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With the development of online media, there is no future for the radio.
To what extent do you agree?
As digital media proliferate,  traditional radio stations are thought to have no future. I
believe the radio will not become a relic of the past but will remain popular because of
its adaptation to today’s demands of the audience and widespread availability
which is critical in emergencies.
Despite the popularity of online media platforms, the radio is and will remain popular as
it has adapted to tastes of the newer generations. To retain its positions in media, the
traditional radio has absorbed new technologies such as online radio stations. Spotify
is just one example of such adaptation which is a digital music, podcast, and video
service that gives access to millions of songs and other content. In addition to
absorbing new features, today’s  radio stations cater for needs and preferences of
many. For this purpose, many specific niches have emerged in this industry,  for
example, stations broadcasting various styles of music such as rock or rap, and
educational content like TED radio. As such, now the radio can satisfy different tastes,
retaining existing fans and attracting new ones
Over-the-air radio stations will not cease to exist as they are the only source of
information in case of emergencies. Despite the proliferation of digital media, there
are still areas in the world where traditional radios are still the only means of receiving
information. In such territories, if natural disasters disrupt access to the Internet,
without the radio many people will be deprived of the information that can save their
lives. Indonesia is a prime example of a country that is regularly devastated by
earthquakes that can destroy all systems of communication. This makes the Internet-
based media unreliable compared to the radio which can withstand such risks.
In conclusion, just because online media is rapidly developing, it does not necessarily
mean that the traditional radio broadcasting will fall into oblivion. Apart from being
adaptive to keep up with the demands of today’s listeners, the coverage of the radio
cannot be rivalled by digital media which makes it indispensable in case of

IELTS Speaking Topic "Radio"

Part1: Television and Radio

What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV or radio? (Why?)
How are radio programs and television programs different?
What programs do you like to watch/listen to?
When do you watch TV/listen to the radio?

Part 2: Describe a radio program/show that you find interesting.

You should say:

 what it is about
 which radio station broadcasts it
 how often you listen to it

and explain why you find it interesting.

IELTS Portfolio: Practice vs Theory

Покажу как хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Practice vs Theory , чтобы
потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Theoretical vs Practical Knowledge 
Theoretical Knowledge Vs Practical Application 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
meet today’s requirements - соответствовать сегодняшним требованиям
create a stronger base of knowledge - создать более прочную базу знаний
possess relevant expertise - обладать актуальными знаниями
keep up with the times - идти в ногу со временем
reflect current knowledge - отражать текущие знания
in the here and now - здесь и сейчас
be outdated - быть устаревшим
rapidly evolving industry - быстро развивающаяся отрасль
become obsolete - устареть
shifting focus from theory to practice - переключение внимания с теории на практику
solid theoretical base - прочная теоретическая база
practice-oriented learning - практико-ориентированное обучение
holistic approach - Целостный подход
hands-on experience - практический опыт
apply for practical purposes - применять для практических целей
promote experiential learning - продвигать экспериментальное обучение
4. на основе этой лексики вы можете написать эссе (без проверки), пример моего
эссе ниже.
In the modern world, more and more emphasis is being placed on the acquisition
of practical skills rather than knowledge from text books or other sources.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
These days, acquiring practical skills is prioritized to theoretical knowledge from printed
or other resources. Even though skills acquired through practice meet today’s
requirements, it is theory learnt from books that creates a stronger base of
Prioritizing practical skills over theoretical knowledge helps possess relevant
expertise. This is because, in some areas, books cannot keep up with the times,
therefore, they may not reflect current knowledge. While practical training, one
acquires skills that meet today’s requirements and can be applied in the here and now,
whereas skills and knowledge gained while studying books in some fields may be
outdated, and therefore, of little if any value. IT is just one example of such a rapidly
evolving industry driven by innovations, where knowledge becomes obsolete
practically every day, making studying from books largely irrelevant. Hence, in this field,
it is the acquisition of up-to-date practical skills that is necessary.
However, shifting focus from theory to practice may result in limited knowledge that
can be applied only in limited settings. Not having a solid theoretical base, one can
lack a full picture to be able to adapt to changing or just new working environments.
This is because practice-oriented learning is usually based on real cases which only
represent part of possible issues one can face without showing all possible scenarios. In
contrast, learning from books equips one with more holistic approach which helps
learners meet whatever challenges they face.
In conclusion, even though being more relevant, mere practical skills may limit learners
to operating only in familiar settings, while solid theoretical background provides a
strong base for applying knowledge in various environments.

IELTS Speaking Topic "Skills"

Part2 Cue Card

Describe a skill (for example, driving, speed reading etc.) you have learned successfully

You should say:

what skill you have learned
why you learned it
who helped you learn it

and explain what helped you to become good at the skill.

IELTS Portfolio: School Uniform

Покажу как хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: School Uniform , чтобы
потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Should school uniforms be compulsory? 
School uniforms dangerously limitstudents individualism 
Do school uniforms affect a child's individuality? 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
be abolished - быть отмененным
infringe upon students' right to express their individuality - ущемляют право студентов
на выражение своей индивидуальности
free choice of clothing - свободный выбор одежды
promote students’ well-being - способствовать благополучию студентов
promote a sense of independent thought - способствовать развитию чувства
независимой мысли
prevent students from demonstrating their individuality - не позволять студентам
демонстрировать свою индивидуальность
have a unique set of qualities - обладать уникальным набором качеств
be deprived of an opportunity to set oneself apart from others - быть лишенным
возможности выделиться среди других 
lose touch with their inner selves - терять связь с внутренним я
disengage from independent thinking - отстраниться от независимого мышления
stifle freedom of thought - задушить свободу мысли
4. на основе этой лексики вы можете написать эссе (без проверки), пример моего
эссе ниже.
Many people believe that school uniforms stop children from expressing their
personality and individuality. Therefore, uniforms should be banned and children
be allowed to wear what they want. Do you agree or disagree?
It is believed that school uniforms should be abolished as they infringe upon
students' right to express their individuality. I agree with this as free choice of
clothing can promote students’ well-being and a sense of independent thought.
School uniforms should be banned as it could prevent students from demonstrating
their individuality through their outfits which can negatively affect their mental well-
being. Everyone has a unique set of qualities with clothes being part of this identity as
what we wear gives off signals of who we are. However, uniforms must be bought with
certain colors and lengths in mind, where even slight deviations demonstrating
students’ individuality are not allowed. As a result, students are deprived of an
opportunity to set themselves apart from others by showing their personality, which
can make students lose touch with their inner selves. Ultimately, emotional reaction
to this can increase the chances of depression forming over time.
‘Sameness’ of uniforms may actually disengage some children from independent
thinking which is fundamental for self-expression. This is because uniforms stifle
freedom of thought, sending the message that being the same is positive and
something to be striven for, rather than a message that differences and out-of-the box
thinking should be valued. As such, uniforms emphasize conformity when students feel
pressure to conform to the norms imposed in fear of social rejection.
In conclusion, I believe that uniforms have no place at school and children should be
given freedom to choose what to wear. This is because visual representation through
dress is fundamentally important not only for students’ emotional and mental well-being
but also for their ability to think independently.
(270 words)

IELTS Speaking Topic "School Uniform"

Here are some of the questions asked:

Describe a uniform you wear (at your school or company).

You should say:

When you wear it?
Who bought it for you?
What does it look like?
How you feel about it?
Uniform – Speaking Part 3 Follow Up Questions
On what occasion should people wear uniforms?
Why should students wear uniforms?
Should companies ask employees about the design of their uniforms?
Can people tell someone’s personality by his or her clothes?
What color would catch people’s attention most?

IELTS Portfolio: ARTS

Покажу как хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: ARTS , чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Brain research shows the arts promote mental  health
How arts benefits us all, as humans
How arts can help improve your mental health
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на
Vocabulary list:
contribute to well-being - способствовать благополучию
foster mental, emotional and physical health - способствовать психическому,
эмоциональному и физическому здоровью
express emotions suppressed in real life - выражать эмоции, подавленные в
реальной жизни
bring emotional relieve of inner tension - принести эмоциональное снятие
внутреннего напряжения
give a safe outlet to negative emotions - дать выход негативным эмоциям
manage unhealthy emotions - управлять нездоровыми эмоциями
overcome traumatic experiences - преодолеть травматический опыт
boost resilience to illnesses - повысить сопротивляемость болезням
response to stressful stimuli - реакция на стрессовые раздражители
have immune system-boosting effects - обладают укрепляющим действием на
иммунную систему
give emotional relief - дать эмоциональное облегчение
turn to the arts - обратиться к искусству
seek a creative outlet - искать творческий выход
witness the mental benefits of an arts-rich life - стать свидетелем психологической
пользы от богатой искусством жизни
sustain sense of wellness - поддерживать чувство благополучия
build capacity for managing one’s mental and emotional well-being - развивать
способность управлять своим умственным и эмоциональным благополучием
4. на основе этой лексики вы можете написать эссе (без проверки), пример моего
эссе ниже.
Being involved in the arts makes people feel better.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The arts are believed to contribute to well-being and I agree this opinion as the arts
foster mental, emotional and physical health.
Being involved in the arts contributes to general mental and emotional well-being. By
participating in the arts, people can express emotions which are suppressed in their
real life which can bring emotional relieve of some inner tension. For example, arts
therapy such as music engagement, visual arts therapy, movement-based creative
expression can give a safe outlet to negative emotions through expressing them in
various forms of arts such as movement or colours. This can help people not only to
manage unhealthy emotions and feel better but also, in extreme cases, to overcome
traumatic experiences, be it military traumas or emotional abuse.
Apart from contributing to emotional well-being, the arts involvement promotes
physical health. Such activity enhances not only general physical well-being of those
involved into arts but is also known to boost their resilience to illnesses and the
ability to cope with them. This is because involvement in arts affects our brains in
complex ways, stimulating the limbic system and moderating our response to stressful
stimuli through releasing hormones such as dopamine. This is why music therapy,
for example, has immune system-boosting effects which can be seen on the
example of people participating in arts who are reported to be less exposed to such
diseases as respiratory infections
In conclusion, I strongly agree that the role of art involvement in making people happy is
vital. This is because it gives emotional relief and stimulates many systems of the
human body.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic "Art"

Here are some of the questions asked:

1. Describe the general purpose of art. Why do people enjoy art?

2. Do you think that art is as important as academic subjects when it comes to
educating children?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of art education?
4. Why do you think some people enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures and others
do not?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an artist?
6. Do you think that some people are naturally better artists than others?
7. What kind of art do you enjoy?
8. What are the traditional art forms in your country?
9. What makes a good painting?
10. Do you think children should study art at school?
11. How can children benefit from learning art?
12. How has art changed in the last few decades in your country?
13. Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?)
14. How do you think art classes affect children’s development?
15. What kind of paintings do people like?
16. What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?
17. How often do you visit art galleries?
18. What kinds of things do you like to draw?
19. Is it easy to learn how to draw?
20. Do you like art?
21. Do people in your country prefer music over art?
22. Are older people more interested in art than younger people?
23 Should the government provide support for art and cultural activities?

IELTS Portfolio: Waste created by humans



Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Waste created by humans ,

чтобы потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.

Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Consumerism, Mass Extinction and our Throw-
Away Society

Repair, reuse, recycle: how Britain is tackling throwaway culture 

2. конспектируете основные мысли

3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
ever-increasing consumption of goods - постоянно растущее потребление товаров
encouraging sustainable consumer behaviour - поощрение устойчивого поведения
global mass production of goods - глобальное массовое производство товаров
short-term use - краткосрочное использование
non-biodegradable waste - не поддающиеся биологическому разложению отходы
promote the culture of reuse - продвигать культуру повторного использования
mundane consumption choices - обыденный выбор потребления
change people’s perception - изменить восприятие людей
individual tax incentives - индивидуальные налоговые льготы
global waste generation - глобальное образование отходов
lessen the strain on resources - уменьшить нагрузку на ресурсы
a resource consuming process - ресурсоемкий процесс
have a measurable impact - иметь измеримое влияние

4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.

It is generally agreed that the amount of rubbish created by humans today is a
worldwide problem.
What do you think are the main causes of this situation?
What measures can be used to tackle the problem?
Today's society has evolved into a remarkable waste producing machine which is a
global issue. This is primarily caused by ever-increasing consumption of goods
which can be addressed through encouraging sustainable consumer behaviour.
Consumerism has reached an all-time high, accelerating generation of waste. In today’s
throw-away society, goods are often bought today to go to the trash tomorrow to make
room for the new, improved versions. This is because global mass production of
goods has made them accessible and affordable for many, devaluing them to just
short-term use. This trend is a primary reason of accumulating often non-
biodegradable waste which worsens the situation with waste created by humans. On
average, today, an item of clothing is usually worn not more than 7 times before being
thrown away, while it takes not less than 50 years to decompose.
To reduce the impacts of goods we consume, government initiatives to promote
sustainable consumption can be introduced. In other words, authorities should
encourage consumer behaviour which is consistent with the environment by
promoting the culture of reuse. For this purpose, small, mundane consumption
choices that change people’s perception about shopping practices or purchasing
decisions can be stimulated and rewarded. For example, some individual tax
incentives can be introduced for those who buy clothes in second hand shops.
In conclusion, a global issue of increasing rubbish production caused by consumption
patterns influenced by consumerism can be addressed by encouraging sustainable

IELTS speaking Part 1 Questions about Rubbish or Garbage

1. How do you feel when you find rubbish on the roads?

2. Why do you believe that some people throw garbage in public places?
3. Do you try to recycle different things such as paper and plastic?
4. Have you ever helped to keep your town clean and tidy?

IELTS speaking Part 3 Questions:

1. Why do people throw waste material on roads?

2. How can the government encourage people to keep their city clean?
3. Do you think it is a good idea or bad idea to relocate factories far from cities?
4. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?
5. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?
6. IELTS Portfolio: Diversity at school
7. Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Diversity at school ,
чтобы потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and

8. Алгоритм такой:

9. Материалы для подготовки:

10. 5 Benefits of Teaching Diversity in Education 

11. Social diversity at school 

12. Mixed-Ability Classes: Factors, Challenges and Advantages  

13. 2. конспектируете основные мысли

14. 3. учите лексику по теме на



16. Vocabulary list:

17. encourage social diversity - поощрять социальное разнообразие

18. mixed-ability setting - обстановка смешанных способностей

19. children with different levels of proficiency - дети с разным уровнем владения

20. mixed-ability classes - смешанные классы

21. cater for the needs of all students - удовлетворить потребности всех

22. promote competition - продвигать конкуренцию

23. benefit academically weaker students - приносить пользу более слабым в

учебе студентам

24. improve learning outcomes - улучшить результаты обучения

25. be a drag on one's learning - быть тормозом в обучении

26. realize full implications - осознавать все последствия

27. encourage acceptance - поощрять принятие

28. socially disadvantaged backgrounds - социально неблагополучные слои


29. develope prejudice - развивать предрассудки

30. promote social diversity - продвигать социальное разнообразие

31. welcome disadvantaged students - приветствовать студентов из

неблагополучных семей

32. hinder academic progress - препятствовать академическому прогрессу

33. put academic social diversity policies into action - воплотить в жизнь политику
академического социального разнообразия

34. social segregation - социальная сегрегация

35. heterogeneous environment - неоднородная среда

36. _________________________________

37. 4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.

38. It is important to ensure that children with a wide range of abilities and
from a variety of social backgrounds mix with each other at school.

39. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

40. A classroom that includes learners with different abilities and from various social
groups is believed to be a necessity at school. In my opinion, learning at school
that encourages social diversity is beneficial as it prepares students for living
in today’s diverse society. However, a mixed-ability setting does not equally
benefit all students as it can fail to meet needs of children with different levels
of proficiency.

41. The learning environment in mixed-ability classes fails to cater for the needs
of all students. Classes that group children with different abilities promote
competition to push pupils to do better, which is more beneficial for
academically weaker students than their more capable classmates. This is
because the weak can improve their learning outcomes by trying to keep up
with the strong and competing with them. However, for more capable children,
such heterogeneous environment can be a drag on their learning as they are
not challenged enough to realize their full potential.

42. Studying with children from a variety of social backgrounds can encourage
acceptance essential in our diverse society. This is because such a setting
allows students to empathize with people different from themselves since they
are more aware of the experiences they may face . As a result, students can
become more tolerant and open-minded towards children with socially
disadvantaged backgrounds which may prevent students from developing
prejudices towards them later in life.  Hence, by promoting social diversity
policies in the classroom, school prepares students to become better citizens in
their communities.

43. In conclusion, I believe that it is highly important for educational establishments

to welcome both socially advantaged and disadvantaged students as this
can foster acceptance essential for their later life. However, bringing to the
table a wide range of abilities benefits weaker students more than their
academically stronger peers as it may hinder academic progress of the latter.

44. IELTS Portfolio: Tourism

45. Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Tourism, чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.

46. Алгоритм такой:

47. Материалы для подготовки:  

48. Tourism Benefits The Country

49. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism

50. 2. конспектируете основные мысли

51. 3. учите лексику по теме на



53. Vocabulary list:

54. heavily rely on tourism - сильно полагаться на туризм

55. a key source of income - ключевой источник дохода

56. a source of numerous problems - источник множества проблем

57. strong economic driver - сильный экономический драйвер

58. pose an implicit threat to the environment - представляют неявную угрозу для
окружающей среды

59. make up a lion’s share of the national income - составляют львиную долю
национального дохода

60. seasonal income - сезонный доход

61. profitable industry - прибыльная отрасль

62. be exposed to pollution - подвергаться загрязнению

63. struggle to deal with the increased tourist traffic - бороться с увеличившимся
туристическим потоком

64. behave responsively - вести себя ответственно

65. profit-maximizing tourist industry - максимизирующая прибыль туристическая

66. strain the environment - напрягать окружающую среду

67. reverse harm caused by an increased flow of tourists - обратить ущерб,

причиненный увеличившимся потоком туристов

68. provide economic incentives - обеспечивать экономические стимулы

69. regenerate the local history - возродить местную историю

70. promote environmental awareness - продвигать экологическое сознание

71. deplete natural resources - истощать природные ресурсы

72. _________________________________

73. 4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.

74. Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to

many countries, but its disadvantages should not be overlooked. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

75. At present, many countries heavily rely on tourism as a key source of their
income; however, this can also be a source of numerous problems. In my
opinion, even though the tourist industry is a strong potential economic driver
in many regions, it can still pose an implicit threat to the tourists attractions and
their environment which should be taken into account.

76. Tourism brings money that can make up a lion’s share of the national income
in developing countries. Transporting, providing accommodation and entertaining
tourists, not to mention the local craft industry that are the source of finances for
many areas where other spheres of business and production has not been
sufficiently developed. Even though the income generated is usually seasonal, it
can still help to make a living provided that  locals have learned how to manage
their finances to ensure that they take into consideration the seasonality.  For
instance, the tourist sector of Thailand is reported to bring more than a half of
their national income, by far outnumbering their fledgling local industry.

77. However profitable the tourist industry is, the scale of damage it causes to
natural tourist attractions should not be underestimated, therefore, a part of its
revenue should be allocated to address these issues. Being constantly exposed
to pollution, noise and erosion, these natural spots struggle to deal with the
increased tourist traffic without funding necessary preventive measures. Even
though many tourists may behave responsively, some may litter public places,
cause forest fires and, consequently, the loss of natural habitats of local species.
A prime example is Bali, where local beaches suffered an alarming decline in the
turtle population caused by a huge influx of visitors. However, after a share of
income coming from tourism was allocated to the recovery of their natural
habitat, the population of these indigenous species recovered to the figures of
the pre-tourist age.

78. In conclusion, I believe that the extent profit-maximizing tourist industry

strains the environment has to be financially compensated by allocating funds
to prevent or reverse harm caused by an increased flow of
tourists.Therefore, I strongly agree that any consequential negative aspects
must be taken into consideration.

79. IELTS Portfolio: Gender Equality

81. Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio:Gender Equality, чтобы
потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
82. Алгоритм такой:
83. 1. читаете статью Capability And Not Gender Determines Leadership 
84. Смотрите (Ted Talk) Leadership Has No Gender 
85. 2. конспектируете основные мысли
86. 3. учите лексику по теме на
89. Vocabulary list:
90. succeed as business leaders - преуспеть как лидеры бизнеса
91. equally capable of managing - быть в равной степени способным управлять
92. time out of the workforce - перерыв в работе
93. fall behind their male counterparts - отставать от своих коллег-мужчин
94. primary requirement for top positions - основное требование для высших
95. fulfill duties a job implies - выполнять обязанности, подразумеваемые
96. leadership is gender neutral - лидерство нейтрально с гендерной точки
97. leadership roles - руководящие роли
98. exhibit masculine traits - проявлять мужские черты
99. beget one's respect at work - вызывать уважение на работе
100. be stereotyped by one's gender - быть стереотипным по своему полу
101. be prerogative of just men - быть прерогативой только мужчин
102. belong exclusively to women - принадлежать исключительно женщинам
103. _________________________________
104. 4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
105. Some people think that managerial posts are more suitable for men.
Others think that given the opportunity women can be successful
106. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
107. Top positions are sometimes believed to suit male managers more than
females, while there are those who think that women can succeed as business
leaders as well as men.  Even though women are sometimes thought to be less
suitable for managing positions due to having less experience, in my opinion,
women are equally capable of managing as success at leading positions is
defined not by gender but rather by leader’s expertise.
108. Admittedly, males are traditionally believed to be more suitable for leading
positions as they tend to be more experienced. This is because women are more
likely than men to leave the workforce temporarily to give birth and then stay at
home to raise children. This time out of the workforce mean that those women
fall behind their male counterparts. Therefore, since being experienced is a
primary requirement for top positions, men are believed to be preferable for
such jobs. However, today’s maternity leave is often shared between parents
which mitigates this difference in experience.
109. Women at leading position can be a great asset to a company as they are
equally capable of managing. Business leadership has no gender as managing
skills are defined by individual talents, skills and education rather than qualities
attributed to feminine or masculine traits. Hence, provided that men and women
have the same educational and professional background, they can be equally
successful as managers. If a position requires, for example, experience in
managing large teams or making presentations in front of large audiences, any
manager meeting these requirements can successfully fulfill duties this job
implies, regardless of their gender.
110. In conclusion, even though males are often stereotypically believed to
be more experienced, thus, more suitable for leading positions, I believe that
leadership is gender neutral. It is capability rather than gender that determines
successful managers.
111. IELTS Portfolio: Paying Taxes

112. Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Paying Taxes,

чтобы потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and
113. Алгоритм такой:
114. 1. читаете статьи

115. 3 Reasons Why is it Important for Every Citizen to Pay Taxes

116. The Importance Of Taxes

117. 2. конспектируете основные мысли

118. 3. учите лексику по теме на 
120. Vocabulary list:
121. duty towards society - долг перед обществом
122. liability - обязанность
123. social obligation - социальная обязанность
124. contribute one's fair share - вносить свою справедливую долю
125. ensure well-being - обеспечить благополучие
126. primary civil responsibility - основная гражданская ответственность
127. be formed on the basis of tax revenue - формироваться на основе
налоговых поступлений
128. comply with tax obligation - соблюдать налоговые обязательства
129. flourishing community - процветающее сообщество
130. law-obedient tax payer - законопослушные налогоплательщики
131. compulsory contribution - обязательный взнос
132. _________________________________
133. 4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
134. Some people believe that paying taxes is their only duty while others
believe that is only part of their responsibly towards society. Discuss both
views and give your ow opinion.
135. While tax contributions is a person’s only duty towards society, there are
those who believe that this liability is only one of many social obligations. In
my opinion, every citizen is obliged to contribute their fair share, both
financially and personally, to ensure well-being of their neighbourhood.
136. Admittedly, paying taxes is a primary civil responsibility of each
individual inasmuch as this is essential to maintain amenities necessary for
society. This is because public facilities are funded, for the most part, through
governmental budget which, in turn, is formed on the basis of tax revenue. As
such, complying with tax obligation appears to be part and parcel of a
flourishing community. A prime example is Germany, known for its law-
obedient tax payers, where the well-run public infrastructure is entirely funded
with their compulsory contributions.
137. However, being a civil liability, tax paying is not more than an arm’s
length contribution which does not include emotional involvement into the well-
being of one’s neighbours. If citizens limit their responsibility towards community
with just formal monetary contribution, they gain legal, but not moral right to stay
indifferent to needs of their neighbourhood. Hence, this indifference may lead, in
the long run, to an impersonally governed society where no one is personally and
emotionally involved into the management process, which is not enough for a
healthy society.
138. In conclusion, considering the wellbeing of neighbours, citizenry should
not narrow their civil responsibilities to just paying compulsory taxes. This means
that even provided an individual is eligible to tax reduction, they are still morally
obliged to make personal contributions that ensure their neighbours’ well-being.

IELTS Portfolio: Contacting Aliens

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Contacting Aliens, чтобы потом
вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи

Debating the search for alien life (короткая)

Impact of extraterrestrial contact (long-read)

2. конспектируете основные мысли

3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
alien life - инопланетная жизнь
alerting aliens to our existence - предупреждение инопланетян о нашем
contact extraterrestrial forms - связаться с внеземными формами
bring technologies enhancing our life - принести технологии, улучшающие нашу
searching life beyond the Earth - поиск жизни за пределами Земли
pose a threat to our existence - представляют угрозу нашему существованию
contact hostile aliens - контактировать с враждебными инопланетянами
highly-evolved intelligent life-forms - высокоразвитые разумные формы жизни
have malicious intent - иметь злой умысел
release a gennie from the bottle - выпустить джинни из бутылки
unpredictable consequences - непредсказуемые последствия
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Some scientists think that there are intelligent life forms on other planets and
messages should be sent to contact them. Other scientists think it is a bad idea
and would be dangerous. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
While it is sometimes believed that alien life that potentially exists on other planets
should be contacted, others warn against doing this. Even though alerting aliens to
our existence might be asking for trouble, I believe that this is highly unlikely. In my
opinion, we should try to contact extraterrestrial forms as they can bring
technologies enhancing our life.
Searching life beyond Earth can pose a threat to our existence as if it turns out that
we are not alone in the universe,  we could contact hostile aliens who can attack us. If
they can receive our messages, they can be potentially advanced enough, being our
level of development or higher. Therefore, if such developed creatures misunderstand
our peaceful intentions, they may see Earthlings as a threat and decide to come and
destroy Earth. However, aggression is not likely to be their main characteristic as they
have figured out a way to manage their civilization for periods long enough to achieve
the level of development needed for decoding our signals.
Attempts to contact aliens are worthwhile as it can bring knowledge of the science and
technology of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization that will accelerate the ability to
live quality lives on Earth. In case extraterrestrials are significantly more technologically
advanced than we are on Earth today, they can share technologies and innovations
improving life here on Earth. For instance, highly-evolved intelligent life-forms may
teach humankind new agricultural technologies that can boost harvests to feed the
growing population or share formulas of more sustainable fuels that do not pollute air.
Provided our levels of development are similar, we can still exchange information about
our achievements which can be mutually beneficial.
In conclusion, even though connecting with extraterrestrials that might have malicious
intent can be letting the genie out of the bottle with unpredictable consequences, I
strongly believe that making such contacts is essential as a great impact this can have
on our technological development compensates potential risks.

IELTS Portfolio: Сultural Globalization

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Сultural Globalization, чтобы

потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи
Globalization and culture (короткая)
Globalization and its Effect on Cultural Diversity (long-read)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
lack of awareness - недостаточная информированность
standardization of culture - стандартизация культуры
loss of cultural uniqueness - потеря культурной самобытности
cultural identity - культурная идентичность
erase boundaries and cultural differences - стирать границы и культурные различия
dominating western civilization - доминирующая западная цивилизация
neglect local traditions - пренебрегать местными традициями
homogeneous globalized culture - однородная глобализированная культура
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Nowadays some young people do not know much about the traditions and
culture of their country.
What can be the reason for this?
Is it a positive or negative development?
Lack of awareness of local culture among the young generation is a growing concern.
This alarming situation is primarily caused by standardization of culture around the
world, which can lead to such negative consequences as loss of cultural uniqueness
and cultural identity.
Today’s generation is disconnected from their culture because they are influenced by
cultural globalization. Living in the global village where boundaries and cultural
differences are erased, they are largely affected by the dominating western
civilization. As a natural result, teenagers tend to follow Western lifestyle and
traditions, neglecting local traditions. For example, not knowing Russian traditions,
many young people in our country celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day which has been
brought by American culture instead of Peter and Fevronia day which is the Day of
Family, Love and Faithfulness. Hence, westernization is a major reason why young
people are unaware of the traditions and culture of their country.
In this globalized world where local traditions are forgotten, cultural uniqueness can be
lost. Not knowing roots, young people tend to imitate others, thus many look alike, eat
alike and dress alike. This is the reason why beautiful traditional clothing is lost between
identical looks created by multinational brands while jeans and hoodies are seen
everywhere. The same food in New York or New Delhi is another example of this
negative trend when distinctive local cuisine is replaced by western dishes. All this
results in a homogeneous globalized culture where young people have no cultural
identity, feeling disconnected and rootless.
In conclusion, low awareness of local traditions is a natural but disturbing implication
caused by cultural homogenization that young people are largely exposed to. However,
neglecting one’s roots may create a standardized world where people and nations
have lost their uniqueness, having become mere clones of one another.

IELTS Portfolio: Computers in Education

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Computers in Education, чтобы

потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью How Technology Promotes Independent Learning?
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
make knowledge more accessible - сделать знания более доступными
negative impact on personal communication - негативное влияние на личное
deter students from using computers - удерживать студентов от использования
provide a vast array of material - предоставить широкий спектр материалов
become independent learners - стать независимыми учениками
access numerous resources - получить доступ к многочисленным ресурсам
deprive students of real human communication - лишить студентов настоящего
человеческого общения
engage a whole spectrum of verbal and non-verbal components - задействовать
целый спектр вербальных и невербальных компонентов
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Computers are becoming an essential part of education.
Discuss advantages & disadvantages and give your own opinion.
In recent years, computers have been used tremendously in schools and colleges.
Despite making knowledge more accessible for both teachers and students,
computers are often blamed for their negative impact on personal communication. In
my opinion, this impact should not deter students from using computers in
The internet has provided both students and teachers with access to more information
than ever before, making acquisition of knowledge easier and more accessible. In
today’s classes for both teachers and students a whole world of information is available,
some of which is interactive. The multimedia sources provide a vast array of material
that is ready to be used, demanding little preparation from the teacher. The teacher can
now focus on the subject content and how to present rather than making visual aids,
potentially fostering a higher caliber of class. In addition, students can become
independent learners, guided by their teachers. Present technology will let them
access numerous resources for the topic they want to learn. Being guided how to find
information on the web , student can easily find many sites, articles, documents and
lectures for their topic.
On the other hand, many feel that technologies in education can deprive students of
real human communication. Exchanging messages and emails through  the school
network is quick and effortless, but such interaction lacks depth. It is face-to-face
communication that engages a whole spectrum of verbal and non-verbal
components, ranging from emotions to body language which makes interaction more
meaningful. However, implementing computers in education does not necessarily mean
the prevalence of communicating through devices over face-to-face
communication. In contrast, this can only enrich personal communication, providing
new opportunities to stay in touch.
In conclusion, even though some can be concerned with possible degrading of personal
communication in the era of digitalized education, I believe that computers
immeasurably benefit both students and teachers by diversifying means of interaction
and providing quick access to many learning resources.

IELTS Portfolio: Celebrities in Media

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Celebrities in Media, чтобы

потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Celebrities In The Media
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
be in the public eye - быть на виду
elaborate lifestyle - продуманный образ жизни
manipulate peoples view - манипулировать мнением людей
represent an unrealistic view - нереалистично представлять
misguide the public - вводить в заблуждение публику
gain an insight into the lives of celebrities - получить представление о жизни
be featured in advertising - быть представленным в рекламе
the glitz and glamour - блеск и гламур
be in the limelight - быть в центре внимания
in pursuit of wealth - в погоне за богатством
promote materialistic values - продвигать материалистические ценности
admire wealth and material belongings - восхищаться богатством и материальными
entail hard work - влечет за собой тяжелую работу
chase after the end goal - погоня за конечной целью
on the road to success - на пути к успеху
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Nowadays, celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for
their achievements, and this has set a bad example for young people. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
In today’s media, the glitz and glamour of famous people’s lives and not the work
behind their success is often in the limelight. While  presenting only the glamorous
side of being famous may have a negative influence, for many especially the young,
however, this could be a stimulus to unleash potential in pursuit of wealth.
Focusing only on the glamorous side of stardom can negatively affect youngsters’ 
system of values. This is because admiring wealth and material belongings
promotes materialistic values without the recognition of the hard work entailed. As a
result, many young people worship attributes of an idle glamorous lifestyle such as
luxurious property or posh cars, not connecting such a lifestyle with the hard work
essential.  They merely chase after the end goal rather than understanding the
importance of developing their potential on the road to success.. As a result, many
youngsters waste hours in TikTok dreaming about becoming another Justin Bieber
instead of studying and working hard.
On the other hand, if a young person realises the amount of work stardom implies,
money associated with it could be a powerful motivator. Knowing that hard work and
perseverance is often financially rewarded can motivate youngsters to study and work
hard. Having read, for instance, the biography of an Olympic champion, they can learn
how much effort and pain often lie behind their glamorous lifestyle. As a result,
aiming for such possessions, teenagers can become motivated to undergo all
hardships that pave the way leading them to develop as an individual.
In conclusion, I partially agree with the statement given as merely showing the fruits of
one’s labour, as often is the case, may not show the reality of the sacrifice essential to
such a lifestyle. However, if the degree of effort behind such glamour is understood,
such stars are a good role model.

IELTS Portfolio: Natural World

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Natural World, чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
incredible wonder - невероятное чудо
natural assets - природные активы
take smth for granted - принимать что-л. как должное
overexploit natural resources - чрезмерная эксплуатация природных ресурсов
the value of nature in economic and social terms - ценность природы в
экономическом и социальном плане
realize full implications - осознавать все последствия
pursue short-term financial interests - преследовать краткосрочные финансовые
longer-term benefits  - долгосрочные выгоды
take better care of the natural world - лучше заботиться о мире природы
living in harmony with nature - жить в гармонии с природой
the value of natural capital - стоимость природного капитала
secure a sustainable future - обеспечить устойчивое будущее
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
«Today, many people do not realise how important the natural world is. Why is
How can people learn more about the importance of the natural world?»
Little value is put on nature in today’s society. This attitude may be attributed to the fact
that it is often taken for granted, which can be addressed by fostering environmental
awareness through introducing educational initiatives.
Because nature is freely accessible and seemingly nondepletable, people often take
it for granted and overexploit it, failing to see long-term implications of their
careless attitude. Having illusively  infinite resources at their disposal, people
attach little if any value to them until they are lost. Due to such lack of awareness, we
cut down forests, overfish oceans and pollute rivers in pursuit of short-term
financial interests. Not realizing the value and finitude of these readily available
natural resources, many people fail to take into account the importance of the natural
world. .
To bring the value of the natural world to people, we can look at its long-term benefits
for people and the economy. By initiating awareness programs, campaigns and
movements aiming at preserving such natural wonders as the Great Barrier Reef,
society can encourage people to learn more about cause-effect relationships the
natural world is governed by. Being on the brink of irreversible destruction caused
by overly intensive tourism, this once rich in marine resources natural community of
reefs cannot provide any benefits anymore. If we show such examples of shortsighted
overconsumption, people can become more aware of long-term consequences of
every decision they make.
In conclusion,  little do people realize that nature is an illusively infinite treasure that is
yet easy to lose which is a primary reason for their careless attitude. To make people
aware of its worth, educational initiatives aimed at raising environmental
consciousness should be put in practice.

IELTS Portfolio: Young Offenders

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Young Offenders, чтобы потом
вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью How should we deal with young offenders? 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
the justice system - система правосудия
be commensurate to the offence - быть соразмерным преступлению
the lack of maturity - отсутствие зрелости
juvenile crimes - преступления несовершеннолетних
adequate punishment - адекватное наказание
commit a minor offence - совершить мелкое правонарушение
inevitable consequences that any crime implies - неизбежные последствия любого
overly severe penalty - слишком суровое наказание
re-educative effect - перевоспитывающий эффект
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Some believe that young people committed a crime should be treated as adults
by authorities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is sometimes believed that the justice system should get on as tough on young
offenders as on mature criminals. In my opinion, even though treatment should be
commensurate to the offence, it still should take into account the lack of maturity
and therefore, consequential vulnerability of juveniles.
Punishments for juvenile crimes often do not meet the community's expectations of
adequate punishment, rather sending a message of impunity and even lawlessness.
In this case, justice, that is expected to put the community safety first, may seem not to
fulfill this function. If a child commits a minor offence, such as theft or vandalism, the
police may just talk to parents. Having escaped a deserved punishment, a young
person may have no fear of inevitable consequences that any crime implies, thus, is
more likely to reoffend. Hence, a punitive measure that is more adequate to the offence
than just a pet talk is necessary. However, treating them as adults is not appropriate.
To ensure community safety, it is rehabilitation and not punishment that should be put
first when it comes to youngsters convicted of a crime. Punishment addressed to adult
criminals is often an overly severe penalty for juvenile offenders , which could have a
destructive, but not re-educative effect on young convicts. Being subjected to the
same environment as adults may adversely influence young offenders to adopt the
culture and become entrenched in the values of the criminal world. A viable alternative
could be rehabilitation programs, including counselling and intensive treatment in
case of behavioral disorders to address the root cause of the reason a crime was
committed as it may be easier to help young people to mend their ways. To prevent re-
offence, juveniles could  be monitored even after the program.
In conclusion, an effective justice system should take into account such factors as age
when considering adequate sanctions for an offender. I therefore disagree that
youngsters committed a crime should be treated as adults as such a penalty may only
divert them from a law obedient life.

IELTS Portfolio: Family History

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Family History, чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью 5 Benefits of Knowing Your Family History 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise 
Vocabulary list:
life-changing benefit - изменяющее жизнь благо
eye-opening experience - открывающий глаза опыт
embrace one's culture - принять свою культуру
give sense of self-worth - дать чувство собственного достоинства
make more resilient - сделать более устойчивым
forming connections - формирование отношений
ancestors’ stories - рассказы предков
prevent hereditary diseases - предотвратить наследственные заболевания
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
In many countries it is becoming increasingly popular to learn about one's family
history. Why does this happen? Is it a positive or negative development?
Many people are becoming increasingly interested in their genealogy, searching for
their place in today’s globalized society. There can be many reasons behind the desire
to learn about their heritage, including to increase the potential to boost resilience.
In today’s increasingly disconnected world, knowing one’s own roots gives a sense
of identity and, consequently, security. With increased mobility and the rapid pace of
globalization, it is becoming increasingly challenging to feel a sense of belonging to a
small close-knit community like one’s family which is considered to be essential to
realise a sense of self-worth. In contrast to communities of the past, where family
relations were preserved as being of great importance, modern people tend to be
more cosmopolitan, having no roots or connections. Old photos that used to be carefully
kept in family archives, which in today’s digital era are mostly lost, are just one example
of modern disconnectedness.
Exploring one’s family tree provides many life-changing social benefits as it makes
the explorer more resilient. Learning from the past, knowing tragedies that every
generation faced and overcame, one can grow into a more resilient person, which is
increasingly recognized as an asset in today’s changing and unpredictable world. One
gets inspired to overcome obstacles as a result of great examples set. For instance,
knowing that humanity has already faced a plague and other pandemics and has
survived can empower and encourage people to fight the current situation.
In conclusion, people interested in exploring their family history attempt to understand
how they relate to society, thus establishing meaningful connections and developing

IELTS Portfolio: Children and Success

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Success, чтобы потом вы

могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью The Paradox of Pushing Kids to Succeed
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи здесь
Vocabulary list:
a culture driven by competition and perfectionism
transmit values to our children
be the fast track
be well-intentioned
be left behind in a competitive world
hypervigilance about teens’ grades
overly invest in performance
develop their own sustainable motivation
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Nowadays parents put too much pressure on their children to succeed. What is
the reason for doing this?Is this a negative or positive development?
These days, many parents push their children to perform their best which is commonly
approved in today’s competitive environment. However, obsession with performance
may have the opposite result, discouraging the young generation from being self-
Today’s teens are embedded in a culture driven by competition and perfectionism,
where performance defines one’s success. One cannot escape the modern vanity -
fair social media with its photoshopped reality, where benchmarks are set
unrealistically high across the globe. Such platforms promote those who are on the fast
track, rewarding photos with another award or diploma with likes and shares. Parents
transmit such values to their offspring, be it verbally or nonverbally, by encouraging
with words to achieve better grades or showing that they admire such achievements.
As a result, children are pushed to compete with the whole world which is an
unbearable pressure for many, while only a few decades ago they used to be
compared only to their peers in the neighborhood.
Parents’ hypervigilance about their children’s performance and success may often
backfire, as young people are less likely to develop their own motivation, resilience
and as a consequence the  ability to sustain an independent life. Having
succumbed to constant pressure, compliant children often lose their inner drive to
excel together with the ability to think independently. This is because in a world when
children are constantly told which lessons to learn and which hobbies to like, there are
being unable to make their own choices. As a natural result, they are likely to grow into
infantile young adults seeking escape from stress, exhibiting self-destructive
behaviour as reported in the statistics for incidents of drug abuse.
In conclusion, being obsessed with external evidence of their children’s worth to
benchmark them against the top in today’s competitive society, parents are likely to
oppress the young, depriving them of opportunities to grow into a strong and self-reliant
people. Therefore, I believe that this is wholeheartedly a negative development

IELTS Portfolio: Promotion

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Promotion, чтобы потом вы могли использовать

этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:

1. читаете статью "The Effects of Merit-Based Promotion Vs. Seniority" 

2. конспектируете основные мысли

3. учите лексику из статьи :
Vocabulary list:
take advantage of the employees' experience - воспользоваться опытом сотрудников
reward for one's service - награда за службу
promotion based on merit -  продвижение по службе на основе заслуг
seniority-based promotion - продвижение по службе на основе выслуги лет
obtain a promotion - получить повышение
play the game of corporate politics - играть в корпоративную политику
maintain a more harmonious workplace - сохранить более гармоничное рабочее
eliminate backstabbing - устранить удары в спину/подсиживание
motivation leading to increased productivity - мотивация, ведущая к повышению
strive to produce the best results - стремимся к лучшим результатам
(больше лексики в эссе ниже)
на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Promotion, пример моего эссе ниже.

«Some think that only those people who have worked for a company for many
years should be promoted to a higher position. Do you agree?”
Promotion based on seniority is often  believed to be the only way to progress
through the ranks within a company. However, I disagree that tenure is the sole solid
reason to promote a person in today’s changeable world where professional
achievements are a more objective criterion of one’s worthiness.
Seniority-based promotion is considered to take advantage of one’s time-proven
experience. Having worked for many years in a specific field, one can gain unique
knowledge which may be essential for a company to prosper. As such, an experienced
employee can be a company’s valuable asset which deserves recognition. However,
in today’s changeable working conditions, skills and knowledge gained while working for
a long period of time in the same position may be outdated, and therefore, of little if any
value. IT is just one example of such a rapidly evolving industry driven by innovations,
where skills become obsolete practically every day, making seniority-based promotion
largely irrelevant.
Even though seniority-based promotion honors one’s experience, it is the merit-based
system that has the potential to create a more competitive and conducive working
environment. This system is designed to provide workers with opportunities to climb
the career ladder by producing high quality work, proving their that they are worthy.
In such a way, all applicants are considered in an objective manner based on their
achievements, be it one’s annual sales figures in the retail industry or a number of
successful surgeries in medical settings. As a natural result, workers are stimulated to
exert their full effort to deserve promotion, which is, in turn, the driving force behind
a company’s success.
In conclusion, even though many years spent acquiring experience should be
recognized, professional accomplishments are a more objective, thus, compelling
reason for promotion. I therefore disagree with the view that only those who have
worked for a company for many years should be promoted.

IELTS Portfolio: Parks

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Parks, чтобы потом вы могли использовать этот
материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи:
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи здесь
Vocabulary list:
help to fight pollution
encourage biodiversity in city centres
an open space for community
places of solace and recreation
access to areas with trees or vegetation
reduce noise from road traffic
create an oasis for both plants and animals
venues for cultural or recreational events
a wide variety of fauna and flora

на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Parks, пример моего эссе ниже.
“Planting trees is very important for the environment. Some people say trees
should be planted in the vacant areas of cities and towns, while others believe
housing facilities should be built instead.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.”
Vegetation is an essential component of any ecosystem. Therefore, there are those who
consider that every free area in cities should be used for creating green zones, while
others prioritize building accommodation facilities instead. In my opinion, to address
both ever-increasing demand for homes and public green spots, available land in cities
should be used in a new format that is both space-efficient and environmentally
However important public parks are for the community’s well-being, their space-
efficiency in settings of today’s densely populated cities is highly questionable.
Undoubtedly, green spaces bring a lot of environmental benefits by mitigating
pollutants. As such, parks are wildlife sanctuaries that are definitely worth taking up
vacant urban areas. However, such publicly accessible green spots are extremely
space-intensive facilities that require sufficient area which can be otherwise used for
more pressing needs. For example, a square meter of land in densely-populated cities,
for example, can either accommodate hundreds of dwellers living in a high-rise or just a
few trees which are not likely to significantly contribute to the improvement of air quality.
A viable alternative to traditional massive parks can be vertical green neighborhood
communities that can make cities a viable and sustainable habitat. To avoid urban
sprawl and create a green environment, housing should be transferred into the compact
format of high-rises that uses every opportunity to incorporate green areas into the
urban milieu. For instance, vertical greening systems along with roof gardens may help
to make effective use of otherwise unexploited building surfaces, which can comprise
up to 10 square kilometers per a 100-story construction. Therefore, it is essential to
prioritize such constructions when considering the use of vacant spaces in cities.
In conclusion, traditional spacious parks are losing their relevance in today’s highly
populated cities, which aim at making maximum use of limited urban space. In such
conditions, it is a sustainable architecture that can address not only the constantly
growing demand for accommodation, but also the need for a habitable urban

IELTS Portfolio: Being a celebrity

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Being a celebrity, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Celebrity
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи здесь
Vocabulary list:
rise to fame
their fame rests on
in search of fame and fortune
lead life of normal people
get preferential treatment
materialistic pleasures of life
experience a massive ego boost
embark upon the entrepreneurship path
be mobbed and hounded for autographs
live in their own little secluded world
предаваться маленьким радостям жизни

4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.

“Being a celebrity - such as a famous film star or sports personality - brings
problems as well as benefits.
Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?”
Fame, be it gained in the film industry or sport, is a double-edged sword. Even though
many opportunities arise when people become famous, I still believe that this cannot
compensate for many limitations celebrities are exposed to.
Being famous opens numerous avenues inaccessible to average people, whether they
are career-related or not. Many celebrities tend to embark upon the entrepreneurship
path as soon as they achieve stardom. Michel Jourdan is just one example of a
sportsperson who also succeeded in design and promotion of his own collections of
sports apparel. Besides this, high- profile individuals can take advantage of their strong
social network that may not translate into immediate profit but can serve as support in
the long run. Having built close relationships with influential people from various
backgrounds, celebrities may enjoy special treatment such as being given a preferred
entry at any high-rated events.
Many doors open for those who are known and recognized by many cannot justify being
unable to live a normal life with its little indulging in the little pleasures of life. Fame often
forces people to live in their small secluded world where they are not hounded by
stalkers and paparazzi. As a result, celebrities can not relish such trivial commonly-
accessible experiences as taking a stroll in a park or even doing grocery shopping in a
local supermarket without being begged for an autograph. Hence, however successful
in business and networking famous people can be, such seemingly ideal lives may be in
fact frustrating.
In conclusion, in search of fame and fortune, many forget that, although fame paves the
way for many opportunities, these benefits fade away when many simple joys of life
become out of the reach.

IELTS Portfolio: Uniform

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Uniform, чтобы потом вы могли использовать

этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Другие темы вы можете посмотреть по тегу IELTS Portfolio.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью The Importance of Uniform Wearing – Why Wearing a Uniform
Is Important in Both Work and School
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
На основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Uniform, пример моего эссе ниже.
"Many companies and other organizations require employees to wear a uniform.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having to wear a uniform at work
and give your opinion".
Wearing clothes according to a strict code is required by many establishments, which
brings both benefits and drawbacks to those who have had this rule imposed upon. On
the one hand, a uniform protects employees working in severe environments, on the
other hand, such a dress code that does not consider one’s individual features could be
experienced to be discriminatory.
The importance of the requirement to wear a uniform goes beyond just  setting people
apart as it also performs protective functions. Being made of sturdier and easy to clean
or sanitize material, such clothing is designed to create a high level of protection from
injuries or infection not only for wearers but also for surrounding people. In medical
settings, scrubs are obligatory to be worn for protecting both doctors and patients. By
wearing such an imposed protective uniform, doctors are shielded from spills and body
fluids otherwise inevitable in their working environment, which is of increasing
importance in today’s pandemic situation, for instance. Owing to these features, the
obligation to wear a uniform is immeasurably beneficial as it is an inherent part of
workers’ protective equipment.
However essential uniform is for protection, clothes that are sewn for a standardly-built
person may emphasize one’s body imperfections, thus being discriminatory for plus-size
workers. Many companies have quite a utilitarian approach towards a uniform; as such,
they invest little if any resources to design an outfit that flatters various body types. As a
result, standard clothes may stretch where they should not, only emphasizing one’s
curves or, on the contrary, wrinkle to underline weight deficiency. Hence, imposing a
uniform can send a discriminatory message in the workplace where no such practices
should have a place.
In conclusion, having to wear a uniform at work has both advantages and
disadvantages. Even though such a requirement may be perceived as a form of
discrimination against not standard body types, any design successfully performs a
primary function of the uniform which is the protection of the wearer. If this is not an
issue, then the benefit is questionable and therefore does not justify limiting a person’s

IELTS Portfolio: Stress

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Stress, чтобы потом вы могли использовать

этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи What Is Stress?
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь

На основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Stress, пример моего эссе ниже.

Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world.

What are some of the factors in modern society that cause this stress, and how
can we reduce it?
These days, many experience stresses caused by psychological, emotional or mental
strain abundant in today’s hectic life. To alleviate this tension, one should either exert
effort to change one’s personal environment or accept it, seeking for alternative ways to
handle the consequential stress.
Today’s fast-paced and often unpredictable life are major factors activating stress
reactions. When stress is caused by juggling a demanding job, family and a social life,
no readily apparent response is appropriate, which leads to the accumulation of anxiety
and tension. From evolutionary perspective, a human is programmed to deal with one
issue at a time, which is practically impossible when facing current social and economic
strains. In today’s busy life, many stressors, be it an upcoming deadline or a delayed
flight, cannot be dealt with immediately, leading to chronic stress and other associated
One possible way to address symptoms of stress is to change the situation causing it
or, if this is impossible, change one’s own response to the many stressors that bombard
us continually today. By changing circumstances, one can eliminate some major
stressors such as, for instance, managing the workload or re-negotiating deadlines. In
case the source of stress is beyond one’s control,  as can be witnessed during the
current lockdown, it is essential to develop stress coping skills. Exercising is just one
example of such an activity that releases dopamine, a feel good hormone that alleviates
stress. Another time-proven relaxation technique is practicing daily meditation which is a
type of mental concentration that helps reduce anxiety and tension, regulating the heart
In conclusion, it is the 21st century lifestyle, rich in unpredictable challenges and perils
that brings about stress which is now a pressing issue around the world, leaving no
person untouched. To address this problem, people should consider steps to reduce the
stress inducing elements or change their response to stressors experienced.

IELTS Portfolio: Staying at home

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Staying at home, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Другие темы вы можете найти по тегу "IELTS Portfolio"
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Technology vs Nature – Why Outdoors Activities Are Essential
for Kids
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи здесь


4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Staying at home, пример моего
эссе ниже.
Nowadays, people of all ages from certain parts of the world spend most time at
home rather than going outdoors. Discuss the reasons, is this negative or
positive development?
An increasing number of people stay at home these days. Although this can be caused
by many personal reasons, in most cases, it is  the recent advancement in technology
that underlies such behaviour, shaking the previous norms of socialization.
Spending the most of the time at home as a result of digitalization. Technology in
today’s world has resulted in ways of being that could never have been imagined. Being
digitally connected, people no longer have to step outside to explore the outside world
to seek education,  job opportunities or socialization as it can all be done from one’s
desk. This drastic change is most evident from early childhood. When looking at the
young generation they no longer spend hours riding bikes, camping in the backyard or
constructing houses on trees. In stark contrast, today’s children are spending on
average, 8 hours a day on the Internet, playing online games or just scrolling through
social media.
To realize implications of staying inside, one needs to step back to observe what people
are missing out by staying indoors. One such danger is the limited face-to-face
communication, which being glued to devices may cause, affecting social interaction
and bonding. On a positive note, this has opened the way to transcend geographical
distances in communication, which we are grappling with understanding the best way to
utilize. On balance, studies are showing a decline in social skills. Another consequence
tied to spending time indoors is the increased risk of obesity such a sedentary lifestyle
poses. It is time spent outdoors that provides people with essential natural physical
activity, thus lowering the chance of gaining weight and suffering associated chronic
diseases, such as hypertension and cardio vascular diseases.
In conclusion, spending most time at home interacting with one’s devices rather than
going outdoors to communicate face-to-face might have a profound negative effect on
socialization and physical well-being of those staying at their homes.

IELTS Portfolio: Shopping Habits

Остальные темы IELTS Portfolio можно найти по тегу "IELTS Portfolio"

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Business, чтобы потом вы могли использовать
этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь

 на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Shopping Habits, пример моего
эссе ниже.

People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than
other factors. To what extent do you agree and disagree?

Age category is sometimes believed to be the leading factor shaping consumer

behaviour, surpassing others in its power. In my opinion, buying decisions are based
not primarily and solely on one’s age but rather on a complex of various social and
individual attributes.
Age is considered to be one of major determinants influencing the focus and means of
buying behavior. Young people are often more focused on personal momentary
pleasures, such as beauty products, clothes or footwear, while more mature people
have responsibilities and are becoming aware of the importance of investments as a
means to wise. Moreover, more digitally capable younger generations tend to opt for on-
line shopping which can be witnessed with a growth of such youngsters-oriented giants
as Amazon, while older cohorts still prefer shopping in traditional brick-and-mortar
However, despite being one of the most powerful factors, age is not a sole characteristic
defining one’s consumer behaviour which is formed by a number of social and individual
determinants. Age apart, it is the environment a person is raised in, their background
and personal traits that primarily define one’s purchasing decisions. As a result of the
influence of many such factors altogether, one is motivated to prefer one item to
another, be it a brand-new smartphone which is bought to imitate peers or a bag
purchased under influence of an advert. Hence, when a person buys a product, their
decision is influenced not only by their age, but also by a wide range of other factors.
In conclusion, considering age a primary factor affecting buying choices would be an
unacceptable simplification of this decision-making process based on a complex of
reasons varying from one consumer to another. I therefore strongly disagree that
people’s shopping habits depend primarily on their age than on other factors.
Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior.docx

IELTS Portfolio: Youth population

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Youth population, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Youth population trends and sustainable development (во
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Youth population, пример моего
эссе я представлю после субботнего мастер класса, на котором мы его разберем
(ссылку на регистрацию выложу в пятницу).
Some countries experiencing a fast growth of the young population. 
Discuss current and future effects of this trend.
IELTS Portfolio: Free transport

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Free transport, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Free transport in Luxembourg, but what's the cost? 
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь


5. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме "Free Transportation":

The best way to solve the traffic congestion in a city is to provide free public
transport for 24 hours a day. Do you agree or disagree?
Promoting free of charge municipal transport in cities, round-the-clock is believed to be
the most efficient way to address congested city roads, by some. However, in my
opinion, unless this measure is combined with a corresponding development to
enhance the convenience of the public transport system, this may only alleviate some of
the problems.
A free and readily accessible transit system can contribute to the reduction of traffic
congestion where affordability is a material consideration. Comfortable as modern cars
are, they still require regular maintenance and insurance, not to mention the ever-
increasing price of fuel. As such, private transport is becoming affordable only for the
few, making the majority consider other alternatives. This is where fare-free transit
should come in to meet their needs, relieving congestion through easing bottlenecks as
can be seen in Luxemburg, the first country which introduced such a policy. Having
made all public transport free to use, this country managed to alleviate congestion,
reducing the number of traffic jams practically to zero. 
Yet however appealing the idea of a free and accessible 24/7 mass transport may
seem, this measure will put a strain on the existing system, especially if it is
inadequately developed. This is because not charging a fee usually means that the
transport offered locally is completely funded from the government budget, which can
be deficient to maintain a decent public transit system. As such, being underfinanced,
the system may fail to cope with increased passenger flow. Not only can routes of urban
buses and trains be limited, but they can also be poorly equipped and lack such
necessary conveniences as air conditioning and wi-fi, as reported in some developing
countries switching to fare-free transit. Therefore, the policy of zero-fare transport
should be compulsory,  accompanied by a program aimed at modernization and
extension of the current public infrastructure and municipal vehicles.
In conclusion, even though providing not profit-driven public transport for 24 hours a day
can reduce traffic congestion in the city, I disagree that this measure introduced solely is
the optimum way. The development of a mass urban transport system is essential that
can be complemented with a complimentary transport system for it to become a viable
option but may not necessarily be the best.
Free transport in Luxembourg.docx
IELTS Portfolio: Banning Zoos

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Banning Zoos, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Is it time for zoos to be banned?
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Banning Zoos, пример моего эссе
Due to increased cruelty towards animals some demand zoos to be closed, while
others think they are needed to protect rare species. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.
 Increasingly the cruelty to animals is becoming practiced. One publicly visible place
where this occurs is zoos and their closure, therefore, is considered to be a step in the
right direction, while some still consider these facilities essential for preserving species
under threat.  In my opinion, zoological gardens are nothing more than a barbarian
tradition that should be consigned to history books. Even though some zoos run
breeding programs for endangered species, this does not justify their existence.
The original purpose that zoos aim to is cruel entertainment for the pleasure of people
at the expense of the animals well-being, and as such should be a relic of the past.
Zoos are a prison for animals, camouflaging their cruelty under conservation claims.
Being put behind the bars for public display, animals suffer both physically and
emotionally. Not only are cages a poor simulation of their natural habitat, but also a
never-ending influx of visitors puts a psychological strain on these zoo prisoners. No
wonder that animals kept in such places demonstrate neurotic behaviour such as biting
the bars and rarely breed as reported by European zoos where only one polar bear cub
was born over the last decade. However, there are other scenarios, such as poaching
or dogfighting, where cruelty also exists and these should also be addressed to ensure
the protection of endangered species. 
From an ethical and biological perspective, zoos are not essential as alternatives, such
as national parks are a more humane and natural option to protect a wild animal from
extinction. Being established and often protected by stringent laws enforced by the
government, such places focus on the overall well-being of animals that creates a
natural habitat that is conducive to natural breeding, rather than the exploitation of fauna
for commercial goals as can be witnessed in the Siberian National Park, where the
population of Amur tigers is now recovering at a reassuring pace. Even though visits to
such parks are encouraged, excursions are organized as safari trips with all the
necessary precautions taken, ensuring minimal disturbance to animals and the
In conclusion, I believe that being nothing more than a cruel show, today’s zoos should
be banned as not the sole, but the most publicly visible instance of cruelty towards
animals. Therefore, other more humane alternatives for protecting endangered species
should be considered.
Is it time for zoos to be banned.docx
IELTS Portfolio: Scientific Research
Покажу хорошо проработать тему Scientific Research, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью People don’t trust scientific research when companies are
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме: 
Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled
by the government rather than private companies. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Science is often believed to be in the domain of the government,  therefore solely
responsible for funding and conducting scientific investigations, with minimized business
involvement. While it is the government that shoulders the responsibility to ensure
credibility of research, it often lacks financial resources that business possesses,
demanding a partnership to be considered.
When business is involved in research, credibility suffers as such sponsors are seen to
be very much profit driven, raising ethical concerns. As a result, industry may poorly
conduct or even intentionally mislead research as reported when a tobacco company
denied the correlation between smoking and lung cancer even in face of mounting
evidence. The same concerns surround the pharmaceutical industry today. As a result,
this conflict of interests naturally raises criticism towards business involvement in
science unless it is rigorously controlled by a third party, such as the government. 
However, even though some may critique the integrity of research conducted by
business, it is usually business and not the government that has money to underwrite
research projects. Without this support, scientists may scramble to fund their research
in the era of tight budgets when the government funding lags. It is therefore essential to
explore new methods of funding and controlling research such as multi-sector research
collaborations that will enhance the ethics and therefore validity of the results, giving
more credibility in the eyes of the public. Transparent research policies, open-data
sources and, probably, an opportunity for public control through external reviews are
just a few examples of what would produce high-quality, legitimate results. 
In conclusion, given the central role of business in sponsoring research, collaboration
with the government is vital to ensure the development of science and to alleviate bias
concerns. Scientific research should not be conducted and controlled by one source,
but rather a collaboration between all sectors is essential, and I therefore disagree with
the opinion expressed in the question.
People don’t trust scientific research when companies are involved.docx

IELTS PORTFOLIO: Sportsmen as role models

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Sportsmen as role models, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Sportsmen as role models (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Sportsmen as role models, пример
моего эссе ниже.
Some people think that as long as professional sportsmen and sportswomen are
good players, their behaviour on and off the playing fields is not important. Do
you agree or disagree?
 It is sometimes believed that, as long as icons of the sporting world perform well, they
should not be judged for their behaviour in their private liveHowever, I disagree with this
position as, in today’s media-powered world, these people are role models to that are
followed with consequential responsibilities thrust upon them, therefore their entire lives
are in the spotlight.
Critiques may say that unless professional sportsmen break the law, it is solely their
personal matter what to consider appropriate in their private lives. Strictly speaking, if
there are no legal fines or other punishment for moral misconduct, any  behaviour
should be acceptable and of no concern to others. A prime example can be a recent
infamous party thrown in Las Vegas by some Russian footballers, while the whole
country was in mourning as they failed to secure the World Championship. Whereas,
from a legal perspective, no law was broken in this case, such an event was considered
morally impermissible as it tarnished the reputation of Russian sport as a whole.
Being in the all seeing eye of the media, thrusts responsibility upon today’s sportsmen
as every their every move can be copied mimicked by their followers, especially
younger ones. Having achieved success and fame, celebrities of the sporting world
have become modern icons to be worshiped and pursued by, many youngsters,
consciously or not. Therefore, some instances of sportsmen’s questionable behaviour
such as being insensitive or disrespectful, or even careless driving are raising social
concerns, nowadays. Undoubtedly, sportsmen should not be expected to be saints as
they tend to only mirror sins of modern society; however, it is increasingly recognized
today that their  behaviour off the field is no longer their personal matter. 
In conclusion, As a result, I believe that, however outstanding one’s sports performance
is, their behaviour off the field matters as well. Like it or loath it, being famous thrusts
responsibility of one’s actions and therefore accountability towards society as one’s life
is thrown into the public domain. I therefore do not agree with the statement given, that
the behavior of sportsmen both on and off the field is of no consequence.
Sportsmen as role models.docx

IELTS Portfolio: Cooking in Schools

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Cooking in Schools: Why It Is Important , чтобы
потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Cooking with Kids in Schools: Why It Is Important  (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Cooking in Schools, пример моего
эссе ниже.
Some people believe that children should learn how to grow food and cook at
schools. State your opinion.
Some people believe that children should learn how to grow food and cook at schools.
State your opinion.
Introducing gardening and cooking culinary lessons as a part of the school curriculum is
believed to be essential for some. Food security is an important aspect of a healthy life
and should, therefore, have place in the school curriculum as part of preparing a student
for their future. 
Learning basic food security lessons can promote a lifetime skill of healthy nutrition
which is increasingly recognized as essential in today’s society. These days, being
ever-on-the-go, many people opt for packaged and processed food products with
questionable nutritional value. This is caused, though, not only by the modern fast-
paced life but also by a lack of knowledge of how to manage one’s diet. Therefore, if
cooking and food growing is implemented in the school program, it will teach children
how to care about their health, choosing healthier products and cooking options. By
growing some greenery on their balconies to make a salad, for instance,  instead of
processed cereal for breakfast many learners could develop into a healthier generation.
Even though critiques may say that in today’s competitive environment focusing on
excellence in academics should be the priory at all costs, a balance between academic
and practical lessons at school is essential. Never before have learners been so
focused on academic knowledge as today, thus spending hours glued to screens. Even
though such knowledge can be important for their future education and career, it is
some life skills such as cooking that can be an escape from books and screens,
engaging children in some meaningful activities. An hour that students would spend in
the garden planting their vegetables or at the kitchen can be just two examples of a
necessary break from a row of academic lessons. Hence, however busy one’s school
schedule is, there should still be a place for practical activities, enabling learners to
make something with their hands.
In conclusion, I believe that children should be taught how to grow food and cook as a
part of their school curriculum as such lessons help balance today’s academic syllabus
as well as nurture a more nutritionally-conscious generation. 355
Cooking_with Kids in Schools.docx
IELTS Portfolio: Genetically Modified Food

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Genetically Modified Food, чтобы потом вы

могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Genetically Modified Food: Pros & Cons (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Genetically Modified Food,
пример моего эссе ниже.
The use of GM engineering hardly new, but many believe that it can be a good
way to solve problems with overpopulation. Do you agree or disagree?  
Recent advancements in genetic engineering can address pressing issues that the
rapidly growing population is facing today. In my opinion, with many desirable traits
having been bred into the genetic structure, genetically modified crops can potentially
address today’s ever-growing demand for food. However, possible health implications
caused by insufficiently researched genetic modification should not be overlooked.
On the one hand, even though requiring less hazardous chemicals for growth, genetic
engineering methods still raise agricultural productivity which is highly demanded by
today’s population. With improved genome, crops become more resistant towards
threats that natural plants are exposed to, such as viruses or fungi that can otherwise
devastate yields. In addition, some selected traits can be bred to increase their
tolerance to severe natural conditions, be it drought or a heatwave. As a natural result,
genetically modified crops tend to have higher harvests without the application of
environmentally dangerous pesticides, which in conventional farming are often a source
of soil contamination. 
On the other hand, applying genetic engineering has aroused significant opposition as it
may pose a threat to consumers’ health. Having undergone modification, the altered
genome may be accepted as an allergen, provoking unpredictable side effects. Rapidly
wide-spreading allergy for soybeans is just one example of such a disease, often linked
to the increase in consumption of this modified product. Hence, products that are known
to have transgenes require extended research and trials before being allowed to be
consumed, demanding su7bstantial investment that even though this may impede the
advancement of genetic engineering. Therefore this scientific development may not be
sufficiently mature today to address the shortage of food. 
In conclusion, despite the immeasurable potential of genetic engineering in fighting
shortage in food supply caused by a rapidly growing population, products with changed
genes should undergo rigorous control to ensure their safety for consumers. Therefore,
in my opinion, other means to address this urgent food shortage need to be considered.
GMOs – Top 3 Pros and Cons.docx

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20 СЕНТ. 2021 Г. AT 16:07


IELTS Portfolio: The Radio


Покажу как хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: The Radio , чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Читатете статью Is radio relevant in the 21st century? 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
become a relic of the past - стать пережитком прошлого
adaptation to today’s demands - адаптация к сегодняшним требованиям
widespread availability - широкая доступность
be critical in emergencies - быть критичным в чрезвычайных ситуациях
retain positions in media - удерживать позиции в СМИ
absorb new technologies - впитывать новые технологии
cater for needs and preferences - удовлетворить потребности и предпочтения
cease to exist - прекратить существование
proliferation of digital media - распространение цифровых медиа
means of receiving information - средства получения информации
disrupt access to the Internet - нарушить доступ к Интернету
be deprived of life-saving information - быть лишенным жизненно важной
Internet-based media - Интернет-СМИ
withstand risks - выдерживать риски
fall into oblivion - предаться забвению
4. на основе этой лексики вы можете написать эссе (без проверки), пример моего
эссе ниже.
With the development of online media, there is no future for the radio.
To what extent do you agree?
As digital media proliferate,  traditional radio stations are thought to have no future. I
believe the radio will not become a relic of the past but will remain popular because of its
adaptation to today’s demands of the audience and widespread availability which is
critical in emergencies.
Despite the popularity of online media platforms, the radio is and will remain popular as
it has adapted to tastes of the newer generations. To retain its positions in media, the
traditional radio has absorbed new technologies such as online radio stations. Spotify is
just one example of such adaptation which is a digital music, podcast, and video service
that gives access to millions of songs and other content. In addition to absorbing new
features, today’s  radio stations cater for needs and preferences of many. For this
purpose, many specific niches have emerged in this industry,  for example, stations
broadcasting various styles of music such as rock or rap, and educational content like
TED radio. As such, now the radio can satisfy different tastes, retaining existing fans
and attracting new ones
Over-the-air radio stations will not cease to exist as they are the only source of
information in case of emergencies. Despite the proliferation of digital media, there are
still areas in the world where traditional radios are still the only means of receiving
information. In such territories, if natural disasters disrupt access to the Internet, without
the radio many people will be deprived of the information that can save their lives.
Indonesia is a prime example of a country that is regularly devastated by earthquakes
that can destroy all systems of communication. This makes the Internet-based media
unreliable compared to the radio which can withstand such risks.
In conclusion, just because online media is rapidly developing, it does not necessarily
mean that the traditional radio broadcasting will fall into oblivion. Apart from being
adaptive to keep up with the demands of today’s listeners, the coverage of the radio
cannot be rivalled by digital media which makes it indispensable in case of

IELTS Speaking Topic "Radio"

Part1: Television and Radio

What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV or radio? (Why?)

How are radio programs and television programs different?

What programs do you like to watch/listen to?

When do you watch TV/listen to the radio?

Part 2: Describe a radio program/show that you find interesting.

You should say:

o what it is about
o which radio station broadcasts it
o how often you listen to it

and explain why you find it interesting.

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21 АВГ. 2021 Г. AT 15:26


IELTS Portfolio: Practice vs Theory

Покажу как хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Practice vs Theory , чтобы
потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Theoretical vs Practical Knowledge 
Theoretical Knowledge Vs Practical Application 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
meet today’s requirements - соответствовать сегодняшним требованиям
create a stronger base of knowledge - создать более прочную базу знаний
possess relevant expertise - обладать актуальными знаниями
keep up with the times - идти в ногу со временем
reflect current knowledge - отражать текущие знания
in the here and now - здесь и сейчас
be outdated - быть устаревшим
rapidly evolving industry - быстро развивающаяся отрасль
become obsolete - устареть
shifting focus from theory to practice - переключение внимания с теории на практику
solid theoretical base - прочная теоретическая база
practice-oriented learning - практико-ориентированное обучение
holistic approach - Целостный подход
hands-on experience - практический опыт
apply for practical purposes - применять для практических целей
promote experiential learning - продвигать экспериментальное обучение
4. на основе этой лексики вы можете написать эссе (без проверки), пример моего
эссе ниже.
In the modern world, more and more emphasis is being placed on the acquisition of practical
skills rather than knowledge from text books or other sources.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.
These days, acquiring practical skills is prioritized to theoretical knowledge from printed
or other resources. Even though skills acquired through practice meet today’s
requirements, it is theory learnt from books that creates a stronger base of knowledge.
Prioritizing practical skills over theoretical knowledge helps possess relevant expertise.
This is because, in some areas, books cannot keep up with the times, therefore, they
may not reflect current knowledge. While practical training, one acquires skills that meet
today’s requirements and can be applied in the here and now, whereas skills and
knowledge gained while studying books in some fields may be outdated, and therefore,
of little if any value. IT is just one example of such a rapidly evolving industry driven by
innovations, where knowledge becomes obsolete practically every day, making studying
from books largely irrelevant. Hence, in this field, it is the acquisition of up-to-date
practical skills that is necessary.
However, shifting focus from theory to practice may result in limited knowledge that can
be applied only in limited settings. Not having a solid theoretical base, one can lack a full
picture to be able to adapt to changing or just new working environments. This is
because practice-oriented learning is usually based on real cases which only represent
part of possible issues one can face without showing all possible scenarios. In contrast,
learning from books equips one with more holistic approach which helps learners meet
whatever challenges they face.
In conclusion, even though being more relevant, mere practical skills may limit learners
to operating only in familiar settings, while solid theoretical background provides a
strong base for applying knowledge in various environments.

IELTS Speaking Topic "Skills"

Part2 Cue Card

Describe a skill (for example, driving, speed reading etc.) you have learned successfully

You should say:

what skill you have learned

why you learned it
who helped you learn it

and explain what helped you to become good at the skill.

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Akzhan Tleuzhanova

Hello, I cannot see an article from the second link. Could you check it, please?

2 мес.

Nowadays practical expertise is recognized over theoretical knowledge gained from
printed manuals or other sources of information. Nevertheless, holistic approach implies
joint presence of both practice and theory. Apparently hands-on experience is a crucial
aspect of any professional field as practical knowledge proves that a person possesses
relevant expertise, being able to apply it in the here and now. However, theory cannot
be neglected as it helps to implement a holistic view. This is because theoretical
knowledge guarantees understanding of the concepts, how something works and its

2 мес.

14 АВГ. 2021 Г. AT 16:32


IELTS Portfolio: School Uniform

Покажу как хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: School Uniform , чтобы потом
вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Should school uniforms be compulsory? 
School uniforms dangerously limitstudents individualism 
Do school uniforms affect a child's individuality? 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
be abolished - быть отмененным
infringe upon students' right to express their individuality - ущемляют право студентов
на выражение своей индивидуальности
free choice of clothing - свободный выбор одежды
promote students’ well-being - способствовать благополучию студентов
promote a sense of independent thought - способствовать развитию чувства
независимой мысли
prevent students from demonstrating their individuality - не позволять студентам
демонстрировать свою индивидуальность
have a unique set of qualities - обладать уникальным набором качеств
be deprived of an opportunity to set oneself apart from others - быть лишенным
возможности выделиться среди других 
lose touch with their inner selves - терять связь с внутренним я
disengage from independent thinking - отстраниться от независимого мышления
stifle freedom of thought - задушить свободу мысли
4. на основе этой лексики вы можете написать эссе (без проверки), пример моего
эссе ниже.
Many people believe that school uniforms stop children from expressing their personality and
individuality. Therefore, uniforms should be banned and children be allowed to wear what
they want. Do you agree or disagree?
It is believed that school uniforms should be abolished as they infringe upon students'
right to express their individuality. I agree with this as free choice of clothing can promote
students’ well-being and a sense of independent thought.
School uniforms should be banned as it could prevent students from demonstrating their
individuality through their outfits which can negatively affect their mental well-being.
Everyone has a unique set of qualities with clothes being part of this identity as what we
wear gives off signals of who we are. However, uniforms must be bought with certain
colors and lengths in mind, where even slight deviations demonstrating students’
individuality are not allowed. As a result, students are deprived of an opportunity to set
themselves apart from others by showing their personality, which can make students lose
touch with their inner selves. Ultimately, emotional reaction to this can increase the
chances of depression forming over time.
‘Sameness’ of uniforms may actually disengage some children from independent thinking
which is fundamental for self-expression. This is because uniforms stifle freedom of
thought, sending the message that being the same is positive and something to be
striven for, rather than a message that differences and out-of-the box thinking should be
valued. As such, uniforms emphasize conformity when students feel pressure to
conform to the norms imposed in fear of social rejection.
In conclusion, I believe that uniforms have no place at school and children should be
given freedom to choose what to wear. This is because visual representation through
dress is fundamentally important not only for students’ emotional and mental well-being
but also for their ability to think independently.
(270 words)

IELTS Speaking Topic "School Uniform"

Here are some of the questions asked:

Describe a uniform you wear (at your school or company).

You should say:

When you wear it?
Who bought it for you?
What does it look like?
How you feel about it?
Uniform – Speaking Part 3 Follow Up Questions
On what occasion should people wear uniforms?
Why should students wear uniforms?
Should companies ask employees about the design of their uniforms?
Can people tell someone’s personality by his or her clothes?
What color would catch people’s attention most?

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31 ИЮЛ. 2021 Г. AT 13:01


IELTS Portfolio: ARTS (NEW! - практика в комментариях)

IELTS portfolio

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31 ИЮЛ. 2021 Г. AT 13:01


IELTS Portfolio: ARTS

Покажу как хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: ARTS , чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Brain research shows the arts promote mental health
How arts benefits us all, as humans
How arts can help improve your mental health
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на
Vocabulary list:
contribute to well-being - способствовать благополучию
foster mental, emotional and physical health - способствовать психическому,
эмоциональному и физическому здоровью
express emotions suppressed in real life - выражать эмоции, подавленные в
реальной жизни
bring emotional relieve of inner tension - принести эмоциональное снятие
внутреннего напряжения
give a safe outlet to negative emotions - дать выход негативным эмоциям
manage unhealthy emotions - управлять нездоровыми эмоциями
overcome traumatic experiences - преодолеть травматический опыт
boost resilience to illnesses - повысить сопротивляемость болезням
response to stressful stimuli - реакция на стрессовые раздражители
have immune system-boosting effects - обладают укрепляющим действием на
иммунную систему
give emotional relief - дать эмоциональное облегчение
turn to the arts - обратиться к искусству
seek a creative outlet - искать творческий выход
witness the mental benefits of an arts-rich life - стать свидетелем психологической
пользы от богатой искусством жизни
sustain sense of wellness - поддерживать чувство благополучия
build capacity for managing one’s mental and emotional well-being - развивать
способность управлять своим умственным и эмоциональным благополучием
4. на основе этой лексики вы можете написать эссе (без проверки), пример моего
эссе ниже.
Being involved in the arts makes people feel better.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The arts are believed to contribute to well-being and I agree this opinion as the arts
foster mental, emotional and physical health.
Being involved in the arts contributes to general mental and emotional well-being. By
participating in the arts, people can express emotions which are suppressed in their real
life which can bring emotional relieve of some inner tension. For example, arts therapy
such as music engagement, visual arts therapy, movement-based creative expression
can give a safe outlet to negative emotions through expressing them in various forms of
arts such as movement or colours. This can help people not only to manage unhealthy
emotions and feel better but also, in extreme cases, to overcome traumatic experiences,
be it military traumas or emotional abuse.
Apart from contributing to emotional well-being, the arts involvement promotes physical
health. Such activity enhances not only general physical well-being of those involved
into arts but is also known to boost their resilience to illnesses and the ability to cope with
them. This is because involvement in arts affects our brains in complex ways,
stimulating the limbic system and moderating our response to stressful stimuli through
releasing hormones such as dopamine. This is why music therapy, for example, has
immune system-boosting effects which can be seen on the example of people
participating in arts who are reported to be less exposed to such diseases as respiratory
In conclusion, I strongly agree that the role of art involvement in making people happy is
vital. This is because it gives emotional relief and stimulates many systems of the human

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topic "Art"

Here are some of the questions asked:

1. Describe the general purpose of art. Why do people enjoy art?

2. Do you think that art is as important as academic subjects when it comes to
educating children?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of art education?
4. Why do you think some people enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures and others
do not?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an artist?
6. Do you think that some people are naturally better artists than others?
7. What kind of art do you enjoy?
8. What are the traditional art forms in your country?
9. What makes a good painting?
10. Do you think children should study art at school?
11. How can children benefit from learning art?
12. How has art changed in the last few decades in your country?
13. Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?)
14. How do you think art classes affect children’s development?
15. What kind of paintings do people like?
16. What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?
17. How often do you visit art galleries?
18. What kinds of things do you like to draw?
19. Is it easy to learn how to draw?
20. Do you like art?
21. Do people in your country prefer music over art?
22. Are older people more interested in art than younger people?
23 Should the government provide support for art and cultural activities?

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Анастасия, доброго дня, спасибо за новую статью! по поводу вопросов - их же нет

в текущей версии вопросов? у нас есть Музыка и Фильмы, и вроде всё.. или
желательно и эти вопросы выше подготовить?

2 мес.

Загрузить ответ

15 ИЮЛ. 2021 Г. AT 18:39


IELTS Portfolio: Waste created by humans



Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Waste created by humans , чтобы
потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.

Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
Consumerism, Mass Extinction and our Throw-
Away Society

Repair, reuse, recycle: how Britain is tackling throwaway culture 

2. конспектируете основные мысли

3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
ever-increasing consumption of goods - постоянно растущее потребление товаров
encouraging sustainable consumer behaviour - поощрение устойчивого поведения
global mass production of goods - глобальное массовое производство товаров
short-term use - краткосрочное использование
non-biodegradable waste - не поддающиеся биологическому разложению отходы
promote the culture of reuse - продвигать культуру повторного использования
mundane consumption choices - обыденный выбор потребления
change people’s perception - изменить восприятие людей
individual tax incentives - индивидуальные налоговые льготы
global waste generation - глобальное образование отходов
lessen the strain on resources - уменьшить нагрузку на ресурсы
a resource consuming process - ресурсоемкий процесс
have a measurable impact - иметь измеримое влияние

4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.

It is generally agreed that the amount of rubbish created by humans today is a worldwide
What do you think are the main causes of this situation?
What measures can be used to tackle the problem?
Today's society has evolved into a remarkable waste producing machine which is a
global issue. This is primarily caused by ever-increasing consumption of goods which can
be addressed through encouraging sustainable consumer behaviour.
Consumerism has reached an all-time high, accelerating generation of waste. In today’s
throw-away society, goods are often bought today to go to the trash tomorrow to make
room for the new, improved versions. This is because global mass production of goods
has made them accessible and affordable for many, devaluing them to just short-term
use. This trend is a primary reason of accumulating often non-biodegradable waste which
worsens the situation with waste created by humans. On average, today, an item of
clothing is usually worn not more than 7 times before being thrown away, while it takes
not less than 50 years to decompose.
To reduce the impacts of goods we consume, government initiatives to promote
sustainable consumption can be introduced. In other words, authorities should
encourage consumer behaviour which is consistent with the environment by promoting
the culture of reuse. For this purpose, small, mundane consumption choices that change
people’s perception about shopping practices or purchasing decisions can be stimulated
and rewarded. For example, some individual tax incentives can be introduced for those
who buy clothes in second hand shops.
In conclusion, a global issue of increasing rubbish production caused by consumption
patterns influenced by consumerism can be addressed by encouraging sustainable

IELTS speaking Part 1 Questions about Rubbish or Garbage

o How do you feel when you find rubbish on the roads?

o Why do you believe that some people throw garbage in public places?
o Do you try to recycle different things such as paper and plastic?
o Have you ever helped to keep your town clean and tidy?

IELTS speaking Part 3 Questions:

o Why do people throw waste material on roads?

o How can the government encourage people to keep their city clean?
o Do you think it is a good idea or bad idea to relocate factories far from cities?
o Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the
o What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?

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Anastasia Shapovalova

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2 мес.

11 ИЮН. 2021 Г. AT 22:28


IELTS Portfolio: Diversity at school

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Diversity at school , чтобы потом
вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:
5 Benefits of Teaching Diversity in Education 
Social diversity at school 
Mixed-Ability Classes: Factors, Challenges and Advantages 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
encourage social diversity - поощрять социальное разнообразие
mixed-ability setting - обстановка смешанных способностей
children with different levels of proficiency - дети с разным уровнем владения
mixed-ability classes - смешанные классы
cater for the needs of all students - удовлетворить потребности всех студентов
promote competition - продвигать конкуренцию
benefit academically weaker students - приносить пользу более слабым в учебе
improve learning outcomes - улучшить результаты обучения
be a drag on one's learning - быть тормозом в обучении
realize full implications - осознавать все последствия
encourage acceptance - поощрять принятие
socially disadvantaged backgrounds - социально неблагополучные слои населения
develope prejudice - развивать предрассудки
promote social diversity - продвигать социальное разнообразие
welcome disadvantaged students - приветствовать студентов из неблагополучных
hinder academic progress - препятствовать академическому прогрессу
put academic social diversity policies into action - воплотить в жизнь политику
академического социального разнообразия
social segregation - социальная сегрегация
heterogeneous environment - неоднородная среда
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
It is important to ensure that children with a wide range of abilities and from a variety of
social backgrounds mix with each other at school.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
A classroom that includes learners with different abilities and from various social groups
is believed to be a necessity at school. In my opinion, learning at school that encourages
social diversity is beneficial as it prepares students for living in today’s diverse society.
However, a mixed-ability setting does not equally benefit all students as it can fail to
meet needs of children with different levels of proficiency.
The learning environment in mixed-ability classes fails to cater for the needs of all
students. Classes that group children with different abilities promote competition to push
pupils to do better, which is more beneficial for academically weaker students than their
more capable classmates. This is because the weak can improve their learning
outcomes by trying to keep up with the strong and competing with them. However, for
more capable children, such heterogeneous environment can be a drag on their learning
as they are not challenged enough to realize their full potential.
Studying with children from a variety of social backgrounds can encourage acceptance
essential in our diverse society. This is because such a setting allows students to
empathize with people different from themselves since they are more aware of the
experiences they may face . As a result, students can become more tolerant and open-
minded towards children with socially disadvantaged backgrounds which may prevent
students from developing prejudices towards them later in life.  Hence, by promoting
social diversity policies in the classroom, school prepares students to become better
citizens in their communities.
In conclusion, I believe that it is highly important for educational establishments to
welcome both socially advantaged and disadvantaged students as this can foster
acceptance essential for their later life. However, bringing to the table a wide range of
abilities benefits weaker students more than their academically stronger peers as it may
hinder academic progress of the latter.

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24 МАЯ 2021 Г. AT 15:41


IELTS Portfolio: Tourism

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Tourism, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
Материалы для подготовки:  
Tourism Benefits The Country
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
heavily rely on tourism - сильно полагаться на туризм
a key source of income - ключевой источник дохода
a source of numerous problems - источник множества проблем
strong economic driver - сильный экономический драйвер
pose an implicit threat to the environment - представляют неявную угрозу для
окружающей среды
make up a lion’s share of the national income - составляют львиную долю
национального дохода
seasonal income - сезонный доход
profitable industry - прибыльная отрасль
be exposed to pollution - подвергаться загрязнению
struggle to deal with the increased tourist traffic - бороться с увеличившимся
туристическим потоком
behave responsively - вести себя ответственно
profit-maximizing tourist industry - максимизирующая прибыль туристическая
strain the environment - напрягать окружающую среду
reverse harm caused by an increased flow of tourists - обратить ущерб, причиненный
увеличившимся потоком туристов
provide economic incentives - обеспечивать экономические стимулы
regenerate the local history - возродить местную историю
promote environmental awareness - продвигать экологическое сознание
deplete natural resources - истощать природные ресурсы
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Tourism is becoming increasingly important as a source of revenue to many countries, but its
disadvantages should not be overlooked. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
At present, many countries heavily rely on tourism as a key source of their income;
however, this can also be a source of numerous problems. In my opinion, even though
the tourist industry is a strong potential economic driver in many regions, it can still pose
an implicit threat to the tourists attractions and their environment which should be taken
into account.
Tourism brings money that can make up a lion’s share of the national income in
developing countries. Transporting, providing accommodation and entertaining tourists,
not to mention the local craft industry that are the source of finances for many areas
where other spheres of business and production has not been sufficiently developed.
Even though the income generated is usually seasonal, it can still help to make a living
provided that  locals have learned how to manage their finances to ensure that they
take into consideration the seasonality.  For instance, the tourist sector of Thailand is
reported to bring more than a half of their national income, by far outnumbering their
fledgling local industry.
However profitable the tourist industry is, the scale of damage it causes to natural
tourist attractions should not be underestimated, therefore, a part of its revenue should
be allocated to address these issues. Being constantly exposed to pollution, noise and
erosion, these natural spots struggle to deal with the increased tourist traffic without
funding necessary preventive measures. Even though many tourists may behave
responsively, some may litter public places, cause forest fires and, consequently, the
loss of natural habitats of local species. A prime example is Bali, where local beaches
suffered an alarming decline in the turtle population caused by a huge influx of visitors.
However, after a share of income coming from tourism was allocated to the recovery of
their natural habitat, the population of these indigenous species recovered to the figures
of the pre-tourist age.
In conclusion, I believe that the extent profit-maximizing tourist industry strains the
environment has to be financially compensated by allocating funds to prevent or reverse
harm caused by an increased flow of tourists.Therefore, I strongly agree that any
consequential negative aspects must be taken into consideration.

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21 МАЯ 2021 Г. AT 16:04


IELTS Portfolio: Gender Equality

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio:Gender Equality, чтобы потом вы

могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Capability And Not Gender Determines Leadership 
Смотрите (Ted Talk) Leadership Has No Gender 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику по теме на

Vocabulary list:
succeed as business leaders - преуспеть как лидеры бизнеса
equally capable of managing - быть в равной степени способным управлять
time out of the workforce - перерыв в работе
fall behind their male counterparts - отставать от своих коллег-мужчин
primary requirement for top positions - основное требование для высших
fulfill duties a job implies - выполнять обязанности, подразумеваемые работой
leadership is gender neutral - лидерство нейтрально с гендерной точки зрения
leadership roles - руководящие роли
exhibit masculine traits - проявлять мужские черты
beget one's respect at work - вызывать уважение на работе
be stereotyped by one's gender - быть стереотипным по своему полу
be prerogative of just men - быть прерогативой только мужчин
belong exclusively to women - принадлежать исключительно женщинам
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Some people think that managerial posts are more suitable for men. Others think that given
the opportunity women can be successful managers.
Discuss both the views and give your opinion.
Top positions are sometimes believed to suit male managers more than females, while
there are those who think that women can succeed as business leaders as well as men. 
Even though women are sometimes thought to be less suitable for managing positions
due to having less experience, in my opinion, women are equally capable of managing
as success at leading positions is defined not by gender but rather by leader’s
Admittedly, males are traditionally believed to be more suitable for leading positions as
they tend to be more experienced. This is because women are more likely than men to
leave the workforce temporarily to give birth and then stay at home to raise children.
This time out of the workforce mean that those women fall behind their male
counterparts. Therefore, since being experienced is a primary requirement for top
positions, men are believed to be preferable for such jobs. However, today’s maternity
leave is often shared between parents which mitigates this difference in experience.
Women at leading position can be a great asset to a company as they are equally
capable of managing. Business leadership has no gender as managing skills are defined
by individual talents, skills and education rather than qualities attributed to feminine or
masculine traits. Hence, provided that men and women have the same educational and
professional background, they can be equally successful as managers. If a position
requires, for example, experience in managing large teams or making presentations in
front of large audiences, any manager meeting these requirements can successfully
fulfill duties this job implies, regardless of their gender.
In conclusion, even though males are often stereotypically believed to be more
experienced, thus, more suitable for leading positions, I believe that leadership is gender
neutral. It is capability rather than gender that determines successful managers.

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11 МАЯ 2021 Г. AT 20:07

IELTS Portfolio: Paying Taxes

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Paying Taxes, чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи

3 Reasons Why is it Important for Every Citizen to Pay Taxes

The Importance Of Taxes

2. конспектируете основные мысли

3. учите лексику по теме на
Vocabulary list:
duty towards society - долг перед обществом
liability - обязанность
social obligation - социальная обязанность
contribute one's fair share - вносить свою справедливую долю
ensure well-being - обеспечить благополучие
primary civil responsibility - основная гражданская ответственность
be formed on the basis of tax revenue - формироваться на основе налоговых
comply with tax obligation - соблюдать налоговые обязательства
flourishing community - процветающее сообщество
law-obedient tax payer - законопослушные налогоплательщики
compulsory contribution - обязательный взнос
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Some people believe that paying taxes is their only duty while others believe that is only
part of their responsibly towards society. Discuss both views and give your ow opinion.
While tax contributions is a person’s only duty towards society, there are those who
believe that this liability is only one of many social obligations. In my opinion, every
citizen is obliged to contribute their fair share, both financially and personally, to ensure
well-being of their neighbourhood.
Admittedly, paying taxes is a primary civil responsibility of each individual inasmuch as
this is essential to maintain amenities necessary for society. This is because public
facilities are funded, for the most part, through governmental budget which, in turn, is
formed on the basis of tax revenue. As such, complying with tax obligation appears to be
part and parcel of a flourishing community. A prime example is Germany, known for its
law-obedient tax payers, where the well-run public infrastructure is entirely funded with
their compulsory contributions.
However, being a civil liability, tax paying is not more than an arm’s length contribution
which does not include emotional involvement into the well-being of one’s neighbours. If
citizens limit their responsibility towards community with just formal monetary
contribution, they gain legal, but not moral right to stay indifferent to needs of their
neighbourhood. Hence, this indifference may lead, in the long run, to an impersonally
governed society where no one is personally and emotionally involved into the
management process, which is not enough for a healthy society.
In conclusion, considering the wellbeing of neighbours, citizenry should not narrow their
civil responsibilities to just paying compulsory taxes. This means that even provided an
individual is eligible to tax reduction, they are still morally obliged to make personal
contributions that ensure their neighbours’ well-being.

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30 АПР. 2021 Г. AT 14:46


IELTS Portfolio: Contacting Aliens

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Contacting Aliens, чтобы потом
вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи

Debating the search for alien life (короткая)

Impact of extraterrestrial contact (long-read)

2. конспектируете основные мысли

3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
alien life - инопланетная жизнь
alerting aliens to our existence - предупреждение инопланетян о нашем
contact extraterrestrial forms - связаться с внеземными формами
bring technologies enhancing our life - принести технологии, улучшающие нашу
searching life beyond the Earth - поиск жизни за пределами Земли
pose a threat to our existence - представляют угрозу нашему существованию
contact hostile aliens - контактировать с враждебными инопланетянами
highly-evolved intelligent life-forms - высокоразвитые разумные формы жизни
have malicious intent - иметь злой умысел
release a gennie from the bottle - выпустить джинни из бутылки
unpredictable consequences - непредсказуемые последствия
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.

Some scientists think that there are intelligent life forms on other planets and messages
should be sent to contact them. Other scientists think it is a bad idea and would be dangerous.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
While it is sometimes believed that alien life that potentially exists on other planets
should be contacted, others warn against doing this. Even though alerting aliens to our
existence might be asking for trouble, I believe that this is highly unlikely. In my opinion,
we should try to contact extraterrestrial forms as they can bring technologies enhancing
our life.
Searching life beyond Earth can pose a threat to our existence as if it turns out that we are
not alone in the universe,  we could contact hostile aliens who can attack us. If they can
receive our messages, they can be potentially advanced enough, being our level of
development or higher. Therefore, if such developed creatures misunderstand our
peaceful intentions, they may see Earthlings as a threat and decide to come and
destroy Earth. However, aggression is not likely to be their main characteristic as they
have figured out a way to manage their civilization for periods long enough to achieve
the level of development needed for decoding our signals.
Attempts to contact aliens are worthwhile as it can bring knowledge of the science and
technology of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization that will accelerate the ability to
live quality lives on Earth. In case extraterrestrials are significantly more technologically
advanced than we are on Earth today, they can share technologies and innovations
improving life here on Earth. For instance, highly-evolved intelligent life-forms may teach
humankind new agricultural technologies that can boost harvests to feed the growing
population or share formulas of more sustainable fuels that do not pollute air. Provided
our levels of development are similar, we can still exchange information about our
achievements which can be mutually beneficial.
In conclusion, even though connecting with extraterrestrials that might have malicious
intent can be letting the genie out of the bottle with unpredictable consequences, I
strongly believe that making such contacts is essential as a great impact this can have
on our technological development compensates potential risks.

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7 отметок «Нравится»

Mary Talabaeva

Добрый день! Не могли бы Вы ответить на два вопроса по поводу идиомы "release

a gennie from the bottle" , которую Вы использовали в вышенаписанном эссе.
Вопросы: 1. Как Вы думаете, ее можно использовать в Ielts Academic? 2. В
Cambridge Dictionary эта идиома выглядит вот так "let the genie out of the bottle".
Будет ли являтся ошибкой так ее видоизменять? (правописание+предлог)

6 мес.

Загрузить ответы (2)

Mary Talabaeva

Еще один вопрос про вот эту фразу "Searching life beyond the Earth...", а точнее
про правописание слова "Earth". Я недавно проходила курс от IeltsAdvantage, и
они давали вот такое правило правильного правописания слова "Earth" : если
перед ним есть aртикль the - всегда пишем с маленькой буквы; если перед ним
предлог - большая буква опциональна (т.е. можно и с большой и с маленькой
буквы писать). Какое правило Вы используете и считаете будет правильно
использовать в данной ситуации? Заранее спасибо заответы!

6 мес.

Загрузить ответ

15 АПР. 2021 Г. AT 21:48


IELTS Portfolio: Сultural Globalization

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Сultural Globalization, чтобы

потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи
Globalization and culture (короткая)
Globalization and its Effect on Cultural Diversity (long-read)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
lack of awareness - недостаточная информированность
standardization of culture - стандартизация культуры
loss of cultural uniqueness - потеря культурной самобытности
cultural identity - культурная идентичность
erase boundaries and cultural differences - стирать границы и культурные различия
dominating western civilization - доминирующая западная цивилизация
neglect local traditions - пренебрегать местными традициями
homogeneous globalized culture - однородная глобализированная культура
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Nowadays some young people do not know much about the traditions and culture of their
What can be the reason for this?
Is it a positive or negative development?
Lack of awareness of local culture among the young generation is a growing concern.
This alarming situation is primarily caused by standardization of culture around the
world, which can lead to such negative consequences as loss of cultural uniqueness and
cultural identity.
Today’s generation is disconnected from their culture because they are influenced by
cultural globalization. Living in the global village where boundaries and cultural
differences are erased, they are largely affected by the dominating western civilization.
As a natural result, teenagers tend to follow Western lifestyle and traditions, neglecting
local traditions. For example, not knowing Russian traditions, many young people in our
country celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day which has been brought by American culture
instead of Peter and Fevronia day which is the Day of Family, Love and Faithfulness.
Hence, westernization is a major reason why young people are unaware of the traditions
and culture of their country.
In this globalized world where local traditions are forgotten, cultural uniqueness can be
lost. Not knowing roots, young people tend to imitate others, thus many look alike, eat
alike and dress alike. This is the reason why beautiful traditional clothing is lost between
identical looks created by multinational brands while jeans and hoodies are seen
everywhere. The same food in New York or New Delhi is another example of this
negative trend when distinctive local cuisine is replaced by western dishes. All this
results in a homogeneous globalized culture where young people have no cultural
identity, feeling disconnected and rootless.
In conclusion, low awareness of local traditions is a natural but disturbing implication
caused by cultural homogenization that young people are largely exposed to. However,
neglecting one’s roots may create a standardized world where people and nations have
lost their uniqueness, having become mere clones of one another.

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25 МАР. 2021 Г. AT 21:00


IELTS Portfolio: Computers in Education

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Computers in Education, чтобы

потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью How Technology Promotes Independent Learning?
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
make knowledge more accessible - сделать знания более доступными
negative impact on personal communication - негативное влияние на личное
deter students from using computers - удерживать студентов от использования
provide a vast array of material - предоставить широкий спектр материалов
become independent learners - стать независимыми учениками
access numerous resources - получить доступ к многочисленным ресурсам
deprive students of real human communication - лишить студентов настоящего
человеческого общения
engage a whole spectrum of verbal and non-verbal components - задействовать
целый спектр вербальных и невербальных компонентов
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Computers are becoming an essential part of education.
Discuss advantages & disadvantages and give your own opinion.
In recent years, computers have been used tremendously in schools and colleges.
Despite making knowledge more accessible for both teachers and students, computers
are often blamed for their negative impact on personal communication. In my opinion, this
impact should not deter students from using computers in education.
The internet has provided both students and teachers with access to more information
than ever before, making acquisition of knowledge easier and more accessible. In
today’s classes for both teachers and students a whole world of information is available,
some of which is interactive. The multimedia sources provide a vast array of material
that is ready to be used, demanding little preparation from the teacher. The teacher can
now focus on the subject content and how to present rather than making visual aids,
potentially fostering a higher caliber of class. In addition, students can become
independent learners, guided by their teachers. Present technology will let them access
numerous resources for the topic they want to learn. Being guided how to find
information on the web , student can easily find many sites, articles, documents and
lectures for their topic.
On the other hand, many feel that technologies in education can deprive students of real
human communication. Exchanging messages and emails through  the school network
is quick and effortless, but such interaction lacks depth. It is face-to-face communication
that engages a whole spectrum of verbal and non-verbal components, ranging from
emotions to body language which makes interaction more meaningful. However,
implementing computers in education does not necessarily mean the prevalence of
communicating through devices over face-to-face communication. In contrast, this can
only enrich personal communication, providing new opportunities to stay in touch.
In conclusion, even though some can be concerned with possible degrading of personal
communication in the era of digitalized education, I believe that computers
immeasurably benefit both students and teachers by diversifying means of interaction
and providing quick access to many learning resources.

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Подскажите пожалуйста, можно ли в Writing T2 Academic использовать Passive


7 мес.


18 МАР. 2021 Г. AT 20:00


IELTS Portfolio: Celebrities in Media

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Celebrities in Media, чтобы потом
вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Celebrities In The Media
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
be in the public eye - быть на виду
elaborate lifestyle - продуманный образ жизни
manipulate peoples view - манипулировать мнением людей
represent an unrealistic view - нереалистично представлять
misguide the public - вводить в заблуждение публику
gain an insight into the lives of celebrities - получить представление о жизни
be featured in advertising - быть представленным в рекламе
the glitz and glamour - блеск и гламур
be in the limelight - быть в центре внимания
in pursuit of wealth - в погоне за богатством
promote materialistic values - продвигать материалистические ценности
admire wealth and material belongings - восхищаться богатством и материальными
entail hard work - влечет за собой тяжелую работу
chase after the end goal - погоня за конечной целью
on the road to success - на пути к успеху
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Nowadays, celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their
achievements, and this has set a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?
In today’s media, the glitz and glamour of famous people’s lives and not the work behind
their success is often in the limelight. While  presenting only the glamorous side of
being famous may have a negative influence, for many especially the young, however,
this could be a stimulus to unleash potential in pursuit of wealth.
Focusing only on the glamorous side of stardom can negatively affect youngsters’ 
system of values. This is because admiring wealth and material belongings promotes
materialistic values without the recognition of the hard work entailed. As a result, many
young people worship attributes of an idle glamorous lifestyle such as luxurious property
or posh cars, not connecting such a lifestyle with the hard work essential.  They merely
chase after the end goal rather than understanding the importance of developing their
potential on the road to success.. As a result, many youngsters waste hours in TikTok
dreaming about becoming another Justin Bieber instead of studying and working hard.
On the other hand, if a young person realises the amount of work stardom implies,
money associated with it could be a powerful motivator. Knowing that hard work and
perseverance is often financially rewarded can motivate youngsters to study and work
hard. Having read, for instance, the biography of an Olympic champion, they can learn
how much effort and pain often lie behind their glamorous lifestyle. As a result, aiming for
such possessions, teenagers can become motivated to undergo all hardships that pave
the way leading them to develop as an individual.
In conclusion, I partially agree with the statement given as merely showing the fruits of
one’s labour, as often is the case, may not show the reality of the sacrifice essential to
such a lifestyle. However, if the degree of effort behind such glamour is understood, such
stars are a good role model.

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IELTS portfolio

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Konstantin Mikhaylov

Анастасия, могу задать два вопроса по этому эссе? 1) Насколько критично, что
отсутствует в первом абзаце явное упоминание на мнение автора эссе (To what
extent do you agree...) 2) Не является ли упоминание медиа немного
нерелевантным? Ну то есть в задании не говорится, что медиа както изображает
селебритис - в задании дано, что мол селебритис известны за их деньги, а это
плохой пример.

7 мес.

Загрузить ответы (2)

10 МАР. 2021 Г. AT 19:47


IELTS Portfolio: Natural World

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Natural World, чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
incredible wonder - невероятное чудо
natural assets - природные активы
take smth for granted - принимать что-л. как должное
overexploit natural resources - чрезмерная эксплуатация природных ресурсов
the value of nature in economic and social terms - ценность природы в
экономическом и социальном плане
realize full implications - осознавать все последствия
pursue short-term financial interests - преследовать краткосрочные финансовые
longer-term benefits  - долгосрочные выгоды
take better care of the natural world - лучше заботиться о мире природы
living in harmony with nature - жить в гармонии с природой
the value of natural capital - стоимость природного капитала
secure a sustainable future - обеспечить устойчивое будущее
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
«Today, many people do not realise how important the natural world is. Why is this?
How can people learn more about the importance of the natural world?»
Little value is put on nature in today’s society. This attitude may be attributed to the fact
that it is often taken for granted, which can be addressed by fostering environmental
awareness through introducing educational initiatives.
Because nature is freely accessible and seemingly nondepletable, people often take it for
granted and overexploit it, failing to see long-term implications of their careless attitude.
Having illusively  infinite resources at their disposal, people attach little if any value to
them until they are lost. Due to such lack of awareness, we cut down forests, overfish
oceans and pollute rivers in pursuit of short-term financial interests. Not realizing the
value and finitude of these readily available natural resources, many people fail to take
into account the importance of the natural world. .
To bring the value of the natural world to people, we can look at its long-term benefits for
people and the economy. By initiating awareness programs, campaigns and movements
aiming at preserving such natural wonders as the Great Barrier Reef, society can
encourage people to learn more about cause-effect relationships the natural world is
governed by. Being on the brink of irreversible destruction caused by overly intensive
tourism, this once rich in marine resources natural community of reefs cannot provide
any benefits anymore. If we show such examples of shortsighted overconsumption,
people can become more aware of long-term consequences of every decision they
In conclusion,  little do people realize that nature is an illusively infinite treasure that is
yet easy to lose which is a primary reason for their careless attitude. To make people
aware of its worth, educational initiatives aimed at raising environmental consciousness
should be put in practice.

IELTS portfolio

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11 ФЕВР. 2021 Г. AT 17:00


IELTS Portfolio: Young Offenders

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Young Offenders, чтобы потом
вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью How should we deal with young offenders? 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise
Vocabulary list:
the justice system - система правосудия
be commensurate to the offence - быть соразмерным преступлению
the lack of maturity - отсутствие зрелости
juvenile crimes - преступления несовершеннолетних
adequate punishment - адекватное наказание
commit a minor offence - совершить мелкое правонарушение
inevitable consequences that any crime implies - неизбежные последствия любого
overly severe penalty - слишком суровое наказание
re-educative effect - перевоспитывающий эффект
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Some believe that young people committed a crime should be treated as adults by authorities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is sometimes believed that the justice system should get on as tough on young
offenders as on mature criminals. In my opinion, even though treatment should be
commensurate to the offence, it still should take into account the lack of maturity and
therefore, consequential vulnerability of juveniles.
Punishments for juvenile crimes often do not meet the community's expectations of
adequate punishment, rather sending a message of impunity and even lawlessness. In
this case, justice, that is expected to put the community safety first, may seem not to
fulfill this function. If a child commits a minor offence, such as theft or vandalism, the
police may just talk to parents. Having escaped a deserved punishment, a young
person may have no fear of inevitable consequences that any crime implies, thus, is more
likely to reoffend. Hence, a punitive measure that is more adequate to the offence than
just a pet talk is necessary. However, treating them as adults is not appropriate.
To ensure community safety, it is rehabilitation and not punishment that should be put
first when it comes to youngsters convicted of a crime. Punishment addressed to adult
criminals is often an overly severe penalty for juvenile offenders , which could have a
destructive, but not re-educative effect on young convicts. Being subjected to the same
environment as adults may adversely influence young offenders to adopt the culture
and become entrenched in the values of the criminal world. A viable alternative could be
rehabilitation programs, including counselling and intensive treatment in case of
behavioral disorders to address the root cause of the reason a crime was committed as
it may be easier to help young people to mend their ways. To prevent re-offence,
juveniles could  be monitored even after the program.
In conclusion, an effective justice system should take into account such factors as age
when considering adequate sanctions for an offender. I therefore disagree that
youngsters committed a crime should be treated as adults as such a penalty may only
divert them from a law obedient life.

IELTS portfolio

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3 ФЕВР. 2021 Г. AT 14:59


IELTS Portfolio: Family History

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Family History, чтобы потом вы
могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью 5 Benefits of Knowing Your Family History 
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи на Memrise 
Vocabulary list:
life-changing benefit - изменяющее жизнь благо
eye-opening experience - открывающий глаза опыт
embrace one's culture - принять свою культуру
give sense of self-worth - дать чувство собственного достоинства
make more resilient - сделать более устойчивым
forming connections - формирование отношений
ancestors’ stories - рассказы предков
prevent hereditary diseases - предотвратить наследственные заболевания
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
In many countries it is becoming increasingly popular to learn about one's family history.
Why does this happen? Is it a positive or negative development?
Many people are becoming increasingly interested in their genealogy, searching for their
place in today’s globalized society. There can be many reasons behind the desire to
learn about their heritage, including to increase the potential to boost resilience.
In today’s increasingly disconnected world, knowing one’s own roots gives a sense of
identity and, consequently, security. With increased mobility and the rapid pace of
globalization, it is becoming increasingly challenging to feel a sense of belonging to a
small close-knit community like one’s family which is considered to be essential to
realise a sense of self-worth. In contrast to communities of the past, where family
relations were preserved as being of great importance, modern people tend to be more
cosmopolitan, having no roots or connections. Old photos that used to be carefully kept
in family archives, which in today’s digital era are mostly lost, are just one example of
modern disconnectedness.
Exploring one’s family tree provides many life-changing social benefits as it makes the
explorer more resilient. Learning from the past, knowing tragedies that every generation
faced and overcame, one can grow into a more resilient person, which is increasingly
recognized as an asset in today’s changing and unpredictable world. One gets inspired
to overcome obstacles as a result of great examples set. For instance, knowing that
humanity has already faced a plague and other pandemics and has survived can
empower and encourage people to fight the current situation.
In conclusion, people interested in exploring their family history attempt to understand
how they relate to society, thus establishing meaningful connections and developing

IELTS portfolio

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22 ЯНВ. 2021 Г. AT 19:01


IELTS Portfolio: Children and Success

Покажу хорошо проработать тему IELTS Portfolio: Success, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью The Paradox of Pushing Kids to Succeed
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи здесь
Vocabulary list:
a culture driven by competition and perfectionism
transmit values to our children
be the fast track
be well-intentioned
be left behind in a competitive world
hypervigilance about teens’ grades
overly invest in performance
develop their own sustainable motivation
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.
Nowadays parents put too much pressure on their children to succeed. What is the reason
for doing this?Is this a negative or positive development?
These days, many parents push their children to perform their best which is commonly
approved in today’s competitive environment. However, obsession with performance
may have the opposite result, discouraging the young generation from being self-reliant.
Today’s teens are embedded in a culture driven by competition and perfectionism, where
performance defines one’s success. One cannot escape the modern vanity - fair social
media with its photoshopped reality, where benchmarks are set unrealistically high
across the globe. Such platforms promote those who are on the fast track, rewarding
photos with another award or diploma with likes and shares. Parents transmit such
values to their offspring, be it verbally or nonverbally, by encouraging with words to
achieve better grades or showing that they admire such achievements. As a result,
children are pushed to compete with the whole world which is an unbearable pressure
for many, while only a few decades ago they used to be compared only to their peers in
the neighborhood.
Parents’ hypervigilance about their children’s performance and success may often
backfire, as young people are less likely to develop their own motivation, resilience and
as a consequence the  ability to sustain an independent life. Having succumbed to
constant pressure, compliant children often lose their inner drive to excel together with the
ability to think independently. This is because in a world when children are constantly
told which lessons to learn and which hobbies to like, there are being unable to make
their own choices. As a natural result, they are likely to grow into infantile young adults
seeking escape from stress, exhibiting self-destructive behaviour as reported in the
statistics for incidents of drug abuse.
In conclusion, being obsessed with external evidence of their children’s worth to
benchmark them against the top in today’s competitive society, parents are likely to
oppress the young, depriving them of opportunities to grow into a strong and self-reliant
people. Therefore, I believe that this is wholeheartedly a negative development

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3 ЯНВ. 2021 Г. AT 17:02


IELTS Portfolio: Promotion

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Promotion, чтобы потом вы могли использовать

этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:

1. читаете статью "The Effects of Merit-Based Promotion Vs. Seniority" 

2. конспектируете основные мысли

3. учите лексику из статьи :
Vocabulary list:
take advantage of the employees' experience - воспользоваться опытом сотрудников
reward for one's service - награда за службу
promotion based on merit -  продвижение по службе на основе заслуг
seniority-based promotion - продвижение по службе на основе выслуги лет
obtain a promotion - получить повышение
play the game of corporate politics - играть в корпоративную политику
maintain a more harmonious workplace - сохранить более гармоничное рабочее
eliminate backstabbing - устранить удары в спину/подсиживание
motivation leading to increased productivity - мотивация, ведущая к повышению
strive to produce the best results - стремимся к лучшим результатам
(больше лексики в эссе ниже)
на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Promotion, пример моего эссе ниже.

«Some think that only those people who have worked for a company for many years should
be promoted to a higher position. Do you agree?”
Promotion based on seniority is often  believed to be the only way to progress through
the ranks within a company. However, I disagree that tenure is the sole solid reason to
promote a person in today’s changeable world where professional achievements are a
more objective criterion of one’s worthiness.
Seniority-based promotion is considered to take advantage of one’s time-proven
experience. Having worked for many years in a specific field, one can gain unique
knowledge which may be essential for a company to prosper. As such, an experienced
employee can be a company’s valuable asset which deserves recognition. However, in
today’s changeable working conditions, skills and knowledge gained while working for a
long period of time in the same position may be outdated, and therefore, of little if any
value. IT is just one example of such a rapidly evolving industry driven by innovations,
where skills become obsolete practically every day, making seniority-based promotion
largely irrelevant.
Even though seniority-based promotion honors one’s experience, it is the merit-based
system that has the potential to create a more competitive and conducive working
environment. This system is designed to provide workers with opportunities to climb the
career ladder by producing high quality work, proving their that they are worthy. In such
a way, all applicants are considered in an objective manner based on their achievements,
be it one’s annual sales figures in the retail industry or a number of successful surgeries
in medical settings. As a natural result, workers are stimulated to exert their full effort to
deserve promotion, which is, in turn, the driving force behind a company’s success.
In conclusion, even though many years spent acquiring experience should be
recognized, professional accomplishments are a more objective, thus, compelling
reason for promotion. I therefore disagree with the view that only those who have
worked for a company for many years should be promoted.

IELTS portfolio

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15 ДЕК. 2020 Г. AT 09:00


IELTS Portfolio: Parks

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Parks, чтобы потом вы могли использовать этот
материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи:
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи здесь
Vocabulary list:
help to fight pollution
encourage biodiversity in city centres
an open space for community
places of solace and recreation
access to areas with trees or vegetation
reduce noise from road traffic
create an oasis for both plants and animals
venues for cultural or recreational events
a wide variety of fauna and flora

на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Parks, пример моего эссе ниже.
“Planting trees is very important for the environment. Some people say trees should be
planted in the vacant areas of cities and towns, while others believe housing facilities should
be built instead.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.”
Vegetation is an essential component of any ecosystem. Therefore, there are those who
consider that every free area in cities should be used for creating green zones, while
others prioritize building accommodation facilities instead. In my opinion, to address
both ever-increasing demand for homes and public green spots, available land in cities
should be used in a new format that is both space-efficient and environmentally
However important public parks are for the community’s well-being, their space-
efficiency in settings of today’s densely populated cities is highly questionable.
Undoubtedly, green spaces bring a lot of environmental benefits by mitigating
pollutants. As such, parks are wildlife sanctuaries that are definitely worth taking up
vacant urban areas. However, such publicly accessible green spots are extremely
space-intensive facilities that require sufficient area which can be otherwise used for
more pressing needs. For example, a square meter of land in densely-populated cities,
for example, can either accommodate hundreds of dwellers living in a high-rise or just a
few trees which are not likely to significantly contribute to the improvement of air quality.
A viable alternative to traditional massive parks can be vertical green neighborhood
communities that can make cities a viable and sustainable habitat. To avoid urban
sprawl and create a green environment, housing should be transferred into the compact
format of high-rises that uses every opportunity to incorporate green areas into the
urban milieu. For instance, vertical greening systems along with roof gardens may help
to make effective use of otherwise unexploited building surfaces, which can comprise
up to 10 square kilometers per a 100-story construction. Therefore, it is essential to
prioritize such constructions when considering the use of vacant spaces in cities.
In conclusion, traditional spacious parks are losing their relevance in today’s highly
populated cities, which aim at making maximum use of limited urban space. In such
conditions, it is a sustainable architecture that can address not only the constantly
growing demand for accommodation, but also the need for a habitable urban

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10 ДЕК. 2020 Г. AT 20:34


IELTS Portfolio: Being a celebrity

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Being a celebrity, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Celebrity
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи здесь
Vocabulary list:
rise to fame
their fame rests on
in search of fame and fortune
lead life of normal people
get preferential treatment
materialistic pleasures of life
experience a massive ego boost
embark upon the entrepreneurship path
be mobbed and hounded for autographs
live in their own little secluded world
предаваться маленьким радостям жизни

4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе, пример моего эссе ниже.

“Being a celebrity - such as a famous film star or sports personality - brings problems as well
as benefits.
Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?”
Fame, be it gained in the film industry or sport, is a double-edged sword. Even though
many opportunities arise when people become famous, I still believe that this cannot
compensate for many limitations celebrities are exposed to.
Being famous opens numerous avenues inaccessible to average people, whether they
are career-related or not. Many celebrities tend to embark upon the entrepreneurship
path as soon as they achieve stardom. Michel Jourdan is just one example of a
sportsperson who also succeeded in design and promotion of his own collections of
sports apparel. Besides this, high- profile individuals can take advantage of their strong
social network that may not translate into immediate profit but can serve as support in
the long run. Having built close relationships with influential people from various
backgrounds, celebrities may enjoy special treatment such as being given a preferred
entry at any high-rated events.
Many doors open for those who are known and recognized by many cannot justify being
unable to live a normal life with its little indulging in the little pleasures of life. Fame often
forces people to live in their small secluded world where they are not hounded by
stalkers and paparazzi. As a result, celebrities can not relish such trivial commonly-
accessible experiences as taking a stroll in a park or even doing grocery shopping in a
local supermarket without being begged for an autograph. Hence, however successful
in business and networking famous people can be, such seemingly ideal lives may be in
fact frustrating.
In conclusion, in search of fame and fortune, many forget that, although fame paves the
way for many opportunities, these benefits fade away when many simple joys of life
become out of the reach.

IELTS portfolio

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13 НОЯБ. 2020 Г. AT 12:00


IELTS Portfolio: Uniform

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Uniform, чтобы потом вы могли использовать

этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Другие темы вы можете посмотреть по тегу IELTS Portfolio.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью The Importance of Uniform Wearing – Why Wearing a Uniform Is
Important in Both Work and School
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
На основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Uniform, пример моего эссе ниже.
"Many companies and other organizations require employees to wear a uniform. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of having to wear a uniform at work and give your opinion".
Wearing clothes according to a strict code is required by many establishments, which
brings both benefits and drawbacks to those who have had this rule imposed upon. On
the one hand, a uniform protects employees working in severe environments, on the
other hand, such a dress code that does not consider one’s individual features could be
experienced to be discriminatory.
The importance of the requirement to wear a uniform goes beyond just  setting people
apart as it also performs protective functions. Being made of sturdier and easy to clean
or sanitize material, such clothing is designed to create a high level of protection from
injuries or infection not only for wearers but also for surrounding people. In medical
settings, scrubs are obligatory to be worn for protecting both doctors and patients. By
wearing such an imposed protective uniform, doctors are shielded from spills and body
fluids otherwise inevitable in their working environment, which is of increasing
importance in today’s pandemic situation, for instance. Owing to these features, the
obligation to wear a uniform is immeasurably beneficial as it is an inherent part of
workers’ protective equipment.
However essential uniform is for protection, clothes that are sewn for a standardly-built
person may emphasize one’s body imperfections, thus being discriminatory for plus-size
workers. Many companies have quite a utilitarian approach towards a uniform; as such,
they invest little if any resources to design an outfit that flatters various body types. As a
result, standard clothes may stretch where they should not, only emphasizing one’s
curves or, on the contrary, wrinkle to underline weight deficiency. Hence, imposing a
uniform can send a discriminatory message in the workplace where no such practices
should have a place.
In conclusion, having to wear a uniform at work has both advantages and
disadvantages. Even though such a requirement may be perceived as a form of
discrimination against not standard body types, any design successfully performs a
primary function of the uniform which is the protection of the wearer. If this is not an
issue, then the benefit is questionable and therefore does not justify limiting a person’s

IELTS portfolio

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10 НОЯБ. 2020 Г. AT 23:09


IELTS Portfolio: Stress

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Stress, чтобы потом вы могли использовать этот
материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статьи What Is Stress?
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь

На основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Stress, пример моего эссе ниже.

Stress is now a major problem in many countries around the world.

What are some of the factors in modern society that cause this stress, and how can we reduce
These days, many experience stresses caused by psychological, emotional or mental
strain abundant in today’s hectic life. To alleviate this tension, one should either exert
effort to change one’s personal environment or accept it, seeking for alternative ways to
handle the consequential stress.
Today’s fast-paced and often unpredictable life are major factors activating stress
reactions. When stress is caused by juggling a demanding job, family and a social life,
no readily apparent response is appropriate, which leads to the accumulation of anxiety
and tension. From evolutionary perspective, a human is programmed to deal with one
issue at a time, which is practically impossible when facing current social and economic
strains. In today’s busy life, many stressors, be it an upcoming deadline or a delayed
flight, cannot be dealt with immediately, leading to chronic stress and other associated
One possible way to address symptoms of stress is to change the situation causing it
or, if this is impossible, change one’s own response to the many stressors that bombard
us continually today. By changing circumstances, one can eliminate some major
stressors such as, for instance, managing the workload or re-negotiating deadlines. In
case the source of stress is beyond one’s control,  as can be witnessed during the
current lockdown, it is essential to develop stress coping skills. Exercising is just one
example of such an activity that releases dopamine, a feel good hormone that alleviates
stress. Another time-proven relaxation technique is practicing daily meditation which is a
type of mental concentration that helps reduce anxiety and tension, regulating the heart
In conclusion, it is the 21st century lifestyle, rich in unpredictable challenges and perils
that brings about stress which is now a pressing issue around the world, leaving no
person untouched. To address this problem, people should consider steps to reduce the
stress inducing elements or change their response to stressors experienced.

IELTS portfolio

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29 ОКТ. 2020 Г. AT 12:57


IELTS Portfolio: Staying at home

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Staying at home, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Другие темы вы можете найти по тегу "IELTS Portfolio"
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Technology vs Nature – Why Outdoors Activities Are Essential for
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите лексику из статьи здесь


4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Staying at home, пример моего эссе
Nowadays, people of all ages from certain parts of the world spend most time at home rather
than going outdoors. Discuss the reasons, is this negative or positive development?
An increasing number of people stay at home these days. Although this can be caused
by many personal reasons, in most cases, it is  the recent advancement in technology
that underlies such behaviour, shaking the previous norms of socialization.
Spending the most of the time at home as a result of digitalization. Technology in
today’s world has resulted in ways of being that could never have been imagined. Being
digitally connected, people no longer have to step outside to explore the outside world
to seek education,  job opportunities or socialization as it can all be done from one’s
desk. This drastic change is most evident from early childhood. When looking at the
young generation they no longer spend hours riding bikes, camping in the backyard or
constructing houses on trees. In stark contrast, today’s children are spending on
average, 8 hours a day on the Internet, playing online games or just scrolling through
social media.
To realize implications of staying inside, one needs to step back to observe what people
are missing out by staying indoors. One such danger is the limited face-to-face
communication, which being glued to devices may cause, affecting social interaction
and bonding. On a positive note, this has opened the way to transcend geographical
distances in communication, which we are grappling with understanding the best way to
utilize. On balance, studies are showing a decline in social skills. Another consequence
tied to spending time indoors is the increased risk of obesity such a sedentary lifestyle
poses. It is time spent outdoors that provides people with essential natural physical
activity, thus lowering the chance of gaining weight and suffering associated chronic
diseases, such as hypertension and cardio vascular diseases.
In conclusion, spending most time at home interacting with one’s devices rather than
going outdoors to communicate face-to-face might have a profound negative effect on
socialization and physical well-being of those staying at their homes.

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Spending the most of the time at home is a result of digitalization?

12 мес.


25 ОКТ. 2020 Г. AT 18:00


IELTS Portfolio: Shopping Habits

Остальные темы IELTS Portfolio можно найти по тегу "IELTS Portfolio"
Покажу хорошо проработать тему Business, чтобы потом вы могли использовать
этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь


 на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Shopping Habits, пример моего эссе

People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than other factors.
To what extent do you agree and disagree?

Age category is sometimes believed to be the leading factor shaping consumer

behaviour, surpassing others in its power. In my opinion, buying decisions are based
not primarily and solely on one’s age but rather on a complex of various social and
individual attributes.
Age is considered to be one of major determinants influencing the focus and means of
buying behavior. Young people are often more focused on personal momentary
pleasures, such as beauty products, clothes or footwear, while more mature people
have responsibilities and are becoming aware of the importance of investments as a
means to wise. Moreover, more digitally capable younger generations tend to opt for on-
line shopping which can be witnessed with a growth of such youngsters-oriented giants
as Amazon, while older cohorts still prefer shopping in traditional brick-and-mortar
However, despite being one of the most powerful factors, age is not a sole characteristic
defining one’s consumer behaviour which is formed by a number of social and individual
determinants. Age apart, it is the environment a person is raised in, their background
and personal traits that primarily define one’s purchasing decisions. As a result of the
influence of many such factors altogether, one is motivated to prefer one item to
another, be it a brand-new smartphone which is bought to imitate peers or a bag
purchased under influence of an advert. Hence, when a person buys a product, their
decision is influenced not only by their age, but also by a wide range of other factors.
In conclusion, considering age a primary factor affecting buying choices would be an
unacceptable simplification of this decision-making process based on a complex of
reasons varying from one consumer to another. I therefore strongly disagree that
people’s shopping habits depend primarily on their age than on other factors.

Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior.docx

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29 СЕНТ. 2020 Г. AT 18:31


IELTS Portfolio: Youth population

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Youth population, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Youth population trends and sustainable development (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Youth population, пример моего
эссе я представлю после субботнего мастер класса, на котором мы его разберем
(ссылку на регистрацию выложу в пятницу).
Some countries experiencing a fast growth of the young population. 
Discuss current and future effects of this trend.

Youth population.pdf

IELTS portfolio

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25 АВГ. 2020 Г. AT 15:09


IELTS Portfolio: Free transport

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Free transport, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Free transport in Luxembourg, but what's the cost? 
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь

5. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме "Free Transportation":

The best way to solve the traffic congestion in a city is to provide free public transport for 24
hours a day. Do you agree or disagree?
Promoting free of charge municipal transport in cities, round-the-clock is believed to be
the most efficient way to address congested city roads, by some. However, in my
opinion, unless this measure is combined with a corresponding development to
enhance the convenience of the public transport system, this may only alleviate some of
the problems.
A free and readily accessible transit system can contribute to the reduction of traffic
congestion where affordability is a material consideration. Comfortable as modern cars
are, they still require regular maintenance and insurance, not to mention the ever-
increasing price of fuel. As such, private transport is becoming affordable only for the
few, making the majority consider other alternatives. This is where fare-free transit
should come in to meet their needs, relieving congestion through easing bottlenecks as
can be seen in Luxemburg, the first country which introduced such a policy. Having
made all public transport free to use, this country managed to alleviate congestion,
reducing the number of traffic jams practically to zero. 
Yet however appealing the idea of a free and accessible 24/7 mass transport may
seem, this measure will put a strain on the existing system, especially if it is
inadequately developed. This is because not charging a fee usually means that the
transport offered locally is completely funded from the government budget, which can
be deficient to maintain a decent public transit system. As such, being underfinanced,
the system may fail to cope with increased passenger flow. Not only can routes of urban
buses and trains be limited, but they can also be poorly equipped and lack such
necessary conveniences as air conditioning and wi-fi, as reported in some developing
countries switching to fare-free transit. Therefore, the policy of zero-fare transport
should be compulsory,  accompanied by a program aimed at modernization and
extension of the current public infrastructure and municipal vehicles.
In conclusion, even though providing not profit-driven public transport for 24 hours a day
can reduce traffic congestion in the city, I disagree that this measure introduced solely is
the optimum way. The development of a mass urban transport system is essential that
can be complemented with a complimentary transport system for it to become a viable
option but may not necessarily be the best.

Free transport in Luxembourg.docx

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19 АВГ. 2020 Г. AT 15:15


IELTS Portfolio: Banning Zoos

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Banning Zoos, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Is it time for zoos to be banned?
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Banning Zoos, пример моего эссе
Due to increased cruelty towards animals some demand zoos to be closed, while others think
they are needed to protect rare species. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
 Increasingly the cruelty to animals is becoming practiced. One publicly visible place
where this occurs is zoos and their closure, therefore, is considered to be a step in the
right direction, while some still consider these facilities essential for preserving species
under threat.  In my opinion, zoological gardens are nothing more than a barbarian
tradition that should be consigned to history books. Even though some zoos run
breeding programs for endangered species, this does not justify their existence.
The original purpose that zoos aim to is cruel entertainment for the pleasure of people
at the expense of the animals well-being, and as such should be a relic of the past.
Zoos are a prison for animals, camouflaging their cruelty under conservation claims.
Being put behind the bars for public display, animals suffer both physically and
emotionally. Not only are cages a poor simulation of their natural habitat, but also a
never-ending influx of visitors puts a psychological strain on these zoo prisoners. No
wonder that animals kept in such places demonstrate neurotic behaviour such as biting
the bars and rarely breed as reported by European zoos where only one polar bear cub
was born over the last decade. However, there are other scenarios, such as poaching
or dogfighting, where cruelty also exists and these should also be addressed to ensure
the protection of endangered species. 
From an ethical and biological perspective, zoos are not essential as alternatives, such
as national parks are a more humane and natural option to protect a wild animal from
extinction. Being established and often protected by stringent laws enforced by the
government, such places focus on the overall well-being of animals that creates a
natural habitat that is conducive to natural breeding, rather than the exploitation of fauna
for commercial goals as can be witnessed in the Siberian National Park, where the
population of Amur tigers is now recovering at a reassuring pace. Even though visits to
such parks are encouraged, excursions are organized as safari trips with all the
necessary precautions taken, ensuring minimal disturbance to animals and the
In conclusion, I believe that being nothing more than a cruel show, today’s zoos should
be banned as not the sole, but the most publicly visible instance of cruelty towards
animals. Therefore, other more humane alternatives for protecting endangered species
should be considered.

Is it time for zoos to be banned.docx

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14 АВГ. 2020 Г. AT 20:14


IELTS Portfolio: Scientific Research

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Scientific Research, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью People don’t trust scientific research when companies are involved
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме: 
Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the
government rather than private companies. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Science is often believed to be in the domain of the government,  therefore solely
responsible for funding and conducting scientific investigations, with minimized business
involvement. While it is the government that shoulders the responsibility to ensure
credibility of research, it often lacks financial resources that business possesses,
demanding a partnership to be considered.
When business is involved in research, credibility suffers as such sponsors are seen to
be very much profit driven, raising ethical concerns. As a result, industry may poorly
conduct or even intentionally mislead research as reported when a tobacco company
denied the correlation between smoking and lung cancer even in face of mounting
evidence. The same concerns surround the pharmaceutical industry today. As a result,
this conflict of interests naturally raises criticism towards business involvement in
science unless it is rigorously controlled by a third party, such as the government. 
However, even though some may critique the integrity of research conducted by
business, it is usually business and not the government that has money to underwrite
research projects. Without this support, scientists may scramble to fund their research
in the era of tight budgets when the government funding lags. It is therefore essential to
explore new methods of funding and controlling research such as multi-sector research
collaborations that will enhance the ethics and therefore validity of the results, giving
more credibility in the eyes of the public. Transparent research policies, open-data
sources and, probably, an opportunity for public control through external reviews are
just a few examples of what would produce high-quality, legitimate results. 
In conclusion, given the central role of business in sponsoring research, collaboration
with the government is vital to ensure the development of science and to alleviate bias
concerns. Scientific research should not be conducted and controlled by one source,
but rather a collaboration between all sectors is essential, and I therefore disagree with
the opinion expressed in the question.

People don’t trust scientific research when companies are involved.docx

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12 АВГ. 2020 Г. AT 12:49


IELTS PORTFOLIO: Sportsmen as role models

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Sportsmen as role models, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Sportsmen as role models (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Sportsmen as role models, пример
моего эссе ниже.
Some people think that as long as professional sportsmen and sportswomen are good players,
their behaviour on and off the playing fields is not important. Do you agree or disagree?
 It is sometimes believed that, as long as icons of the sporting world perform well, they
should not be judged for their behaviour in their private liveHowever, I disagree with this
position as, in today’s media-powered world, these people are role models to that are
followed with consequential responsibilities thrust upon them, therefore their entire lives
are in the spotlight.
Critiques may say that unless professional sportsmen break the law, it is solely their
personal matter what to consider appropriate in their private lives. Strictly speaking, if
there are no legal fines or other punishment for moral misconduct, any  behaviour
should be acceptable and of no concern to others. A prime example can be a recent
infamous party thrown in Las Vegas by some Russian footballers, while the whole
country was in mourning as they failed to secure the World Championship. Whereas,
from a legal perspective, no law was broken in this case, such an event was considered
morally impermissible as it tarnished the reputation of Russian sport as a whole.
Being in the all seeing eye of the media, thrusts responsibility upon today’s sportsmen
as every their every move can be copied mimicked by their followers, especially
younger ones. Having achieved success and fame, celebrities of the sporting world
have become modern icons to be worshiped and pursued by, many youngsters,
consciously or not. Therefore, some instances of sportsmen’s questionable behaviour
such as being insensitive or disrespectful, or even careless driving are raising social
concerns, nowadays. Undoubtedly, sportsmen should not be expected to be saints as
they tend to only mirror sins of modern society; however, it is increasingly recognized
today that their  behaviour off the field is no longer their personal matter. 
In conclusion, As a result, I believe that, however outstanding one’s sports performance
is, their behaviour off the field matters as well. Like it or loath it, being famous thrusts
responsibility of one’s actions and therefore accountability towards society as one’s life
is thrown into the public domain. I therefore do not agree with the statement given, that
the behavior of sportsmen both on and off the field is of no consequence.

Sportsmen as role models.docx

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11 АВГ. 2020 Г. AT 11:13


IELTS Portfolio: Cooking in Schools

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Cooking in Schools: Why It Is Important , чтобы
потом вы могли использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Cooking with Kids in Schools: Why It Is Important  (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Cooking in Schools, пример моего
эссе ниже.
Some people believe that children should learn how to grow food and cook at schools. State
your opinion.
Some people believe that children should learn how to grow food and cook at schools.
State your opinion.
Introducing gardening and cooking culinary lessons as a part of the school curriculum is
believed to be essential for some. Food security is an important aspect of a healthy life
and should, therefore, have place in the school curriculum as part of preparing a student
for their future. 
Learning basic food security lessons can promote a lifetime skill of healthy nutrition
which is increasingly recognized as essential in today’s society. These days, being
ever-on-the-go, many people opt for packaged and processed food products with
questionable nutritional value. This is caused, though, not only by the modern fast-
paced life but also by a lack of knowledge of how to manage one’s diet. Therefore, if
cooking and food growing is implemented in the school program, it will teach children
how to care about their health, choosing healthier products and cooking options. By
growing some greenery on their balconies to make a salad, for instance,  instead of
processed cereal for breakfast many learners could develop into a healthier generation.
Even though critiques may say that in today’s competitive environment focusing on
excellence in academics should be the priory at all costs, a balance between academic
and practical lessons at school is essential. Never before have learners been so
focused on academic knowledge as today, thus spending hours glued to screens. Even
though such knowledge can be important for their future education and career, it is
some life skills such as cooking that can be an escape from books and screens,
engaging children in some meaningful activities. An hour that students would spend in
the garden planting their vegetables or at the kitchen can be just two examples of a
necessary break from a row of academic lessons. Hence, however busy one’s school
schedule is, there should still be a place for practical activities, enabling learners to
make something with their hands.
In conclusion, I believe that children should be taught how to grow food and cook as a
part of their school curriculum as such lessons help balance today’s academic syllabus
as well as nurture a more nutritionally-conscious generation. 355

Cooking_with Kids in Schools.docx

IELTS portfolio

2 ИЮЛ. 2020 Г. AT 13:17


IELTS Portfolio: Genetically Modified Food

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Genetically Modified Food, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Genetically Modified Food: Pros & Cons (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Genetically Modified Food, пример
моего эссе ниже.
The use of GM engineering hardly new, but many believe that it can be a good way to solve
problems with overpopulation. Do you agree or disagree?  
Recent advancements in genetic engineering can address pressing issues that the
rapidly growing population is facing today. In my opinion, with many desirable traits
having been bred into the genetic structure, genetically modified crops can potentially
address today’s ever-growing demand for food. However, possible health implications
caused by insufficiently researched genetic modification should not be overlooked.
On the one hand, even though requiring less hazardous chemicals for growth, genetic
engineering methods still raise agricultural productivity which is highly demanded by
today’s population. With improved genome, crops become more resistant towards
threats that natural plants are exposed to, such as viruses or fungi that can otherwise
devastate yields. In addition, some selected traits can be bred to increase their
tolerance to severe natural conditions, be it drought or a heatwave. As a natural result,
genetically modified crops tend to have higher harvests without the application of
environmentally dangerous pesticides, which in conventional farming are often a source
of soil contamination. 
On the other hand, applying genetic engineering has aroused significant opposition as it
may pose a threat to consumers’ health. Having undergone modification, the altered
genome may be accepted as an allergen, provoking unpredictable side effects. Rapidly
wide-spreading allergy for soybeans is just one example of such a disease, often linked
to the increase in consumption of this modified product. Hence, products that are known
to have transgenes require extended research and trials before being allowed to be
consumed, demanding substantial investment that even though this may impede the
advancement of genetic engineering. Therefore this scientific development may not be
sufficiently mature today to address the shortage of food. 
In conclusion, despite the immeasurable potential of genetic engineering in fighting
shortage in food supply caused by a rapidly growing population, products with changed
genes should undergo rigorous control to ensure their safety for consumers. Therefore,
in my opinion, other means to address this urgent food shortage need to be considered.

GMOs – Top 3 Pros and Cons.docx

IELTS portfolio

11 ИЮН. 2020 Г. AT 14:54

IELTS Portfolio: Space Exploration

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Space Exploration, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью 17 Top Pros and Cons of Space Exploration (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Space Exploration, пример моего
эссе ниже.
Sending space crafts and astronauts into space is very expensive. It would be of greater value
for the government to use the money spent on space exploration to improve the quality of life
on Earth. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Exploring space is known to demand considerable financial resources, which could be
otherwise allocated to address some pressing social needs on earth. In my opinion,
budgeting is a complex process which demands meeting both urgent and long term
issues to ensure not only today’s well-being but also to secure the future.
Space exploration drives innovations that not only facilitate survival in the harsh space
environment but also make life on Earth better in the long run. It is the space industry
that encouraged the development of numerous state-of-the-art technologies, which
have been integrated into people’s daily life, simplifying and improving it. Were it not the
need to explore the universe, such innovative products as wireless devices, medical
scans and other life-saving technologies would not have been invented. Even though
the development of these innovations is known to demand significant funding, this
investment has benefitted humankind through aiding prevention and diagnosis which is
of paramount importance for saving lives.
On the other hand, it is the government’s responsibility to ensure citizens’ well-being
through meticulous prioritizing for the budget process. For this purpose, not only long
term objectives such as driving innovation but also  immediate needs should be
addressed. Today’s society has numerous pressing issues, but more options are
available to address these challenges as well as a direct result of innovations driven by
the space industry. Computerized tomography can be a prime example of the space
industry’s legacy widely applied today to save lives. Hence, both short-term and long-
term budget items such as space exploration should be funded parallelly to ensure
current well-being along with catering for future needs.
In conclusion, although exploring space demands significant investment which takes
time to pay back, I strongly agree that this industry should be financed in parallel with
current needs. Apart from driving innovation, this long-term investment is highly likely to
provide more avenues to address some pressing issues of today’s life.

Pros and Cons of Space Exploration.docx

IELTS Portfolio: Sport

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Sport, чтобы потом вы могли использовать этот
материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Importance of College Sports (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Sport, пример моего эссе ниже.
Universities should allocate the same amount of money to students’ sports
activities as they allocate to their libraries. Do you agree?
Students’ sport-related activities are believed to be equally important to libraries in the
budgeting process. In my opinion, as long as the pivotal role of sport in boosting
students’ physical well-being along with their academic performance should not be
underestimated, both budget items demand adequate funding. 
By considering the funding of both sports-related activities and libraries as essential,
universities help students to stay fit and healthy which is of the essence in the stressful
period of studying at university. Never before have students been snowed under as with
today’s increasingly demanding academic syllabus. To handle this pressure and regain
energy, students need to take a break from spending hours in libraries. Therefore,
engaging in sports tournaments or other sports-related activities produces some
chemicals and hormones known for their destressing effect which helps students to
revitalize after their lessons. Hence, providing all the essential facilities for students to
lead a healthy life will be conducive to ensuring students will perform well. 
While both facilities are equally important, the amount of money is determined by the
cost of providing these facilities. In other words, having different natures, sports facilities
and libraries might not demand investments of either equal amount or regularity. While
libraries tend be funded regularly to keep materials updated, sports facilities
construction may require significant but short-term investments. As such, these budget
items require flexible and meticulous funding which addresses their needs at a specific
university, be it building a new swimming pool or just maintaining the existing one. 
In conclusion, taking into account health benefits that sport brings, I agree that
adequate funding of both academic facilities and sports activities at universities is
essential. Only by being robust and physically active can students’ cope with the
academic load and unleash their academic potential.
Importance of College Sports.docx

IELTS portfolio: Distance Learning

Покажу как хорошо проработать тему Distance Learning, чтобы потом вы могли
использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning  (во
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Distance Learning, пример моего
эссе ниже.

Around the world, it is likely that more adults are likely to work from home and
more children will study from home as computer technology is becoming cheaper
and more accessible. Do you think it will be a positive or negative development?
Global accessibility together with affordable price has made computer-based technology
become virtually ubiquitous, resulting in an increasing number of people working and
studying remotely, from home. Used wisely and appropriately, this trend can create
opportunities for a more well-balanced life by focusing on what is most important. 
Not having to commute to work and class venues, people can have more time not only
for work and education but also for their families, which might result in a better work-life
balance in the long run. Being provided with a wide range of robust digital tools, more
people can realize their educational and professional aspirations no how busy they are.
On average, the daily commuting time to the office or school and back home in Moscow
is reported to be over 2 hours which could be better spent in more meaningful ways. 
On the other hand, however convenient and flexible distance education and work are,
their overuse may still pose a threat to psychological wellbeing. Being constantly glued
to devices for educational and professional purposes, some people might also be
tempted to spend their leisure time on technology-based activities, be it online games or
surfing social networks, as was reported during the recent pandemic. Hence, online
delivered education and distance work are just tools that can either bring benefits for
work-life balance or cause hazards depending on how wisely they are used.
In conclusion, while there is no doubt that the potential benefits as a result of
affordability and accessibility of technology are pervasive, the addictive nature of
technology can present serious problems. It calls on a conscious approach to
incorporate these developments into our lives in a positive manner, influencing whether
it will be a beneficial development to an individual and their environment. 
Advantages and Disadvantages of distance learning.docx
IELTS portfolio: Dying Languages

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Dying Languages, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью A history of Indigenous languages —  and how to revitalize
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Dying Languages, пример моего
эссе ниже.
Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not
important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Annually, an increasing number of local dialects cease to exist which is sometimes
believed to be an insignificant issue as this only simplifies communication.  I strongly
disagree with this underestimated role of local languages as they not only form the
natives’ perception of the world but also preserves priceless cultural knowledge of
indigenous communities.
A language is a window through which natives see the world and its loss might impair
this natural perception. A community dialect by its nature is a unique way to store and
structure information in the brain. To illustrate, the way people perceive colours differs
significantly among speakers of different languages. For instance, the indigenous
population of Canada is able to differentiate a number of shadows of green while the
spectrum that Canadians can name is more limited. Therefore, having lost their
language, this population would have their way of perception of information impaired if
not completely destroyed. This damage cannot be compensated with a subjective
simplicity of communication with fewer languages.
Cognitive function apart, the variety of languages also facilitate multigenerational
exchange which contributes to the preservation of the indigenous cultural heritage. The
common language unites a community, making it more coherent, which is of the
essence in today’s increasingly disconnected society. A prime example is some Indian
communities in the US which, since their rights for education in the local language were
acknowledged, have gone through a period of cultural revitalization when many
traditions were brought back to life. Therefore, the local language allows a group to
continue as a group and not to be culturally merged by the global society with its
seemingly convenient communication in just a few international languages.
In conclusion, I believe that endangered local dialects should be an issue of global
concern. Even though a variety of languages might present a certain amount of difficulty
for international communication, it is this diversity that preserves unique ways of
perceiving the world along with the priceless cultural legacy of indigenous communities.
A history of Indigenous languages and how to revitalize them .docx
IELTS Portfolio: Future Jobs

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Future Jobs, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. смотрите Ted-Talk  What the future jobs will look like?
скрипт с выделенной тематической лексикой во вложении
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Future Jobs, пример моего эссе
We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in
business, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. 
What things will they be used in the future? 
Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious
of their benefits?
 Computer-based technologies have become part and parcel of today’s world, making
people increasingly reliant on them in many aspects of their lives. While this has
revolutionized the labour market beyond recognition compared to fifty years ago, old
doors have closed and, new ones opened, so has the potentially unsavory
consequences of such reliance.
The age of technological employment is on the threshold where the future of computer
technology could replace humans. Even now, commercially available cleaning
equipment can  perform tiring household chores. The level of the power of technology is
continually rising as can be seen, for example, in the Artificial Intelligence technologies
which have developed abilities such as face and speech recognition. Decision making in
robots is being refined and their potential power is therefore so much greater. For
example, trucks are currently being tested to be driven by onboard computers, resulting
in the need for fewer drivers.
On the other hand, over-reliance on computers might result in a standstill if technologies
or the Internet fail. In a world where everything is computerized, this would paralyze not
only work but also life as a whole. The functionality of all technology-based facilities, be
it operating traffic lights or bank doors, not to mention industrial machinery, will be
disrupted. This dependence on computers can pose an implicit threat to everything that
is run by technology, from private enterprises to public services and national security.
Hence, an increasing reliance on computer-based technologies might result in a level of
vulnerability, possibly grinding the world to a halt, at both national and global levels. 
Surely, the far-reaching impact of the corona pandemic experienced today should
sound a loud warning bell of the importance of preparing for such an eventuality. 
In conclusion, even though overdependence on the breakthroughs brought by the new
technological era might be seen as a threat to today’s world, I believe that computers
have immeasurably improved people’s lives, creating the opportunity to unleash
people’s creative potential as innovators and makers. A measure of caution and
readiness for any eventuality may be prudent.
What the future jobs will look like.docx
IELTS portfolio: Dying Languages

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Dying Languages, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью A history of Indigenous languages —  and how to revitalize
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Dying Languages, пример моего
эссе ниже.
Every year several languages die out. Some people think that this is not
important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Annually, an increasing number of local dialects cease to exist which is sometimes
believed to be an insignificant issue as this only simplifies communication.  I strongly
disagree with this underestimated role of local languages as they not only form the
natives’ perception of the world but also preserves priceless cultural knowledge of
indigenous communities.
A language is a window through which natives see the world and its loss might impair
this natural perception. A community dialect by its nature is a unique way to store and
structure information in the brain. To illustrate, the way people perceive colours differs
significantly among speakers of different languages. For instance, the indigenous
population of Canada is able to differentiate a number of shadows of green while the
spectrum that Canadians can name is more limited. Therefore, having lost their
language, this population would have their way of perception of information impaired if
not completely destroyed. This damage cannot be compensated with a subjective
simplicity of communication with fewer languages.
Cognitive function apart, the variety of languages also facilitate multigenerational
exchange which contributes to the preservation of the indigenous cultural heritage. The
common language unites a community, making it more coherent, which is of the
essence in today’s increasingly disconnected society. A prime example is some Indian
communities in the US which, since their rights for education in the local language were
acknowledged, have gone through a period of cultural revitalization when many
traditions were brought back to life. Therefore, the local language allows a group to
continue as a group and not to be culturally merged by the global society with its
seemingly convenient communication in just a few international languages.
In conclusion, I believe that endangered local dialects should be an issue of global
concern. Even though a variety of languages might present a certain amount of difficulty
for international communication, it is this diversity that preserves unique ways of
perceiving the world along with the priceless cultural legacy of indigenous communities.
A history of Indigenous languages and how to revitalize them .docx
IELTS portfolio: Libraries

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Libraries, чтобы потом вы могли использовать

этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Public libraries are not just about books. At their heart, they are
about social equity (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Libraries, пример моего эссе
"Some people think that public libraries are necessary, while others think they
are useless. Express your opinion." 
libraries are sometimes believed to have lost their relevance as the primary source of
information and books. Libraries, however, have also been the center of a vibrant
community and, in my opinion, this is still required in today’s digital era, preserving their
essential role in a community.

Traditionally, libraries were the primary outlet providing the opportunity to access
information and books for the community, while today they are readily available online.
Even though borrowing books at the library has become obsolete today, these
institutions still manage to keep up with the times. Having adapted to a new
technological environment, libraries offer a wide range of services to increase the digital
inclusion of otherwise-excluded people. It is today’s libraries where people can go
online, accessing essential services or connecting with their family. A prime example is
The British Library that, being well equipped with computers, engaged more than a
million of the internet users last year alone.

Libraries also developed their offering to society by becoming the heart of the
community. This aspect is needed now more than ever before as in today’s increasingly
disconnected society, modern libraries are more than just borrowing books, they are
community builders. This is a sanctuary of peace and quiet in the hustle and bustle of a
modern city, where people, especially the older generation, can meet and socialize.
Many libraries host local reading clubs, for instance, which are known to be the place
not only to discuss books but also to meet new people.

In conclusion, despite the digitization of books, I believe that libraries are still in great
demand as places harnessing a sense of community as well as providing digital
services, essential in modern life.
Public libraries are not just about books.docx
IELTS portfolio: Environmental Problems

1. Читаем статью "Environmental Problems"  во вложении
2. учим лексику по теме Environment, которую я выделила для вас в статье, здесь
3. пишем на основе этой лексики эссе:
1. Climate change is a big environmental problem that has become critical in the
last couple of decades. Some people claim that humans should stop burning
fossil fuels and use only alternative energy resources, such as wind and solar
power. Others say that oil, gas and coal are essential for many industries, and
not using them will lead to economic collapse. What is your opinion? 
2. The influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem is leading to the
extinction of species and loss of bio-diversity. What are the primary causes of
loss of bio-diversity? What solutions can you suggest? 
3. The planet's population is reaching unsustainable levels, and people are facing
a shortage of resources like water, food and fuel. 
To what consequences may overpopulation lead? In your opinion, what
measures can be taken to fight overpopulation? 
4. Production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has a heating effect
on the atmosphere and results in global warming. Why global warming is
considered one of the most serious issues nowadays? How can this problem be
5. Forests produce fresh oxygen and participate in regulating climate. But every
year the tree cover of our planet is lessening due to deforestation. What are the
primary causes of deforestation? To what results may it lead? 
6. Pollution of air, water and soil has become critical in last years and it takes
millions of years to recoup. What are the main causes of pollution? How can we
tackle this problem individually and globally? 
7. Nowadays genetically modified food is widespread all over the world. While
proponents of GM crops ensure that these foods are safe for human
consumption and help to increase food supplies, others argue that their effects
on health have not been studied long enough. Describe the pros and cons of
genetically modified foods. 
8. The air we breathe has a major impact on our health and the environment.
However, air pollution is constantly growing and at current levels, it can be
fought only globally. That is to say, individual efforts to improve air quality will
not give any results, and it's solely responsibility of our governments to reduce
air pollution. Do you agree or disagree? 
9. Atomic energy is becoming more and more popular energy source. However,
some people argue that nuclear power puts life on the Earth to danger. What is
your opinion? 
10. Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual
persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international problem. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? 
Environmental Problems.docx
IELTS Portfolio

Покажу хорошо проработать тему ADVERTISING, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью The tricky business of advertising to children (во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
5. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме "ADVERTISING", пример моего
эссе ниже.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think

it is negative for children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or
Never before have children been bombarded with an increasing amount of advertising
which is often believed to have an adverse influence on them. In my opinion, playing on
a child’s vulnerability is immoral and inappropriate advertising should be banned,
however, advertising can be sometimes beneficial and used for the benefit of children. 
When an advertisement targets children, it takes advantage of their inability to discern
what is good for them. This is because young viewers believe in everything they see in
commercials, not realizing the difference between the factitious presentation of goods
and the reality. As such, being lured by these commercials, they pester their parents to
buy absolutely unnecessary things. To illustrate, MacDonald adds low-quality toys to
their Happy Meal packages to persuade children to eat these unhealthy snacks.
However, social advertising can be used to foster children’s wellbeing educating them
about recycling or developing healthy habits. Social advertising strikes a chord in
children’s hearts, leaving children’s think of environmental issues that are faced at
present. Therefore, social commercials are part and parcel of nurturing an
environmentally conscious generation and therefore very beneficial. To illustrate, having
launched the promotion of sorting domestic waste aimed at a young audience, Norway
has doubled its recycling rate.
In conclusion, advertising can be used to educate children according to the challenges
of today and should be encouraged so long as it is benefitting the child. Therefore, it is
only a problem phenomenon if it fosters negative habits and behavior such as excessive
The_tricky business of advertising to children _ Guardian Sustainable Business _ The
IELTS portfolio: прорабатываем тему Grandparents

Порядок работы:
1. Читаем статью во вложении
2. Выделила для вас тематическую лексику - ее выписываем и учим здесь
3. Тезисно конспектируем статью и пересказываем ее.
4. Дополнительно можно послушать подкаст на ту же тему здесь
5. На основе выученного материала пишем эссе:
Some working parents think that childcare centres provide the best care for
children who are still too young to go to school. Other working parents think that
family members such as grandparents will be better carers for their children.
Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.

Мой вариант:
While there are those who think that specialized services should provide childcare while
parents are working, grandparents are often believed to be best caregivers for the
young generation. In my opinion, even though children’s attachment to the members of
their extended family is vital for their emotional development, it is providers of formal
care who can ensure  essential educational experiences.
Admittedly, today’s relatively young grandparents can play an active role in helping with
childcare, establishing a strong bond between generations. This is because their one-to-
one attention and personal commitment are of the essence to meet the emotional needs
of a young person. Having someone who loves them unconditionally, children will get
the care they need so much to grow into a self-confident human being. Were it not for
this emotional support,  many children of ever-working parents would feel abandoned
and emotionally insecure, which often leads to impaired sense of self.
Even though grandparents can help meet some emotional needs, their involvement in
childcare is not enough. Only with the skills and competencies provided by qualified
formal care can children be prepared for starting school. Having a structured curriculum
and professional teachers, nurseries can boost preschoolers’ cognitive and social skills,
which is beyond the capabilities of family members. However willing they are to help
their grandchildren, the older generation often simply lack the necessary knowledge  to
prepare their grandchildren for the  world that is changing beyond recognition. In
contrast, day care assistants are trained to optimize learning environment to meet
young learners’ needs.  On average, those children who attended creches tend to have
higher grades compared with their peers brought up by their grandparents. 
In conclusion, in case both parents are struggling to juggle work and family
responsibilities, nobody can compare to grandparents in establishing strong emotional
ties with grandchildren. However, I think that day care centers and not grandparents
should be given preference when choosing a caregiver as the former provide better
educational opportunities.
Grandparents have always played an important role in family life.docx
IELTS portfolio: Environment + Economy в одном подкасте
1. смотрим видео здесь (я слушала как подкаст) A healthy economy should be
designed to thrive, not grow 
2. записываем со слуха основные идеи
3. проверяем себя по моему скрипту (во вложении)
4. учим лексику по теме Environment + Economy, которую я выделила для вас в
5. пишем на основе этой лексики эссе:
People are living in a ‘throwaway society’, using things for a short time and then
throwing them away. What are the causes of this? What problems does it lead to?
Many people say that we now live in 'consumer societies' where money and
possessions are given too much importance. Others believe that consumer
culture has played a vital role in improving our lives.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow.docx

IELTS portfolio: прорабатываем тему "Reading" для IELTS writing and speaking

Покажу хорошо проработать тему, чтобы потом вы могли использовать этот

материал в IELTS writing and speaking.

Алгоритм такой:
1. слушаете подкаст во вложении несколько раз
2. конспектируете на слух основные мысли
3. проверяете себя по скрипту (во вложении)
4. учите подчеркнутую лексику из скрипта
5. на основе этой лексики пишите 2 эссе по теме "Reading", примеры моих ниже
(выделила тематическую лексику, которую я использовала из подкаста).

It is said that "Not everything that is learned is contained in books". Compare and
contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.
In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?
While it is sometimes believed that books are a limited source of knowledge compared
to first-hand experience, in my opinion, reading provides more educational
opportunities. Not only does it empower readers to overcome limits of practical
learning, but it also enables them to look at a studied subject from many perspectives,
which deepens learners’ experience.
Reading immeasurably expands readers’ horizons, delivering experiences they could
never have in their real life. Practically every piece of knowledge gained by humanity
throughout history is readily available at the library. Thus, walking there can be
compared with a travel agency of mind since every time a person reaches for a
book they access an evergreen tree of unlimited knowledge. In contrast, even
though knowledge and skills gained from practice can be essential in some crafts, they
are still restricted in terms of location and time. For instance, when reading a book,
those who master martial arts can access not only contemporary masters but also the
wisdom of those who lived centuries ago.
Apart from providing limitless knowledge, the power of books gets readers into the
perspective of others, which takes quite a while when learnt practically. Reading a book,
people gain an insight into the mind of another person, which helps to explore a
subject from different angles. Not having this opportunity, people tend to narrow down
any knowledge to their personal experience, limiting its educational value. On average,
proper dissertation research requires not fewer than a hundred of reference books to
study a variety of opinions concerning the subject. It is clear that learning from such a
number of experts in person is practically impossible.
In conclusion, I believe that the quality of knowledge gained by reading tends to surpass
that of first-hand learning. This is because books are a surefire way of gaining
knowledge limited to neither place and time nor personal perspective. 

It's been seen that reading for pleasure develops imagination and better language
skills than  watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Reading books for leisure is sometimes believed to improve readers’ cognitive skills
while watching television is not. I believe that reading is a positive force in terms of
enhancing people’s language skills and creativity inasmuch as keeping track of written
information activates the part of the brain responsible for such expertise.
Books let readers immerse in an imaginary world, boosting their imagination and
creativity. Being picked up in childhood, the habit of reading teaches the readers how to
create their own world based on a compelling narrative while TV is a passive pleasure.
“The Chronicles of Narnia”, for instance, excited many people’s curiosity and inspired
them to explore their own wardrobe seeking the magic kingdom. Those stories were
more vivid and eloquent than real life and this made readers actively engaged, hearing
the characters’ voices and seeing their facial expression just by reading the story. In
contrast, TV has no such effect since its very nature deprives viewers of the opportunity
to either visualize perceived information or augment it with their own experience. 
Imagination apart, reading a novel is a unique activity making the readers’ language
more eloquent while television tends to broadcast a limited range of daily vocabulary.
This is because highly intelligent people are usually those who are exposed to well-
written literature which expands their linguistic means. As a result, being introduced to
various settings and, therefore, a vast store of descriptive tools, readers boost their
language abilities. In contrast, TV is known to impede verbal functioning because shows
are often based on a repeated set of expressions . 
In conclusion, I think that it is the power of books and not television that can boost both
linguistic and creative skills.  Being immersed into an imaginary world, readers not only
enhance their creative abilities, but also encounter a variety of new language essential
to eloquent speech.
1WHY WE READ (1).docx
123WhatsApp Audio 2020-03-24 at 15.56.22.mpeg
IELTS Portfolio: Business

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Business, чтобы потом вы могли использовать

этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью Why Social Responsibility Matters to Businesses
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Business, пример моего эссе
As well as making money, business has social responsibilities. Do you agree or
Apart from maximizing profit, companies are also believed to be responsible for
addressing social issues. In my opinion, even though an increased revenue is the
primary bottom line of any business, the company’s advocacy concerning social and
environmental is still essential in today’s increasingly interconnected world.
Channeling a part of a company’s profit contributes to the well-being of a community
this business belongs to, therefore, providing a conducive environment for running this
business. Were it not for this awareness, communities could decline, failing to grapple
with social and environmental problems that are global in scale. Not being addressed,
these issues might also disrupt the operation of the business at a local, national and
global level in the long run. Therefore, it is mutually beneficial for both business and
society to maintain a united front on critical issues that cannot be dealt with at the
individual level, such as controlling pollution or promoting renewables. A prime example
is Google which achieved its 100 per cent renewable energy target in 2017, which made
it the largest consumer of renewable energy on the planet. 
Embracing socially responsible policies, businesses benefit not only society as this also
goes a long way towards building a company’s brand another essential criterion for
success. Socially responsible business projects an attractive image thus attracting and
retaining customers, which is known to be a prerequisite for a company’s long-term
success. By demonstrating their dedication to addressing socially alarming issues, be it
environmental problems or championing women’s rights, companies raise their value to
both customers and stakeholders. For instance, in 2010, when Coca-Cola started its
initiative to empower women across the globe by providing them business skills training
their value on the stock exchange soared.
In conclusion, I believe companies should conduct their business in a socially
responsible manner as today’s thriving business bottom line is triple: revenue, people
and planet and is becoming increasingly understood to be a hallmark for success.
Therefore, I believe that being socially responsible is not only equally important to make
money but essential.
Why Social Responsibility Matters to Businesses.docx

 IELTS Portfolio: Aging Population

Покажу хорошо проработать тему Aging Population, чтобы потом вы могли

использовать этот материал в IELTS writing and speaking.
Алгоритм такой:
1. читаете статью The Federal Government Will Spend Half Its Budget On Older
Adults In Ten Years
(во вложении)
2. конспектируете основные мысли
3. учите подчеркнутую лексику из статьи здесь
4. на основе этой лексики пишите  эссе по теме Aging Population, пример моего
эссе ниже.
Many people believe that the government should spend money on the care of the
elderly. Others think that this money should be spent on the education of young
 Discuss both and give your opinion.
Today, the debate whether the government budget should be primarily allocated to
support aged people or to sponsor education for the youth lies at the heart of societal
concerns. In my opinion, this is not a matter of choice as both educated young adults
and a carefully assisted older generation are equally important for a thriving society. 
As a growing part of the population is inexorably aging, requiring ever-increasing
support which, if not provided by the government, could fall over heavily and solely on
their children. Therefore mechanisms must be put in place to support the frail who are in
need. Having to spend significantly more time and money on the elderly, by those in the
workforce, they would not be able to contribute to the economy as much as in case
when this burden is carried by the authority. Living with cognitive and functional
limitations often means 24/7 assistance, as in the case of Alzheimer’s disease, when
qualified help is needed practically round-the-clock. Hence, even though a share of
government budget spend on health benefits is growing at an alarming pace, this is fully
justified as it eases the burden for the whole society.
However, financial resources required for assisting the frail will be limited without a
strong labour force, which means allocating money to education as well. By investing
money in educating the nation, the government facilitates the wheel of the economy,
ensuring a thriving society in the long run. To illustrate, the amount of GDP of a country
is reported to correlate directly to their average education level. Being a driving force
behind social prosperity, the educational sphere, therefore, deserves sufficient funding
along with other meaningful aspects, such as medical care.
In conclusion, ensuring everyone has received the basic education essential to function
in society today is essential. Further, mechanisms need to be put in place to ensure the
burden of looking after frail and needy elderly is shared, finding a balance of allocation
from a limited budget.

The Federal Government Will Spend Half Its Budget On Older Adults In Ten Years.docx

IELTS Portfolio

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