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Analysis of Inverse Kinematics Method for

Human Movement In 2D Animation

Abstract— Creating a 2d animated human character is a Kinematics method is a method that is suitable for use in
challenging task, mainly by using traditional techniques. animations that have articulated bodies or parts that are
Several problems arise when the scene gets more complicated interconnected to form a framework. One of the objects that
and requires a large number of frames, making the animation can describe perfectly is the shape of human. In the
process takes time even longer. Therefore, the animator needs animation, human is one of the most difficult character to
an efficient method for animating human movement to make animate convincingly [4] for each part of the body moves in
the process faster and easier. Inverse kinematics is a method accordance with the anatomy mainly by the skeletal system
that used for animated characters which have articulated are interconnected by joints so that any movement animated
bodies by animate the whole chain of joint with just the end
must be done accurately and in detail.
effector so the animators can set character movements up
easily and animate quickly. However, this method creates Therefore, we need a method that makes the process of
jerky, unnatural animation that limited by angle. In this movement of the character looks natural and can be done
research, we explore the inverse kinematics method to create a more easily and quickly. In this study, we provide a solution
turn-around animation and apply the degree of freedom to the to the problems described above by making human
character. The result shows that by adjusting the degree of movement in 2D animation using the inverse kinematics
freedom for each joint, it can produce natural animation that method.
has an accuracy of 97%.
Keywords—animation, 2d animation, human movement,
kinematics, inverse kinematics A. Kinematics
Kinematics is the study of the movement and which have
a joint, such as the movements of walking, by calculating
Computer animation has become one of the most the position, rotation, speed, and acceleration all articulated
profitable industries with high growth rates in each year. It joints and components - bend the knees, hips arched,
can be seen from the presence of animation that can be found shoulders, and head. In animation, kinematics are divided
easily in daily life [1], from the television series, into 2 types based on the method of movement:
commercials, music videos, video/computer games, and
animated films. Animations can also be found on the website, Forward kinematics (FK) is a method that works directly
and its use has been extended to various fields such as with the reference angle of a joint to reach a specific location
architecture, education, health, and military simulations to that each joint is moved individually, and moves in sequence
show that the animation has been greatly developed since the without any purpose. This method is usually found in robots.
first animated film created in 1928. Even in 2015, the global While Inverse kinematics (IK) is a method for turning on
animation industry get a total profit of up to $ 244 billion, or objects and shapes that depend on the structure which is an
around Rp. 3,301.5 trillion. articulated body. Articulated bodies can represent most
animated figures such as humans and animals which consist
In Indonesia in 2015, animation which is incorporated in of joints and links that are connected to each other.
the sector animated film, animation, and video became one
of the sub-sectors with huge potential for growth that has The fundamental difference with forward kinematics,
risen amounted to 6.68% where the figure has reached a inverse kinematics is determined from the movement of the
position above the average growth of the creative economy bones by the end of several joint angles that define the
which is around 4.38%. However, with this increased growth movement. This technique is very effective for simplifying
rate, the contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is complex animations and invisible life / natural. The terms are
still relatively small at 0.16% [2] and has not contributed often used in the Inverse Kinematics are as follows::
significantly to the global animation industry. This is because 1) Joint : Inverse kinematics has two types: revolute
of the factors that are the main obstacles often faced by the joint and prismatic joint. Revolute joint is a joint that is
animation industry, namely time and cost limitations [3].
connected to a link that can rotate around it. While the
During its development, computer animation in the form prismatic joint is a joint that has links that are connected to
of films, can be divided into several types, but the most other joints.
commonly used types are 2D animation and 3D animation. 2) End effector : The end effector is the outermost
Based on the advantages possessed by each type of position of the outermost link. This is the free end of the
animation, through this research, we will combine these
chain joints and back and forth link.
advantages are focused on one of the stages in 3D animation;
rigging. The technique of animating the rig/bone in 2D 3) Articulation and Poses : Articulation is the rotation /
animation has been known as the Kinematics. translation of the joint that drives the connected relationship.
Articulation consists of the angles of each joint that


connects. Meanwhile, a pose is a set of joint articulations Walking is one of the movements that are often used in
that produce the position of the articulated body. In other animated films and became the first lesson for the animators
words, a pose is a vector value rather than a scalar value, for for the running movement is the hardest thing to do right.
example an articulated body pose is <45 °, 15 °, -60 °>. Although the walk looks like a simple act, but this movement
actually takes brains and nervous systems are coordinated so
B. Human Movement as to have the ability to plan and predict the actions and
The human body is able to move from one place to reactions. To walk elegantly and efficiently, each system of
another (locomotion) due to the existence of a frame. the body, especially the sense of vision, balance and
Human skeleton is an arrangement of various kinds of bones sensation must be able to communicate in harmony.
which are connected to each other by joints/articulation and Every human being has a different gait that can form a
become a place for attaching muscles so that they can character from each individual. Differences in gait is
produce motion. influenced by several factors such as gender, age, weight,
Joints or can be called articulation is a relationship that health, moods, and other factors. For example, women will
occurs in two or more bones. The joints contained in the naturally walk with their feet close together, short and
human body mostly have 1 angle of freedom / Degree of straight forward footsteps, different from a man's gait with
Freedom (DoF). Some of them have DoF multiple like on wider legs when walking compared to women.
the wrist with 2 DoF, and shoulders that have 3 DoF. Based However, even though every human's gait looks different,
on the nature of the motion, the joints can be categorized all humans have the same walking pattern. In general, the
into several joints: human walking pattern at each step has five phases, [5]
1) Immobile Joints (Synarthrosis): The joints are
intermittent relationships that cannot be moved. The liaison
between the bones is connective tissue fibers or cartilage.
Example: inter-bone relationship that forms the skull.
2) Limited Joints (Amphiarthrosis): This joints have
limited mobility and the relationships between bones that
Fig. 3. Human walking phases
can be moved in a limited way, only to move closer and
away between the two bones. Example: cartilaginous joint The first phase is the phase contact, which is the stage
that unites the body of adjacent vertebrae; the pubic where one-foot steps forward and touches the floor, then the
symphysis of the pelvis. second phase is Down, when the body moves forward, rests
3) Free Joints (Diarthrosis) : These joints are on the foot that had previously moved so that the body
relationships between bones that can be moved freely. position becomes lower than the phase contact. The Phase
Diarthrosis joints in humans are divided into 5 types Pass post is the third stage where the body position is
namely: bullet joints, hinge joints, rotary joints, sliding normal as when standing upright with one leg ready to
joints and saddle joints. swing forward.
III. ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Then phase Up, the legs are swung forward with the
The analysis phase is a process to get data about the back of the toe touching the floor (tiptoeing) so that the
object of research. In this study, we used human walking and body position is higher than the postal pass. The last phase is
running movements as samples in 2D animation. The a phase contact like the first phase, but the foot that steps
analysis carried out includes walking/ running and joint forward is the opposite foot. Moving the hand when walking
degrees when moving. is in the opposite position to the foot synchronously. When
the right foot steps forward, the left-hand swings forward,
A. Movement Analysis and vice versa. The speed and magnitude of the angle of the
To find out how the movements of the limbs when hand swing is influenced by the amount of energy used by
walking and running, an analysis of the movement is carried the foot when walking.
out through direct observations recorded in the form of
video. Some videos used for observations were also obtained While the running motion pattern as shown in Fig. 4, has
from several sources on the internet, one of which was the the same phase as the walking movement pattern, namely
endlessreference channel on the Youtube site. The reference phase Contact, Down, Post Pass, Up, and return to the
video is then played through the, QuickTime Player version Contact with the opposite leg. But when running, the body
10.4 as shown below. slightly bent forward to give speed, then the insert image
after the phase up showed the position of the floating foot,
while the position of the arm bent and swung synchronously
in the opposite direction with leg movements.

Fig. 1. Video reference of human walking movement

Fig. 4. Human running phases

Fig. 2. Video reference of human running movement

B. Analysis of Joint Degrees the unit of measurement that is appropriate and exactly the
The next stage is to analyze the degree in joints of measurement of the head. The law of the proportion of
humans. The analysis of the degree of joints aims to Praxiteles stipulates that the total height of the human body is
exactly the same as eight heads. [6]
determine the degree of freedom of the human bone when
moving. From this analysis it will be known which The making of sketches and character models in this
direction, and how much angle each joint can move. In this study was made using Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 software
study the joints to be measured consist of several joints that and drawn from four angle in a turn-around movement.
are included in the diarthrosis/synovial joint, which can be
shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 6. Character design

D. Character Rigging Design

After designing the characters, the next stage of the bone
structure design based on human anatomy. The design of
bone design aims to facilitate the rig making process in the
Fig. 5. Measured human joints animation stage.
Measurements are taken by taking photos of each
joint from the study sample and then measuring using
ImageJ software so that the minimum and maximum
angles of each joint can be known.


Min Max
Human Body Bone Degree Degree
joints parts direction of of
Freedom Freedom
Right and
60° 120°
Forward Fig. 7. Character rigging design
Pivot and 40° 105°
1 neck and Based on the bone design, a relationship between bone
joints backward
Turn to design and a description of objects included in the linking
right and 0° 180° hierarchy, parent and child, are made. Parent is an object that
left becomes a reference to other objects, so that if there is a
Ball and
and back
0° 360° change, the child will also change. However, changes made
2 Socket Shoulder to children will not affect the parent.
Right and
joints 0° 360°
Hinge Forward 35° 180°
3 Elbow Object/Layer /Peg
joints Backward 0° 145° Parent Object Child Object
Ball and Forward Master - Upper_Body
4 Socket Hip and 0° 70° Lower_Body
joints backward
Hinge Forward 60° 180° Upper_Body Master Body
5 Knee
joints Backward 0 120° Hand_R
Hinge Hand_R Upper_Body Upper_Arm_R
6 Ankle and 95° 105°
backward Upper_Arm_R Hand_R Lower_Arm_R
Lower_Arm_R Upper_Arm_R Palm_Finger_R
C. Character Design Hand_L Upper_Body Upper_Arm_L
At the stage of designing human characters, the first step Upper_Arm_L Hand_L Lower_Arm_L
is to sketch characters. To avoid disproportionality or Lower_Arm_L Upper_Arm_L Palm_Finger_L
imbalance, human sketch drawings made refer to the Laws of Hip
Proportion which form the basis for drawing figures in ideal Lower_Body Master Leg_R
or legal human form that have a perfect relationship between Leg_L
body size. Leg_R Lower_Body Upper_Leg_R
The depiction of a proportional figure, irrespective of Upper_Leg_R Leg_R Lower_Leg_R
variations due to sex and so on, is determined by the Lower_Leg_R Upper_Leg_R Foot_Leg_R
alignment of the joints that are not changing and are based on Leg_L Lower_Body Upper_Leg_L
Object/Layer /Peg
Parent Object Child Object
Upper_Leg_L Leg_L Lower_Leg_L
Lower_Leg_L Upper_Leg_L Foot_Leg_L


Fig. 10. Setting min/max degree of freedom before and after
A. Making 2D Character
Fig. 12. shows that before the min / max degree angle is
The 2D character making phase is done using the Toon
applied, the character's arm can be moved freely in all
Boom Harmony Premium software with reference to the
directions, so that the resulting movement as in the elbow is
character designs that have been made before. Making each
character's body part is drawn on a different layer and not in accordance with human movement. Whereas after
grouped into a group layer based on the direction / angle of applying the min / max degree angle, the character arm
view. movement will still produce an articulation angle that
matches the original human movement even though the end
effector on the character's arm is moved in all directions.
C. Animation Process
The stage of making the animation begins by making a
keyframe that determines the starting and ending points of
each transition, which then includes an in-between frame.
Each frame consists of one static image that is displayed in a
measure of speed called Frame Rate with its unit, Frame Per
Fig. 8. Making 2D Character Second (FPS).
The image layer is then arranged based on parent / child In this study, the number of movement frames made was
categories. The top layer is the master layer as the parent 24 with 5 keyframes, namely the movement of the contact
which serves to store all the layers of the body part that is in on the first keyframe, the down movement on the third
the layer below it. To facilitate the preparation, in this study keyframe, the movement of the pass post on the fifth
each layer is named in the same format, namely keyframe, the movement up on the seventh keyframe, and
AngleofView_BodyPart_Description. The description is the contact movement on the 9th keyframe.
divided into two categories; F (Front) and B (Back) that
correspond to the position of the image.
Then each layer is added by Peg which also functions to
connect the parent layer and child layer according to bone
anatomy / human frame and is divided into two categories of
body parts, namely the upper body and lower body which
serves as the parent for each other body part that is directly
connected with each body.
B. 2D Character Rigging
The first stage is to apply the inverse kinematics to Fig. 11. Walk Cycle Key Poses
determine the pivot of every part of the character. Pivot is a
core point that is used as the axis of an object. After each
pivot is determined, using the inverse kinematics tool, the
overall rig of the character will be formed automatically.

Fig. 12. Run Cycle Key Poses

In this study, the walking and running movements that

are made are different movements from previous studies,
Fig. 9. Rigging Karakter 2D
there are turn-around movements of the body so that 2D
animation can appear to have volume and is not limited to
Then the joint freedom degrees of each rig / bone are only from two angles.
adjusted using the inverse kinematics tool based on the
previous joint degree analysis. It is intended that the
movement generated animation of the character can look
like actual human movement with the limits of a minimum
and maximum movement of any body owned.

Fig. 13. Turn Around Key Poses

The next step is to add the in-between drawing in the The orange color line in the graph represents the live-
middle of each keyframe to make it looks smooth and then shoot video and the blue line represents the 2D animation.
render it and export it into a .mov video. The vertical axis (y) in the graph shows the protractor angle
or angle produced, while the horizontal axis (x) shows the
sequence of frames.
The other test results are presented in table form such as
Fig 18. Below.

Fig. 14. 2D Animation process


Fig. 18. Table view of angle measurement
A. Animation Testing
Furthermore, the same test is also done on running
Animated videos are tested by making paths of moving movement that can be seen in Fig. 19 the following.
body parts namely elbows and feet using Tracker software,
and the results of 2D animation video paths will be
compared with the path results of the reference video which
is a live shoot video. Using this software will help in
recording movements and will determine the angle of the
body part in each movement so that the level of similarity
between the two movements can be determined based on the
resulting angle.

Fig. 19. Comparison graph of elbow between live-shoot and 2D running


Fig. 15. Animation testing with Tracker software

a) Figures and Tables: Place figures and
B. Results
Based on these measurements the results can be seen in
two types of forms, namely tables and graphs of live shoot
videos and 2D animation.

Fig. 20. Comparison graph of leg between live-shoot and 2D running


After getting the data, the calculation is done to

determine the accuracy of 2D animation using the inverse
kinematics method for the live-shoot video. The following
are the results of the calculation of the two movements:

Fig. 16. Comparison graph of elbow between live-shoot and 2D walking

animation 1) Walking Movement
Data obtained in the form of:
 Angle deviation tolerance value = 1°
 Σ frame walking movements = 215
 Σ frame elbow angle with tolerance <1° = 204
 Σ frame leg angle with tolerance <1°=186
Tolerance value in this context is the magnitude of the
difference between actual conditions versus ideal conditions,
to the extent that the difference is not a functional failure or
a significant reduction in function, namely movements that
look rough and unnatural.
Fig. 17. Comparison graph of legs between live-shoot and 2Dwalking
animation a) Elbow Angle Accuracy:
Σ frame with tolerance< 1° 123
× 100 %(1) ¿ ×100 %=87,86 %
Σ frame walking movements 140
204 c) Running Movement Accuracy:
¿ × 100 %=94,88 %
(Elbow Angle Accuracy + Leg Angle Accuracy )
b) Leg Angle Accuracy: ( 6)
Σ frame with tolerance< 1° (97,14 +87,86)
× 100 %( 2) ¿ =92 ,50 %
Σ frame walking movements 2
¿ × 100 %=94,88 % VI. CONCLUSIONS
In this study, the inverse kinematics method was tested
c) Walking Movement Accuracy: by comparing 2D animation results with live-shoot video.
The test shows that the inverse kinematics method can be
(Elbow Angle Accuracy + Leg Angle Accuracy ) applied to making 2D animation of human movements with
( 3)
2 a good degree of similarity accuracy of 90.70% for walking
and 92.50 for running movements. The accuracy of the
(94,88+ 86,51)
¿ =90 , 70 % results show that this method can also be used in the turn-
2 around movement in 2D animation and still produce natural
animation and in accordance with the anatomy of the body
2) Running Movement based on the angle degree of freedom of human beings.
Data obtained in the form of:
 Angle deviation tolerance value = 1°
 Σ frame running movements = 140
[1] Ferguson, “Ferguson’s Careers in Focus: Animation”, New York:
 Σ frame elbow angle with tolerance <1° = 136 Infobase Publishing, 2010.
 Σ frame leg angle with tolerance <1°=123 [2] A. Creative Economy, C. Bureau of Statistics, “Statistical Data and
Survey Results – Creative Economy,” Jakarta, March 2017.
a) Elbow Angle Accuracy: [3] F. Rochman, H. Subiyantoro, Faridah, N. C. Umam, National
Animastion Development Plan 2015-2019, Jakarta: PT. Republik
Σ frame with tolerance<1 ° Solusi, March 2015.
×100 % ( 4) [4] R. Steve, “Character Animation: 2D Skills for Better 3D,” London:
Σ frame running ovements Taylor & Francis, 2013.
136 [5] W. Richard, “The Animator's Survival Kit: A Manual of Methods,
¿ ×100 %=97,14 % Principles and Formulas for Classical, Computer, Games, Stop
140 Motion and Internet Animators,” United Kingdom: Faber & Faber,
b) Leg Angle Accuracy:
[6] Sterling. Publishing Co., “Art of Drawing the human Body,” Sterling
Publishing, 2004.
Σ frame wit h tolerance <1°
× 100 %(5)
Σ frame running movements

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