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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Bayambang, Pangasinan
by Embark Social
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Responsible Use of Media and


3 Information


In Lesson 2, you have learned the definitions of Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy. The previous lesson also
explained that these three literacies all constitute, as a whole, what we call Media and Information Literacy – a combination of the skills
mentioned above.

However, media and information literacy is more than just definitions and words in a book. For it to be actually useful, like many other
skills, its concepts must be actualized through our actions and decisions. In this lesson, we will cover the different characteristics of a
media and information literate individual, the attributes of a responsible media user and competent media content producers.


Learning Competency
Discuss responsible use of media and information

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Identify the characteristics of a Media and Information Literate Individual;
2. Understand the characteristics of a responsible user and competent producers of media and information; and
3. Create a poster that will influence other people to be a responsible user and competent producer of media information.

What I Know: Pre-test

Direction: Analyze each statement. Write YES if you think the statement shows responsible use of media and information. Write NO if you
think otherwise. Place your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Pedro checks the truthfulness of the news he sees online by looking into other news outlets for the same content.
2. Fred Facebook friend sent him through FB messenger a forwarded message about an upcoming 7.8 earthquake in their locality. Rattled,
he also forwarded the unverified message to his family’s group chats, warning them of such quake.
3. Bea and her research group mates utilize Google Drive to work on their study.
4. Iza helps her local barangay in their campaign against COVID-19 by designing posters of local emergency hotlines and fast facts about
the novel coronavirus.
5. A friend sent me a video of a scandal from Facebook. Curious as to who are those people in the said video, I also sent it to several of
my friends
6. Rebecca validates the source of a Facebook post before she shares it.
7. Dina uses YouTube crash courses to complement her learning in school.
8. Erika believes that print media like newspapers and books are useless today because everything may already found on the Internet.
9. Mark cites Wikipedia in his research study because he considers anything on the Internet true and credible.
10. Andrew Photoshopped a false quotation beside a celebrity, published it on social media, and claimed it to be true.

Activity #1: News Evaluation
Direction: Analyze the following news item and identify which of the following provides real story.

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Over 70% of youth report use of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, and the list of possible
platforms continues to expand. The majority of youth report using more than one social media platform. Social media use, and internet use
more generally, is a typical part of most youths’ daily lives. Supporting them in responsible use and navigation of various p latforms is
important for any supportive adults in their lives.

Before literacy just referred to the ability to read, write and count. Nowadays, we are being confronted with vast amount of information and
media messages delivered in all types and formats. So how we will be correctly informed now? To answer this query, let’s find the answer
through the following guide questions:

 What makes an individual literate in media and information?

 What activities/habits do you need to practice to become a media and information literate person?


1. A media and information literate individual is a CRITICAL THINKER.

Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to
believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking.

Photo Credit: by

2. A media and information literate individual knows how to protect himself/herself

and others on the internet.

3. A media and information literate

individual knows how to evaluate
the positive and negative effect
of media content


Photo Credit: by Educatorstechnology


Learning Module in Media and Information Literacy Module #3 Page 2 of 6

4. A media and information literate individual behaves properly on the internet.

The word NETIQUETTE is a combination of ’net’ (from internet) and ’etiquette’. It means respecting other
users’ views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussion groups.

Reasons why you need to become Media and Information Literate Person?
 To make informed decisions
 To learn about the world around them
 To build a sense of community
 To maintain public discourse, and
 To engage in lifelong learning

How to use social media RESPONSIBLY?

Social media tools such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are a part of everyday life. But using it poorly can cause lasting
damage to you and others.

What counts as IRRESPONSIBLE?

Any hurtful, defamatory, libelous or inappropriate in the physical world, it is online too. Irresponsible behavior can include:

a. making derogatory comments about individuals or organizations, even as a joke

b. sharing confidential information about others
c. sharing sexually explicit, racist, homophobic or inflammatory material
d. flaming or trolling – deliberately provoking arguments, or disruptive behavior
e. making allegations about others

There are two golden rules to follow.

 If you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face in a public place, don’t say it online.
 Don’t rely on privacy settings – anyone who can see your content can download it, copy it, take a screen shot and then share it


Your digital footprint is the data trail left by your interactions in the digital world. It’s a public record of:

 what you said

 what was said about you
 what you liked, retweeted or shared
 where you are or have been

This information is often used for marketing purposes and employer checks. It also makes it very easy for others to gather information on
you in order to impersonate or commit fraud. Less public, but something you need to remember is that there is also a record of

 what you’ve clicked on

 what you’ve searched for
 your IP address

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How to manage your digital identity?
With a few simple steps you can decide how others see you in the digital world – and protect your personal information. Here’s how.

On Facebook:

a. use settings that determine who sees your posts

b. set your timeline so only friends can see it
c. avoid making individual posts visible to ‘friends of friends’ and ‘public’
d. don’t share any personal details
e. remember, everyone may see which pages you like, so take care, and if in doubt – unlike
f. functionality and privacy settings often change, so check them regularly

On Twitter:

Consider your audience and your profile. You might want to use one account for professional or academic use, and
another for informal and personal use.

 name accounts intelligently

 monitor your followers list regularly
 think before you tweet, and remember that you can make your account private

On LinkedIn:

 remember it’s a professional environment

 don’t link to personal Facebook or Twitter accounts without good reason
 set your profile to private until you’re ready to share it – it’ll be public by default

Whichever social media tool you’re using, keep to these principles:

1. Think about your privacy, but remember, ‘private’ settings don’t prevent content being downloaded.
2. Think about how your use of social media makes you appear to others.

What will your strategy be?

You can make conscious decisions about the way you portray yourself, which will help decide what your digital footprint looks like.

Remember to:

 think about what you want your social media use to say about you
 consider what you want to achieve, and which tools would be best for the job
 keep your personal and professional identities separate
 check security settings regularly
 communicate positively, not negatively
 choose quality over quantity
 Google yourself regularly
 untagged yourself from photos or posts that could show you in a negative way

Make sure you don’t:

 use social media to complain or vent frustrations

 share personal pictures or information that will reflect badly on you
 announce when you’re on holiday (and leaving your home empty)
 express concerns about others, even if you think you are anonymous
 connect with people you don’t personally know, or at least without there being a purpose for the connection
 forget to log out of shared machines


Activity #2: Short Answer

Direction: Complete the sentence stem below.

1. What are the characteristics of Media and Information Literate Person?

2. Why do you need to become Media and Information Literate Person?
3. How to use social media responsibly?

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Activity #3: Media Habits, Lifestyles, and Preferences Performance Task: Project
Direction: Create a POSTER (digital/hand drawn) that will influence other people to be
a responsible user and competent producer of media information. Submit your final
output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put your output using long coupon bond

MESSAGE: Be a responsible user and competent producer of media information.

MEDIUM: Digital poster or manual drawing (to be printed/put in long coupon bond
Photo Credits:
MATERIALS / TOOLS: by Thomas Galvez
 Web tool: Canva ( etc..
 Photo editing software or applications
 Computer
 Smartphone Camera
 Pencil
 Coloring material
 Coupon Bond
 Printer

Note: If you will use digital content don’t forget to cite credit for borrowed materials (i.e. image, design, etc.)

Topics that can be considered but not limited to…

 Anti- Bullying Campaign
 Campaign Against Cyberbullying
 Be Safe in Cyberspace
 Media Message Analysis (Critical Thinking)
 Think Before You Click
 No to Plagiarism
 Proper Behavior on the Internet (Netiquette)

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following describe the importance of being a Media and Information Literate?
A. Make informed decisions B. Build a sense of community C. Maintain public discourse D. All of the choices

2. The following describe the characteristics of a Media and Information Literate person, Except:
A. Behaves properly on the internet B. Knows how to evaluate the positive and negative effect of media content
C. Protect only himself/herself on the internet D. All of the choices

3. Which of the following represents the characteristics of a person with netiquette?

A. Respects other users’ views B. Display common courtesy when posting views online
C. Both A and B D. None of the choices

4. It is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe.
A. Critical thinking B. Rationalism C. Subjective thinking D. Understanding

5. What do you uphold if you behave properly on the Internet?

A. Critical thinking B. Netiquette C. Media literacy D. Technology Literacy

6. It is the data trail left by your interactions in the digital world.

A. Communication B. Digital Footprint C. Netiquette D. None of the choices

7. Which of the following ways will let you manage your digital identity?
A. Use settings that determine who sees your posts B. Set your timeline so only friends can see it
C. Share personal details D. Both A and B

8. Which of the following things must be considered to protect your personal information in the digital world?
A. Avoid making individual posts visible to ‘friends of friends’ and ‘public’ B. Monitor your followers list regularly
C. Name accounts intelligently D. All of the choices

9. Which of the following shows irresponsible use of social media?

A. Sharing confidential information about others B. Sharing sexually explicit materials
C. Making allegations about others D. All of the choices

10. Which of the following is NOT a social media tool?

A. Facebook B. Instagram C. Messenger D. Twitter
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Activity #4: Being a Responsible Media Creator and Consumer

Direction: Using your knowledge on the responsible use of media and information. As a responsible media creator and consumer, how
would you respond or act in the following situations below? Submit your final output, with your FULL NAME and SECTION. Put your output
using yellow pad paper or print it using long coupon bond (8.5x13).

1. You received a forwarded message with an unknown original source about how eating raw eggs and gargling water with salt ki lls the
COVID-19 virus. The message claims it is confirmed by the World Health Organization but you have never heard news of it from huge
media networks. What would you do?
2. The shutdown of media company ABS-CBN has been the hottest issue in the previous months. As such, you post your opinion about
the issue on Facebook. However, a Facebook friend, whom you know by name but is not friends with, comments on your status strongly
disagreeing with your opinion. What would you do?
3. A video scandal of two teenage students has been circulating in social media. Unknowingly, one of your schoolmates forwarded such
video in one of your GCs. Being the talk of the town, another schoolmate messaged you asking if you have a copy of the said video
scandal. What will you do?
4. In your research group, you were tasked to write the Review of Related Literature. As you browse the web, you have stumbled upon
many books and articles that you may use for your review of related literature. How would you manage all the information you have?
5. As you are scrolling through your newsfeed, you come across a news article from a certain unfamiliar website. You wanted to share the
news article but hesitated as to its truthfulness. How would you verify its validity?


Before literacy just referred to the ability to read, write and count. Nowadays, we are being confronted with vast amount of
information and media messages delivered in all types and formats. The skills to interpret, decode and even create media
messages become a core literacy to thrive in the Information or Digital Age. This is called as the Media and Information


Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa

news daily in Cebu) dated August 08, 2015
Times also found out the photo used by the website was taken from Sunstar (a 10. N 5. N 10. C 5. B
drug den in Cebu. The photo was originally shot by Alan Tangcawan. The Filipino 9. N 4. Y 9. D 4. A
not a priest, but a certain police officer who was caught sniffing shabu inside a
8. N 3. Y 8. D 3. C
quashed this malicious information last year. The man covered with black cloth is
7. Y 2. N 7. D 2. C
story. It was first reported last March 2017. The town of Alcantara had already
Fact check: News item #2 contains the real story. This is exactly a year-old hoax 6. Y 1. Y 6. B 1. D

Activity #1 Pre-test Post-test

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