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NRSG367: Transition to Professional Nursing


Assessment Title Assessment 2:. Written Assignment/Case Study

Transitioning to professional practice is a critical phase for the novice Registered
Nurse. Managing professional role requirements, organisational technologies
and team dynamics while on shift can be challenging. This is often accompanied
by changed personal circumstances, with graduates balancing shift work,
working full time and socialization with friends and family.
The case study identifies potential challenges for new graduates and provides
opportunity to propose evidence-based recommendations to address these
Written assignment/Case study addressing potential challenges for new
graduates and providing opportunity to propose evidence-based
recommendations to address these problems.

Due Date Week 12, Thursday 28th October, 2021

Time Due 9am

Weighting 50%

Length 1800 words +/- 10% (includes intext citations, excludes reference list)

Assessment Rubric Appendix B in NRSG367 EUO

LOs Assessed LO 1, LO2, LO 3, LO 4, LO 5 & LO 6

Critically analyse the provided case study to answer all of the following
three questions within an essay format:
1. Determine and justify whether the graduate RN met (or did not meet) their role
and responsibilities as an RN during this shift. Provide at least two (2) case
study examples and support your discussion using evidence, including Nursing
and Midwifery Board Australia (NMBA) Registered Nurse Practice Standards
(2016). (LO1 & LO3)
2. Construct at least three (3) recommendations as to how the Graduate RN
could have undertaken this shift differently. Consider in your discussion the
knowledge, skills and attitudes inherent in the RN role, including utilisation of
technology and teamwork skills, and justify your discussion with evidence. (LO2,
3, 5 & 6)
3. Transitioning from student to Graduate Registered Nurse can be difficult.
Construct and analyse at least two (2) evidence-based strategies that would
support the Graduate RN’s work life balance and promote resilience during the
transition period, (LO3, 4, 5).

This assessment must be submitted via Turnitin through LEO. Multiple

submissions can be made up until the due date for the assessment (please note
that there can be a 24-48 hour lock out period between each submission).
Resubmissions are NOT permitted after the due date.

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NRSG367: Transition to Professional Nursing


File format .doc or .docx (not .pdf files)

Margins 2.54cm, all sides

Font and size 11-point Calibri or Arial

Spacing Double spacing

Paragraph Aligned to left margin, indent first line of each paragraph 1.27cm

Title, student name, student number, unit, LIC name, due date, word count, no
Title Page page number on title page. (14-point Calibri or Arial)

Level 1 Heading Centered, bold, capitalize each word (14-point Calibri or Arial)

Level 2 Headings Flush left, bold, capitalize each word (12-point Calibri or Arial)

Structure Written academic essay; (third person)

Direct quotes Always require page number. No more than 10% of WC in direct quotes
Header Page number top right corner (9 point Calibri or Arial)

Footer Name _ Student Number_ Assessment _ Unit _ Year (9 point Calibri or Arial)


Referencing Style APA 7th

Minimum References 18-20 references (equivalent to 1 reference per 100 words)

Published in the last 5-8 years, critical consideration of reference

Age of References appropriateness expected.

List Heading “References” is centered, bold, on a new page. (14 point Calibri or Arial)

Alphabetical Order References are arranged alphabetically by author family name

Hanging Indent Second and subsequent lines of a reference have a hanging indent

DOI Presented as functional hyperlink

Spacing Double spacing the entire reference list, both within and between entries


Late penalties will be applied from 9:01am on the 28th October 2021,
incurring 5% penalty of the maximum marks available up to a maximum of
Late Penalties Assessment tasks received more than three calendar days after the due or
extended date will not be allocated a mark.
NRSG367_ Assessment Task 2: Written Assignment/Case Study _ © Australian Catholic University 2021 _ Page 2 of 3
NRSG367: Transition to Professional Nursing

An assignment is submitted 12 hours late and is initially marked at 60 out of 100.
A 5% penalty is applied (5% of 100 is 5 marks). Therefore, the student receives
55 out of 100 as a final mark.

Penalty Timeframe Penalty Marks Deducted

9:01 am Thursday to 9 am Friday 5% penalty 5 marks
9:01am Friday to 9am Saturday 10% penalty 10 marks
9:01am Saturday to 9am Sunday 15% penalty 15 marks
Received after 9:01 Sunday No mark allocated n/a

Marks will be generally returned in three weeks; if this is not obtainable, you will
Return of Marks be notified via your campus LEO forum.

Marks for the final assessment (assessment two) of this unit will be withheld until
Final Assignment after grade ratification and grade release in December 2021

Assessment template project informed by ACU student forums, ACU Librarians and the Academic Skills Unit.

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