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1.How would you have handled this situation if you were Monique Kazer?

If I were Monique Kazer, I will get mad because no customers will got mad if the services of the
certain company/organization did well. Besides, my booking reservation was clear that I need
non-smoking room, but what they give was wrong. They ruin my night, they put me into anger.
In order them to learn from me, first I’ll go to the front desk to frank them, and said “ if I die
here in your hotel, what would be your actions? You know what, your hotel lack process. First
lack of Quality Planning, you did not determined what your customers need and you did not
create a services to meet your customers need. Second, Quality Control you did not delivered
the services well, and lastly Quality improvement, that you should apply after what happened
to these right now”.

2.How would have handled this situation if you were Hyun Cho?

If I were Hyun Cho of course I do apologized of what happened, I understand what will the
customer react about what happened because it is my fault. I will give my full patience to her as
my customer in order for her to lessen her stress and anger. I’ll offer her another room which is
comfortable and I give her 50% discount to remain here in our hotel and also my sign of sincere
apologize to her. I will not be thinking anymore about losing money all I need is to solve this
problem besides I accept and learn from my mistakes. And what is done today will not be done
on the next day.

3.What devices described in this chapter might system planners have used to present this
services failure, and how they have used them?

System planners used SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results Oriented and Time
Bound, to prevent the service failure. In doing so they applied these to set the standard of their
firm for a more favorable and quality service system.
Room for more Improvement

1.In a later chapter, you will be reading about some techniques for handling service
failures. For now, what steps might you take to retain- the patronage of Monique Kazer
(and her entire organization)?

- In order for our company to retain the patronage of Ms. Kazer, we, our organization should
resolve the conflict between the two parties, by letting our staff realize her fault, and later
making her apologize to Ms. Kazer to lower the tension of both parties and for the betterment of
the company as well.

2.What steps would you take with regard to Hyun Cho and the failure at the front desk?

- The steps that we think is good to apply to the situation is that first, is to always entertain the
client, ask if there is something wrong with our service and if there is, we will apologize for the
failure in behalf of the whole company, and lastly is to resolve and try to search for resolution to
compensate the failure itself.

3.Using some hypothetical but realistic numbers, how much do you think it might end up
costing Hospitality Inns if manager Roberta Morales is unable to recover from the failure
and ends up losing the patronage of not only Monique Kazer but her entire firm?

- First, considering that Ms. Kazer has connections as a hospitality worker herself, the company
might not just lose her patronage but also lose the business involving Ms. Kazer’s firm and we
are confident that the hotel firm might miss bunch of business opportunities that involves great
amount of money in shorter term.
At the Country Club

1. Will Sarah Dinsmore be able to function effectively for very long with this attitude, or will
she eventually have to learn how to use the data that the POS units make available?

- Sarah Dinsmore won't function effectively with her attitude because she doesn’t have any
knowledge with her own company. She has to learn to use the data that the POS units make
available because as a president of the International Restaurant, she has to know everything
that could help boost up the company. As a person with a high position she must know every
flow or happenings in the company. With these, she can control and monitor the flow of the
business to its success. With the high-tech generation today, Lillian Hollowell explained how
point-of-sale hand held units helped the company's improvement from simplest operation to
the high-tech way. Learning every detail of the POS units could lead Sarah to more exploration
of ideas.
In today's generation wherein technology has improved and is yet to improve, using technology
in daily transactions is more advantageous because it can make processes easier. Maybe they
survive now because they are not fully developed but when it comes the time that they are
fully developed, it's better to use the existing technology just to keep up with the trends also.

2. How can she gain the advantages of high tech without losing the high touch she believes is
a differentiating hallmark of her restaurants? Or is this a trade-off situation in which you can’t
do both?

- Sarah have to change her attitude of being lazy. Because of her laziness, she can't give enough
time for her company where she said she don't need to learn about the system and
familiarizing everything about it. It is a trade-off situation because Sarah and Lillian have the
opposing qualities of it by doing it accurately and doing it quickly through technology. Indeed,
technology can stop eye contact but it is not an excuse to develop. They can train well their
employees like if the customers will take orders just to keep on eye to eye to them, and to
maintain the connection with the customer. Then, they can also assign other people to
entertain the customers on a more intimate level like other employees can operate the order of
the customer and the other can served their customer. Change the tactics or system so that
everything will be balanced. Also, to develop in ways for its easier to track the transactions etc.
while maintaining personal connection.
Fine Family Motels

1. What technological changes would benefit Fine Family Motels?

- With the falling occupancy rate of Fine Family Motels, they have to stay ahead of technology
curve where they can stay relevant to the locations that are up-to-date by integrating modern
devices such as smart TVs, room controls, interactive digital signage and things of that nature.

2. What structural changes might they make necessary?

- The Fine Family Motels could partner local businesses where companies could easily be
contacted. With this, their company can work with them in some ways such as meeting spaces,
rooms at a discount, and amenities they can have. It could help raise the occupancy rate in their
company if those companies would book rooms at their motel. Their motel could also work
with the real estate agent where they could help the Fine Family Motel through recommending
people or business man who are looking for a property to buy or rent.

3. How might Fine Family Motels use the World Wide Web to improve its occupancy rates?
- With the help of World Wide Web, the Fine Family Motel promote their own establishment.
Through WWW, people could brows the link of the Fine Family Motel that contains the
technological and structural changes made by the company. In their own web page, they can
post the images, videos or audio related to their promotion
Chapter 8
Over The Bounding Main

1.Which danger of co-production become realities for Luke and Sue?

-Participation exposes the organization to legal risk, so one of the dangers that became reality
for Luke and Sue that leads to one of the passenger to sue the Dwyers and Windenwaves.

How might they have headed off those dangers by planning more thoroughly?

2. Before they set sail, first they should have informed their passengers regarding with the
activities that they will going to experience and that they will be participating and assess the
level of expertise of their passengers participating in their activities.

1. What, if anything, was wrong with Mr. Hartsell's approach? Why did the new employees
leave, and what might have motivated them to stay?

-Thers is wrong with Mr. Hartsell's the reason why did the new employees leave its because he
lacks on motivating his employees. Instead of motivating them to work hard he put an
expectation on them that they have the to be like him. As the manager or leader of the
organization he should know what his employees needs in order to them the motivation to stay,
to work harder, and enjoy thier jobs.

2. Were Mr. Hartsell's expectation for his new employees unrealistic? if so, why?
-Yes it is unrealistic. As the leader of his organization (hotel) he should motivate his employees
to work hard and give them a reason why they should work hard as what he expected them to

3. What inconsistencies, if any, do you see between the goals of the three new employees and
Mr. Hartsell's goal?
- There an inconsistencies between the goals of the three new employees and the goal of Mr.
Hartsell. Mr. Hartsell's goal is to make his employees wprk hard as he do and did not considered
that his employees have their goals and needs too. Every employee has their own goals when
joining the organization. These goals is to fulfill their needs such as survival, social, recognition
and achievement needs.

4. Could those inconsistencies have been resolved?

- Yes, it could be resolved if Mr. Hartsell just consider that his employee has also needs and goals
before putting such expectations to them. He should considered their needs at the first place so
that he will know how to motivate them to work hard and bacome what he want them to be.

1. Mary Lou Day is Sally Blade's best fishing guide. Is Mary Lou justified in asking that Sally "cut
her some slack"? should Sally comply?
-No, Sally should not comply to what Mary Lou asked because at the first place, Sally had
suggested a different reporting and leaving time for Maty Lou but Mary Lou does not like the idea
of being treated differently. So, Mary Lou shou be responsible for what she said and also to her

2. If Mary Lou should meet the same requirements that are imposed on the other guides, how
would you motivate her to do so?
-In order to motivate Mary Lou, Sally, as the supervisor should implement reward and
punishment policy. Why? If Sally will put a reward to those employees who performed their jobs
properly, they will be motivated to work harder. Put a punishment to those who cannot perform
their jobs properly, give them additional tasks as punishment or she could deduct their salaries
if they could not perform the task properly. Through these, employees will fear not to do their
job properly. And by rewarding them because of their achievements, they will be motivated to
do better next.


1. Do you agree with the professor's assessment of what went wrong?

-Yes, Although something went good because everyone in the organization could perform
everyone's task,it is has also a negative impact for them. The hotel workers themselves were
given additional responsibilities which it became harder for them to manage. Also in side of
managers, what's the purpose that there are manager if the employees themselves could
perform the duties of the managers too.

2. What does Jubilee experience tells you about applying work team, enrichment and
incentives principles in real life?
-Yes I will use these principles if necessary but I will make sure that everyone in the organization
will grow and develop themselves. Through this they could help each other in doing their tasks
and also they will learn about those things(tasks/duties) too.

3. What do you think will happen to the hotel once it fully returns to "traditional" management

-Once they fully returns to "traditional" management system, I think they could perform better
this time, they will be productive and the negative worker attitudes will turn into positive
attitudes. Why? because they were already trained and the workers themselves already know
how to perform properly not only their own duties but also the duties of others too.
March 25, 2019

Submitted by:
Palallos, Mary Grace A.
Lasola, Catleen E.
Montes, Jan Rose
Ramos, April Jane
Submitted to:
Ms. Lei Anne T. Bandoy
THM 3, Instructor

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