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Prescription insert:
- Or a patient insert (PPI) is a printout that contains specific information on a
particular prescription drug.
- There are many online resources that allow patients to print out inserts for all
prescription drugs at no cost.
- The package insert contains important information and instructions but it should
not take the place of instructions from a physician or healthcare professional.
- Studying the information in the inserts will help avoid errors and increase
patient awareness of potential problems.
- Companies may use different insert styles to convey drug information, but
inserts usually include related sections in a similar order. Common sections
1. Description
2. Clinical pharmacology
3. Indications and usage
4. Contraindications
5. Warning
6. Precautions
7. Adverse reactions
8. Drug abuse and dependence
9. Overdosage
10. Dosage and administration
11. How supplied
12. Additional sections
Prescription inserts:
1. Prescription /prɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/ (n)
 A piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or
drugs that someone needs: đơn thuốc.
 Example: These drugs are only available on prescription.
2. Convey /kənˈveɪ/ (v)
• To express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other
people: truyền đạt.
 Example: His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion
 Synonyms: Transmit
This section includes general information about the prescription drug.
People with drug allergies can review this section to ensure that they are not
taking a medication that may trigger an allergic reaction. This section
- Generic name (the scientific or chemical name)
- Brand name
- Type of dosage (e.g., liquid, tablets, capsules)
- Administration method (e.g., oral, intravenous, rectal)
- Pharmacological or therapeutic class (e.g., analgesics, antibiotics)
- Chemical information, including names, structural formulas and
other information.

1. Trigger /ˈtrɪɡ.ɚ/ (v)

• To cause something to start: kích hoạt.
 Example: Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
2. Dosage /ˈdoʊ.sɪdʒ/ (n)
• The amount of medicine that you should take at one time: liều lượng.
 Example: He needed a high dosage to do any good.
 Dosage form = Type of dosage: The administration form of the
completed pharmaceutical product (e.g., tablet, capsule, suspension,
injection): dạng bào chế.
 Example: One of the dosage forms of paracetamol is tablets.
3. Therapeutic /ˌθer.əˈpjuː.t̬ ɪk/ (adj)
• Causing someone to feel happier and more relaxed or to be more healthy:
trị liệu.
 Example: For arthritis sufferers, moderate exercise is therapeutic.
 Synonyms: Curative
4. Analgesic
• A type of drug that stops you from feeling pain: thuốc giảm đau
 Example: Paracetamol is one of the most commonly used analgesics in
 Synonyms: Painkiller
Clinical pharmacology:
Here they state how the drug actually works (e.g., how the medicine act in
the body, how it is absorbed and eliminated, its effects with different

1. Eliminate /iˈlɪm.ə.neɪt/ (v)

• To remove or take away someone or something: loại bỏ.
 Example: A move towards healthy eating could help eliminate heart
 Synonyms: Except, exclude
Indications and usage:
Information about the condition(s) diagnosis or symptom(s) is declared in
this section following the approval obtained. However, drugs can sometimes
be prescribed for reasons other than for what they were approved initially
(off-label use).

1. Indication /ˌɪn.dəˈkeɪ.ʃən/ (n)

• A suitable action that is suggested by something: chỉ định.
 Example: As an indication of the doctor, he must lose weight.
2. Diagnosis /ˌdaɪ.əɡˈnoʊ.sɪs/ (n)
• A judgment about what a particular illness or problem is, made after
examining it: chẩn đoán.
 Example: The doctor has made an initial diagnosis.
 Synonyms: Judgment, verdict
3. Off-label /ˌɒf ˈleɪbl/ (adj)
 relating to the use of a drug for something other than what it was
originally created for: nhãn ngoài
 Example: The doctor prescribed off-label drugs rather than the approved

This section describes those circumstances in which the drug should not be
used or should be used with caution because the potential risks may
outweigh any potential benefit. For example, using the drug at a particular
age, by a particular gender, with pre-existing diseases or mixing with otner
drugs may cause a serious risk. This section may also urge not to use the
drug in an individual with an allergy or known hypersensitivity to specific

1. Contraindication /ˌkɑːn.trəˌɪn.dəˈkeɪ.ʃən/ (n)

 A sign that someone should not continue with a particular medicine or
treatment because it is or might be harmful: chống chỉ định.
 Example: However, the multifocal disease is only a relative
contraindication, that is it could be applied in well-selected patients.
2. Circumstance /ˈsɝː.kəm.stæns/ (n)
 A fact or event that makes a situation the way it is: hoàn cảnh.
 Example: The circumstances of the theft of the painting were not known.
3. Outweigh /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/ (v)
 To be greater or more important than something else: lớn hơn.
 Example: The benefits of this treatment far outweigh any risks.
 Synonyms: Outrank
4. Urge /ɝːdʒ/ (v)
 To strongly advise or try to persuade someone to do a particular thing:
khuyến cáo.
 Example: - [ + to infinitive ] Lawyers will urge the parents to take further
legal action.
- [ + that ] Investigators urged that safety procedures at the site
should be improved.
 Synonyms: Encourage
5. Hypersensitivity /ˌhaɪpəˌsensəˈtɪvəti/ (n)
 Hypersensitivity (to something) a medical condition that causes the
body to have extreme physical reactions to particular substances,
medicines, light, etc.

 Example: patients with hypersensitivity to the drug

Adverse reactions and possible hazards are indicated here and what to do if
they occur.

1. Hazard /'hæzәd / (n)

 Something that can be dangerous or cause damage: mối nguy hiểm.
 Example: - The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians.
- Arsenic trioxide is a hazardous drug.
 Synonyms: Risk, threat, danger
 Antonyms: Guard, protection, safeguard
Vital information about precautions for most people taking the drug is
displayed in this section. Special groups of people, such as children,
pregnant women and nursing methers, may also have information
specifically adapted for them. This section includes also advice and
instructions for special care to be taken by the physician. (e.g., precautions
when using alcohol or other drugs). Information about laboratory tests and
possible adverse reactions will be listed here.

1. Vital /'vaitl / (a)

 Necessary for the success or continued existence of something;
extremely important: thiết yếu; quan trọng.
 Example: The kidney plays a vital role/part in the removal of waste
products from the blood.
 Synonyms: Important, critical, essential
Adverse reactions
(commonly called "side effects"). Any unwanted effect that may be
connected with the use of the drug is listed here. Adverse reactions can be
caused by medication errors (e.g., overdosage), drug or food interactions,
allergic reactions or other causes. Information about adverse reactions with
drugs in the same class (e.g., antihistamines, bronchodilators,
corticosteroids) may be in this section of the package insert.

1. Bronchodilators
 Bronchodilators are a type of medication that make breathing easier by
relaxing the muscles in the lungs and widening the airways (bronchi):
thuốc giãn phế quản.
2. Corticosteroids
 Corticosteroids are man-made drugs that closely resemble cortisol, a
hormone that your adrenal glands produce naturally.
Drug abuse and dependence
It will be clearly stated in this section if a drug is thought to have a
potential for abuse, dependence or withdrawal symptoms.

1. State /steit / (v)

 To say or write something, especially clearly and carefully: nêu rõ.
 Example: - The facts are clearly stated in the report.
- It was stated that standards at the hospital were dropping.
 Synonyms: Declare
2. Potential / pә'ten∫l / (a)
 That can develop into something or be developed in the future: tiềm
năng, tiềm tàng.
 Example: - Have you looked into the potential side effects of the
- Potential risks.
 Synonyms: Capability, possibility
 Antonyms: Actuality, reality, certainty
3. Withdrawal /wiđ'drɔ:әl/ symptoms /'simptәm /
 The unpleasant physical reaction that accompanies the process of
ceasing to take an addictive drug: triệu chứng ngưng thuốc.
 Example: "Methadone provides a way off heroin that minimizes
withdrawal symptoms".
Any information referring to signs, symptoms and laboratory findings
associated with an overdosage of a drug will be confirmed here.
1. Overdosage /ˈəʊ.və.dəʊs/ (n)
 Too much of a drug taken or given at one time, either intentionally or by
accident: quá liều.
 Example: - After watching two operas, I was suffering from an overdose of
- She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills.
2. Associate /əˈsəʊ.si.eɪt/ (v)
 to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or
something else: liên kết, cộng tác, hợp sức
 Ex: I am happy, indeed proud, to be associated with this project.
 Synonyms: connect
Dosage and administration
Under this section heading, the recommended dose is stated along with the
usual dosage range allowed, and perhaps an upper limit beyond which safety
and effectiveness have not been established. Also included in this section is
information about the intervals recommended between doses, the usual
duration of treatment and any changes of dosage needed for special patients
such as children, the elderly or patients with a disease.

1. Administration /ədˌmɪn.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃən/ (n)

 Or organization: sự quản lý.
 Example: - Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with
administration than with teaching.
- Administration costs are passed on to the customer.
 Synonyms: Operation, oversight, presidency
3. Interval /ˈɪn.tə.vəl/ (n)
 A period between two events or times: Khoảng thời gian trống giữa 2
mốc thời gian.
 Example: - There will be two 20-minute intervals during the opera.
- He scored his first goal of the match three minutes after the
 Synonyms: Interruptin, interstice, parenthesis
 Antonyms: Run, stretch, continuum
4. Duration of treatment /djʊəˈreɪ.ʃənˈtriːt.mənt/ (Noun-phrase)
 The duration of treatment refers to how long (e.g., days, weeks, months,
years) a patient should be treated with manual methods for any given
problem: thời gian điều trị.
 Example: Along with treatment benefits and risks, the results suggest that
duration of treatment effect is an important factor in the medication
choices of people with osteoarthritis.
How supplied
This section includes information about available dosage forms. The
strength of the dosage forms is indicated here along with the units in which
the dosage form is usually available for prescribers, the description or
appearance of the dosage form and special handling and storage
1. Handling /ˈhænd.lɪŋ/ (n)
 the way that someone deals with a situation or person: xử lý, vận dụng
 Example: President Kennedy made his reputation with his handling of the
Cuban missile crisis.
 Synonyms: management, conduct

Additional sections
This section will include additional information if appropriate.
1. Appropriate /əˈprəʊ.pri.ət/ (adj)
 suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances: phù hợp

 Example: Skills can be enhanced by the appropriate use of technology in

certain circumstances

 Synonyms: suitable

Đáp án gửi hình sau, câu hỏi trong sách mỏng trang 49
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From the answer to each question, you will receive the suggested words (the red
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 File word “ Unit 20 translation”

1. B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r (14 words) is a medication that relaxes and opens the
airways, or bronchi, in the lungs.
2. Too much of a drug taken or given at one time, either intentionally or by
accident? _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ e
3. The unpleasant physical and mental effects that result when you stop doing or
taking something, especially a drug, that has become a habit
W-t-------  -y-----S
withdrawal symptoms
4. In medicine,  c - - - - a - - - - ca - - - n is a condition that serves as a reason not to
take a certain medical treatment due to the harm that it would cause the patient.
5. Information about laboratory tests and possible adverse reactions will be listed
6. - n - - - - - - - s are the medicines that help your body fight bacteria and viruses
so that your own system can fight and kill them more easily.

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