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Anthem: Collectivism vs.

Ms. Loughry/English

Equality’s society is a Collective society, one that relies on “the subjugation of the individual to a group—
whether to a race, class or state does not matter. Collectivism holds that man must be chained to a collective
thought for the sake of what is called ‘the common good.’” This differs from our Individualistic society, where
we regard “man—every man—as an independent, sovereign entity who possesses an inalienable right to his
own life, a right derived from his nature as a rational being. Individualism holds that a civilized society…can be
achieved only based on the recognition of individual rights—and that a group, as such, has no rights other than
the individual rights of its members. An Individualistic society applauds independent thinkers…
Find three examples in Anthem of Collectivism and three examples of Individualism. Include page numbers for
easy reference.
“We are one in all and all in one. There are no men “I am not a servant of their needs. I am not a bandage
but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever” for their wounds. I am not a sacrifice on their altars. I
(pg. 19) am a man” (pg. 95)

● They state that "We are one in all and all in ● When stating that "I am not a servant of their
one." By using We it shows that Equality is needs," Equality is referencing the greater
speaking for the greater group and not just group that his society works to preserve and
himself. that he wants to no longer be a part of it.

"International 4-8818 and we are friends. This is an “We made it. We created it. We brought it forth from
evil thing to say, for it is a transgression, the great the night of the ages. We are alone. Our hands. Our
Transgression of Preference, to love any among men mind. Ours alone and only.” (pg.
better than the others, since we must love all men and
all men are our friends." (pg. 30)
This quote can show individualism since when Equality
● In this quote, Equality reveals that he holds a is creating the electricity he did it alone, his mind only.
secret preference for International. In his This detracts from collectivism since he is not
society, preferring one person over another is following the guidelines and rules of not thinking, or
a transgression since such a view violates the being alone. He also created it off of his own will, he
idea that everyone is equal and deserves an was not told to do or create the electricity but he did it
equal amount of love and attention. This anyway.
relates to collectivism since everyone has to
view their "Brothers' ' as equal to everyone
else, no more, or less than anyone else.

"Dare not choose in your minds the work you would “There is nothing to take a man's freedom away from
like to do when you leave the Home of Students. You him, save other men.”
shall do that which the Council of Vocations shall
prescribe for you." (pg. 22)

● When the teachers are talking to the ● This quote does not directly show Equality’s
students about their future job they warn individualism, however, it does show how he
them not to have a job they would like to do views what freedom should be. By equality
since they will automatically be assigned a set stating that the only thing that can take away
job by the council of Vocations. This shows another man's freedom, is man itself, shows
collectivism since even jobs are something that he realized that his freedom had been
that the citizens cannot control and they will stripped from him by living in the collectivist
have to follow whatever job they are given. society.

"This is the time each spring when all the men older “I and ... my fellow-builders ... shall write the first
than twenty and all the women older than eighteen chapter in the new history of man.”
are sent for one night to the City Palace of Mating.
And each of the men has one of the women assigned
to them by the Council of Eugenics." (pg. 41)

● In Equality's society, even mating and ● This quote shows how Equality has started to
repopulation are based on someone else's use the word “I” when talking about himself
decision. To have no transgression of instead of “We” or “Our.” like he had done
preference partners are randomly assigned to before. He also says how he and his fellow
the men and women so they can mate builders will rewrite a new chapter for the
without the issue of thinking for themselves. history of man which shows how he has a
Mating in their society is also only used for whole plan separate from the old society he
repopulation and nothing else. used to live and be a part of.

Read the poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley—Is this an example of collectivist or
individualistic thinking? Support your answer with lines from the text.

When looking at the poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley, it is clear that it is an
example of individualism and individualistic thinking. This can be proved, to start, with the
title of the poem. In Latin “Invictus” is the word for unconquered which is a true showing of
individualism because being “Unconquered” means no one has control over you making you
free to do what you want. In stanza 4 it also conveys an individualistic way of thinking since
the author states, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” These lines show
how the author is in control of his own life or his “Fate” and that he sails the metaphorical
ship as captain of his soul. These can relate to individualism because it is not someone else
who is controlling how his life turns out, it is him and him alone. This stanza also evokes a
feeling of strength since no one else has been able to come over his control of his soul. This
connects to the theme of the poem being, No matter how hard struggles get in life, you will
always be the one in charge since the poem describes the author going though
“bludgeonings,” and being “Bloody.”

In the poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley the ideas he expresses about
individualism can relate to Equality in some ways. Some of the ideas listed such as the
metaphor about him being the captain of his soul can relate to Equality since he eventually
broke out from the chains of his society after he escaped to the forest. “He flees blindly,
running through the streets of the city with no destination, knowing merely that he must get
away. The theme of the poem, No matter how hard struggles get in life, you will always be
the one in charge. This can also relate to Equality since even though his whole life had
practically been controlled by others, he slowly was able to regain his individuality such as
when he went down into the tunnels each night to learn more and experiment. Equality also
eventually realized how the bad things about his life were not actually bad when he stated, “I
understood the blessed thing which I had called my curse. I understood why the best in me
had been my sins and my transgressions.” At the end of the book Equality also begins to
choose his own path with him stating this, “This, my body and spirit, this is the end of the

QUESTION TO PONDER: Equality as Prometheus reaches the important realization that “To be free, a man must
be free of his brothers” and the article “The Phone Knows All” references a senior executive at a phone carrier,
saying “No app is free,…you pay for them with your privacy.” How do these comments relate to the importance of
sustaining an Individualistic Society and shunning a Collective one?

These comments can relate to the importance of sustaining an individualistic society since if everyone is controlled
by one overruling government or society no one is truly free. Everyone will know who they are, what they do, and
everything else about their life. The quote about how no apps are truly free can be one example of why a collective
society should be shunned since today, giving out your information to everyone you meet is a really terrible thing
to do for yourself which is what goes on in a collectivist society. When looking at Equalities’s statement about
being free he states how one can never technically be truly free unless he is free of his brothers. The meaning of
this is that when you are connected to tons of other people for the same goal, you can never really slip out or do
your own individualistic thing. We know this in equality's world since anyone who transgresses the most can be
brutally burned at the stake for just saying a word.

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