crafts – in fact, TSS has
its own range of stubble
recent times – the rugs and home décor. ➤ The Research
Research Science Institute (RSI)? ➤ There’s even research Science Institute
Exhilaration, pride, overwhelm- in using it for plyboards,
ing thoughts? 17-year-old Palak furniture and coal – the (RSI) is an interna-
Jolly, student Head of Technolo- possibilities are endless! tional summer
gy at The Shri Ram School, Gur- research program for
gaon, and an IB Diploma year II
student can answer this correct-
ly. Because she is one of the 30 stu-
Q You are a student
of Bioinformatics
and Machine Learn-
high school students,
and is sponsored by
dents selected from outside the ing: how aware are
United States to take part in six students in India
the Centre for
weeks of intense science and en- PALAK JOLLY, student Head of youth Company of the Year contest. Tell us stubble sales: all profits will be fairly re- about this multidisci- Excellence in educa-
gineering research that will be
Technology at The Shri Ram about your model that aims to find a solu- distributed among the farmer members. plinary approach? tion and hosted by
conducted at the Massachusetts tion to the ‘stubble burning’ crisis in India? How did you become
School, Gurgaon MIT in Cambridge,
Institute of Technology (MIT).
A Many people in India blame farmers
for stubble burning, without realis- Q
How did you decide on the topic of
stubble burning and what are the solu-
interested in it?

A In India people are Massachusetts, US

Q How excited are you about at- ting (with adequate Covid pre-
tending RSI and when are you cautions) to get to know each oth-
going to the US to join this program? er better and not be at a disad-
ing the challenges faced by them. Where- tions provided?
as most solutions for stubble burning are
focussed on disposing stubble, TSS works A Stubble burning is truly a crisis – peo-
ple often underestimate the sheer
aware of AI (artifi-
cial intelligence) but not
about where all this tech-
How do you intend to
A I am beyond enthralled to be
attending RSI. The commu-
nity is incredible, and the program
vantage with regards to the social
experience. The RSI also match-
es students to mentors who are on
towards assisting farmers to profit out of
stubble by selling it to various industries.
We even have our own product range as a
gravity of the situation. According to the
WHO, people staying in Delhi are liv-
ing 4.6 years less because of the air pol-
nology can be used in real
ways. Biomedical infor-
matics is one such conse-
use the summer school plat-
form to contribute for re-
has 80 of the world’s most ac- top of their game – I will soon be part of our efforts towards modifying stub- lution caused by stubble. During peak quential application, search in bioinformatics?
complished students: each one of
my peers is brighter than the next
and everyone stands out because
matched with one. And to prepare
for the program, I’ll get in touch
with them early to catch up on
ble to increase its market value, instead of
trying to get rid of it. We aim to build a
marketing cooperative society of farmers,
bad air days, we breathe in an equivalent
of 50 cigarettes. The idea first entered my
mind when I was travelling to Punjab, to
which can revolutionise
healthcare and change the
way we approach cures to
A Through this pro-
gram, I will be work-
ing under some of the
of their unique talents and pas- their current research work in the who will collaborate to make profit out of my mother’s hometown. I saw farmers diseases, saving hundreds most influential scientists
sions. This year, the program un- field, such as by reviewing their of millions of lives. I think of these fields and will get
fortunately can’t be held in per- publications, and start develop- it is important that our the opportunity to net-
son because of the pandemic. ing ideas for my own project. ➤ Bioinformatics uses computer programs for a variety of country starts promoting work with brilliant re-
Luckily, my chosen fields revolve interdisciplinary thinking searchers and peers. I have
applications, including determining gene and protein
around technology so there won’t
be a compromise on the research
experience. As a group, however,
Q Your socio-environmental busi-
ness model, The Stubble Solu-
tion (TSS), was the national winner
functions, establishing evolutionary relationships and
and stops defining strict
I faced this dilemma –
previously researched
bioinformatics in im-
munology and epigenetics,
we are planning to meet during in 2020 at the Global Education and predicting the three-dimensional shapes of proteins applied maths has always so I would love to build on
the program in an informal set- Leadership Foundation (GELF)’s been my first love, so com- that more and more.

O Beware of corona curing

ne may envy or desire long, stylish nails
but unless they are clean underneath,
they can be the reason behind a range

of bacterial diseases such as diarrhoea.

forwards on social media!

Longer nails harbour more dirt and bac-
teria than short nails, thus possibly contributing
to the spread of infection, says Rajesh U Pandya,

Managing Director, KAI India.
“Fingernails should be kept short, and the un-
dersides should be cleaned frequently to maintain
nail hygiene. At the same time, it is important to
Students, if you find such videos in your

keep a tab on how you clean the nails. Unless the ideos and
means are safe, the process of cleaning hands can texts with infor- social media, do not forward them

cause more damage than good,” Pandya told mation and cures for
IANSlife. Covid-19 are continuing and also discourage your
He further explains: wash your hands, includ- their endless rounds on social media family and friends from
ing nails and underneath them, as many times as and sometimes believing in them and
doing the same. Also,

to stop
required with lukewarm water and soap. If you han- following those tips can lead to serious ity of
dle stronger dirt like grease, you may want to use health hazards. So, be careful and delete t h e share tips on how
a pair of gloves while working or use a specific these forwards instead of forwarding video, the
cleaner for that specific type of dirt. Trimming nails them to your contacts. Check this ex- official Twit- we can together
ample of ‘fake news’ versus ‘reality’. ter page of PIB fight the

Fact Check did a
menace of
FAKE NEWS cross analysis
and revealed that fake news
A new video doing the rounds called the claim made by the

the ‘Lemon Therapy’ has video is
quite a few takers. Accord- fake. There
ing to this therapy, putting is no scien-
2-3 drops of lemon juice in tific evidence that Covid-19
your nose can eliminate the can be cured by dousing your
infection of coronavirus! The nostrils in lemon juice. PIB
video claims that this therapy has clearly stated that these are
also purifies eyes, ears, nose baseless claims and people are
and heart in just 5 seconds. advised not to follow such tips and
tricks, and should instead follow
REALITY the rules and preventive measures
as guided by certified doctors or med-
To check the authentic- ical practitioners.
regularly helps you maintain healthy nails and re-
duces breakage too. How frequently you trim your

here are four roads in Japan that play ☛ Besides road signs, all the roads are
nails will depend on how fast they grow.
Every time you wash hands, ensure you dry
them completely. Moist hands may attract germs
Melody melodious music when you drive over
them – Hokkaido, Wakayama, Shizuoka and
marked by musical notes that are painted on
the surface of the road. These signs alert

roads of
that proliferate in a damp environment and facili-
tate their spread. Before clipping nails, ensure that Gunma regions of Japan – and all play motorists of the incoming
all equipment to be used, such as nail clippers and different tunes. Here’s more about these musical tune. Since these
files, are properly cleaned and sanitised even if you off-beat singing roads: grooves are set on the side
are using them at home. Sterilising equipment be-
fore use is especially important when nail tools
are shared among a number of people, as is
Japan ☛ Japanese locals call
them ‘Melody Roads’ as
of the road and not in the
middle, drivers have the
common in commercial nail salons or
beauty parlours. The process of
sterilisation of nail groom-
play these musical paths play
music for drivers.
option to either go over
them or avoid them.
ing equipment should be
done at home
music as Stretching between 175 m
to 250 m, these roads are
carved with thousands of
☛ To listen to the
musical notes,
motorists need to keep
you drive grooves that make music
when you drive across.
the car windows closed
and drive at 28 m/hr, keeping one wheel

over ☛ These grooves are cut at

specific intervals, and driving over them at a
of the vehicle over the grooves. If you drive
too fast over it, the sound will come out as a
tape on fast forward but if you go slow or too
them! particular speed creates soothing music. This
also works as a speeding alert sign.
slow, there will be melodious music.

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