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Hello, good morning my fellow lyceans right now we are facing the covid

19. Due to this pandemic many vacation, family gathering has postpone. The
school face to face classes was stop for 3 months already. Many dreams, different
carries was interrupted due to this pandemic. So much time has been wasted. The
novel corona virus already kills millions of people around the world. For sure each
every one of us have different thoughts, realization and ideas that build through
our brain while we are in the ecq. I will give you some of may realization about life
while we are in ECQ.
One of my realization is, life is short we don’t know when, where, how we
will die. We should cherish every single moment that happened in our life, we
don’t until we are alive or if that will happen again. Value all the things you have,
no matter how big or small it is. Be thankful and appreciate all the people around
you, your family, friends, and your love ones. We should do what makes us happy.
We should not let the time waste again. Life is short. We live just once.
I also realize that health is wealth especially in this pandemic we need
strong immune system. Our jobs are temporary, our grades are temporary, our
money are temporary but out health is precious. We have things that we always
do but with this ECQ we cannot do it. Even we are in this crisis maybe we should
think positive. Be positive even there so many negative things happening in our
surroundings. Yes being positive is not easy but we have the personality of being
“masiyahin”. Do you think what are the purpose of school works especially in the
middle of this crisis and if we will sacrifice our safety and health just to finish/ do
that. Yes education is important, but only when we are alive.
For my last realization is this about God’s plan. From what happen starting
of this year and until now maybe it is God’s plan. Maybe this is the way God want
to heal the earth from humans. We should not forget that we have God. We
should not forget to pray and thanks God for the another day he have to us.
That’s all lyceans. Thank you for listening. Stay safe and have a god day lyceans,
God bless.

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