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Activity 9

Name: Cyrelle Rose S. Jumento

Course: Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education BTLED
Date: June 16, 2021

Read and answer.

1. Think of your favorite teacher. It may be in elementary; HS or College then answer the
following questions:

a. Why was he/she your favorite?

- He is my favorite teacher cause whenever he discusses a new topic to us the
language that he uses is visaya, tagalog and english, which make it easier for us to
understand the lesson very well.

b. What qualities did he/she possess?

- He is very considerate, willing to listen to the other ideas to his student, good
communication skill, humble, willing to help student and lastly a very friendly
teacher. Every time our ends he always prayed for our safety and health which make
him an ideal teacher and model to other teachers who are rude and selfish.

c. Is he/she your ideal teacher?

- Yes

d. What influence did he/she have in your life?

- In the aspect of willing to understand the situation that many of the student have
experience. It made me think of how should I do some changes in how I see things

e. Did she act in accordance with the expectations of the community? How?
- Yes, every student is different and each on of them is unique in their own way. The
way he approaches the student is very different compared to another teacher I have
encountered. This is my own opinion, as what I have observed most of the teacher are
showing their fake identity in the beginning of the classes once the classes are in the
end or middle of year. They tend to show attitude or behavior of not having the
interest of tending to their students. That is why some students don’t show respect to
this kind of teacher and you can’t blame them for that. A teacher should always be
true and dedicated to their profession, teachers must adjust their expectations and
instructional practices so that all children can learn to high levels. Students should not
be the only one who keeps on adjusting to the expectation they must do but also the
teacher as well. Having said that, for me the expectation the community wishes for a
teacher to have is present in the qualities to the teacher I have in mind. These qualities
are found in my answer in # 2. Imagine if all teacher have this kind of behavior and
attitude, things would turn out beautifully were teacher and students have a
connection in class and there is harmony.
2. Give your personal insights on the following quotes.
a. The influence of a good teacher can never be erased.
- It’s up to the person if he/she is willing to take a step forward to the new things and
challenges. Our eyes and ear see and hear different scenario every day and our brain
are like a bookshelf that stock this new experience we encountered. We know in
ourself to what is the bad and goods action and behavior that we should avoid and
consider. If we allow our pride to take control of our decision and action then always
expect that things won’t turn to what you expected to happen. The decision we make
is always a gamble, if you know that the intention of a good teacher is mold you and
to reach your full potential then why not be patience and hear all the suggestion that
the teacher may advised you. A good teacher who influences a student to become a
betterment of him/ herself is a very good, once the child carries this aspect, he/she can
use them in future challenge that they may encounter that’s the influence of a good
teacher will never be erased in the mind of the students.

b. Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who
understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can
possibly be-Rita Peirson
- A child alone who pushes him/herself to become best, alone is not enough without
the support of the person who pushes them to do well. Everyone deserves to have
someone who cheers for them in the down and lows that they encounter. Seeing them
through thick and thin according to the movie I have watched, supporting the student
to every step of the way. This champion mention by Rita Peirson can either be your
parent, relative or friend as long as they give us support and guidance is all that
matters. Showing compassion is also one way that can help the person to do well, if
we don’t give up on ourself and to those who support nothing is impossible. Though
we have limitation in life, but if we take the chances of taking a risk and pass those
challenges, we will see that challenges and hardship in life can be overcome once you
believe in yourself that you can do it.

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