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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give a student opportunity to apply relevant knowledge and
to think critically about characteristics of a family business management. This perspective is important,
because without some practical application, there is a risk that we inappropriately abstract an issue that
ultimately has a lot to do with the choices of family members, owners as well as managers. It equally helps
to avoid that we underestimate the idea on how the family complexity can influence the business, and how
the appropriate structural development can positively increase the stability of the family company.

Format: The format of the paper should be text and bibliography of sources used. The paper should be
written in PDF document, Times New Roman, double-spaced, font 12, no more than 1200 words excluding
bibliography. Length is not a virtue and student should think how to make the document short as well as
clear and concise. The assignment is expected to be written in the following format: Title page with student’s
personal information/name, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion and References. Grammar, spelling and
punctuation count, so use the tools necessary to correct these aspects before handing in assignments;
Handwritten assignments will not be accepted.

Academic honesty: This is an individual assignment; While you may seek help from your peer in
understanding the assignment, the core of the work should be your own. Academic honesty is not only an
ethical issue but also the foundation of scholarship. Cheating and plagiarism are the breaches of academic
integrity. If you refer to someone else's work, appropriate references and citations must be provided. In your
paper feel free to choose the referencing style, however be consistent throughout your work.

Due date: before or on the session 7. Please upload your PDF file to the Teams under the tab “Individual
Assignments”. Your written work will be discussed and evaluated in class.

To be completed by the professor/assessor:

Final grade: __________ / 100%

Academic year: 2021 - 2022

Academic quarter: Fall
Academic term: Term A
Campus: Multiple
Course code: MAN2002
Course name: Family Business Management
Professor: Dr Jozo Niskota
Assignment type: individual assignment

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This assignment assesses the following Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO):

• Student’s critical thinking and ability to analyse a successful family business management in the
contemporary business environment;
• Student’s theoretical knowledge of family business models and an understanding of the connection
among the structured business framework, the family complexity and the business complexity;
• The academic writing, student’s capability to communicate the arguments through paragraphs, the
use of referencing throughout the paper and the list of relevant literature at the end of the paper.

The analysis will be made of a family company of student’s choice. However, the family business shall be
successful and ethical. Student should demonstrate to have carefully analyzed a family company through
the perspective of the appropriate family business models discussed in class. To help in the creation of the
assignment, there will be available the book – Family business models: practical solutions for the family
business, by A. Gimeno (2014). Besides, the class lecture notes with relevant slides will be available to all
students. The assignment is expected to be written in the following sequence: Title (Individual Assignment
– The Analysis of Family Business Management); Student’s information (full name); Introduction (a short
paragraph with an overview of the company); The Key Findings (a few paragraphs with the analysis of the
family business; the focus shall be on the structure development as well as the interaction between the
family complexity and business complexity); Conclusion and References (as much as you need).
Please write carefully. You will be graded for your conceptual clarity, writing style and your ability to
respect the suggested word limit. Student should demonstrate to have carefully elaborated elements of the
efficient FBM and will suggest a view about the expected future progress of the company.

Note to students: You will have some degree of flexibility in deciding how best to combine your findings
into your group assignment, so keep this in the back of your mind as you move forward with this first

The following assignment questions do not need to be answered separately one by one; They mostly serve
to give you an idea about the important elements in family business management, or what you should keep
in mind when creating your individual paper. The following questions might help you to concentrate on the
main issues. What are the principal characteristics of the structural development in the company you have
analysed? In your opinion, which of those characteristics would be useful for the company in the future?
What would you identify as specific indicators of the family complexity and what are the indicators of the
business complexity in the company you have analysed? Is there a balance created between family
complexity and business complexity? How important role has been given to the constitution and the
succession planning? How important are the innovation and the eco-sustainability for the company
success? What is the next family business model that is likely to be adopted in the future? What is the most
important take home lesson regarding the success of the family business management from your analysis?
What is your biggest surprise from this assignment?

The evaluation of the outcome will be given according to the following criteria: critical thinking (40% of the
grade), the knowledge of the basic concepts (40%) and the academic writing / use of referencing (20%).
Papers that are not referenced will automatically receive a failing grade; Please refer to the Student Guide
for further applicable general and academic policies.

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