Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Social media is one of the most influential thing nowadays. It is very usable and

accessible to everyone. In this study, it will show the effects of social media to academic

behavior on what are the good and bad effects of using social media on a person. Social

media is indeed influential but also beneficial to those who are using this. It can make the

students aware of the surroundings and what is happening in the society. Social media is a

technology that facilitates the sharing of information, getting ideas, expressing emotion

and thoughts.

Olubiyi (2012) noted that these days’ students are so engrossed in the social media

that they are almost 24 hours online. Even in classrooms and lecture theatres, it has been

observed that some students are always busy surfing the internet, while lectures are on.

Times that ought be channeled towards learning, academic research and innovating have

been crushed by the passion for meeting new friends online, and most times busy

discussing trivial issues. Hence most students’ academics suffer setback as a result of

distraction from the social media.

It is very common nowadays; gives entertainment, worldwide, communication,

education and an eye opener for people. It cannot deny that social media is one of the

powerful thing that can manipulate people in what they see. It let post whatever they want

on social media, some pages there gives information and news for them to be aware in the

surroundings. Many students have been blaming various social networking sites for their

According to Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2010), social network websites grab

attention of the students and then diverts it towards non-educational and inappropriate

actions including useless chatting. Whereas on the other hand, (Liccardi et. al (2007)

reviewed that the students are socially connected with each other for sharing their daily

learning experiences and do conversation on several topics. Trusov (2009) noted that

the internet is no doubt evolution of technology but specifically social networks are

extremely unsafe for teenagers, social networks become hugely common and well-known

in past few years.

The target population for this research was defined as the students who form the

major chunk of users of these social networking sites.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the effects of using social media to the academic

performance of Grade 12 Accountancy Business Management students at Christian

College of Tanauan. These Grade 12 Accountancy Business Management students were

officially enrolled during the academic year 2017-2018.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 gender;

1.3 section; and

1.4 common visited sites?

2. What is the effects in extremely use of social media in as to:

3.1 assignments;

3.2 projects; and

3.3 performance?

3. What is the extend of using social media by Grade 12 Accountancy Business

Management students at Christian College of Tanauan in terms of hours of using social

media per day?

4. Is there a significant difference between the respondents’ profile and in the effect

of social media?

5. What course of action should the students lessen the effect of social media in

their academic performance?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to explain the importance of the proper usage of social networking

sites. It aims to point out the effects it poses to student’s daily lives. In order to provide

much help, this study would like to give enlightenment to the said problem. This study

would like to provide, through this research, information about the impact of using social

media to student that would hopefully lead to a realization of their own standing in terms

of social media addiction. It would also like to give a certain form of guidance to those

who are facing in this kind of situations that mentioned. Lastly, it would like to provide

evidences that would prove and support on controlling the usage of social networking sites,

thus reducing the risk of assimilating such addicting activities.

The Institution would be benefactor of this study. The school admin, teachers and

school head would able to guide the students from being aware on how to use social media

in proper manner. Therefore, the knowledge about using social media can be used in the

right aspects.

The parents also benefited as they could lessen their children in using too much

social media. In this case, as they guide their children they can prevent the harm that can

affect the behavior of their children academically.

The student are also the benefactors of this study, they would be able to appreciate

the good objection of the research. They would find themselves harness using social media

that it has lot of negative benefactors.

Lastly, future researcher would benefit in this study. They would be able to gather

ideas and valuable sources from the investigation of the effects of using social media to the

academic behavior.

Scope and Delimitation

This study determined the effects of social media to the academic performance of

Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management students at Christian College of

Tanauan during the academic year 2017-2018. The study also focuses how the social media

can really affect the academic behavior of the students.

The respondents were chosen for they involved of using social media. The

respondent’s personal variables include age, gender, section, strands and hours of using the

social media. The effects of using social media to the academic behavior of the Grade 12

students were identified among the respondents through the administered researcher-made

questionnaire. The responses obtained from the respondents were analyzed and correlated

to their profile. Also the researchers used the quantitative type of research.

This study used by the respondents in their capability to use social media and the

effect of it to the academic behavior of the students but only be limited to their responses

in the questionnaire that was administered. This study only covered the data gathered from

the respondents.

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